West Virginia cadets fired for Nazi salute

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?

Did I? No. You are just lying over and over. I didn't talk about how anyone felt about it. I talked about them being crammed into cattle cars and taken to the concentration camps. You are just lying because you have no argument left.

The nazis loaded Jews and other undesirables into cattle cars, took them to concentration camps, and starved them and murdered them.

It was not a quarantine.
You brought up riding in cattle cars as if it was a bad thing, I showed you a pic of smiling people

Oh, so I didn't say anything about them being happy or unhappy?
You made it sound like being on a cattle car was a bad time

I made it sound like they were crowded into cattle cars to transport as many as possible with no concern for comfort or health.

You didn't "make it sound like" I said something. You flat out lied and made the claim I said something.

Nice of you to finally admit you lied.

Are you saying that those people in the pic you posted (no evidence it was Jews, or even in Germany) look like they are sick enough to need to be quarantined?
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?

Did I? No. You are just lying over and over. I didn't talk about how anyone felt about it. I talked about them being crammed into cattle cars and taken to the concentration camps. You are just lying because you have no argument left.

The nazis loaded Jews and other undesirables into cattle cars, took them to concentration camps, and starved them and murdered them.

It was not a quarantine.
You brought up riding in cattle cars as if it was a bad thing, I showed you a pic of smiling people

Oh, so I didn't say anything about them being happy or unhappy?
You made it sound like being on a cattle car was a bad time

I made it sound like they were crowded into cattle cars to transport as many as possible with no concern for comfort or health.

You didn't "make it sound like" I said something. You flat out lied and made the claim I said something.

Nice of you to finally admit you lied.

Are you saying that those people in the pic you posted (no evidence it was Jews, or even in Germany) look like they are sick enough to need to be quarantined?
It’s a cattle car with people in it :) looking like they’re having a good time
Did I? No. You are just lying over and over. I didn't talk about how anyone felt about it. I talked about them being crammed into cattle cars and taken to the concentration camps. You are just lying because you have no argument left.

The nazis loaded Jews and other undesirables into cattle cars, took them to concentration camps, and starved them and murdered them.

It was not a quarantine.
You brought up riding in cattle cars as if it was a bad thing, I showed you a pic of smiling people

Oh, so I didn't say anything about them being happy or unhappy?
You made it sound like being on a cattle car was a bad time

I made it sound like they were crowded into cattle cars to transport as many as possible with no concern for comfort or health.

You didn't "make it sound like" I said something. You flat out lied and made the claim I said something.

Nice of you to finally admit you lied.

Are you saying that those people in the pic you posted (no evidence it was Jews, or even in Germany) look like they are sick enough to need to be quarantined?
It’s a cattle car with people in it :) looking like they’re having a good time

Is it Jews? Is it in Germany?

If all you can prove is that once there was a cattle car with people in it who smiled for a camera, your denial of the Holocaust is pathetic.

It actually disproves your claims that they were transported because they had typhus than it disproves anything I said.

If it IS Jews being transported to the camps, do you think they know what is in store for them? Probably wouldn't smile as much if they did, huh?


That website has a lot of pics from that time. See if you can find all the smiling faces?
You brought up riding in cattle cars as if it was a bad thing, I showed you a pic of smiling people

Oh, so I didn't say anything about them being happy or unhappy?
You made it sound like being on a cattle car was a bad time

I made it sound like they were crowded into cattle cars to transport as many as possible with no concern for comfort or health.

You didn't "make it sound like" I said something. You flat out lied and made the claim I said something.

Nice of you to finally admit you lied.

Are you saying that those people in the pic you posted (no evidence it was Jews, or even in Germany) look like they are sick enough to need to be quarantined?
It’s a cattle car with people in it :) looking like they’re having a good time

Is it Jews? Is it in Germany?

If all you can prove is that once there was a cattle car with people in it who smiled for a camera, your denial of the Holocaust is pathetic.

It actually disproves your claims that they were transported because they had typhus than it disproves anything I said.

If it IS Jews being transported to the camps, do you think they know what is in store for them? Probably wouldn't smile as much if they did, huh?


That website has a lot of pics from that time. See if you can find all the smiling faces?
You’re just a diss honest human being.. sad
Oh, so I didn't say anything about them being happy or unhappy?
You made it sound like being on a cattle car was a bad time

I made it sound like they were crowded into cattle cars to transport as many as possible with no concern for comfort or health.

You didn't "make it sound like" I said something. You flat out lied and made the claim I said something.

Nice of you to finally admit you lied.

Are you saying that those people in the pic you posted (no evidence it was Jews, or even in Germany) look like they are sick enough to need to be quarantined?
It’s a cattle car with people in it :) looking like they’re having a good time

Is it Jews? Is it in Germany?

If all you can prove is that once there was a cattle car with people in it who smiled for a camera, your denial of the Holocaust is pathetic.

It actually disproves your claims that they were transported because they had typhus than it disproves anything I said.

If it IS Jews being transported to the camps, do you think they know what is in store for them? Probably wouldn't smile as much if they did, huh?


That website has a lot of pics from that time. See if you can find all the smiling faces?
It’s just a diss honest human being.. sad

No, what is sad is that psychopaths gained power and tried to exterminate the Jews. And almost 80 years later some uneducated sick fuck tries to defend the inhumane treatment, deny the murders and make light of the suffering and death caused by those assholes. That is sad.

I am done here. You have no proof of anything. Just lies and bullshit. Stick with your coup, 17 Russian Mountain dogs, and your career as a mercenary. None of that is any more believable. But at least it isn't as sick.
You made it sound like being on a cattle car was a bad time

I made it sound like they were crowded into cattle cars to transport as many as possible with no concern for comfort or health.

You didn't "make it sound like" I said something. You flat out lied and made the claim I said something.

Nice of you to finally admit you lied.

Are you saying that those people in the pic you posted (no evidence it was Jews, or even in Germany) look like they are sick enough to need to be quarantined?
It’s a cattle car with people in it :) looking like they’re having a good time

Is it Jews? Is it in Germany?

If all you can prove is that once there was a cattle car with people in it who smiled for a camera, your denial of the Holocaust is pathetic.

It actually disproves your claims that they were transported because they had typhus than it disproves anything I said.

If it IS Jews being transported to the camps, do you think they know what is in store for them? Probably wouldn't smile as much if they did, huh?


That website has a lot of pics from that time. See if you can find all the smiling faces?
It’s just a diss honest human being.. sad

No, what is sad is that psychopaths gained power and tried to exterminate the Jews. And almost 80 years later some uneducated sick fuck tries to defend the inhumane treatment, deny the murders and make light of the suffering and death caused by those assholes. That is sad.

I am done here. You have no proof of anything. Just lies and bullshit. Stick with your coup, 17 Russian Mountain dogs, and your career as a mercenary. None of that is any more believable. But at least it isn't as sick.

Numbers of Victims Don't Add Up

The World Almanac for 1947 states that back in 1939 the world Jewish population was 15,688,259. The Almanac's figures were supplied by the American Jewish Committee. Next the Jewish-owned New York Times of February 22, 1948 stated the world Jewish population for that year amounted "to 15,600,000 to 18,700,000 in addition to the 600,000 to 700,000 living in Palestine." How could the Jewish population increase so rapidly over the war years if they had lost 6,000,000 people? (See Note 1).

Following the rise of Hitler there were no more than 4 million Jews at most living in areas occupied by the Third Reich at the height of its power. Yet on June 30, 1965, the West German government announced that some 3,375,000 Jewish holocaust "survivors" had applied for reparations money. The International Red Cross had already reported in 1946 that of registered Jewish camp inmates no more than 300,000 could have died, and their audit to December 31, 1984 records a total 282,077 registered deaths of all internees in all German Concentration Camps from all causes.

It is interesting to note that in the Jews' real "bible", The Talmud, it is claimed that 800,000 Jews were slaughtered by the Romans in Hadrian's era. Yet there is no historical evidence to support this claim either. The Jewish-owned New York Times, in 1945 carried an article by the well known Jewish writer C.L. Sulzberger. It openly stated that Soviet Russia had supplied the figure of 4 million Jews having been put to death "in the gas chambers of Auschwitz." Thus it was the Judaeo-Communists and the Jews who initially originated these figures which today are accepted as "gospel truth". It is claimed that from 1934 to 1945 some 50,000 people died in the huge Bergen-Belsen camp. This count is considered exaggerated, still Time Magazine reports that of this figure 20,000 died of typhus during the single month of March, 1945! If nearly half died of this plague in just one month at the end of the war there is no way Bergen-Belsen could have been an "extermination camp". (See Note 2).
Who would want to work in the West Virginia prison system? Wouldn't you think the freaking governor would have given those guys the benefit of the doubt after spending all that money to train them?

You embarrass the Governor, you are history

Right, because the Governor's pride is more important than the state money spent, the lives of West Virginians citizens, or the responsibility of getting the work done in the prison system.

At least in the mind of the Governor and RW.
Then, I'm sure you have no problem putting all your...er....interesting takes on race and religion out there while declaring what business you work for. Your boss (like a governor) will surely think more about the money it took to train you.

Wow. That was insanely, epically, dishonest and stupid of you.

That one employer was an asshole, in no way indicates that another employer would not be an asshole in the same fashion.

Your statement, fashioned as though you made an argument, was actually just a personal attack.


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