West Virginia cadets fired for Nazi salute

Well I wasn’t talking about you haha

If you had a job, you wouldn't be atop the loserboard, jitler!
Ohh job loser.. lol boy that substance you add is good shit what’s next? Haha

2800 posts and atop of the loserboard, and not one post of substance lol
Ok ok you win.. now can you add some substance? Lol

All of my posts are like writings of Dostoyevski compared to yours jitler, lol
Ok I said you win, your so elite lol can you add something to the topic beside , grammar police, get a job, and name callings? You can do it ha
Who would want to work in the West Virginia prison system? Wouldn't you think the freaking governor would have given those guys the benefit of the doubt after spending all that money to train them?

You embarrass the Governor, you are history

Right, because the Governor's pride is more important than the state money spent, the lives of West Virginians citizens, or the responsibility of getting the work done in the prison system.

At least in the mind of the Governor and RW.
Then, I'm sure you have no problem putting all your...er....interesting takes on race and religion out there while declaring what business you work for. Your boss (like a governor) will surely think more about the money it took to train you.
I asked before, when were the Jews tested for TB? How long does it take to get the results? Where are the records of the tests?

You make this claim that it was all about tuberculosis and yet offer no proof except your word.
At the Auschwitz I camp there were only 6 crematory ovens. At the hospital in Auschwitz II there are 46 single cremators. In the Lubin camp there were only 6. THAT'S ALL! In these three camps 3 to 4 million Jews were supposed to have been exterminated and their bodies cremated. Furthermore, these cremation ovens were very small with only 18' doors and required from 4 to 6 hours to burn each body using a large amount of coal. Cremation was used in the camps for those who passed away in order to prevent epidemics. No large supplies of coal were ever stored at the camps for cremations. A VERY INTERESTING NOTE appears only in the German edition of William L. Shirer's book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." It seems the Didler-Werke Company, which built the crematory ovens, sued Shirer who previously wrote that millions of people were gassed and then burned in this company's ovens. In an out-of-court settlement of the suit Shirer agreed to add the following footnote on page 972 of the German edition: "The Didler-Werke have raised objection to the name of their firm appearing in the chapter concerning the extermination camps. Dr. S. Trastel, a professor of engineering in a statement of August 1961 established that the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries and would be unsuitable for mass burning." WHY IS THIS DELETED FROM THE ENGLISH EDITION???

On the question of cremating 6,000,000 people—this would leave 15,000 tons of ashes! Such gigantic piles of ashes created over the short 2 1/2 year period the holocaust supposedly took place would have been very difficult to dispose of. No one has ever come forward to report seeing such huge piles of tons of ashes. It was not until 1960 that the Soviets opened the Auschwitz camp to tourists and independent investigators. No gas chamber could be found. The official answer was that it was "taken to another camp for gassings and then later went into oblivion!" (See Zimunism).

So your issue is now with the numbers? YOu think it would be impossible to have murdered 6 million, so it must not have happened at all?

First of all, there were more camps than just the big ones or heones you named. Most bodies were burned in huge funeral pyres, and then the ashes scattered.

Also, your math is wrong. Cremation leaves between 3 and 10 lbs of material. Most of that is very light ash which will blow away or wash away. I think it is safe to say that the bodies of those who died in the camps would lean more towards 3 lbs than to 10 lbs. Bone density would have been very low. Plus there were many children killed as well.

They also have records of the mass graves. In Babi Yar, over 33,000 Jews were buried in mass graves in 1941 along.

from: The Holocaust: Where Are the Bodies?
"The Germans weren’t just trying to kill Jews… they were trying towipe them from history. Former SS camp guard Oskar Groening delivered a powerful testimony where he owned up to everything he did and saw, and that “I did not expect any Jews to survive Auschwitz.” SS-Captain Amon Goeth said to his men during the liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto, “There had been for more than seven centuries a Jewish Krakow, and by this evening, those seven centuries would have become a rumor.”"

That is the testimony of an SS Capt. Not some rumor.

Also, the camps were in operation from 1933 until 1945. Long enough to accomplish the goals.

And there is evidence of up to 44,000 camps. This is based on solid research and the records of the Germans involved.

I like facts.
Fake news

Coward's cop-out.
You provided no link

Yes I did.

But, considering the claims you have made with no link, you hardly have room to talk. But there is a link in my post. I always put them after "from: "
At the Auschwitz I camp there were only 6 crematory ovens. At the hospital in Auschwitz II there are 46 single cremators. In the Lubin camp there were only 6. THAT'S ALL! In these three camps 3 to 4 million Jews were supposed to have been exterminated and their bodies cremated. Furthermore, these cremation ovens were very small with only 18' doors and required from 4 to 6 hours to burn each body using a large amount of coal. Cremation was used in the camps for those who passed away in order to prevent epidemics. No large supplies of coal were ever stored at the camps for cremations. A VERY INTERESTING NOTE appears only in the German edition of William L. Shirer's book, "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich." It seems the Didler-Werke Company, which built the crematory ovens, sued Shirer who previously wrote that millions of people were gassed and then burned in this company's ovens. In an out-of-court settlement of the suit Shirer agreed to add the following footnote on page 972 of the German edition: "The Didler-Werke have raised objection to the name of their firm appearing in the chapter concerning the extermination camps. Dr. S. Trastel, a professor of engineering in a statement of August 1961 established that the measurements are those which are standard for a crematory oven of not very modern design intended for small cemeteries and would be unsuitable for mass burning." WHY IS THIS DELETED FROM THE ENGLISH EDITION???

On the question of cremating 6,000,000 people—this would leave 15,000 tons of ashes! Such gigantic piles of ashes created over the short 2 1/2 year period the holocaust supposedly took place would have been very difficult to dispose of. No one has ever come forward to report seeing such huge piles of tons of ashes. It was not until 1960 that the Soviets opened the Auschwitz camp to tourists and independent investigators. No gas chamber could be found. The official answer was that it was "taken to another camp for gassings and then later went into oblivion!" (See Zimunism).

So your issue is now with the numbers? YOu think it would be impossible to have murdered 6 million, so it must not have happened at all?

First of all, there were more camps than just the big ones or heones you named. Most bodies were burned in huge funeral pyres, and then the ashes scattered.

Also, your math is wrong. Cremation leaves between 3 and 10 lbs of material. Most of that is very light ash which will blow away or wash away. I think it is safe to say that the bodies of those who died in the camps would lean more towards 3 lbs than to 10 lbs. Bone density would have been very low. Plus there were many children killed as well.

They also have records of the mass graves. In Babi Yar, over 33,000 Jews were buried in mass graves in 1941 along.

from: The Holocaust: Where Are the Bodies?
"The Germans weren’t just trying to kill Jews… they were trying towipe them from history. Former SS camp guard Oskar Groening delivered a powerful testimony where he owned up to everything he did and saw, and that “I did not expect any Jews to survive Auschwitz.” SS-Captain Amon Goeth said to his men during the liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto, “There had been for more than seven centuries a Jewish Krakow, and by this evening, those seven centuries would have become a rumor.”"

That is the testimony of an SS Capt. Not some rumor.

Also, the camps were in operation from 1933 until 1945. Long enough to accomplish the goals.

And there is evidence of up to 44,000 camps. This is based on solid research and the records of the Germans involved.

I like facts.
Fake news

Coward's cop-out.
You provided no link

Yes I did.

But, considering the claims you have made with no link, you hardly have room to talk. But there is a link in my post. I always put them after "from: "
Not to your individual fallacies
So your issue is now with the numbers? YOu think it would be impossible to have murdered 6 million, so it must not have happened at all?

First of all, there were more camps than just the big ones or heones you named. Most bodies were burned in huge funeral pyres, and then the ashes scattered.

Also, your math is wrong. Cremation leaves between 3 and 10 lbs of material. Most of that is very light ash which will blow away or wash away. I think it is safe to say that the bodies of those who died in the camps would lean more towards 3 lbs than to 10 lbs. Bone density would have been very low. Plus there were many children killed as well.

They also have records of the mass graves. In Babi Yar, over 33,000 Jews were buried in mass graves in 1941 along.

from: The Holocaust: Where Are the Bodies?
"The Germans weren’t just trying to kill Jews… they were trying towipe them from history. Former SS camp guard Oskar Groening delivered a powerful testimony where he owned up to everything he did and saw, and that “I did not expect any Jews to survive Auschwitz.” SS-Captain Amon Goeth said to his men during the liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto, “There had been for more than seven centuries a Jewish Krakow, and by this evening, those seven centuries would have become a rumor.”"

That is the testimony of an SS Capt. Not some rumor.

Also, the camps were in operation from 1933 until 1945. Long enough to accomplish the goals.

And there is evidence of up to 44,000 camps. This is based on solid research and the records of the Germans involved.

I like facts.
Fake news

Coward's cop-out.
You provided no link

Yes I did.

But, considering the claims you have made with no link, you hardly have room to talk. But there is a link in my post. I always put them after "from: "
Not to your individual fallacies

Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?

Yes I did.

But, considering the claims you have made with no link, you hardly have room to talk. But there is a link in my post. I always put them after "from: "
Not to your individual fallacies

Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?
cattle cars lol
Coward's cop-out.
You provided no link

Yes I did.

But, considering the claims you have made with no link, you hardly have room to talk. But there is a link in my post. I always put them after "from: "
Not to your individual fallacies

Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?
cattle cars lol

That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
You provided no link

Yes I did.

But, considering the claims you have made with no link, you hardly have room to talk. But there is a link in my post. I always put them after "from: "
Not to your individual fallacies

Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?
cattle cars lol

That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
Looks fun to me
Yes I did.

But, considering the claims you have made with no link, you hardly have room to talk. But there is a link in my post. I always put them after "from: "
Not to your individual fallacies

Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?
cattle cars lol

That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
Looks fun to me View attachment 297777

Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
Not to your individual fallacies

Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?
cattle cars lol

That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
Looks fun to me View attachment 297777

Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong
Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?
cattle cars lol

That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
Looks fun to me View attachment 297777

Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
cattle cars lol

That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
Looks fun to me View attachment 297777

Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point
Can you provide a link to prove your claims that the cattle cars and camps were only for quarantine?
cattle cars lol

That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
Looks fun to me View attachment 297777

Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Ok, you claim "...you claimed people would be unhappy".

Show me where I said that? Come on, show me. Or admit you lied, again.
That is exactly what they were. Rail cars used to transport livestock.
Looks fun to me View attachment 297777

Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.

Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?
Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?

Did I? No. You are just lying over and over. I didn't talk about how anyone felt about it. I talked about them being crammed into cattle cars and taken to the concentration camps. You are just lying because you have no argument left.

The nazis loaded Jews and other undesirables into cattle cars, took them to concentration camps, and starved them and murdered them.

It was not a quarantine.
Do you have a link where you got that pic? I don't see a star on anyone's clothing?

They also don't look sick to me. Do they all have TB or Typhus? Hard to believe those kids are running high fevers.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?

Show me where I claimed they were unhappy or happy? Come on, you claim I said it. Show me where I said it.
It’s a Cattle car, you claimed people would be unhappy. I proved you wrong

Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?

Did I? No. You are just lying over and over. I didn't talk about how anyone felt about it. I talked about them being crammed into cattle cars and taken to the concentration camps. You are just lying because you have no argument left.

The nazis loaded Jews and other undesirables into cattle cars, took them to concentration camps, and starved them and murdered them.

It was not a quarantine.
You brought up riding in cattle cars as if it was a bad thing, I showed you a pic of smiling people
Show me where I said they would be unhappy, you lying sack of shit.

If that car was transporting Jews to the camps, they were going to some of the most inhumane treatment in the 20th century. They would be starved and then gassed. But you think because they smiled for the camera, you proved something? lol

Like I said, give me the link to where you got that pic.
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?

Did I? No. You are just lying over and over. I didn't talk about how anyone felt about it. I talked about them being crammed into cattle cars and taken to the concentration camps. You are just lying because you have no argument left.

The nazis loaded Jews and other undesirables into cattle cars, took them to concentration camps, and starved them and murdered them.

It was not a quarantine.
You brought up riding in cattle cars as if it was a bad thing, I showed you a pic of smiling people

Oh, so I didn't say anything about them being happy or unhappy?
You’re the one that brought up a cattle car.. they look happy.. what’s your point

No, you claimed people would be unhappy. Show where I said that. Show it or admit you lied, again.
So you’re saying they were happy on the cattle car?

Did I? No. You are just lying over and over. I didn't talk about how anyone felt about it. I talked about them being crammed into cattle cars and taken to the concentration camps. You are just lying because you have no argument left.

The nazis loaded Jews and other undesirables into cattle cars, took them to concentration camps, and starved them and murdered them.

It was not a quarantine.
You brought up riding in cattle cars as if it was a bad thing, I showed you a pic of smiling people

Oh, so I didn't say anything about them being happy or unhappy?
You made it sound like being on a cattle car was a bad time

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