West Virginia Coal Miners Push Electric Car to Charging Station After It Dies on the Road

When will folks realize EVs are a good idea, but the infrastructure isn't ready yet?

  • No, the agenda against fossil fuels must be advanced.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Yes, as more EVs come on line, the shortcomings will become more apparent.

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
Hybrid Cars are more practical than EVs because hybrids can go about 600 miles between fill-ups and of course they can be refilled in a couple of minutes at the plentiful gas stations.
/——/ My brother has driven a Prius for 10+ years and loves it. Nice solid ride, low maintenance costs at the dealer. He told me how many miles he had on the odometer, north of 80k but I honestIy don’t remember the exact number.
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Lol I can get a battery for my car for about 60 dollars. Your electric car battery costs 200 times that. The very definition of stupid.
I don’t even need batteries because mine plugs into the wall…

/——/ You can’t make this up either. $28k for new Bolt battery. They should change the name to the Chevy Bilk
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:omg: The two vehicles I drive the most these days are my 1976 Chevy pickup and my 1988 Dodge conversion van. Just the $1,712.68 tax on that repair estimate is more than I paid for both the conversion van($800) and the pickup truck($500).
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Irony is Goot.
Or ... " A dictator ... must fool all the people all the time and
there's only one way to do that,he must also fool himself. "
-- Somerset Maugham
I wonder if it's "CRUELTY" to demand that one be educated beyond his or her workstation in life (otherwise if they are choosing the paths they are on FREELY)??

Or - is it best to allow the cream to rise to the top on it's own, otherwise as it's being stirred/worked while the rest is content at hanging out near or at the bottom of at least until they choose to one day rise themselves also ??

Is this not the failure of the Democrat's, otherwise where they want to dictate instead of promote freedom and free thinking no matter where it exist after one gets his or her basic education in life ?

So it is that the Democrat's walk into the room on the plant floor, and they immediately look at the poor workers as if they have been forced to work there because they've been oppressed somehow in life, when in reality many worker's are satisfied at their workstations in life, and if they want more then they will freely apply themselves. They don't need the manipulation of the Democrat's in their ears telling them how they're not supposed to be there, and worse they lie and say that the rich man is holding the worker's back.

So they start the participation trophy bull crap, then they steal taxpayer's money to poison and brainwash the mind's with their many lie's, and the next thing you know we get the likes of the Biden administration who have been forced to travel way beyond their workstations in life, just so they can completely show how the Democrat agenda's and ideologies absolutely don't work for a freedom loving people.

Freedom of station choices in life should be respected and honored, not manipulated and abused for devilish reason's in order to empower those who are lying to their chosen victim's about it all.
Would be a lot more quite an operation, and would outrun anything the federal agent's could get after them with, otherwise if an old timey get away was called for.... 😂

Only problem is how long the battert lasts. These battries drain more quickly in cold weather and reduce battery life when the A/C is going in hot weather. THat 300 mile radius drops drastically in bothe cases.
Hey Stosh. You ever drive through WV in your life. There are some hills you can't believe you just made it up. Or a windy narrow roads winding all the way up nose bleed elevations? Not suitable for a matchbox car
I'm originally from northeastern Pennsylvania, we have a lot of basically one lane roads that have two-way traffic on them so you have to be really careful when you come to a bridge it's only one vehicle will fit in it's always a tighter squeeze. One in particular, both sides of traffic come from curves and the bridge if you could call it that overlooks a waterfall where it's about 300 ft straight down. It's one of those roads you never want to be on in the winter time especially when there's an ice storm. I was very surprised in that article that electronic charger station was so close. At least that was lucky. It doesn't need gas but you always have to make sure it's charged up. I'm thinking the next logical step is to have these electrical vehicles continuously charge on the major highways like electric trains are now. At least then stupid people won't be stranding themselves anymore.
I'm originally from northeastern Pennsylvania, we have a lot of basically one lane roads that have two-way traffic on them so you have to be really careful when you come to a bridge it's only one vehicle will fit in it's always a tighter squeeze. One in particular, both sides of traffic come from curves and the bridge if you could call it that overlooks a waterfall where it's about 300 ft straight down. It's one of those roads you never want to be on in the winter time especially when there's an ice storm. I was very surprised in that article that electronic charger station was so close. At least that was lucky. It doesn't need gas but you always have to make sure it's charged up. I'm thinking the next logical step is to have these electrical vehicles continuously charge on the major highways like electric trains are now. At least then stupid people won't be stranding themselves anymore.
Just put slots in all the roads and electrify the road.
Only problem is how long the battert lasts. These battries drain more quickly in cold weather and reduce battery life when the A/C is going in hot weather. THat 300 mile radius drops drastically in bothe cases.
True, but usually get aways are short lived if they are to succeed at all.. Now if running from county to county it could get interesting in the drainage department. Might not be so lucky then.
My electric vehicle has a three hundred mile range between charges. It takes two hours to charge. Remembering when to charge is the key. Story means nothing.

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