West Virginia Coal Miners Push Electric Car to Charging Station After It Dies on the Road

When will folks realize EVs are a good idea, but the infrastructure isn't ready yet?

  • No, the agenda against fossil fuels must be advanced.

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • Yes, as more EVs come on line, the shortcomings will become more apparent.

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters

Poetic Justice Story of the Day,
Pure poetic justice doesn’t often occur often in our society, which is more driven by cutthroat politics, media spins, and unwavering ideologies. However, in one electric car owner’s case, it did.

On Friday, a local foreman from a coal mine in Tucker County, West Virginia, received a call from someone who lived in the area saying there was a vehicle “broke down in the middle of our haul road,” according to Tucker County Senator, Randy Smith’s Facebook post.

Due to the electric vehicle’s plastic bottom finish, towing it to safety was out of the question.

However, the EV owner’s luck wasn’t out just yet, when along came a group of five coal miners who helped push the vehicle to a charging station. Ironically, the electric charging station was conveniently situated within just a short distance of the coal mine itself, with mounds of coal in the background as the empty battery recharged.
Short coming huh. Hilarious. So ya cars never run out of gas. Let's go with that. Hilarious
You mean idiots forgot to recharge it. Or did they do it on purpose. Either way this is a non-news item.
Hey Stosh. You ever drive through WV in your life. There are some hills you can't believe you just made it up. Or a windy narrow roads winding all the way up nose bleed elevations? Not suitable for a matchbox car
The biggest mistake with EVs winning over the public back in the day was this I think - Just like it was in the 50s and 60s when toying with alternative modes of powered transportation, and their drive trains/powered sources were being developed, the designer's of the vehicle's were in some kind of futuristic thinking that was implanted into their body and packaging designs.

If they would have used existing set ups to then transition over to alternative power trains it may have went over better. Otherwise instead of going futuristic, they should have only been after the changing of the drive trains in the swaps. Example: They should have used the super popular designs in body styles already proven and in existence in order to offer the citizen's the optional package within the popular designs in body styles of their choice.

I see that this is happening today with Ford and other's, so now it's more about proving the means of operational power sources verses the other, but government shouldn't be involved in this at all. Let the free market's determine these outcomes, and trust the citizen's to make informed and smart choices in such matters.

The government has been fooled into this stuff by the climate alarmist who may have ties to investment's that stand to make them filthy rich after all is said and done. We the people had best investigate this entire thing in that regard, because things are moving to fast creating a riff in the matrix. Why ??

Has our government been highjacked by investor's who created the possiblity of this climate hoax in a get rich scheme ??

Back in the day, GM and Firestone joined forces to dismantle the trolley car system in order to put GM buses with Firestone tires on the roads in order to replace them with. Well after million's we're lost and the smog got so bad, it was then reversed at taxpayer's expense costing million's to reinstate the trolley system's.

Then you had the Obama administration do the solyndra (spelling) thing that lost million's also, but now somehow we've all finally seen the light in this new wave technology thing once again ?

Move forward with great caution America, that's all I'm suggesting.
And a klikity klakkady pile of shit of a national electric grid that looks like a 1000 piece jig saw puzzle

I think you need a ton of vitamins for your brain feller

The Texas grid that collapsed in the winter of 2021 was overwhelmingly reliant on fossil fuels. Just sayin'
The Texas grid that collapsed in the winter of 2021 was overwhelmingly reliant on fossil fuels. Just sayin'
A once in a 100 yr weather event happens anywhere....Just sayin

Wait. The fucking windmills froze I think.....................LOLOLOLOL

Stepping in shit by chance?
You have to love the irony in that story.

During one of his campaign events Joe Biden suggested coal miners could simply learn to code to transition to "jobs of the future."

Apparently those "jobs of the future" are going to be tow truck drivers.
Irony is Goot.
Or ... " A dictator ... must fool all the people all the time and
there's only one way to do that,he must also fool himself. "
-- Somerset Maugham
Well they can use their old cycle chains and beat the fuck outta the Woke
Haven't herd tell mush from the Angels of recent.
The Leader { Sonny Barger } Died in late June at the age of 83.
Did a few movies.Notably a classic ...
- Gimme Shelter - { 1970 }
I have the DVD. Interesting Concert flick.
I'd even pay to see this!
Many Movie stars in the 60's played Bikers.
Not just Bruce Dern,Jack Nicholson,Hopper and Fonda
but also someone you'd never think of as fitting a biker role.
As in John Cassavetes as Bike leader Cody.
From the movie ... - Devils Angels -
With sexpot Mimsy Farmer.I have a DVD copy.
The year was 1967.I wasn't even in high school that year.
I was an 8th grader.
Hybrid Cars are more practical than EVs because hybrids can go about 600 miles between fill-ups and of course they can be refilled in a couple of minutes at the plentiful gas stations.

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