West Virginia Governor To Switch Parties

Ha, Ha, everyone is getting tired of being a libtardo.

The governor is going to announce he's sick of being a libtardo and is going to grow a set.

West Virginia’s Democratic Governor to Switch to Republican at Trump Rally

No surprise. He has switched parties multiple times.

he probably should have done that BEFORE he got elected.


I wonder how much Donald paid him?

He couldn't win as a Republican.
The guy sounds like a loser.
Yet another embarrassment for West Virginia. A poor state that Trump will make poorer.

Yeah...if that were true, how did this happen? Why do you hate for this to happen?
West Virginia GDP second in nation for first quarter
  • Aug 3, 2017 Updated 11 hrs ago
WASHINGTON - West Virginia had the second highest growth in gross domestic product (GDP) of any state in the country during the first quarter of 2017, and Gov. Jim Justice attributes the climb to the bounce back in the coal industry.

Mining grew by 21.6 percent nationally, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce report, contributing to growth in 48 states. That made Texas, West Virginia, and New Mexico the three fastest growing states, growing at 3.9 percent, 3.0 percent and 2.8 percent, respectively.

"I know the coal business like the back of my hand and the current spike in the coal market was one I saw coming, and our state Legislature refused to listen," Justice said in a news release. "If you go back to the October 2016 debates for governor, I said that coal would rebound and that our severance tax collection would go up. Some people laughed at the time, and they were totally wrong."

The governor's office also reported that a new Reuters analysis shows U.S. coal exports have increased more than 60 percent this year due to soaring demand from Europe and Asia


West Virginia GDP second in nation for first quarter
He's a corrupt jackass - the only reason he won was the Republican opponent was worse. It was a microcosm of the national election.

I didn't vote for either.
I was thinking the same thing.
While I don't anything about the guy, it seems like he's willing to go whichever way the wind is blowing. That isn't someone I would trust.
Your totally right...I couldn't stomach him when I heard him in a debate. Seriously, I almost barfed at his airy fairy we're gonna make lots of money but until then we need a bridge loan crap. I would have voted for his Republican rival before him. As it was I voted Mountain Party, better than Dem or Pub.
Despite what that Democrat Fake News Media is trying to tell Americans, the Democratic Party is in complete collapse-mode. Democrats currently only have 15 Governors among 50 states. The Party is in ruins.
Despite what that Democrat Fake News Media is trying to tell Americans, the Democratic Party is in complete collapse-mode. Democrats currently only have 15 Governors among 50 states. The Party is in ruins.

Justice was a Republican two years ago. The only thing changing is the letter after his name.
The democrat party will never make a come back unless they have a vision for America. They have nothing but hate and a weak attempt to impeach Trump. That is a losing combo. The left is having a very hard time admitting to themselves that they are in the MINORITY now and must make some changes. This is why they are the Donkey party....stubborn as a mule.
He's a corrupt jackass - the only reason he won was the Republican opponent was worse. It was a microcosm of the national election.

I didn't vote for either.
I was thinking the same thing.
While I don't anything about the guy, it seems like he's willing to go whichever way the wind is blowing. That isn't someone I would trust.
Your totally right...I couldn't stomach him when I heard him in a debate. Seriously, I almost barfed at his airy fairy we're gonna make lots of money but until then we need a bridge loan crap. I would have voted for his Republican rival before him. As it was I voted Mountain Party, better than Dem or Pub.
I'm getting the same vibes from this guy.
I'm thinking he's a lot like Hillary with the BS. He's willing to say anything that will get him elected.
Ha, Ha, everyone is getting tired of being a libtardo.

The governor is going to announce he's sick of being a libtardo and is going to grow a set.

West Virginia’s Democratic Governor to Switch to Republican at Trump Rally

No surprise. He has switched parties multiple times.

Then he should switch to Libertarian next time. Like many state legislators are doing. He'd be "less confused"..

Hell no...he'd be a stain on the party!
He's a corrupt jackass - the only reason he won was the Republican opponent was worse. It was a microcosm of the national election.

I didn't vote for either.
I was thinking the same thing.
While I don't anything about the guy, it seems like he's willing to go whichever way the wind is blowing. That isn't someone I would trust.
Your totally right...I couldn't stomach him when I heard him in a debate. Seriously, I almost barfed at his airy fairy we're gonna make lots of money but until then we need a bridge loan crap. I would have voted for his Republican rival before him. As it was I voted Mountain Party, better than Dem or Pub.
I'm getting the same vibes from this guy.
I'm thinking he's a lot like Hillary with the BS. He's willing to say anything that will get him elected.
He's the worst of Hillary and the worst of Trump rolled into one fugly package. In case you hadn't noticed I can't stand him....just to be clear.
You rubes can have him. It must have taken at least 3 generations of incest to eventually end up with this:


He was born to one day be part of the alt-right's base. This is his life's purpose.

Man -- you Dems sure are fickle about allegiances. Not only do you disown the disloyal. You feel a huge need to completely defile and trash them..
He was pre-defiled and pre-trashed. He owes huge amounts in mine safety violation fines and has even been taken to court over it.
He's a corrupt jackass - the only reason he won was the Republican opponent was worse. It was a microcosm of the national election.

I didn't vote for either.
I was thinking the same thing.
While I don't anything about the guy, it seems like he's willing to go whichever way the wind is blowing. That isn't someone I would trust.
Your totally right...I couldn't stomach him when I heard him in a debate. Seriously, I almost barfed at his airy fairy we're gonna make lots of money but until then we need a bridge loan crap. I would have voted for his Republican rival before him. As it was I voted Mountain Party, better than Dem or Pub.
I'm getting the same vibes from this guy.
I'm thinking he's a lot like Hillary with the BS. He's willing to say anything that will get him elected.
He's the worst of Hillary and the worst of Trump rolled into one fugly package. In case you hadn't noticed I can't stand him....just to be clear.
It's been a while since I last told you how much I love you. I apologize for that.
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The only folks in West Virginia still voting Democrat, are lifetime Welfare addicts. Trump is trying his best to revive the coal industry there. I truly believe most West Virginians respect him for that. Meanwhile, the Democrats have only vowed to destroy the coal industry. Personally, i don't get how a Democrat Governor can still exist in West Virginia. Seriously, how could anyone there vote Democrat?

West Virginian's livelihood has been dependent on coal for so long that I can understand why they cling to the hope that the coal industry can be revived, but it can't be. Technology has been replacing workers for years. Justice is still a billionaire while families in the state starve.

You really do believe your own Bullshite, huh? Justice and Trump are doing their best to revive the industry. Most West Virginians truly respect them for that. And with Justice's defection, y'all numbnuts now only have 15 Governors among 50 states. You're YUUGE fails at this point.
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You rubes can have him. It must have taken at least 3 generations of incest to eventually end up with this:


He was born to one day be part of the alt-right's base. This is his life's purpose.

Man -- you Dems sure are fickle about allegiances. Not only do you disown the disloyal. You feel a huge need to completely defile and trash them..
He's an alt-righty that finally came home to roost. I wash my hands of him. Maybe he'll come back to his senses when he realizes Trump didn't bring any coal jobs back and instead convinced his constituents not to bother learning any other skills. Bravo Appalachia :clap:


Keep it up. The same way the Dem party hunted the Blue Dog Dems in the South to extinction. Completely abandoned the South and began to MOCK and RIDICULE and STEREOTYPE them...

You guys are burning bridges faster than kids with sparklers on the 4th of July. Those election night maps are gonna need MICROSCOPES to find what's left of your base that you haven't turned on...
Once upon a time it was Republicans that mocked and ridiculed the south. Now the party of Lincoln embraces the xenophobia and protectionism of the pre-civil rights southern Democrats. I'll show the same disdain to the new GOP now as I did to the Jim Crow Democrats and Confederates when I was a kid.

That pretty much ended with Reconstruction. Only the DEM party can hold contempt for the Southern States from 1965 to the present by OBJECTING to releasing states from "special oversight" until the Repubs fixed this a few years back. You STILL wanted that boot on their necks from the day the CRAct passed.

And the CRA ONLY PASSED because of massive REPUB support.

But that's holding a grudge. Probably a record grudge. Even Reconstruction didn't last THAT long.

There is something to be said about civil rights, voting rights and release from special oversight and that something is how quickly some of those states turned around and started legislating to weaken minority voting blocks or even attempting to disenfranchise them. Those laws have been struck down decisively in courts and one racial gerrymandering one is currently on the docket. I know you've pointed out the way Cali has abused primary voting, but don't ignore what states like Texas and NC are NOW attempting to do.
Democrats are opportunistic and have been known to change party affiliation for political advantage.
He started out as a Republican dude. He switched to Dem in 2015 but his platform stayed conservative, in fact no appreciable difference from his Repub rival. And he owes thousands in unpaid safety violation fines for his mines.

Doesn't he also owe something like $4 million in unpaid taxes? Or maybe I'm just thinking about the fines. Either way it's amazing that a man who owes so much is qualified to be Governor when the average citizen can be thrown in jail for an unpaid parking ticket.
It might well be both, I just know he owes a hell of a lot.
He's a corrupt jackass - the only reason he won was the Republican opponent was worse. It was a microcosm of the national election.

I didn't vote for either.
I was thinking the same thing.
While I don't anything about the guy, it seems like he's willing to go whichever way the wind is blowing. That isn't someone I would trust.
Your totally right...I couldn't stomach him when I heard him in a debate. Seriously, I almost barfed at his airy fairy we're gonna make lots of money but until then we need a bridge loan crap. I would have voted for his Republican rival before him. As it was I voted Mountain Party, better than Dem or Pub.
I'm getting the same vibes from this guy.
I'm thinking he's a lot like Hillary with the BS. He's willing to say anything that will get him elected.
He's the worst of Hillary and the worst of Trump rolled into one fugly package. In case you hadn't noticed I can't stand him....just to be clear.
It's been a while since I last told you how much I love you. I apologize for that.
I only accept apologies with chocolate....
The only folks in West Virginia still voting Democrat, are lifetime Welfare addicts. Trump is trying his best to revive the coal industry there. I truly believe most West Virginians respect him for that. Meanwhile, the Democrats have only vowed to destroy the coal industry. Personally, i don't get how a Democrat Governor can still exist in West Virginia. Seriously, how could anyone there vote Democrat?

West Virginian's livelihood has been dependent on coal for so long that I can understand why they cling to the hope that the coal industry can be revived, but it can't be. Technology has been replacing workers for years. Justice is still a billionaire while families in the state starve.

You really do believe your own Bullshite, huh? Justice and Trump are doing their best to revive the industry. Most West Virginians truly respect them for that. And with Justice's defection, y'all numbnuts now only have 15 Governors among 50 states. You're YUUGE fails at this point.

Revive the industry how? By removing regulations? Justice owns 70 coal mines. Do you really think he's doing it for the sake of West Virginians or for the sake of his own business?

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