West Virginia sets all time low temp record!!

For the last time, it's called Climate Change, not global warming. And the wild swings in temperatures...are a result of it.

I wonder why you deniers can't at least make a genuine argument?
No, its called incoming overdue ice age---the temp swings especially with these areas getting deep freezes is a sign of that. We are all going to be wishing we were globally warmed.
I miss the old days, when the climate never changed.
How many trillions do we need to spend on windmills so the climate never changes again?
Ahhh. The good ol daze
Windmills have been around for decades. And they DON'T cause cancer. :)
That being said, generating cleaner forms of energy will help with climate change
so I don't have to constantly listen to you deniers bray one of your deflection
arguments. :)

That's just Global Warming theory- you don't know that because you can't know that.

No data has ever been produced to prove or even hypothesize how much the climate changes for each windmill manufactured and deployed.
For the last time, it's called Climate Change, not global warming. And the wild swings in temperatures...are a result of it.

I wonder why you deniers can't at least make a genuine argument?

"Climate Change" is nothing more than dishonest Libtard bullshit speech to cover up for the fact that we have cold weather and not the stupid global warming you nitwits are always bitching about.

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats don't know any more about Climate Science than you know about Economics, History, Biology Ethics or the Constitution.
That's what batteries and forms of storage are for...sigh....

Hell yeah ... And China will sell them to you cheap.

Who knows how many people they killed in the Top 10 lithium mines
Tianqi Lithium owns worldwide.

Save the planet and kill the people at the same time ... Great idea.
How Marxist Of You.


Hell yeah ... And China will sell them to you cheap.

Who knows how many people they killed in the Top 10 lithium mines
Tianqi Lithium owns worldwide.

Save the planet and kill the people at the same time ... Great idea.
How Marxist Of You.

Then feel free NOT to buy one. And keep tossing out those terms that your alt-right media masters keep parroting.
Wouldn't want to get in the way of a good rant. :)
It was 30F at my home in Central Florida this morning. (-1C for you Communists)

Global warming my ass!

The fascist democrats aren't worried about glowbull warming. Hell, forum blowhard playtime brags about jetting around in her Lear Jet (since she's fabulously wealthy - like all leftist trolls). How much Soda Pop gas does it emit? I know she burns poor people as fuel (they're renewable - democrats are making LOTS more!) but that still creates carbon.
For the last time, it's called Climate Change, not global warming. And the wild swings in temperatures...are a result of it.

I wonder why you deniers can't at least make a genuine argument?

Say, you of the Gaia cult know what the "correct" temperature is. So what will you set the global thermostat to, when you have absolute power?
Or you could use nuclear power.
Very reliable.

The problem with nuclear power is that it threatens the possibility that we will have plentiful energy.

And that's the real problem, liberalism is based on the principle of Scarcity, and the "fair" redistribution of limited resources (as determined by political leftist theory).

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