Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Funerals Of Arizona Shooting Victims


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Westboro Baptist Church To Picket Funerals Of Arizona Shooting Victims

Westboro Baptist Church, the Topeka church known for its inflammatory anti-gay protests, plans to picket the funerals of the six people gunned down in Arizona on Saturday.

In a flier posted on its web site, the controversial church writes, "THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER -- 6 DEAD!" The message continues

The flier claims that the shooting of both a House member and a federal judge -- the latter of whom was killed -- is god's punishment for judicial and Congressional action against the WBC. "God sent the shooter to shoot you! And He's sitting in Heaven laughing at you!" the announcement reads.

WBC continues to be a group of terrible human beings.
While I know this is a terrible thing to say, I for one would not jump a shooter who might show up targetting members of that church.

Yes, I know it's a horrible thing. sorry.
There is not even any pretense any more that the WBC has any theological basis for its actions. They're simply designed to shock and annoy.

Since the WBC has decided to relegate itself to the "moving trash" pile, can't we deal with them as such? Yank their tax exempt status and limit their legal rights?
While I know this is a terrible thing to say, I for one would not jump a shooter who might show up targetting members of that church.

Yes, I know it's a horrible thing. sorry.

Yes, quite horrible. Gotta a little room for me in your No Jump Zone?
While I know this is a terrible thing to say, I for one would not jump a shooter who might show up targetting members of that church.

Yes, I know it's a horrible thing. sorry.

Yes, quite horrible. Gotta a little room for me in your No Jump Zone?

I would be like Gene Wilder in "Willie Wonka"

"No. Wait. Come back. Stop."
It's a pretty sad state of affairs when an organization like the Westboro Baptist Church can call itself a church. Their actions don't exactly mesh up with anything I've ever read in the Bible.
and yet bbd they say all they do is based on the bible...amazing how the bible can be used and abused...

i am a true believer in freedom of speech and all that implies.....

even i have trouble with wbc...and they will simply sue the town and state...hell they do that everywhere they go...

if your god is powerful and just...why does he not smite them? i think they should be smited....again and again
citizens are already making counter plans.....'angel action' o wait she is a community activist...but they are going to shield the funeral...omg they are gonna be wearing wings like angels...silent protest...oooooo the wings will help them block the signs and protesters
and yet bbd they say all they do is based on the bible...amazing how the bible can be used and abused...

i am a true believer in freedom of speech and all that implies.....

even i have trouble with wbc...and they will simply sue the town and state...hell they do that everywhere they go...

if your god is powerful and just...why does he not smite them? i think they should be smited....again and again

I'm pretty sure that they will regret their Judgement Day.
you know this is truly one of them....

all it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing....

i am not sure of the quote or who said it
If they were allowed to protest, I'd bet a buck that gobs of people would come out and block/drown them out. If I lived there I know I'd gather as many as possible to do just that. WBC are just as loony as Jared Loughner.
you know this is truly one of them....

all it takes for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing....

i am not sure of the quote or who said it

It's a paraphrase of Edmund Burke the British Statesman

“Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.”
and yet bbd they say all they do is based on the bible...amazing how the bible can be used and abused...

i am a true believer in freedom of speech and all that implies.....

even i have trouble with wbc...and they will simply sue the town and state...hell they do that everywhere they go...

if your god is powerful and just...why does he not smite them? i think they should be smited....again and again

God gave mankind free will. The actions of any man are not the Will of God. But, there is one really good thing about this bunch of sick freaks.... they bring Democrats and Republicans, far left and far right, together in a united condemnation of the actions of the WBC. I find that kind of heartening.
and yet bbd they say all they do is based on the bible...amazing how the bible can be used and abused...

i am a true believer in freedom of speech and all that implies.....

even i have trouble with wbc...and they will simply sue the town and state...hell they do that everywhere they go...

if your god is powerful and just...why does he not smite them? i think they should be smited....again and again

God gave mankind free will. The actions of any man are not the Will of God. But, there is one really good thing about this bunch of sick freaks.... they bring Democrats and Republicans, far left and far right, together in a united condemnation of the actions of the WBC. I find that kind of heartening.

Kind of like Monty Pythons "Life of Brian"
While I know this is a terrible thing to say, I for one would not jump a shooter who might show up targetting members of that church.

Yes, I know it's a horrible thing. sorry.

You are absolutely wrong!!!

That was NOT a horrible thing to say.

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