Western Civilization is not based on any race. it is based on the right order of things!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
we are not living in chaos. there must be a logic to the universe. there must be logical rules. we are created in the image of God. we all reflect his image! we are all valuable!
we are not living in chaos. there must be a logic to the universe. there must be logical rules. we are created in the image of God. we all reflect his image! we are all valuable!
Great go get your own country and I wish you luck lol
things are awesome. you wouldn't be wanna born in any other time, baby! slavery, racism, we've defeated it all using these great universal principles. we're sinful creatures, yes, but the fundamental principles at the root of civilization are good!
they dont even teach Western Civilization at college. they teach post modernism. college is shit, we dont need to make it so expensive or worse, free!
life's vicious. go ahead in spite of it. be a man. this is a religious message. not through universal health care or universal income or universal housing or universal education or universal anything!
We created Gods to make sense of all the Chaos that surrounded us. The greatest prize of Western Civilization is that Science and Reason trumps (eventually) Superstition and Supernaturalism
only Western civilization has found a way to balance both religious belief and human reason!
if we don't defend Western Civilization, Christianity will become a fringe religion practiced by demoralized and marginalized scattered communities!
we are not living in chaos. there must be a logic to the universe. there must be logical rules. we are created in the image of God. we all reflect his image! we are all valuable!
Great go get your own country and I wish you luck lol
Universal air is also a bad idea; stop breathing my atmosphere.
we are not living in chaos. there must be a logic to the universe. there must be logical rules. we are created in the image of God. we all reflect his image! we are all valuable!
Great go get your own country and I wish you luck lol
Universal air is also a bad idea; stop breathing my atmosphere.
I prefer a voluntary firefighter crew
Slave labor; good luck saving your house.
we are not living in chaos. there must be a logic to the universe. there must be logical rules. we are created in the image of God. we all reflect his image! we are all valuable!
Great go get your own country and I wish you luck lol
Universal air is also a bad idea; stop breathing my atmosphere.
I prefer a voluntary firefighter crew
Slave labor; good luck saving your house.
Do you know the difference between voluntary and slavery ?? Lol
“We must not love our lives so much that we avoid taking the risks in life that history calls for.” - Saint Oscar Romero .

A powerful and moving experience to visit Saint Romero’s home and the chapel where he was assassinated. He was a true warrior of faith and justice, and an example to us all that it is never the wrong time to do the right thing.
aethism is the least plausible of all theories!

The more you study the science, the more you understand that it takes a tremendous leap of faith to conclude that our existence is nothing but a coincidence of incalculable magnitude.
What Makes Western Civilization Great
The ultimate purpose of modern leftism is to destroy Western Civilization, undoing the greatest achievement of the human race. “Hey hey, ho ho, Western Civ has got to go,” the moonbats chant.

What has made Western Civilization so successful that tearing it down would be the crowning glory of a depraved and wicked ideology?

Ben Shapiro answers the question by stressing that the West took the belief that “a good god created an ordered universe and that this god demands moral behavior from his paramount creation — man” and balanced this article of faith with a belief in human reason. Crucial to the success of Western Civilization is the belief in the value of the individual — a concept rejected in favor of identity politics by leftists.

On tips from KirklesWorth and Lyle.


From evil hate filled racist prager U

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