Western Civilization Is Superior


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
A former Muslim defends western civilization:

The great ideas of the West—rationalism, self-criticism, the disinterested search for truth, the separation of church and state, the rule of law, equality before the law, freedom of conscience and expression, human rights, liberal democracy—together constitute quite an achievement, surely, for any civilization. This set of principles remains the best and perhaps the only means for all people, no matter what race or creed, to live in freedom and reach their full potential.[1]Western values—the basis of the West’s self-evident economic, social, political, scientific and cultural success—are clearly superior to any other set of values devised by mankind. When Western values have been adopted by other societies, such as Japan or South Korea, their citizens have reaped benefits.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness: this triptych succinctly defines the attractiveness and superiority of Western civilization. In the West we are free to think what we want, to read what we want, to practice our religion, to live as we choose. Liberty is codified in human rights, a magnificent Western creation but also, I believe, a universal good. Human Rights transcend local or ethnocentric values, conferring equal dignity and value on all humanity, regardless of sex, ethnicity, sexual preference, or religion. At the same time, it is in the West that human rights are most respected.

It is the West that has liberated women, racial minorities, religious minorities, and gays and lesbians, recognizing their rights. The notions of freedom and human rights were present at the dawn of Western civilization, as ideals at least, but have gradually come to fruition through supreme acts of self-criticism. Because of its exceptional capacity for self-criticism, the West took the initiative in abolishing slavery; the calls for abolition did not resonate even in black Africa, where rival African tribes took black prisoners to be sold as slaves in the West.

Today, many non-Western cultures follow customs and practices that are clear violations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). In many countries, especially Islamic ones, you are not free to read what you want. Under sharia, or Islamic law, women are not free to marry whom they wish, and their rights of inheritance are circumscribed. Sharia, derived from the Koran and the practice and sayings of Muhammad, prescribes barbaric punishments such as stoning to death for adultery. It calls for homosexuals and apostates to be executed. In Saudi Arabia, among other countries, Muslims are not free to convert to Christianity, and Christians are not free to practice their faith. The Koran is not a rights-respecting document.

Under Islam, life is a closed book. Everything has been decided for you, the dictates of sharia and the whims of Allah set strict limits on the possible agenda of your life. In the West, we have the choice to pursue our desires and ambitions. We are free as individuals to set the goals and determine the contents of our own lives, and to decide what meaning to give to our lives. As Roger Scruton remarks, “The glory of the West is that life is an open book.”[2] The West has given us the liberal miracle of individual rights and responsibility and merit. Rather than the chains of inherited status, Western societies offer unparalleled social mobility. The West, Alan Kors writes, “is a society of ever richer, more varied, more productive, more self-defined, and more satisfying lives.”[3]

The Superiority of Western Values in Eight Minutes | Westminster Institute
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
That's way all the mud people are running to Europe and America
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
No they haven't, but you can thank Godless countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia for the largest death tolls in recorded human history.
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
No they haven't, but you can thank Godless countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia for the largest death tolls in recorded human history.
Yeah white people and China went pretty nuts and massacred hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century. Interesting that Muslim countries didn't.
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
Yes it is....the internal rot is due to a lack of values and morals due to "secular values"......

One of those insane "secular values" is the belief that all societies are equal....hence they are letting the barbarians through the door.....
Take religious madness out of your law books and the world immediately becomes a brighter place.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
Yes it is....the internal rot is due to a lack of values and morals due to "secular values"......

One of those insane "secular values" is the belief that all societies are equal....
No. One of those "insane secular values" is that people can't be burned alive for being accused of heresy.
I don't need to read anything to know that Western Civilization is superior because it is the ONLY true civilization! Don't believe me? Go move out of the western hemisphere and find out yourself what it is like in other places..
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
No they haven't, but you can thank Godless countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia for the largest death tolls in recorded human history.
Yeah white people and China went pretty nuts and massacred hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century. Interesting that Muslim countries didn't.
Godless people of all stripes. The Arab Muslims are making up for lost ground, to be sure, but will likely never come close to those who believe God should not be in human lives.

Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
No they haven't, but you can thank Godless countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia for the largest death tolls in recorded human history.
Yeah white people and China went pretty nuts and massacred hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century. Interesting that Muslim countries didn't.
Godless people of all stripes. The Arab Muslims are making up for lost ground, to be sure, but will likely never come close to those who believe God should not be in human lives.

How many people have been slaughtered for religion over the millenia? Imagine if the conquerors in the bible had had bombs and automatic rifles.
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
Yes it is....the internal rot is due to a lack of values and morals due to "secular values"......

One of those insane "secular values" is the belief that all societies are equal....
No. One of those "insane secular values" is that people can't be burned alive for being accused of heresy.
Yet you insane secular lefties still allow Islam through the door claiming them to be equals....a society which DOES allow for people to be burned alive in cages....a society that kills those accused of apostasy....
Sorry but western civilization recognizes a universal God....without God we only have left the madness of men....
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
No they haven't, but you can thank Godless countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Asia for the largest death tolls in recorded human history.
Yeah white people and China went pretty nuts and massacred hundreds of millions of people in the 20th century. Interesting that Muslim countries didn't.
Echoes of a Prehistoric Horror

It's Islam's turn at the bloodbath now. The difference is that Western Civilization and Asian Civilization easily recover from such catastrophes and quickly resume the march forward, while savage Islam's thrill-killing will take the world back thousands of years.
Go ahead and recognize whatever a "universal God" is, but thank secular laws for the religious insanity that once plagued the west from no longer happening.
Europe is dying because it left behind Christianity....
No it's not.

But plenty of civilizations that embraced Christianity died in the area now called Europe over the last couple millenia.
Yes it is....the internal rot is due to a lack of values and morals due to "secular values"......

One of those insane "secular values" is the belief that all societies are equal....
No. One of those "insane secular values" is that people can't be burned alive for being accused of heresy.
Yet you insane secular lefties still allow Islam through the door claiming them to be equals....a society which DOES allow for people to be burned alive in cages....a society that kills those accused of apostasy....
They want to come here for a better life, and are willing to follow our laws? Fine by me. Your ancestors did the same thing.
Japan is pretty awesome, though.
Japan has adopted western values...
It is only superior because we supposedly value human rights, science and education.

Why oh why do you fight against these things if you think we're so Superior?
we also value democracy, individual rights, and the rule of law....you hardly find real democracy anywhere else in the world, not to mention individual rights......the rule of law in most countries depends on who is running the country.....

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