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West's Communist Party claim about Democrats

You continue to natter. The Republican Party finished of ol' alcoholic Tail Gunner Joe. If the GOP tries a communist/socialist witch hunt against the Dems, the GOP will lose the House and the Dems will keep the Senate and Presidency,

Stop lying, bripat.

Saying the "finished him up" is meaningless spin. The fact is the communist sympathiser Democrats in Congress and fellow travelors in the media are the ones who launched the smear campaign against him. Only the most brainwashed lackeys would deny it.

Only a Dim would call stating the facts about them a "witch hunt." In fact, that's precisely what McCarthy did: state the facts.

Are you somehow unaware that your version of history is only held by the fringe right for their own propaganda purposes rather than any honest effort to set the record straight? You calling brainwashing on this is pretty rich.

More spin. What you call "my version" is what the documented facts indicate. A number of repectable historians have investigated recently declassified documents like the Vanona cables and demonstrated that if anything McCarthy soft peddeled the true seriousness of the communist infiltration of the Truman Administration. Neither you nor any of your fellow travelors have presented a smidgeon of evidence to the contrary. All you have posted are the usual insults and smears against McCarthy.
Saying the "finished him up" is meaningless spin. The fact is the communist sympathiser Democrats in Congress and fellow travelors in the media are the ones who launched the smear campaign against him. Only the most brainwashed lackeys would deny it.

Only a Dim would call stating the facts about them a "witch hunt." In fact, that's precisely what McCarthy did: state the facts.

Are you somehow unaware that your version of history is only held by the fringe right for their own propaganda purposes rather than any honest effort to set the record straight? You calling brainwashing on this is pretty rich.

Well it's true that there are millions of adle-brained leftists who believe the smear story about McCarthy. Their entier conception of reality depends on it being true. However, the documented facts paint a different picture. They show that eveyrone who took the 5th Amendment in McCarthy's Senate hearings was a soviet agent or a member of the Communist party. We have tens of thousands of pages of recently declassified FBI files and intercepts of Soviet cables proving the fact.

I know it sucks to be such a gullible grainwashed moron, but no amount of propaganda can alter the documented facts.

Again we are back to that while you totally ignore the damage he did to congress, his party, and the effort to counter soviet espionage. Keeping on saying the ends justify the means does nothing for your case.
I earned that sobriquet proudly because of putting down the nimrod irreponsibles like you from the far right.

You are not mainstream.

You are wing nuts.

You have no place in the GOP.
Saying the "finished him up" is meaningless spin. The fact is the communist sympathiser Democrats in Congress and fellow travelors in the media are the ones who launched the smear campaign against him. Only the most brainwashed lackeys would deny it.

Only a Dim would call stating the facts about them a "witch hunt." In fact, that's precisely what McCarthy did: state the facts.

Are you somehow unaware that your version of history is only held by the fringe right for their own propaganda purposes rather than any honest effort to set the record straight? You calling brainwashing on this is pretty rich.

More spin. What you call "my version" is what the documented facts indicate. A number of repectable historians have investigated recently declassified documents like the Vanona cables and demonstrated that if anything McCarthy soft peddeled the true seriousness of the communist infiltration of the Truman Administration. Neither you nor any of your fellow travelors have presented a smidgeon of evidence to the contrary. All you have posted are the usual insults and smears against McCarthy.

You revisions have been soundly and reboundly rebuked every time you misapply or make up "facts".

This is why you gain no traction in thinking America.
Censure and the Watkins Committee

Senator Ralph Flanders, who introduced the resolution calling for McCarthy to be censured
Several members of the U.S. Senate had opposed McCarthy well before 1953. Senator Margaret Chase Smith, a Maine Republican, delivered her "Declaration of Conscience" on June 1, 1950, calling for an end to the use of smear tactics without mentioning McCarthy or anyone else by name. Six other Republican Senators – Wayne Morse, Irving Ives, Charles W. Tobey, Edward John Thye, George Aiken, and Robert C. Hendrickson – joined her in condemning McCarthy's tactics. McCarthy referred to Smith and her fellow Senators as "Snow White and the six dwarfs".[88]
On March 9, 1954, Vermont Republican Senator Ralph E. Flanders gave a humor-laced speech on the Senate floor, questioning McCarthy's tactics in fighting communism, likening McCarthyism to "housecleaning" with "much clatter and hullabaloo". He recommended that McCarthy turn his attention to the worldwide encroachment of Communism outside North America.[89][90] In a June 1 speech, Flanders compared McCarthy to Adolf Hitler, accusing him of spreading "division and confusion" and saying, "Were the Junior Senator from Wisconsin in the pay of the Communists he could not have done a better job for them."[91] On June 11, Flanders introduced a resolution to have McCarthy removed as chair of his committees. Although there were many in the Senate who believed that some sort of disciplinary action against McCarthy was warranted, there was no clear majority supporting this resolution. Some of the resistance was due to concern about usurping the Senate's rules regarding committee chairs and seniority. Flanders next introduced a resolution to censure McCarthy. The resolution was initially written without any reference to particular actions or misdeeds on McCarthy's part. As Flanders put it, "It was not his breaches of etiquette, or of rules or sometimes even of laws which is so disturbing," but rather his overall pattern of behavior. Ultimately a "bill of particulars" listing 46 charges was added to the censure resolution. A special committee, chaired by Senator Arthur Vivian Watkins, was appointed to study and evaluate the resolution. This committee opened hearings on August 31.[92]

After two months of hearings and deliberations, the Watkins Committee recommended that McCarthy be censured on two of the 46 counts: his contempt of the Subcommittee on Rules and Administration, which had called him to testify in 1951 and 1952, and his abuse of General Zwicker in 1954. The Zwicker count was dropped by the full Senate on the grounds that McCarthy's conduct was arguably "induced" by Zwicker's own behavior. In place of this count, a new one was drafted regarding McCarthy's statements about the Watkins Committee itself.[93]
The two counts on which the Senate ultimately voted were:
That McCarthy had "failed to cooperate with the Subcommittee on Rules and Administration", and "repeatedly abused the members who were trying to carry out assigned duties ..."
That McCarthy had charged "three members of the [Watkins] Select Committee with 'deliberate deception' and 'fraud' ... that the special Senate session ... was a 'lynch party'", and had characterized the committee "as the 'unwitting handmaiden', 'involuntary agent' and 'attorneys in fact' of the Communist Party", and had "acted contrary to senatorial ethics and tended to bring the Senate into dishonor and disrepute, to obstruct the constitutional processes of the Senate, and to impair its dignity".[94]
On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to "condemn" McCarthy on both counts by a vote of 67 to 22.[95] The Democrats present unanimously favored condemnation and the Republicans were split evenly.
Joseph McCarthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I hope bripat reads Political Junkey's comment above, slowly and carefully.
You revisions have been soundly and reboundly rebuked every time you misapply or make up "facts".

This is why you gain no traction in thinking America.

"Rebuked?" You mean you and the other fellow travelors in here called me names?

None of your Komrades has succeeded in proving them wrong. Like you, all they do is name call, smear and insult.
I hope bripat reads Political Junkey's comment above, slowly and carefully.

All that shows is that a few republicans finally caved into the drumbeat of smears and personal attacks against mcCarthy. The majority of votes in favor of censure came from Democrats, so the claim the Republicans were responsible is bogus.

Furthermore, what politicians say and do often has little connection with the truth. The censure of McCarthy proves nothing other than that a number of politicians in Washington wanted the hearings to end.
You revisions have been soundly and reboundly rebuked every time you misapply or make up "facts".

This is why you gain no traction in thinking America.

"Rebuked?" You mean you and the other fellow travelors in here called me names?

None of your Komrades has succeeded in proving them wrong. Like you, all they do is name call, smear and insult.

You are just pissed because the virtuous proletariat will prevail over the decadent bourgeoisie and their capitalist masters.
I earned that sobriquet proudly because of putting down the nimrod irreponsibles like you from the far right.

You are not mainstream.

You are wing nuts.

You have no place in the GOP.

You earned the sobriquet because you are in fact not a Republican. You're a fake.

I have never claimed to be "mainstream." I don't find that to be an admirable quality. I don't conform my views to match popular opinion. That's the sure indication of clueless sap who can't think for himself.
I have been a Republican since 1968. I am mainstream, as are most Republicans. You are the true fake, bripat, and mainstream is admirable. Your miserable isolation to the far right is not admirable. You have been correctly rebuked, and will continue to be so when you attempt to speak for the GOP.
Again we are back to that while you totally ignore the damage he did to congress, his party, and the effort to counter soviet espionage. Keeping on saying the ends justify the means does nothing for your case.

ROFL! The "damage" he did to Congress consisted of shedding light of the fact that many members were fellow travelors who had communist spies working on their staffs. That's why they voted to censure him. Congress did the damage to itself and the country. McCarthy merely attempted to flush out the rats.

You keep failing to explain what was wrong with the means. How else should Congress have investigated the problem of the infiltration of the Administration by Soviet spies and fellow travelors?

You would have us believe that trying to do something about Soviet infiltration is damaging to the goal of countering Soviet infiltration. The claim is absurd on its face. Apparently doing nothing is the preferred course of action. I'm sure Joseph Stalin agreed with your plan of attack.
Again we are back to that while you totally ignore the damage he did to congress, his party, and the effort to counter soviet espionage. Keeping on saying the ends justify the means does nothing for your case.

ROFL! The "damage" he did to Congress consisted of shedding light of the fact that many members were fellow travelors who had communist spies working on their staffs. That's why they voted to censure him. Congress did the damage to itself and the country. McCarthy merely attempted to flush out the rats.

You keep failing to explain what was wrong with the means. How else should Congress have investigated the problem of the infiltration of the Administration by Soviet spies and fellow travelors?

You would have us believe that trying to do something about Soviet infiltration is damaging to the goal of countering Soviet infiltration. The claim is absurd on its face. Apparently doing nothing is the preferred course of action. I'm sure Joseph Stalin agreed with your plan of attack.
On a level plain, simple mounds look like hills; and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.
I have been a Republican since 1968. I am mainstream, as are most Republicans. You are the true fake, bripat, and mainstream is admirable. Your miserable isolation to the far right is not admirable. You have been correctly rebuked, and will continue to be so when you attempt to speak for the GOP.

If you are actually registered as a Republican, then you're a mole. That must be what "mainstream" means when obvious leftwingers like you use the term
On a level plain, simple mounds look like hills; and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.

You appear to be familiar with Marxist propaganda.
You're kidding us, right?

Not for a second.

No one has a right to a government job, especially not one that gives them access to sensative materials that could endanger American lives if the got into the wrong hands.

Never said otherwise. I'm a firm believer in protecting the security of sensitive information. As a matter of fact, I believe that candidates for government jobs of that nature do go through a thorough screening process to determine whether or not they are a security risk. But if it has been determined that a person is qualified (on all levels) to hold a government job, it's not the task of outsiders to conduct a witch-hunt into their political views with a view to discrediting them.

And that's ESPECIALLY true when the people engaging in said witch-hunt seem unable to make a distinction between extreme views such as Communism and more moderate progressive liberalism -- as you have admitted you cannot.

And the Administration's desires aren't relevant.

Of course they're relevant. They're the ones who do the hiring. They're the ones who do the firing, too.

FDR was a poltroon who desired to fill his admistration with commies, but he had no authority to do so.

Actually, it's your opinion of Roosevelt that isn't relevant. He was the boss. He could hire, he could fire. You weren't even born yet.

And he most certainly DID have that authority. He was the president.

You don't give potential spies a chance to send the plans for the A-bomb back to old Uncle Joe.

EVERYONE is a potential spy. So yes, you do. You just try to stop them from doing so. That's the only action compatible with both national security and liberty. You are far too ready to sacrifice the latter in pursuit of the former.

And that, in fact, is my real criticism of the rabid anti-Communism of the McCarthy era. It was a far greater threat to American liberty than Communism. Communism might have damaged American liberty if it had come to power in this country, which it had zero chance of doing. But anti-Communism DID damage American liberty, in real time, in the real world.
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I have been a Republican since 1968. I am mainstream, as are most Republicans. You are the true fake, bripat, and mainstream is admirable. Your miserable isolation to the far right is not admirable. You have been correctly rebuked, and will continue to be so when you attempt to speak for the GOP.

so you want the Republican party to be like the Democrat party, is that what you're saying?
why don't you just become a Democrat? You seem to side with their thinking already.
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