Wettest City in the USA, Gasquet California! Ignored! No Drought!

Actually the amount of fog you get in LA is pretty low compared to what we get in Northern California.

You do get it- but you get less- because the ocean is warmer off of LA than it is off of Northern California.
Our southern california water is warmer, but not by much, you have been wrong so many times in this thread I think it is a safe bet to say you are wrong again, as to why we get less fog than the bay area, but I do not have time to play, I see you could not reply to my post where I listed over a 150 weather stations reporting far above average rainfall, yet you replied to someone else that it was just average. Anomalies? Right?

With that kind of selective posting, you are hardly honest.

LOL- with your history of selective posting, you are hardly honest in any of your threads.
Politicians don't change the amount of water that falls or the amount of snow fall.
No, but they do change how much is diverted to save the Delta Smelt, and that is a 10-15 year battle, yes or no!

So you think that the Smelt are causing the drought?
Did you not claim you live in California, I am beginning to think that is a lie. How can you speak of water and drought, agriculture, but not know anything about the Delta Smelt. The Smelt is a fish, obviously you are unaware that the Smelt is a fish otherwise you would not ask such an ignorant question. Know that I have educated you, told you that the Smelt is a fish, you know the answer to your question.
I didn't quite catch it in all that back and forth, but, do you or do you not believe that the rainfall in Gasquet refutes the drought observations in the southern 3/4ths of the state?

Do you believe - as you appear to be implying - that all of California is getting rain as in Gasquet?
Crick, I have not implied a thing, I have posted the data from NOAA, from the southern tip of California to the Northern tip, go trolling elsewhere.
Do you think half the state's water supply is being diverted to support the delta smelt?
I do not need to think, I know, and can post facts. Are you familiar with what facts are, crick?
California's Man-Made Drought
California's Man-Made Drought
Updated Sept. 2, 2009 12:49 p.m. ET
California has a new endangered species on its hands in the San Joaquin Valley—farmers. Thanks to environmental regulations designed to protect the likes of the three-inch long delta smelt, one of America's premier agricultural regions is suffering in a drought made worse by federal regulations.

The state's water emergency is unfolding thanks to the latest mishandling of the Endangered Species Act. Last December, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued what is known as a "biological opinion" imposing water reductions on the San Joaquin Valley and environs to safeguard the federally protected hypomesus transpacificus, a.k.a., the delta smelt. As a result, tens of billions of gallons of water from mountains east and north of Sacramento have been channelled away from farmers and into the ocean, leaving hundreds of thousands of acres of arable land fallow or scorched.
Politicians don't change the amount of water that falls or the amount of snow fall.
No, but they do change how much is diverted to save the Delta Smelt, and that is a 10-15 year battle, yes or no!

So you think that the Smelt are causing the drought?
Did you not claim you live in California, I am beginning to think that is a lie. How can you speak of water and drought, agriculture, but not know anything about the Delta Smelt. The Smelt is a fish, obviously you are unaware that the Smelt is a fish otherwise you would not ask such an ignorant question. Know that I have educated you, told you that the Smelt is a fish, you know the answer to your question.

I do know what the Smelt is- and I am wondering why you think that the Smelt causes the drought in California.
I didn't quite catch it in all that back and forth, but, do you or do you not believe that the rainfall in Gasquet refutes the drought observations in the southern 3/4ths of the state?

Do you believe - as you appear to be implying - that all of California is getting rain as in Gasquet?
Crick, I have not implied a thing, I have posted the data from NOAA, from the southern tip of California to the Northern tip, go trolling elsewhere.

Which shows among other things- what an anomaly Gasquet and Eureka are in the State of California

Do you think half the state's water supply is being diverted to support the delta smelt?
I do not need to think, I know, and can post facts. Are you familiar with what facts are, crick?
California's Man-Made Drought
California's Man-Made Drought
Updated Sept. 2, 2009 12:49 p.m. ET
California has a new endangered species on its hands in the San Joaquin Valley—farmers. Thanks to environmental regulations designed to protect the likes of the three-inch long delta smelt, one of America's premier agricultural regions is suffering in a drought made worse by federal regulations.

The state's water emergency is unfolding thanks to the latest mishandling of the Endangered Species Act. Last December, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued what is known as a "biological opinion" imposing water reductions on the San Joaquin Valley and environs to safeguard the federally protected hypomesus transpacificus, a.k.a., the delta smelt. As a result, tens of billions of gallons of water from mountains east and north of Sacramento have been channelled away from farmers and into the ocean, leaving hundreds of thousands of acres of arable land fallow or scorched.

So you still think that men created the drought?

I mean that is a nice OP-ED piece you posted from 2009 that blames protecting Smelt for farmers having a water shortage. But that has nothing to do with the actual drought in California- and the West- that actually started after 2009.

California is entering the fourth year of a record-breaking drought
California is entering the fourth year of a record-breaking drought creating an extremely parched landscape. Governor Jerry Brown declared a drought State of Emergency in January 2015 and imposed strict conservation measures statewide.

In this photo, a tractor collects golf balls on a driving range in the Palm Springs area, California, April 13, 2015.

Almonds, a major component of farming in California, use up some 10 percent of the state's water reserves according to some estimates. California ranks as the top farm state by annual value of agricultural products, most of which are produced in the Central Valley, the vast, fertile region stretching 450 miles (720 km) north-sound from Redding to Bakersfield. California water regulators on Tuesday adopted the state's first rules for mandatory cutbacks in urban water use as the region's catastrophic drought enters its fourth year.

And why exactly do you blame Smelt for the trees killed by the drought?

Dead and dying trees are seen in a forest stressed by historic drought conditions in Los Padres National Forest near Frazier Park, California, May 7, 2015. According to an aerial survey conducted by the U.S. Forest Service in April, about 12 million trees have died in California forestlands in the past year because of extreme drought. The dead trees add to the flammability of a drying landscape that is increasingly threatened by large, intense wildfires.

Oh you do sometime post facts- but your post is always selective, and always with your bizarrely slanted point of view.
Everybody who posts, or creates threads, are selective. Me I pick what I know, I know by reading and paying attention to the News, stuff I know because I spent 25 years working in the Nuclear Power Industry, Working in Geothermal Plants, Working in Coal Plants, Working in Refineries. Bizarre? Pointing out what others ignore is hardly bizarre, nor slanted, but it is a point a view.

Like in this thread, pointing out above average rainfall all across California. Pointing out that water was diverted to save the Smelt. Pointing out that it takes and incredible amount of energy to move water across California, like 2 Nuclear power plants worth of power, which was lost when the supposed "drought" started.

There is so much to this story, so much more than anyone posts.

How about San Diego county which lost it's water it was taking from the Colorado, water above California's allotment! When Nevada and Arizona began taking there full share, there was no more water from the Colorado for San Diego. San Diego tried to buy the Imperial Valley's water, failing. San Diego built a reservoir, lying about the reservoir, it was said to be for emergencies, extreme drought, but no sooner did it fill, then San Diego began drawing from the reservoir for it's everyday needs.

Yet, all we hear from you, is a slanted view, that it is a drought, now that is an extremely, close-minded view that is ignorant of many facts.

Yes, I am selective, I select to post the 95% of facts you ignore, that all you leftists ignore.

Typically, the threads are a good 85% Democrat talking points, propaganda, meant only to sell Wind Turbines and Solar Farms and bigger government with control over all things human.

I will wear the title of being selective proudly, for I am posting, what I know, not some 201 talking points of a political party.
Oh you do sometime post facts- but your post is always selective, and always with your bizarrely slanted point of view.
Everybody who posts, or creates threads, are selective. Me I pick what I know, I know by reading and paying attention to the News, stuff I know because I spent 25 years working in the Nuclear Power Industry, Working in Geothermal Plants, Working in Coal Plants, Working in Refineries. Bizarre? Pointing out what others ignore is hardly bizarre, nor slanted, but it is a point a view..

See the thing is you probably have some good technical expertise on power plants.

But your position is so biased you always present your biased point of view- and ignore everything else.

Like your thread on how much lubrication oil wind generators use- you never even attempt to compare oranges to oranges- or how much lubrication oil is used by the different power industries.

You scream "Wind generators use 3,000 gallons a year!" But when anyone asks how much a coal fired power plant would use- you refuse to address it.

When you scream about bird deaths- you never want to talk about how many bird deaths are caused each year by conventional power lines.

Your only interest when it comes to power is attacking any power that is not coal or nuclear. And you are dishonest in not applying the same standards to other industries that you want to apply to the industries you oppose.
Like in this thread, pointing out above average rainfall all across California. Pointing out that water was diverted to save the Smelt. Pointing out that it takes and incredible amount of energy to move water across California, like 2 Nuclear power plants worth of power, which was lost when the supposed "drought" started..

But you weren't pointing out the average rainfall across California- you were pointing to Gasquet as an example of why there was no drought in California.

Water was diverted to save the smelt- but that didn't make the drought- the drought is because we had much lower than average rainfall and snowfall for 4 years.

It does take a huge amount of power to move water across California- but that again has nothing to do with the drought- it has always taken power to move the water- but when you start running low enough on water so there is not enough for the competing interests of agriculture, industry and residential use, you can't power your way out of the drought.

And none of that has anything to do with our incredibly dry forests- which are never watered- but rely upon (except for the Northern Coastal Range) winter rains and snow to deeply water them in the winter.
But you weren't pointing out the average rainfall across California- you were pointing to Gasquet as an example of why there was no drought in California.

Water was diverted to save the smelt- but that didn't make the drought- the drought is because we had much lower than average rainfall and snowfall for 4 years.

It does take a huge amount of power to move water across California- but that again has nothing to do with the drought- it has always taken power to move the water- but when you start running low enough on water so there is not enough for the competing interests of agriculture, industry and residential use, you can't power your way out of the drought.

And none of that has anything to do with our incredibly dry forests- which are never watered- but rely upon (except for the Northern Coastal Range) winter rains and snow to deeply water them in the winter.

I started by pointing out, that nobody is aware that California has the Wettest city in the Nation. A great way to start a conversation.

I also post rain fall totals, not averages, showing that across the state, the vast majority of stations that reported rainfall total for the year, have reported well above average totals. I did not post averages, I posted totals, which are above average.

The Smelt is part of this story. The lack of energy is part of this story. Records set in Grape harvesting while people claim we suffer drought is part of this story.

I get it, all you want people to think, is drought, as dictated by the government, but the facts remain, parts of California are naturally dry, are naturally desert, stating that we are suffering a drought, is hardly truthful, the fact is dry is normal for the Central Valley and Southern California, and for everything East of the Sierra Nevada.

Drought, hardly.
But you weren't pointing out the average rainfall across California- you were pointing to Gasquet as an example of why there was no drought in California.

Water was diverted to save the smelt- but that didn't make the drought- the drought is because we had much lower than average rainfall and snowfall for 4 years.

It does take a huge amount of power to move water across California- but that again has nothing to do with the drought- it has always taken power to move the water- but when you start running low enough on water so there is not enough for the competing interests of agriculture, industry and residential use, you can't power your way out of the drought.

And none of that has anything to do with our incredibly dry forests- which are never watered- but rely upon (except for the Northern Coastal Range) winter rains and snow to deeply water them in the winter.

I started by pointing out, that nobody is aware that California has the Wettest city in the Nation. A great way to start a conversation.

I also post rain fall totals, not averages, showing that across the state, the vast majority of stations that reported rainfall total for the year, have reported well above average totals. I did not post averages, I posted totals, which are above average..

And that is why California is doing okay this year- this year. We had decent snow pack this year- which is probably the most important statistic- too.

But we are still suffering from the consequences of 4 previous years of drought- the drought you pretend didn't happen.
But you weren't pointing out the average rainfall across California- you were pointing to Gasquet as an example of why there was no drought in California.

Water was diverted to save the smelt- but that didn't make the drought- the drought is because we had much lower than average rainfall and snowfall for 4 years.

It does take a huge amount of power to move water across California- but that again has nothing to do with the drought- it has always taken power to move the water- but when you start running low enough on water so there is not enough for the competing interests of agriculture, industry and residential use, you can't power your way out of the drought.

And none of that has anything to do with our incredibly dry forests- which are never watered- but rely upon (except for the Northern Coastal Range) winter rains and snow to deeply water them in the winter.

The Smelt is part of this story. The lack of energy is part of this story. Records set in Grape harvesting while people claim we suffer drought is part of this story..

How do the Smelt affect the amount of rain that falls in California? Or the amount of energy? Or the amount of grapes harvested?

This is what you are so tedious about doing- you conflate one thing with another thing- and throw out 'facts' but they don't tie together.

California has been suffering from a drought- this year we had adequate rain.
Smelt has nothing to do with the actual drought- or the amount of water that has fallen in California- or how dry our forest are.
I get it, all you want people to think, is drought, as dictated by the government, but the facts remain, parts of California are naturally dry, are naturally desert, stating that we are suffering a drought, is hardly truthful, the fact is dry is normal for the Central Valley and Southern California, and for everything East of the Sierra Nevada.

Drought, hardly.

Yes- and we all know that parts of California are naturally dry. I have posted the precipitation map of California.

Stating we are suffering from a drought is entirely factual. Just because much of California is naturally 'dry' doesn't mean we don't suffer from drought- meaning periods of time when we are unnaturally 'dry'

California's Latest Drought (PPIC Publication)

California has been in a major drought.
Droughts are a recurring feature of California’s climate, and the three-year period between fall 2011 and fall 2014 was the driest since recordkeeping began in 1895. This dry period was made worse by high temperatures, with 2014 setting a record. Even if 2015 sees average rainfall, it will not be enough to eliminate the severe water deficit.
This thread is not worth the time really. It's like the woman that was running for Congress that put out a commercial that said "I'm not a witch".

The commercial is bad enough, but you have to understand who she was talking to. That's the point. She had to EXPLAIN to someone in her voting constituency that she 'wasn't a witch'. She had to reassure them she wasn't a witch. On national tv. Costing tens of thousands of dollars.

This thread rises (or rather falls) to that level. It's a joke, wrapped in a pun, shat out of a bull's ass.
Do you think half the state's water supply is being diverted to support the delta smelt?
I do not need to think, I know, and can post facts. Are you familiar with what facts are, crick?
California's Man-Made Drought
California's Man-Made Drought
Updated Sept. 2, 2009 12:49 p.m. ET
California has a new endangered species on its hands in the San Joaquin Valley—farmers. Thanks to environmental regulations designed to protect the likes of the three-inch long delta smelt, one of America's premier agricultural regions is suffering in a drought made worse by federal regulations.

The state's water emergency is unfolding thanks to the latest mishandling of the Endangered Species Act. Last December, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issued what is known as a "biological opinion" imposing water reductions on the San Joaquin Valley and environs to safeguard the federally protected hypomesus transpacificus, a.k.a., the delta smelt. As a result, tens of billions of gallons of water from mountains east and north of Sacramento have been channelled away from farmers and into the ocean, leaving hundreds of thousands of acres of arable land fallow or scorched.
Now it is quite apparent to all that you do not need to think, in fact, that you never do that at all. All the sane people here have repeatedly shown you that California is still in a serious drought. That you refuse to acknowledge that is simply and indication of your mental deficiency.

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