We've moved onto eight track Uncle Joe

Well, truth be known, I often have my "record player" on at night. I have lots of vinyl, and it's staging a comeback.
"So basically the Democrat choice comes down to one guy whose teeth are falling out and 9 others whose brains have come loose."
Until recently, I had 1950s model dial phones for the land line. One day a younger HVAC guy was here for the annual maintenance and asked to use the phone.

I pointed it out.

He just stared.
Even though he's a dingbat politically...

You have to love ole Uncle Joe and his constant string of gaffes, he's like that little dog that's so ugly that it's cute.:p

Many metal bands are doing vinyl records now.
People are buying them.
I will stick to digital downloads. The quality is much better
Even the OP is showing her age. It's all about the cassette players and VHS tapes nowadays.
Well, truth be known, I often have my "record player" on at night. I have lots of vinyl, and it's staging a comeback.

I wish I had a do-over on my vinyl....hundreds of albums, some classic bootlegs...and then nothing. So I sold what were considered classics for peanuts at a used record store. Many of the stacks had claw tracks from my German Shepherds racing over them out on the carpeting. I didn't take the best of care of them. Then talk radio came along and I'd lost my taste for leftist musicians and techno-rock. The garage bands didn't have it like the old days. So on my way home, I stopped at a dumpster and....dumped the collection I'd spent 20 years and thousands of dollars on.
Until recently, I had 1950s model dial phones for the land line. One day a younger HVAC guy was here for the annual maintenance and asked to use the phone.

I pointed it out.

He just stared.

LMAO Ask a kid or young adult to open a can with a manual can opener??

They look at it, and then at you, like your crazy. They have no idea how to use one.
"So basically the Democrat choice comes down to one guy whose teeth are falling out and 9 others whose brains have come loose."

Everybody Remember: This was the great, brilliant Obama's choice for who should take his place in the event Obama died. What does that say about the Kenyan pig's decision making process.

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