WH: Cohen cannot be believed because he is a proven liar....Oh, the "irony"

Mike most recently embarrassed himself in a nationally televised interview by insisting over and over again that he was “taking responsibility” for his crimes.

Cohen is “taking responsibility” by going to prison the same way a deadbeat drunk is “taking responsibility” for being unemployed. When you’re fired from your job, “taking responsibility” is your only option.

There has never been a time that Cohen didn’t look like a delusional mess.

On Election Day 2016, after it was clear that Trump had won the presidency, Cohen reportedlytold a group of friends, “Nobody's going to be able to fuck with us. I think I'm going to run for mayor."

I imagine Cohen’s grandmother nearby offering an encouraging, “Some day you will, baby! You will!”

In March of last year, Cohen referred to himself as Trump’s “Ray Donovan,” a TV character who made the problems of celebrities go away. If that was Cohen’s paid responsibility for Trump as a “fixer,” the president should ask for a full refund.

But classic Cohen is his interview in 2015 with the Daily Beast, which sought comment from him for a story on Trump’s divorce from Ivana. Apparently unaware that Ray Donovan is not real, Cohen nonetheless channeled his fictional persona, telling the reporter, “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

Now that Cohen’s going to prison, though, he’s supposedly gone from Ray Donovan to repentant deacon.

Yet he was Trump's lawyer for years, and knows all the details of countless trump actions. Trump only hires the BEST people, right?
What are the Vegas odds on Cohen not making it to the Capitol tomorrow?
Yet he was Trump's lawyer for years, and knows all the details of countless trump actions. Trump only hires the BEST people, right?

If these Trump cultists had even an ounce of decency, they would AT LEAST admit that Trump surrounds himself with low-life scum............simply because Trump HIMSELF is a piece of low-life scu,
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Mike most recently embarrassed himself in a nationally televised interview by insisting over and over again that he was “taking responsibility” for his crimes.

Cohen is “taking responsibility” by going to prison the same way a deadbeat drunk is “taking responsibility” for being unemployed. When you’re fired from your job, “taking responsibility” is your only option.

There has never been a time that Cohen didn’t look like a delusional mess.

On Election Day 2016, after it was clear that Trump had won the presidency, Cohen reportedlytold a group of friends, “Nobody's going to be able to fuck with us. I think I'm going to run for mayor."

I imagine Cohen’s grandmother nearby offering an encouraging, “Some day you will, baby! You will!”

In March of last year, Cohen referred to himself as Trump’s “Ray Donovan,” a TV character who made the problems of celebrities go away. If that was Cohen’s paid responsibility for Trump as a “fixer,” the president should ask for a full refund.

But classic Cohen is his interview in 2015 with the Daily Beast, which sought comment from him for a story on Trump’s divorce from Ivana. Apparently unaware that Ray Donovan is not real, Cohen nonetheless channeled his fictional persona, telling the reporter, “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

Now that Cohen’s going to prison, though, he’s supposedly gone from Ray Donovan to repentant deacon.

Yet he was Trump's lawyer for years, and knows all the details of countless trump actions. Trump only hires the BEST people, right?
What are the Vegas odds on Cohen not making it to the Capitol tomorrow?

Considering the threats made by Trump and his thugs, prison might be the safest place for Cohen right now.

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