WH: Cohen cannot be believed because he is a proven liar....Oh, the "irony"

Post a thread about Cohen's upcoming testimony against the orange charlatan.....and Trump Cult Members readily divert to Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton.........

Delusional much, cultists?????....................LOL
No one cares but idiots who watch CNN, MSLSD, and Bill Maher.

That’s you.
The irony hear is that Cohen lied...to PROTECT Trump...Regarding illegal activities they engaged in TOGETHER
What illegal activities?

Be specific, please.
Have you been hiding in a cave?

Here's an exercise for you. Read through the thread...or read a newspaper article regarding what Cohen pled guilty to
Trump has done nothing to solve the conflict in Korea, and it's doubtful that he will
With people like you and the people you vote for it could be more difficult but just like Reagan showed....where there is a will there is a way....maybe you should try rooting for us for a change...what do ya think?.....

So perhaps you can point out what exactly has changed about the Korean conflict. Trump canceled our maneuvers to make Kim happy, and boosted Kim's standing, but what else can you point to.
Not only are we talking to NK but so is SK...are you blind?...no more missiles flying towards Japan and no more testing by NK....we have the two Korea's at the table again for the first time in 25 years....China has stepped back as well....like I always say...turn off CNN.....you may learn something....

Has there been any other period of a few months when NK didn't launch any missiles? How is this different?
The irony hear is that Cohen lied...to PROTECT Trump...Regarding illegal activities they engaged in TOGETHER
What illegal activities?

Be specific, please.
Have you been hiding in a cave?

Here's an exercise for you. Read through the thread...or read a newspaper article regarding what Cohen pled guilty to
Why did you respond to my query if you had no ability to answer it, jackass?

What illegal activity are you talking about? Please be specific instead of parroting "Orange Man Bad".

Again, what allegedly illegal activity are you speaking about? And no, just saying go look for it on a commie/pinko rag is not specific.
First let me openly state that I think that Cohen is a slimeball and one that brings disgrace to the once honorable profession of legal counsel.

That stated, I find it amazingly IRONIC that the WH labels him as a liar that should not be believed in his upcoming testimonies before congress..........while NEGLECTING to admit that Cohen lied PRECISELY and DIRECTLY to protect the liar-in-chief.........Yep, hypocritical irony rears its ugly head.
I know, I'm getting a dent in the middle of my forehead because I can't stop myself from facepalming every time I hear someone say that.

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First let me openly state that I think that Cohen is a slimeball and one that brings disgrace to the once honorable profession of legal counsel.

That stated, I find it amazingly IRONIC that the WH labels him as a liar that should not be believed in his upcoming testimonies before congress..........while NEGLECTING to admit that Cohen lied PRECISELY and DIRECTLY to protect the liar-in-chief.........Yep, hypocritical irony rears its ugly head.

So the Mueller investigation is expected to reveal a big fat nothingburger, and what's left of your entire case against Trump is based on the words of a liar?

You don't even see where this is going, do you? :laughing0301:
One of the most important summits our nation has had in recent history...to finally end the conflict on the Korean peninsula and all our news media can talk about is Cohen....
Oh come on, tRump will give up the farm again for no results. Who wants to watch that?
First let me openly state that I think that Cohen is a slimeball and one that brings disgrace to the once honorable profession of legal counsel.

That stated, I find it amazingly IRONIC that the WH labels him as a liar that should not be believed in his upcoming testimonies before congress..........while NEGLECTING to admit that Cohen lied PRECISELY and DIRECTLY to protect the liar-in-chief.........Yep, hypocritical irony rears its ugly head.
and these repub idiots think he wants to lengthen his prison stay by lying ,,,,only in republican world
Trump has done nothing to solve the conflict in Korea, and it's doubtful that he will
With people like you and the people you vote for it could be more difficult but just like Reagan showed....where there is a will there is a way....maybe you should try rooting for us for a change...what do ya think?.....

So perhaps you can point out what exactly has changed about the Korean conflict. Trump canceled our maneuvers to make Kim happy, and boosted Kim's standing, but what else can you point to.

How about the fact that Lil' Kim isn't lobbing missiles over Japan anymore? Or the fact that he's not threatening to nuke Guam, or turn some west-coast American city into a ball of flame, like he was?

Or the fact that he released an American who was being held in a North Korean prison? or the fact that he returned the remains of 200 American soldiers who died there? Or just how about the fact that President Trump is the first American President who has actually sat down with and negotiated with a North Korean leader?

Now answer me this: Did Obama, Bill Clinton, or even GW Bush manage to accomplish what this President has done and is doing? Did they even try?

Mike most recently embarrassed himself in a nationally televised interview by insisting over and over again that he was “taking responsibility” for his crimes.

Cohen is “taking responsibility” by going to prison the same way a deadbeat drunk is “taking responsibility” for being unemployed. When you’re fired from your job, “taking responsibility” is your only option.

There has never been a time that Cohen didn’t look like a delusional mess.

On Election Day 2016, after it was clear that Trump had won the presidency, Cohen reportedlytold a group of friends, “Nobody's going to be able to fuck with us. I think I'm going to run for mayor."

I imagine Cohen’s grandmother nearby offering an encouraging, “Some day you will, baby! You will!”

In March of last year, Cohen referred to himself as Trump’s “Ray Donovan,” a TV character who made the problems of celebrities go away. If that was Cohen’s paid responsibility for Trump as a “fixer,” the president should ask for a full refund.

But classic Cohen is his interview in 2015 with the Daily Beast, which sought comment from him for a story on Trump’s divorce from Ivana. Apparently unaware that Ray Donovan is not real, Cohen nonetheless channeled his fictional persona, telling the reporter, “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

Now that Cohen’s going to prison, though, he’s supposedly gone from Ray Donovan to repentant deacon.
Trump has done nothing to solve the conflict in Korea, and it's doubtful that he will
With people like you and the people you vote for it could be more difficult but just like Reagan showed....where there is a will there is a way....maybe you should try rooting for us for a change...what do ya think?.....

So perhaps you can point out what exactly has changed about the Korean conflict. Trump canceled our maneuvers to make Kim happy, and boosted Kim's standing, but what else can you point to.

How about the fact that Lil' Kim isn't lobbing missiles over Japan anymore? Or the fact that he's not threatening to nuke Guam, or turn some west-coast American city into a ball of flame, like he was?

Or the fact that he released an American who was being held in a North Korean prison? or the fact that he returned the remains of 200 American soldiers who died there? Or just how about the fact that President Trump is the first American President who has actually sat down with and negotiated with a North Korean leader?

Now answer me this: Did Obama, Bill Clinton, or even GW Bush manage to accomplish what this President has done and is doing? Did they even try?


How often did he send missiles over Japan before? I doubt he would have done it that time if Trump wouldn't have threatened him. He released a prisoner who had been tortured to the point he died soon after his release. N Korea has always wanted meetings with American presidents to boost his standing in the world. Trump gave him that with no pre-conditions. Trump sucks at negotiating, and he's an idiot.
Mike most recently embarrassed himself in a nationally televised interview by insisting over and over again that he was “taking responsibility” for his crimes.

Cohen is “taking responsibility” by going to prison the same way a deadbeat drunk is “taking responsibility” for being unemployed. When you’re fired from your job, “taking responsibility” is your only option.

There has never been a time that Cohen didn’t look like a delusional mess.

On Election Day 2016, after it was clear that Trump had won the presidency, Cohen reportedlytold a group of friends, “Nobody's going to be able to fuck with us. I think I'm going to run for mayor."

I imagine Cohen’s grandmother nearby offering an encouraging, “Some day you will, baby! You will!”

In March of last year, Cohen referred to himself as Trump’s “Ray Donovan,” a TV character who made the problems of celebrities go away. If that was Cohen’s paid responsibility for Trump as a “fixer,” the president should ask for a full refund.

But classic Cohen is his interview in 2015 with the Daily Beast, which sought comment from him for a story on Trump’s divorce from Ivana. Apparently unaware that Ray Donovan is not real, Cohen nonetheless channeled his fictional persona, telling the reporter, “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

Now that Cohen’s going to prison, though, he’s supposedly gone from Ray Donovan to repentant deacon.

Yet he was Trump's lawyer for years, and knows all the details of countless trump actions. Trump only hires the BEST people, right?
Mike most recently embarrassed himself in a nationally televised interview by insisting over and over again that he was “taking responsibility” for his crimes.

Cohen is “taking responsibility” by going to prison the same way a deadbeat drunk is “taking responsibility” for being unemployed. When you’re fired from your job, “taking responsibility” is your only option.

There has never been a time that Cohen didn’t look like a delusional mess.

On Election Day 2016, after it was clear that Trump had won the presidency, Cohen reportedlytold a group of friends, “Nobody's going to be able to fuck with us. I think I'm going to run for mayor."

I imagine Cohen’s grandmother nearby offering an encouraging, “Some day you will, baby! You will!”

In March of last year, Cohen referred to himself as Trump’s “Ray Donovan,” a TV character who made the problems of celebrities go away. If that was Cohen’s paid responsibility for Trump as a “fixer,” the president should ask for a full refund.

But classic Cohen is his interview in 2015 with the Daily Beast, which sought comment from him for a story on Trump’s divorce from Ivana. Apparently unaware that Ray Donovan is not real, Cohen nonetheless channeled his fictional persona, telling the reporter, “So I’m warning you, tread very fucking lightly, because what I’m going to do to you is going to be fucking disgusting. You understand me?”

Now that Cohen’s going to prison, though, he’s supposedly gone from Ray Donovan to repentant deacon.

Yet he was Trump's lawyer for years, and knows all the details of countless trump actions. Trump only hires the BEST people, right?
he certainly surrounds himself with grifters, like Chris Christie said, I agree!
Trump has done nothing to solve the conflict in Korea, and it's doubtful that he will
With people like you and the people you vote for it could be more difficult but just like Reagan showed....where there is a will there is a way....maybe you should try rooting for us for a change...what do ya think?.....

So perhaps you can point out what exactly has changed about the Korean conflict. Trump canceled our maneuvers to make Kim happy, and boosted Kim's standing, but what else can you point to.

How about the fact that Lil' Kim isn't lobbing missiles over Japan anymore? Or the fact that he's not threatening to nuke Guam, or turn some west-coast American city into a ball of flame, like he was?

Or the fact that he released an American who was being held in a North Korean prison? or the fact that he returned the remains of 200 American soldiers who died there? Or just how about the fact that President Trump is the first American President who has actually sat down with and negotiated with a North Korean leader?

Now answer me this: Did Obama, Bill Clinton, or even GW Bush manage to accomplish what this President has done and is doing? Did they even try?

"How about the fact that Lil' Kim isn't lobbing missiles over Japan anymore?"

That's because L'il Kim accidentally blew up his testing facilities....

200 Died in North Korea Nuclear Test Site Accident

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