WH denouces Rodman's trip to N Korea

So it's ok for American Presidents to golf with Tiger Woods or receive actors and athletes at the White House for photo-ops but not for Kim Jong Un?

Sounds like you're a little over your head as well.

rw's have no way of knowing this but Tiger Woods and other US athletes don't torture and murder thousands of people.


Will it turn out that weirdo Trump is behind this? Rodman works for Trump and they are both crazy as shit out rats and they both need the publicity ...
So it's ok for American Presidents to golf with Tiger Woods or receive actors and athletes at the White House for photo-ops but not for Kim Jong Un?

Sounds like you're a little over your head as well.

rw's have no way of knowing this but Tiger Woods and other US athletes don't torture and murder thousands of people.


Will it turn out that weirdo Trump is behind this? Rodman works for Trump and they are both crazy as shit out rats and they both need the publicity ...

Has Tiger Woods come out and publicly said he doesn't torture and murder people? Until he does we can only assume...
So it's ok for American Presidents to golf with Tiger Woods or receive actors and athletes at the White House for photo-ops but not for Kim Jong Un?

Sounds like you're a little over your head as well.

rw's have no way of knowing this but Tiger Woods and other US athletes don't torture and murder thousands of people.


Will it turn out that weirdo Trump is behind this? Rodman works for Trump and they are both crazy as shit out rats and they both need the publicity ...

Yeah, except nobody claimed Tiger Woods tortured or murdered anybody. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has.
Rodman was a moron when he was in the NBA. What makes anyone think he has changed?

Who cares if he visits N Korea or Mars for that matter?
Rodman is just another Obama fan. What do you guys expect from a lefty B-Ball player??

You were glad to have his vote and his support during 2 elections though. Now he's making you look bad and you throw him under the bus!

Gotta love the lefties!

Obama was the only player on his team that couldn't dunk and they said he could only dribble to his left............that sounds so ironic.

At least Rodman can dribble to his right.
Rodman was a moron when he was in the NBA. What makes anyone think he has changed?

Who cares if he visits N Korea or Mars for that matter?

Please!!! If Tim Tebow had a sit-down with Netanyahu you lefty wackos would be having a field day!
So it's ok for American Presidents to golf with Tiger Woods or receive actors and athletes at the White House for photo-ops but not for Kim Jong Un?

Sounds like you're a little over your head as well.

rw's have no way of knowing this but Tiger Woods and other US athletes don't torture and murder thousands of people.


Will it turn out that weirdo Trump is behind this? Rodman works for Trump and they are both crazy as shit out rats and they both need the publicity ...

Yeah, except nobody claimed Tiger Woods tortured or murdered anybody. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has.

People like you would probably be a lot happier in a place like North Korea. Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out -
Doesn't strike me as much of a "denouncement." And why single out Rodman? Because he opened his pie-hole and dared to say something? The Globetrotters were there as well, why nothing denouncing their trip?

How petty must one be to feel he has to comment on everything that is said about him?

Rodman was a moron when he was in the NBA. What makes anyone think he has changed?

Who cares if he visits N Korea or Mars for that matter?

Maybe next time, he'll take his fans here at USMB with him. Then they can all worship Kim Jong Un over their own country.
Sounds like you're a little over your head as well.

rw's have no way of knowing this but Tiger Woods and other US athletes don't torture and murder thousands of people.


Will it turn out that weirdo Trump is behind this? Rodman works for Trump and they are both crazy as shit out rats and they both need the publicity ...

Yeah, except nobody claimed Tiger Woods tortured or murdered anybody. Barack Obama, on the other hand, has.

People like you would probably be a lot happier in a place like North Korea. Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out -

That doesn't even make sense.
White House denounces Dennis Rodman?s trip to North Korea


WTF is wrong with froot loop Rodman that he would think Kim Jong-Eun is just one of the guys? He's as far in over his head about North Korea as $arah was.

uh-oh ... Is Rodman gonna be the next fux "commentator/pundit"?

Wouldn't surprise me.
Rodman is a liberal what do you expect?

How do you know? Because you are pulling the race card because he's black so that automatically makes him a lib? :cuckoo:

Why do you support the raciust agenda of gun control?
Rodman was a moron when he was in the NBA. What makes anyone think he has changed?

Who cares if he visits N Korea or Mars for that matter?

Maybe next time, he'll take his fans here at USMB with him. Then they can all worship Kim Jong Un over their own country.

He's a liberal, would that make you the president of his fan club?
Rodman is a living cartoon character

Who cares about his diplomacy skills or observations?

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