WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
30 Nov 2012

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama's point man on the fiscal cliff negotiations, presented Republican leaders a proposal to avoid the fiscal cliff on Thursday, which gives Obama unprecedented powers to raise the debt ceiling whenever he wants.

WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling
This is the President's initial offer and it's loaded with a lot of stuff which can be negotiated away, allowing the GOP to claim a "victory." It's a bargaining chip and a good one. In any negotiation, you never start with your baseline because there's nowhere to go from there but down and you never corner your opponent and force him to surrender. You gotta leave room for "face saving," especially in politics.

And, the GOP recognizes it as such, regardless of their outraged rhetoric.

If they're REALLY serious about this, they'll soon offer a counter-proposal larded with THEIR best case scenario.

In the end, they'll reach an agreement which satisfies nobody and which each can claim as a victory. That's the sign of a good compromise.

Unless, of course, the GOP digs in along ideological grounds and commits political suicide. I don't look for that to happen, do you?
This is the President's initial offer and it's loaded with a lot of stuff which can be negotiated away, allowing the GOP to claim a "victory." It's a bargaining chip and a good one. In any negotiation, you never start with your baseline because there's nowhere to go from there but down and you never corner your opponent and force him to surrender. You gotta leave room for "face saving," especially in politics.

And, the GOP recognizes it as such, regardless of their outraged rhetoric.

If they're REALLY serious about this, they'll soon offer a counter-proposal larded with THEIR best case scenario.

In the end, they'll reach an agreement which satisfies nobody and which each can claim as a victory. That's the sign of a good compromise.

Unless, of course, the GOP digs in along ideological grounds and commits political suicide. I don't look for that to happen, do you?

The next demand from Obama will be similar to Joe Stalin and/or Mao Zedong, "Dictatorship." Maybe Bill Ayers' dream of a killing 25 million Americans will come true.
WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
30 Nov 2012

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama's point man on the fiscal cliff negotiations, presented Republican leaders a proposal to avoid the fiscal cliff on Thursday, which gives Obama unprecedented powers to raise the debt ceiling whenever he wants.

WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling

The government is like a teenage girl that can't wait for the next credit card to come in the mail.
The next demand from Obama will be similar to Joe Stalin and/or Mao Zedong, "Dictatorship." Maybe Bill Ayers' dream of a killing 25 million Americans will come true.

It will? How do you know this? What evidence do you have?

Was it a Republican or a Democrat that just called to chuck the First Amendment, then yelled racism on the floor of Congress? Why is the president demanding more powers and using Excecutive Orders to Legislate and protect his lackey in the Justice Department? Why all the evasion and lies coming from the White House? Do you need more evidence?
Doesn't really sound like a president ready to cut spending and compromise now does it?
This is the President's initial offer and it's loaded with a lot of stuff which can be negotiated away, allowing the GOP to claim a "victory." It's a bargaining chip and a good one. In any negotiation, you never start with your baseline because there's nowhere to go from there but down and you never corner your opponent and force him to surrender. You gotta leave room for "face saving," especially in politics.

And, the GOP recognizes it as such, regardless of their outraged rhetoric.

If they're REALLY serious about this, they'll soon offer a counter-proposal larded with THEIR best case scenario.

In the end, they'll reach an agreement which satisfies nobody and which each can claim as a victory. That's the sign of a good compromise.

Unless, of course, the GOP digs in along ideological grounds and commits political suicide. I don't look for that to happen, do you?

The next demand from Obama will be similar to Joe Stalin and/or Mao Zedong, "Dictatorship." Maybe Bill Ayers' dream of a killing 25 million Americans will come true.

You know what would be so helpful is if you rw nutters would EDUCATE yourselves concerning the debt ceiling.

You didn't have a clue last time and you don't this time either.

I'm serious. You do not know what the debt ceiling is. If you did, you would not post something THIS stooopid.
Obama Wants Dictatorial Power to Increase Debt​

Kurt Nimmo
November 30, 2012

The former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and current Treasury boss Timothy Geithner has informed Republicans that Obama wants absolute authority to increase the national debt.

Debt ceiling was designed to pay for war.

Geithner’s proposal was met with derision and laughter by Republicans.

“Well, it’s outrageous,” Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) told Fox News when asked about Obama’s plan to personally dictate the finances of the United States. “It’s profoundly irresponsible. So that’s a crazy idea and I’m amazed that Secretary Geithner had the courage to float that yesterday.”

The idea floated by Geithner would give the president sole power to unilaterally raise the debt ceiling at any time. Congress could pass a resolution to stop the increase, but it would require a two-thirds vote of both chambers to pass and could still be vetoed by the president.

As it now stands, the so-called debt ceiling can only be increased following a vote by Congress.

In order to raise the debt ceiling, Congress must enact specific legislation that must be signed by the president. Obama now wants to raise the debt ceiling and borrow money from the Federal Reserve without the approval of Congress or the American people.


Read more:
» Obama Wants Dictatorial Power to Increase Debt Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!
This is the President's initial offer and it's loaded with a lot of stuff which can be negotiated away, allowing the GOP to claim a "victory." It's a bargaining chip and a good one. In any negotiation, you never start with your baseline because there's nowhere to go from there but down and you never corner your opponent and force him to surrender. You gotta leave room for "face saving," especially in politics.

And, the GOP recognizes it as such, regardless of their outraged rhetoric.

If they're REALLY serious about this, they'll soon offer a counter-proposal larded with THEIR best case scenario.

In the end, they'll reach an agreement which satisfies nobody and which each can claim as a victory. That's the sign of a good compromise.

Unless, of course, the GOP digs in along ideological grounds and commits political suicide. I don't look for that to happen, do you?

The next demand from Obama will be similar to Joe Stalin and/or Mao Zedong, "Dictatorship." Maybe Bill Ayers' dream of a killing 25 million Americans will come true.

You know what would be so helpful is if you rw nutters would EDUCATE yourselves concerning the debt ceiling.

You didn't have a clue last time and you don't this time either.

I'm serious. You do not know what the debt ceiling is. If you did, you would not post something THIS stooopid.

Were you born a bitch or did someone make you that way?

Blind faith in ANY govt official is pathetic.
It will? How do you know this? What evidence do you have?

Was it a Republican or a Democrat that just called to chuck the First Amendment, then yelled racism on the floor of Congress?

It was that same moron who thought Guam would tip over...but it wasn't Obama. YOU said Obama.

Why is the president demanding more powers

He is? What powers?

and using Excecutive Orders to Legislate

No he's not, any more than any other President who have issued EO's. (Really...Obama isn't the first to do that. Really. Believe it or not. Really.)

and protect his lackey in the Justice Department?

That's just your opinion about his motivation, not proof positive.

Why all the evasion and lies coming from the White House? Do you need more evidence?

Can you name a single, solitary White House, run by any party, which HASN'T evaded and lied at some time or another? How many of them became dictators? (None)

Your "evidence" that he'll next demand dictatorial powers is more than a little thin. In fact, you've got nothing so far. Well...nothing other than your opinion.

But, hey! Opinions are the same as facts, right?
WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
30 Nov 2012

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama's point man on the fiscal cliff negotiations, presented Republican leaders a proposal to avoid the fiscal cliff on Thursday, which gives Obama unprecedented powers to raise the debt ceiling whenever he wants.

WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling

That doesn't force Congress to exceed the debt limit does it?
This is the President's initial offer and it's loaded with a lot of stuff which can be negotiated away, allowing the GOP to claim a "victory." It's a bargaining chip and a good one. In any negotiation, you never start with your baseline because there's nowhere to go from there but down and you never corner your opponent and force him to surrender. You gotta leave room for "face saving," especially in politics.

And, the GOP recognizes it as such, regardless of their outraged rhetoric.

If they're REALLY serious about this, they'll soon offer a counter-proposal larded with THEIR best case scenario.

In the end, they'll reach an agreement which satisfies nobody and which each can claim as a victory. That's the sign of a good compromise.

Unless, of course, the GOP digs in along ideological grounds and commits political suicide. I don't look for that to happen, do you?

The next demand from Obama will be similar to Joe Stalin and/or Mao Zedong, "Dictatorship." Maybe Bill Ayers' dream of a killing 25 million Americans will come true.

You know what would be so helpful is if you rw nutters would EDUCATE yourselves concerning the debt ceiling.

You didn't have a clue last time and you don't this time either.

I'm serious. You do not know what the debt ceiling is. If you did, you would not post something THIS stooopid.

He wants unlimited powers over the debt ceiling. Try to stay at least a couple of miles behind.
What could possibly go wrong giving turbo tax tim gietner and the guy who racked up more debt than every other president combined, in one single term, unlimited control of the debt?

lol Poor America, I'm praying for you.

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