WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling

The GOP wants to have the US credit rating lowered again, out of spite.

Four years of terrible leadership has brought us to this point.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. It took a lot longer than four years to get to this point. I know you hate Obama with a burning passion, but don't let your hatred blind you to reality. Politicians, both left and right, have been driving us to this point for decades.
WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
30 Nov 2012

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama's point man on the fiscal cliff negotiations, presented Republican leaders a proposal to avoid the fiscal cliff on Thursday, which gives Obama unprecedented powers to raise the debt ceiling whenever he wants.

WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling

Better yet, simply get rid of the idiocy that is the ‘debt ceiling’ altogether.
WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling​

by Tony Lee
30 Nov 2012

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama's point man on the fiscal cliff negotiations, presented Republican leaders a proposal to avoid the fiscal cliff on Thursday, which gives Obama unprecedented powers to raise the debt ceiling whenever he wants.

WH Fiscal Cliff Offer Includes Unlimited Executive Power to Raise Debt Ceiling

Better yet, simply get rid of the idiocy that is the ‘debt ceiling’ altogether.

Better yet, stop spending us further into debt.
The government is like a teenage girl that can't wait for the next credit card to come in the mail.

The debt ceiling is not the credit card. It is the check that must be written to make the credit card payment to prevent a late fee, high interest rates & credit downgrade. Congress made charges on the credit card & throw a fit when the payment is due. The debt limit is retarded. They need to pass a responsible budget/tax policy to prevent the outrageous charges in the first place. Refusing to pay the bill when it comes like Republicans did last time causing our credit to get downgraded is acting like an irresponsible child who should not be given that responsibility anymore.
The government is like a teenage girl that can't wait for the next credit card to come in the mail.

The debt ceiling is not the credit card. It is the check that must be written to make the credit card payment to prevent a late fee, high interest rates & credit downgrade. Congress made charges on the credit card & throw a fit when the payment is due. The debt limit is retarded. They need to pass a responsible budget/tax policy to prevent the outrageous charges in the first place. Refusing to pay the bill when it comes like Republicans did last time causing our credit to get downgraded is acting like an irresponsible child who should not be given that responsibility anymore.
YES, this is the bottom line TRUTH Kissmy!
Simple - Clower, and Piven! This is the power Obamaturd needs to finish us off!
Simple - Clower, and Piven! This is the power Obamaturd needs to finish us off!

Congress already gave the president that power. They gave the president "The War Powers Act" in 1973 & this year the Republicans gave the president the power to secretly arrest, torture, indefinitely detain & kill you with no trial or disclosure to family & friends with the NDAA law. Now enemies of the president will simply disappear without a trace.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUZoPnYjx0g"]Republicans Love The NDAA[/ame]
What a froth you guys are getting into. Congress is the only one who can give authorization 'aka' debt ceiling, for checks to be written.
The GOP wants to have the US credit rating lowered again, out of spite.

Four years of terrible leadership has brought us to this point.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. It took a lot longer than four years to get to this point. I know you hate Obama with a burning passion, but don't let your hatred blind you to reality. Politicians, both left and right, have been driving us to this point for decades.

First of all I'm talking about the current stalemate not our debt. Second of all I said we were leaderless. Obama contrary to what you may think IS NOT the only person in DC who should be leading us but isn't.

No hate, no blindness or any other nonsense on my part. But I did notice you were quick to suck Obama and defend him as if he were your bitch, or vice versa.

Pathetic sheep
You can't lead these Pubs. "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME)...

I'm guessing another 8 years of Dems after Obama...
Geithner says “no deal” without higher marginal tax rates

by Jazz Shaw
December 2, 2012

Is it bluster? Is it posturing? Or is this the real line in the sand? Tim Geithner was sent out to do the Full Ginsberg this morning for part number 183 in the media’s 2,394 parts series on the fiscal cliff. There was one repeating theme, highlighted below in this video clip from an interview with Candy Crowley. Regardless of the previous suggestions from some Democratic spokespersons about flexibility and finding revenues in whichever way they can be obtained, Geithner was laying out a Great Wall of China type barricade in the negotiations. I’ve extracted a short transcript of the crucial portion with the video following.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Read more:
Video: Geithner says “no deal” without higher marginal tax rates « Hot Air
Geithner says “no deal” without higher marginal tax rates

by Jazz Shaw
December 2, 2012

Is it bluster? Is it posturing? Or is this the real line in the sand? Tim Geithner was sent out to do the Full Ginsberg this morning for part number 183 in the media’s 2,394 parts series on the fiscal cliff. There was one repeating theme, highlighted below in this video clip from an interview with Candy Crowley. Regardless of the previous suggestions from some Democratic spokespersons about flexibility and finding revenues in whichever way they can be obtained, Geithner was laying out a Great Wall of China type barricade in the negotiations. I’ve extracted a short transcript of the crucial portion with the video following.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com

Read more:
Video: Geithner says “no deal” without higher marginal tax rates « Hot Air

Does that include YOU, Timmy? Have you figured out Turbo Tax yet?

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