WH head of personnel purge Trump supporters from staff on May 22


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Editor’s Note: This article explains why the Trump administration is dealing with so many leakers inside the White House.

Johnny DeStefano, a GOP elite loyalist who never vocally supported Trump, was somehow given the most important job in a presidential transition.

As director of presidential personnel, DeStefano decides who will work in the Trump administration. DeStefano has been using his power to undermine Trump in several ways.

WH Head of Personnel to Purge Trump Supporters From Staff on May 22

Oh the communist idiots will ship all the patriotic wh staff away, such cowards these losers democrats are. You idiots who can't wait for Trump to get knocked out of office are too fkn stupid to see how your own are nothing more than cheating, lying , scumbags who will stop at nothing to get and have their way. Then they will come for those of you who kneel before them willing to lick the shit off their shoes as they don't give one damn cent about you .......................... Your their slaves and what idiots want to be slaves other than those with their head so far up the Governments ass they can't think on their own.

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