WH responds to Cheney

This is as good a criticism of Sada's story as any.

Submitted by Ira Laporte, Apr 23, 2007 21:37 (Interesting Facts - Reader comments at The New York Sun)

This reeks of conspiracy theory to me, about as credible as the 9-11 truth websites.

There are no good facts behind this allegation - just a man who may or may not be telling a story:

I frankly don't buy it - seems like a conspiracy theory / speculation.

The Iraq Survey Group believes "it was unlikely that an official transfer of WMD material from Iraq to Syria took place. However, ISG was unable to rule out unofficial movement of limited WMD-related materials."

This is from the 2005 Duelfer Report.
Strangely only the 2004 Duelfer Report was mentioned in this 2006 New York Sun story.

"Report finds no evidence Syria Hid Arms":
Report Finds No Evidence Syria Hid Iraqi Arms - washingtonpost.com
CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com

Show me real evidence and I'll believe this - otherwise it's just conspiracy bs.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House forcefully responds to Cheney « - Blogs from CNN.com

"There are numerous…public statements that explicitly state we are at war," writes Pfeifer. "The difference is this: President Obama doesn't need to beat his chest to prove it, and – unlike the last Administration – we are not at war with a tactic ("terrorism"), we at war with something that is tangible: al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered."

Can this guy just go away? I heard there was going to be a remake of the Addams Family. Maybe Uncle Fester can get a part in the movie? That would keep him busy for a while!

:doubt:Some think that the sun rises and the sun sets around this old moldy fart.He still thinks that he is back in the Bush era...
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House forcefully responds to Cheney « - Blogs from CNN.com

"There are numerous…public statements that explicitly state we are at war," writes Pfeifer. "The difference is this: President Obama doesn't need to beat his chest to prove it, and – unlike the last Administration – we are not at war with a tactic ("terrorism"), we at war with something that is tangible: al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered."

Can this guy just go away? I heard there was going to be a remake of the Addams Family. Maybe Uncle Fester can get a part in the movie? That would keep him busy for a while!

:doubt:Some think that the sun rises and the sun sets around this old moldy fart.He still thinks that he is back in the Bush era...

Yeah, but the reason the MSM is giving him so much of a voice is that it makes for a good story. There's something about having a major voice from the last admin, which has been largely discredited, taking shots at the curent one in an effort to salvage its reputation.
CNN Political Ticker: All politics, all the time Blog Archive - White House forcefully responds to Cheney « - Blogs from CNN.com

"There are numerous…public statements that explicitly state we are at war," writes Pfeifer. "The difference is this: President Obama doesn't need to beat his chest to prove it, and – unlike the last Administration – we are not at war with a tactic ("terrorism"), we at war with something that is tangible: al Qaeda and its violent extremist allies. And we will prosecute that war as long as the American people are endangered."

Can this guy just go away? I heard there was going to be a remake of the Addams Family. Maybe Uncle Fester can get a part in the movie? That would keep him busy for a while!

:doubt:Some think that the sun rises and the sun sets around this old moldy fart.He still thinks that he is back in the Bush era...

Your from Seattle, I will give you a pass. You didn't stand a chance

What is with you and that stupid cuckoo?? It just makes you look like you haven't got the slightest idea of what end is up!!! But then that is true, isn't it???


I was not even talking to you. Must you fight other peoples battles for them??? And something else I want to say to you and your deranged pals.

When you neg rep me, it phases me not at all. Lately you have all been doing it on almost every post I do. And reporting it to me with such glee. You are all immature children and act like you're in grammar school. Are those neg reps suppopsed to bother me??? Sorry to disappont you but rather than being upset, it makes me happy. It let's me know I'm getting under your skin. Later, idiot!!!
This is as good a criticism of Sada's story as any.

Submitted by Ira Laporte, Apr 23, 2007 21:37 (Interesting Facts - Reader comments at The New York Sun)

This reeks of conspiracy theory to me, about as credible as the 9-11 truth websites.

There are no good facts behind this allegation - just a man who may or may not be telling a story:

I frankly don't buy it - seems like a conspiracy theory / speculation.

The Iraq Survey Group believes "it was unlikely that an official transfer of WMD material from Iraq to Syria took place. However, ISG was unable to rule out unofficial movement of limited WMD-related materials."
This is from the 2005 Duelfer Report.
Strangely only the 2004 Duelfer Report was mentioned in this 2006 New York Sun story.

"Report finds no evidence Syria Hid Arms":
Report Finds No Evidence Syria Hid Iraqi Arms - washingtonpost.com
CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq - Conflict in Iraq- msnbc.com

Show me real evidence and I'll believe this - otherwise it's just conspiracy bs.

Read your own stuff.

I am working on getting you the concrete evidence right now. I am calling Assad of Syria and asking him where the WMD exactly is stored, and if he could attach a sample in an e-mail file. I will, in turn, upload it to you.
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It really bothers some of you flaming liberals when someone in the MSM doesn't blow Barry-Flavored smoke up your asses, doesn't it?

Someome remains unaware of the MSMs march to war in Iraq for Bush.

Remember the firing of Phil Donahue ( who was questioning the evidence on TV before the war) when he had the highest rated show?

Remember how NO one would make it clear to the public that Sadam had nothing to do with 911 even though there was NO evidence he he was connected to 911.

Remember how 70% of Americans thought that is what the admin was telling them.

Remember how you were treated by the right when you tried to tell them there was no connection?

The MSM would not report about 80% of what was happening in the lead up to the war.

That is why so many get their news from the internet now, the MSM nearly killed its viability by being in the Bush pocket.

Now you guys complain that they are not working hard to tear Obama a new one every day?

You have no leg to stand on with this stupid MSM bullshit rap.
It really bothers some of you flaming liberals when someone in the MSM doesn't blow Barry-Flavored smoke up your asses, doesn't it?

Someome remains unaware of the MSMs march to war in Iraq for Bush.

Remember the firing of Phil Donahue ( who was questioning the evidence on TV before the war) when he had the highest rated show?

Remember how NO one would make it clear to the public that Sadam had nothing to do with 911 even though there was NO evidence he he was connected to 911.

Remember how 70% of Americans thought that is what the admin was telling them.

Remember how you were treated by the right when you tried to tell them there was no connection?

The MSM would not report about 80% of what was happening in the lead up to the war.

That is why so many get their news from the internet now, the MSM nearly killed its viability by being in the Bush pocket.

Now you guys complain that they are not working hard to tear Obama a new one every day?

You have no leg to stand on with this stupid MSM bullshit rap.

But TM, how can anyone take you seriously when you don't see how the MSM is in the pockets of Liberoidals, facts above be damned?

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It really bothers some of you flaming liberals when someone in the MSM doesn't blow Barry-Flavored smoke up your asses, doesn't it?

Someome remains unaware of the MSMs march to war in Iraq for Bush.

Remember the firing of Phil Donahue ( who was questioning the evidence on TV before the war) when he had the highest rated show?

Remember how NO one would make it clear to the public that Sadam had nothing to do with 911 even though there was NO evidence he he was connected to 911.

Remember how 70% of Americans thought that is what the admin was telling them.

Remember how you were treated by the right when you tried to tell them there was no connection?

The MSM would not report about 80% of what was happening in the lead up to the war.

That is why so many get their news from the internet now, the MSM nearly killed its viability by being in the Bush pocket.

Now you guys complain that they are not working hard to tear Obama a new one every day?

You have no leg to stand on with this stupid MSM bullshit rap.

70%? Your proof is?

The liberal media intentionally wanted to give the illusion that the administration said that Hussein did 911, so that they can say how they lied, and try to make them look bad. That alone shows the media bias.

The Bush Adm. never said that Hussein did 911. The liberals wanted the public to think that they did, so that they can falsely accuse them of lying about it.

They rely on liberal ignorance, and are not dissapointed.

What conservatives aid were:

1) Hussein had WMD. He did. He used them. Your entire democrat leadership said so as well.

2) That he was pursuing nuclear weapons

3) That he has supported terrorism.

4) That he had ties to Al Qaida

All these things are true.

The liberal media is in Obama's pocket. And if any don't toe the dictator'e line, Obama punished them, like he tried with Fox.
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It really bothers some of you flaming liberals when someone in the MSM doesn't blow Barry-Flavored smoke up your asses, doesn't it?

Someome remains unaware of the MSMs march to war in Iraq for Bush.

Remember the firing of Phil Donahue ( who was questioning the evidence on TV before the war) when he had the highest rated show?

Remember how NO one would make it clear to the public that Sadam had nothing to do with 911 even though there was NO evidence he he was connected to 911.

Remember how 70% of Americans thought that is what the admin was telling them.

Remember how you were treated by the right when you tried to tell them there was no connection?

The MSM would not report about 80% of what was happening in the lead up to the war.

That is why so many get their news from the internet now, the MSM nearly killed its viability by being in the Bush pocket.

Now you guys complain that they are not working hard to tear Obama a new one every day?

You have no leg to stand on with this stupid MSM bullshit rap.

That entire talkingpoint-filled rant had absolutely nothing to do with the words I actually posted...

Awesome display of not paying attention and only hearing what you wanted to hear...

At least you got Krunchy to thank you for it...:lol:
It really bothers some of you flaming liberals when someone in the MSM doesn't blow Barry-Flavored smoke up your asses, doesn't it?

Someome remains unaware of the MSMs march to war in Iraq for Bush.

Remember the firing of Phil Donahue ( who was questioning the evidence on TV before the war) when he had the highest rated show?

Remember how NO one would make it clear to the public that Sadam had nothing to do with 911 even though there was NO evidence he he was connected to 911.

Remember how 70% of Americans thought that is what the admin was telling them.

Remember how you were treated by the right when you tried to tell them there was no connection?

The MSM would not report about 80% of what was happening in the lead up to the war.

That is why so many get their news from the internet now, the MSM nearly killed its viability by being in the Bush pocket.

Now you guys complain that they are not working hard to tear Obama a new one every day?

You have no leg to stand on with this stupid MSM bullshit rap.

Bush told the world that Saddam had nothing to do with the attacks on 9-11-01. I certainly knew this, I don't understand what anyone else was thinking.
in response to a question on September 17, 2003, Bush stated: "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th [attacks]."
It really bothers some of you flaming liberals when someone in the MSM doesn't blow Barry-Flavored smoke up your asses, doesn't it?

Someome remains unaware of the MSMs march to war in Iraq for Bush.

Remember the firing of Phil Donahue ( who was questioning the evidence on TV before the war) when he had the highest rated show?

Remember how NO one would make it clear to the public that Sadam had nothing to do with 911 even though there was NO evidence he he was connected to 911.

Remember how 70% of Americans thought that is what the admin was telling them.

Remember how you were treated by the right when you tried to tell them there was no connection?

The MSM would not report about 80% of what was happening in the lead up to the war.

That is why so many get their news from the internet now, the MSM nearly killed its viability by being in the Bush pocket.

Now you guys complain that they are not working hard to tear Obama a new one every day?

You have no leg to stand on with this stupid MSM bullshit rap.

70%? Your proof is?

The liberal media intentionally wanted to give the illusion that the administration said that Hussein did 911, so that they can say how they lied, and try to make them look bad. That alone shows the media bias.

The Bush Adm. never said that Hussein did 911. The liberals wanted the public to think that they did, so that they can falsely accuse them of lying about it.

They rely on liberal ignorance, and are not dissapointed.

What conservatives aid were:

1) Hussein had WMD. He did. He used them. Your entire democrat leadership said so as well.

2) That he was pursuing nuclear weapons

3) That he has supported terrorism.

4) That he had ties to Al Qaida

All these things are true.

The liberal media is in Obama's pocket. And if any don't toe the dictator'e line, Obama punished them, like he tried with Fox.

All true, especially #4...

Iraq prime minister ties Saddam regime to captured Al Qaida commander

And seeing that both AQ and Saddam had a vested hatred for the United States....
in response to a question on September 17, 2003, Bush stated: "We've had no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the September 11th [attacks]."

That's only part of the story. The other parts have been repeated many times. No, Mike, that does not wash your man or his administration clean.
It really bothers some of you flaming liberals when someone in the MSM doesn't blow Barry-Flavored smoke up your asses, doesn't it?

Someome remains unaware of the MSMs march to war in Iraq for Bush.

Remember the firing of Phil Donahue ( who was questioning the evidence on TV before the war) when he had the highest rated show?

Remember how NO one would make it clear to the public that Sadam had nothing to do with 911 even though there was NO evidence he he was connected to 911.

Remember how 70% of Americans thought that is what the admin was telling them.

Remember how you were treated by the right when you tried to tell them there was no connection?

The MSM would not report about 80% of what was happening in the lead up to the war.

That is why so many get their news from the internet now, the MSM nearly killed its viability by being in the Bush pocket.

Now you guys complain that they are not working hard to tear Obama a new one every day?

You have no leg to stand on with this stupid MSM bullshit rap.

Bush told the world that Saddam had nothing to do with the attacks on 9-11-01. I certainly knew this, I don't understand what anyone else was thinking.

Just look at some of the left wing nuts and RINO's who post here Ollie....it's really not too hard to see why or how they were duped by the DailyKOS and DUh.

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