WH says negative comments on Fauci are "incredibly dangerous"

Imagine a virus so deadly that absolutely has no effect on homeless population, or third world countries, or pretty much anyone who don't believe in it. The "virus" that effects only people who believe in it, and got to the hospital and get Redemsevir. Imagine a virus so smart and polite that it doesn't show up on any of the "peaceful" protests, but it's spreading like a wild fire on Trump's rallies.

Now imagine left telling you they're following the science. The "science" that you're not allow to question, because if you do, you get death threats. The "science" that silences the opposition, including doctors and scientists who look at the official data and begin asking questions. That's science is so solid, that two years later their own data is showing how their "science" is crumbling in front of their eyes? I'm wondering does these leftist morons realizing they were not following the "science", they were following the cult, and they worked for that cult freely, trying to get people onboard to get "vaccines" that don't work, to wear masks with no scientific bases behind it. And even today, two plus years later, left is still saying "they're following the science"? LOL... Keep following your "science" sheep, that lead you to slaughter. I don't care if you lefties get 20 boosters, that's your prerogative, but leave us... "conspiracy theorists" alone to enjoy myocarditis free lives.

Look how deep this COVID cult goes, to the point that the same elite and science you bowed to, are actually mocking you. They told you to stay away from all of your friends and family for holidays, while they were going to banquets and parties. Because "science", you know... The "science" that's nothing but one sided biased opinion, who speaks loud, because they have money, and power, and funding, and they have agenda for it. You don't accept that science is open discourse, that science require you to question things, to look for a proof... except if you're sheep. Sheep don't question anything.

How many red flags sheep still need before they realize that they were scammed so hard, and then they were shilling for the elites, and now even they know they were duped and thrown under the buses they're still singing the same song and rooting for the same team? I'm just wondering, how does it feel to be that level stupid... Oh, and don't forget to wear a mask, again... LOL.
Imagine a virus so deadly that absolutely has no effect on homeless population, or third world countries, or pretty much anyone who don't believe in it. The "virus" that effects only people who believe in it, and got to the hospital and get Redemsevir. Imagine a virus so smart and polite that it doesn't show up on any of the "peaceful" protests, but it's spreading like a wild fire on Trump's rallies.

Now imagine left telling you they're following the science. The "science" that you're not allow to question, because if you do, you get death threats. The "science" that silences the opposition, including doctors and scientists who look at the official data and begin asking questions. That's science is so solid, that two years later their own data is showing how their "science" is crumbling in front of their eyes? I'm wondering does these leftist morons realizing they were not following the "science", they were following the cult, and they worked for that cult freely, trying to get people onboard to get "vaccines" that don't work, to wear masks with no scientific bases behind it. And even today, two plus years later, left is still saying "they're following the science"? LOL... Keep following your "science" sheep, that lead you to slaughter. I don't care if you lefties get 20 boosters, that's your prerogative, but leave us... "conspiracy theorists" alone to enjoy myocarditis free lives.

Look how deep this COVID cult goes, to the point that the same elite and science you bowed to, are actually
mocking you. They told you to stay away from all of your friends and family for holidays, while they were going to banquets and parties. Because "science", you know... The "science" that's nothing but one sided biased opinion, who speaks loud, because they have money, and power, and funding, and they have agenda for it. You don't accept that science is open discourse, that science require you to question things, to look for a proof... except if you're sheep. Sheep don't question anything.

How many red flags sheep still need before they realize that they were scammed so hard, and then they were shilling for the elites, and now even they know they were duped and thrown under the buses they're still singing the same song and rooting for the same team? I'm just wondering, how does it feel to be that level stupid... Oh, and don't forget to wear a mask, again... LOL.

Fact check: COVID-19 deaths have occurred in developing countries and among the U.S. homeless
Imagine a virus so deadly that absolutely has no effect on homeless population, or third world countries, or pretty much anyone who don't believe in it. The "virus" that effects only people who believe in it, and got to the hospital and get Redemsevir. Imagine a virus so smart and polite that it doesn't show up on any of the "peaceful" protests, but it's spreading like a wild fire on Trump's rallies.

Now imagine left telling you they're following the science. The "science" that you're not allow to question, because if you do, you get death threats. The "science" that silences the opposition, including doctors and scientists who look at the official data and begin asking questions. That's science is so solid, that two years later their own data is showing how their "science" is crumbling in front of their eyes? I'm wondering does these leftist morons realizing they were not following the "science", they were following the cult, and they worked for that cult freely, trying to get people onboard to get "vaccines" that don't work, to wear masks with no scientific bases behind it. And even today, two plus years later, left is still saying "they're following the science"? LOL... Keep following your "science" sheep, that lead you to slaughter. I don't care if you lefties get 20 boosters, that's your prerogative, but leave us... "conspiracy theorists" alone to enjoy myocarditis free lives.

Look how deep this COVID cult goes, to the point that the same elite and science you bowed to, are actually mocking you. They told you to stay away from all of your friends and family for holidays, while they were going to banquets and parties. Because "science", you know... The "science" that's nothing but one sided biased opinion, who speaks loud, because they have money, and power, and funding, and they have agenda for it. You don't accept that science is open discourse, that science require you to question things, to look for a proof... except if you're sheep. Sheep don't question anything.

How many red flags sheep still need before they realize that they were scammed so hard, and then they were shilling for the elites, and now even they know they were duped and thrown under the buses they're still singing the same song and rooting for the same team? I'm just wondering, how does it feel to be that level stupid... Oh, and don't forget to wear a mask, again... LOL.
Imagine a conspiracy theorist imagining.
Thinning the herd.

My dad thinks the government did it to thin the herd of old fat sickly people using social security and medicare/medicaid. If they did, would you really mind? We just saved social security.

And don't get all sactimonious on me. You guys wanted the economy to keep going even if 10% of us had to die. You didn't care enough to stay home or get vaccinated.
Thinning: was it a communist Chinese idea or not? The question of origins always already trumps complaints about social security.
Thinning the herd.

My dad thinks the government did it to thin the herd of old fat sickly people using social security and medicare/medicaid. If they did, would you really mind? We just saved social security.

And don't get all sactimonious on me. You guys wanted the economy to keep going even if 10% of us had to die. You didn't care enough to stay home or get vaccinated.

Because staying in your house under you bed doesn't do anything you moron. They are still locking people into their houses in China because of dumb ass policies like what you are talking about while the rest of the world has gone back to life as normal. You cant hide away from a respiratory virus. Unless you plan on walking around for the rest of your lift in a biohazard suit and your house is a clean room, you're going to get exposed to COVID and a whole bunch of other nasty little germs. COVID and Flu pandemics followed pretty similar timelines. There was no vaccine for the flu, and people couldn't afford to just hide in their homes. That said we are much more mobile today than in 1918 but that just shows that even though people were more isolated than now due to population density and just the ability to move about being so much less the respiratory virus didn't care. Spread all over the world. You cant isolate a respiratory virus away.
They did get censored. That information is literally everywhere. If you didnt toe the line, you were ostracized. Why must you people lie all the fucking time?
It must be terrifying for Humpers being imbecilic.

Funny thing about "fact checkers" is that you believe in everything they say without using your own brain (not that you have it), because you're in the same team. They're referring to the same "science" that told you and me that if you take a shot, you won't get COVID, or spread it, or get in the hospital, which turns out to be a lie. They're referring to the same science that counted COVID deaths people who were dying from cancer, or in a car crash, or from bullet wounds, if they tested positive for virus. So, take your "fact check" lying propaganda and shove it up your ass.
Funny thing about "fact checkers" is that you believe in everything they say without using your own brain (not that you have it), because you're in the same team. They're referring to the same "science" that told you and me that if you take a shot, you won't get COVID, or spread it, or get in the hospital, which turns out to be a lie. They're referring to the same science that counted COVID deaths people who were dying from cancer, or in a car crash, or from bullet wounds, if they tested positive for virus. So, take your "fact check" lying propaganda and shove it up your ass.

I should just believe what you or stormfront says?
I should just believe what you or stormfront says?
My friend is retarded like this guy. He says, "you have to watch the video" when I tell him that the government did not say they admit aliens from other words are among us". The government did not admit aliens exist. But he swears they have.

I'm not allowed to do my own search. I have to click on their link and listen to the podcast.

Here's what these fucking retards don't understand. We all have already looked into this stuff. This is a new kick they are on. We were just like them for a minute, back in the day. But then we moved on because it certainly has not been proven and confirmed yet.

But the government's carefully chosen words told them there are things they can't explained and UFO's can't be ruled out. So they think this is the government ADMITTING something. When it is not.
My friend is retarded like this guy. He says, "you have to watch the video" when I tell him that the government did not say they admit aliens from other words are among us". The government did not admit aliens exist. But he swears they have.

I'm not allowed to do my own search. I have to click on their link and listen to the podcast.

Here's what these fucking retards don't understand. We all have already looked into this stuff. This is a new kick they are on. We were just like them for a minute, back in the day. But then we moved on because it certainly has not been proven and confirmed yet.

But the government's carefully chosen words told them there are things they can't explained and UFO's can't be ruled out. So they think this is the government ADMITTING something. When it is not.
are you sure you arent the retarded friend?
are you sure you arent the retarded friend?
That's what he thinks. It's why I'm not going to be his friend. I can't have a retard thinking I'm the retard in the bunch.

For the record, he always had an opinion and they were always wrong. Take for instance you guys. He asked why I/you/We waste our time here arguing with people we don't know. The reason is our friends, family and co workers don't want to hear it. He didn't realize it and he drove me away. If he was smarter he'd come here and argue if the government admitted aliens exist. Then he'd realize no they did not. You guys would inform him.

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