WH says obama DID NOT lie re "If you like your health plan, you will be able to ....


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Carney is replacing the phrase "health plan" with the much broader word "insurance".

White House: President didn't mislead on insurance promise - NBC Politics

The White House argued Tuesday that President Barack Obama didn’t mislead the public when he repeatedly promised Americans “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan” under the Affordable Care Act.

Press secretary Jay Carney said the president’s declaration was still technically true even as almost two million Americans across the country are getting, or are about to get, letters canceling policies purchased on the individual market.

“No, the president was clear about a basic fact,” Carney said Tuesday when asked directly whether Obama had misled Americans about the impact of his signature domestic achievement. “If you had insurance that you liked on the individual market, and you wanted to keep that insurance…you could.”
"It takes two to lie: one to lie and one to listen."
-Homer Simpson

So see America, it isn't a lie and even if it is, it's your fault for listening.
This is bizarre. Everything a President says in public goes online and can be seen for the rest of his time in office and beyond yet President Obama or his spokesman keeps claiming he didn't say things that he is known to have said. He didn't actually draw a red line, he didn't use the word "plan". This is far more serious than being caught not fulfilling a campaign promise, whoever is coming up with this stuff is mentally-ill.
Does the WH think people are that stupid to buy into their explanation that Obama did lot lie.....
Well I guess they do since people voted for this guy....

This is bizarre. Everything a President says in public goes online and can be seen for the rest of his time in office and beyond yet President Obama or his spokesman keeps claiming he didn't say things that he is known to have said. He didn't actually draw a red line, he didn't use the word "plan". This is far more serious than being caught not fulfilling a campaign promise, whoever is coming up with this stuff is mentally-ill.

He's gotten away with this type of "reconstituting" for many years now. No wonder they think it's worth trying again.
George Bush Sr: Read my lips! No new Taxes!
Barack Obama: If you like your health plan, you can keep it!
This is bizarre. Everything a President says in public goes online and can be seen for the rest of his time in office and beyond yet President Obama or his spokesman keeps claiming he didn't say things that he is known to have said. He didn't actually draw a red line, he didn't use the word "plan". This is far more serious than being caught not fulfilling a campaign promise, whoever is coming up with this stuff is mentally-ill.

He's gotten away with this type of "reconstituting" for many years now. No wonder they think it's worth trying again.
Well, Obama IS a reconstitutional scholar, after all. :cool:
And the usual bootlickers and sycophants will start dutifully repeating their programming.

As I've said before, for these mindless people, what Obama says today utterly defines reality for them, and is the Absolute by-Gaea Truth. When he says the exact opposite tomorrow, that will redefine reality, and THAT will be the Absolute by-Gaea Truth.

Empty vessels, the lot of 'em. Pathetic.
This is bizarre. Everything a President says in public goes online and can be seen for the rest of his time in office and beyond yet President Obama or his spokesman keeps claiming he didn't say things that he is known to have said. He didn't actually draw a red line, he didn't use the word "plan". This is far more serious than being caught not fulfilling a campaign promise, whoever is coming up with this stuff is mentally-ill.

He's gotten away with this type of "reconstituting" for many years now. No wonder they think it's worth trying again.
Well, Obama IS a reconstitutional scholar, after all. :cool:

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