If you like your doctor you can keep your whining to yourself. The new American healthcare: Only the rich get doctors.

The new American healthcare: Only the rich get doctors​

This is patently false. We've had our family doctor for over ten years ever since we moved here. No issues seeing him when needed and while we do well for ourselves, we are not rich.
Your point is an unsourced opinion….everybody, including BP agents knows Trump had the most secure border in 45 years and he accomplished that while fighting you globalist pukes every step of the way.

From the BP itself.

Went up every year under Trump till COVID hit. Yet you worship the ground he walks on. Talk about weird.

This is patently false. We've had our family doctor for over ten years ever since we moved here. No issues seeing him when needed and while we do well for ourselves, we are not rich.
People in rural areas are having a hard time finding general practioners because med school grads want to flock to big cities where the big money is. And with student loans that can take 20 years plus to pay off in a way you can't blame them.

Of course if the parents are mega rich that's not an issue.
People in rural areas are having a hard time finding general practioners because med school grads want to flock to big cities where the big money is. And with student loans that can take 20 years plus to pay off in a way you can't blame them.

Of course if the parents are mega rich that's not an issue.

Agreed, but you can find that problem in any country.
Aging/dying Boomers soaking up resources.

It'll be a mess for a few years, but in 10, nearly half will be gone, and in 20, nearly all.

That's when affordable healthcare could at least theoretically happen, including socialized medicine.
Considering the staunch individuality of the American psyche, we doubt that socialized medicine will suffice. Boomer history will also remain for perusal after they've gone.
A lot of people put the blame on schools being unable to push out enough people. That's definitely a big part of the problem. But that really means that it's the educational system as a whole that is failing our country. We need more medical schools. We need more nursing schools. We need them to be accessible. And we need a greater emphasis on training people to do boots on the ground care positions, as opposed to elitist and corporatist research positions.

Also, we need to abolish health insurance outside of catastrophic care, so that the private health care sector can become a healthy market once again.

Affluent people will be able to retain a personal physician through exclusive “concierge medicine” services. But here’s what others can expect: routine visits with a rotating cast of nurses and physician assistants with increasingly spare and online checkups with doctors.

No one’s promising you can keep your doctor anymore
FACT SHEET: The President’s Budget for Fiscal Year 2024

Lowers Health Care Costs.
The President believes that health care should be a right, not a privilege. With enrollment in affordable health coverage at an all-time high, the Budget builds on the remarkable success of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), by making permanent the average $800 per year premium cuts through expanded premium tax credits that the Inflation Reduction Act extended. It also provides Medicaid-like coverage to individuals in States that have not adopted Medicaid expansion under the ACA, paired with financial incentives to ensure States maintain their existing expansions.

Reduces Prescription Drug Costs for All Americans.
The Budget builds upon the Inflation Reduction Act to continue lowering the cost of prescription drugs. For Medicare, this includes further strengthening the newly established negotiation power by extending it to more drugs and bringing drugs into negotiation sooner after they launch. The Budget also proposes to limit Medicare Part D cost-sharing for high-value generic drugs used for certain chronic conditions like hypertension and high cholesterol to no more than $2. For Medicaid, the Budget includes proposals to ensure Medicaid and CHIP programs are prudent purchasers of prescription drugs, authorizing HHS to negotiate supplemental drug rebates on behalf of interested States in order to pool purchasing power. For the commercial market, the Budget includes proposals to curb inflation in prescription drug prices and cap the prices of insulin products at $35 for a monthly prescription.

Expands Access to Quality, Affordable Health Care.
The Budget invests $150 billion over 10 years to improve and expand Medicaid home and community-based services, such as personal care services, which would allow seniors and individuals with disabilities to remain in their homes and stay active in their communities as well as improve the quality of jobs for home care workers. And because community health centers—which provide comprehensive services regardless of ability to pay—serve one in three people living in poverty and one in five rural residents, the Budget puts the Health Center Program on a path to double its size and expand its reach. To bolster the health care workforce, the Budget provides a total of $966 million in 2024 to expand the National Health Service Corps, which provides loan repayment and scholarships to health care professionals in exchange for practicing in underserved areas, and a total of $350 million to expand programs that train and support the nursing workforce.

==>It seems to me the US health care systems are not that bad. Yes, the Pentagon is still crazy about wars( largest budgets ), but US civilians' health not neglected. :)

1. FACT SHEET: The President's Budget for Fiscal Year 2024 | OMB | The White House

2. Department of Defense Releases the President's Fiscal Year 2024 Defense Budget
From the BP itself.

Went up every year under Trump till COVID hit. Yet you worship the ground he walks on. Talk about weird.

View attachment 864273
Hmmm, okay Mr Voice Of Reason, Let’s take a look at your poorly framed, bias as fuck retard analytics with context.
Trump announces his run in mid 2015, his campaign is centered around his wall and stopping Mexico’s people from fucking Americans over…He wins the election and takes office in Jan 2017…before he’s able to implement policy the cockroaches rush the border thinking if they don’t act now they may never get another chance to fuck Americans in the asshole…By 2017 he had the border semi-controlled and things moving in the right direction….then you globalist pukes and Democrats began baiting wetbacks in with all the sanctuary city bullshit, the free healthcare for Mexico bullshit, the employment protections for wetbacks bullshit, the abolish ice bullshit, the kids in cages bullshit and the cockroaches started their great migration caravan bullshit and you cheered for them their whole way north.
Trump couldn’t get anything done on immigration with your 116th Congress….you fought him on immigration at every turn.…and here we are, you and all your globalist buddies bitching about the healthcare disaster you created while pointing the finger at Trump. You are a fucking hack!
Hmmm, okay Mr Voice Of Reason, Let’s take a look at your poorly framed, bias as fuck retard analytics with context.
Trump announces his run in mid 2015, his campaign is centered around his wall and stopping Mexico’s people from fucking Americans over…He wins the election and takes office in Jan 2017…before he’s able to implement policy the cockroaches rush the border thinking if they don’t act now they may never get another chance to fuck Americans in the asshole…By 2017 he had the border semi-controlled and things moving in the right direction….then you globalist pukes and Democrats began baiting wetbacks in with all the sanctuary city bullshit, the free healthcare for Mexico bullshit, the employment protections for wetbacks bullshit, the abolish ice bullshit, the kids in cages bullshit and the cockroaches started their great migration caravan bullshit and you cheered for them their whole way north.
Trump couldn’t get anything done on immigration with your 116th Congress….you fought him on immigration at every turn.…and here we are, you and all your globalist buddies bitching about the healthcare disaster you created while pointing the finger at Trump. You are a fucking hack!

That still does not explain why the numbers went up in 2018 and 2019
That still does not explain why the numbers went up in 2018 and 2019
hahaha….I just broke it down for you with a timeline bud… You globalist pukes begged wetbacks to invade our nation by incentivizing such behavior and your 116th Congress wouldn’t budge on funding for Trump to counter the invasion. You America hating wackos forced him to rob the military to spend on border protections.
Covid and the national emergency declaration was the only mechanism that allowed him to do what he wanted to do all along.
Extract head from ass man…it’s time…please.
hahaha….I just broke it down for you with a timeline bud… You globalist pukes begged wetbacks to invade our nation by incentivizing such behavior and your 116th Congress wouldn’t budge on funding for Trump to counter the invasion. You America hating wackos forced him to rob the military to spend on border protections.
Covid and the national emergency declaration was the only mechanism that allowed him to do what he wanted to do all along.
Extract head from ass man…it’s time…please.

what about the 115th Congress which was controlled by your beloved GOP? Why did he not even ask for wall money when the GOP had the majority in both sides of Congress?
what about the 115th Congress which was controlled by your beloved GOP? Why did he not even ask for wall money when the GOP had the majority in both sides of Congress?
Look at your bar graph through 2018…I think he thought he had things in check and on the right path without front loading the costs of the wall and other border security measures. I think he was hoping to fund his master plan over his four year term. Further, he had filthy RINO’s like Jeff Flake and John McShitstain to hurdle.
Racist attention whores notwithstanding, the health care market is still a mess. And ACA only made it worse. The most important point in the OP is the observation that we are over-insured. Insurance doesn't make health care more affordable. It makes it more expensive. And the less we rely on it, the better.
Sane people take note….Notice how these globalist wackos refuse to actually admit where the problem lies. They simply can not bring themselves to address the root cause of issues because they know they are the cause. They like to play what they think are sophisticated word-games and dance around toying with issues but they never ever ever admit to the root cause nor do they offer a fix for the cause.
“We want better healthcare….but we want 50 million non-contributing brown cockroaches as well.”
“We want better social services….but we want 50 million non-contributing brown cockroaches as well.”
“We want better education….but we want 50 million non-contributing brown cockroaches as well.”
“We want free college….but we want 50 million non-contributing brown cockroaches as well.”
“We want more job opportunities….but we want 50 million non-contributing brown cockroaches as well.”
“We want higher wages….but we want 50 million non-contributing brown cockroaches as well.”
“We want better infrastructure….but we want 50 million non-contributing brown cockroaches as well.”

These weirdos create all the problems they bitch about most…I’m telling you….these people are either ignorant as fuck or they’re ignorant as fuck.

That's a grand slam reference of Left loons

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