If you like your doctor you can keep your whining to yourself. The new American healthcare: Only the rich get doctors.

Stop listenting to purple hair faggots in cyberspace….Listen to what ALL the actual boots on the ground have to say about Trump policy vs. Biden policy.

I am not saying Trump's policy is better than Biden's, this is just a strawman because you cannot defend the inaction of your god during his first 2 years in office on the border.

But hey, he said some pretty words so you will worship him till the day that you die.
International law says a refugee cannot travel through a free nation to seek refuge in another.
Mexico is a free nation. America has zero obligation to take anyone.
Is has the obligation to adjudicate them however, which is what is occurring.
If you are a fat ass or anybody else like a dumbass diabetes inflected drug addicted welfare negro living in a Democrat controlled big city shithole you need to pay your own medical bills.
But the fat people tend to live in red states. How do you get Modelo drinking, trailer trash living, cousin humping, fondled by church leader Trump humpers to lose weight?

They need to pay their own medical bills and stop dragging us down.
How in the world is that going to solve labor shortages in healthcare?
Simple stop hiring so many doctors and instead have people go to Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Chiropractors. Send people over the border to Mexico for cheaper medical procedures. I have done all the above. When people get sick they don't need most of the time to go to an expensive doctor who is way overrated and overpaid, send them to a Nurse Practitioner instead. Most of the time the Nurse Practitioner will do just as good as a job and prescribe meds. I know so many people myself included who were told they needed to go to a doctor for expensive back surgery but instead skipped surgery and went to a Chiropractor, back problem cured. Doctors are a money making scam. You can even get your meds from cheaper countries as I do. I have found cheaper labor does just a good job of curing the problem when I get sick or have something wrong. Hire less doctors, pay them less or fire them and replace with cheaper labor. Have the government fund nursing programs and make it easier for people to get in the profession. People are idiots getting expensive medical and dental procedures in the USA, go to Mexico or an Asian country. I saved a lot of money that way. All good ways to solve the labor shortage.

Socialized medicine is the only way to go.
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They still need to be adjudicated per the law. If you don't like that, change the law, and providing funding so that the law can be enforced.
So Democrats refuse to spend money protecting citizens per the oath they took while running trillions in debt!
But the fat people tend to live in red states. How do you get Modelo drinking, trailer trash living, cousin humping, fondled by church leader Trump humpers to lose weight?

They need to pay their own medical bills and stop dragging us down.
I look forward to the MAGA party campaigning against the ACA like they did in 2018. Where's that new bigly best plan Trump promised again? We can call it Trumpcare.
Simple stop hiring so many doctors and instead have people go to Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Chiropractors.

First of all, your claim was that socialized healthcare was the necessary fix. Forcing people to become NPs or PAs is entirely irrelevant to socializing healthcare.
Second, you can't force people to become NPs or PAs in lieu of pursuing a medical degree.
Third, NPs and PAs are already under their own shortage.
Fourth, chiropractors? Are you serious? Are you stupid?
I look forward to the MAGA party campaigning against the ACA like they did in 2018. Where's that new bigly best plan Trump promised again? We can call it Trumpcare.
He held a stack of papers and lied to his cultists that it was his medical plan.

His cultists went derp derp.
First of all, your claim was that socialized healthcare was the necessary fix. Forcing people to become NPs or PAs is entirely irrelevant to socializing healthcare.
Second, you can't force people to become NPs or PAs in lieu of pursuing a medical degree.
Third, NPs and PAs are already under their own shortage.
Fourth, chiropractors? Are you serious? Are you stupid?
Look at what Canada is doing. Giving free tuition for those seeking medical careers. Why can't we do that in USA?

It's very simple. Make it easier to get people in nursing, lower the education and class requirements, lower grade and SAT score requirements, etc. Have government build more nursing schools. Train CNA's to do some of the duties nurses do. Hire more CNA's. This really is very easy logic and a no brainer.

Chiropractors are a Brillant idea. Both my wife and I go to them and many of our family members, no need for back surgery. Back pain eliminated.
I am not saying Trump's policy is better than Biden's, this is just a strawman because you cannot defend the inaction of your god during his first 2 years in office on the border.

But hey, he said some pretty words so you will worship him till the day that you die.
hahaha…for the sake of ending an argugument with a retarded as fuck TDS’er….Let me dumb this shit way down and ask you these very simple questions?
Did Trump build some wall to stop brown cockroaches from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump put filthy cockroach kids in cages to stop them from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump
Did Trump raid wetbacks businesses to stop wetbacks from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump increase the number of ‘immigration court‘ judges to stop wetbacks from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump make wetbacks wait in Mexico on asylum claims to stop wetbacks from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?

(this is where you dblack pknopp and all the other fence-sitting nutless fucking pussies pretend you didn‘t see this post)
hahaha…for the sake of ending an argugument with a retarded as fuck TDS’er….Let me dumb this shit way down and ask you these very simple questions?
Did Trump build some wall to stop brown cockroaches from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump put filthy cockroach kids in cages to stop them from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump
Did Trump raid wetbacks businesses to stop wetbacks from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump increase the number of ‘immigration court‘ judges to stop wetbacks from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?
Did Trump make wetbacks wait in Mexico on asylum claims to stop wetbacks from fucking you in your stupid retarded ass?
Yes or fucking no?

(this is where you dblack pknopp and all the other fence-sitting nutless fucking pussies pretend you didn‘t see this post)
Hey rightwinger , use this nutless tactic….when you‘re getting your ass handed to you like you do in every single thread and you don’t have a logical, rational refutation to offer simply post “too long, didn’t read” and cower out of the discussion. This is actually a really good idea for any ignorant fool and their fucked positions. Save face, army crawl out and live to post another day. BRILLIANT!
Hey rightwinger , use this nutless tactic….when you‘re getting your ass handed to you like you do in every single thread and you don’t have a logical, rational refutation to offer simply post “too long, didn’t read” and cower out of the discussion. This is actually a really good idea for any ignorant fool and their fucked positions. Save face, army crawl out and live to post another day. BRILLIANT!
I've often thought that you're actually a Dem plant, just here to make Trumpsters look even worse. It's always seemed a little far-fetched. But I can't imagine why anyone would portray themselves as such a scumbag, unless it was a deliberate smear.
I've often thought that you're actually a Dem plant, just here to make Trumpsters look even worse. It's always seemed a little far-fetched. But I can't imagine why anyone would portray themselves as such a scumbag, unless it was a deliberate smear.
I’m that guy that never holds back…that always gives you the 100% candid and concise truth.…the guy that scares the living shit out of PC programmed fools and pussies.
I give no fucks if what I say has a racist connotation, I give no fucks if what I say hurts the feelings of degenerates, faggots and weirdos, I give no fucks if what I say hurts the feelings of wetbacks and the like. I’m an equal opportunity hater…a really hateful motherfucker. I take pride in scaring the sackless.
Sorry bud.
Nope….insurance companies are just businesses doing business in a free marketplace.
If you can’t afford a Ferrari don’t buy one, if you can’t afford a good health insurance policy don’t buy one.
This is where I disagree and think the free marketplace has to go and be replaced by a Universal Healthcare System. I come actually from a family of nurses that actually persuaded me into being for the Universal Healthcare System. It is interesting hearing the argument from a nurses perspective working their entire life in the field of healthcare. I think saying if you can't afford healthcare don't buy it is a very cruel way to treat a human being. Every American citizen should have a right to healthcare. Healthcare should be treated as a human right, not a commodity to be sold or denied.

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