WH says obama DID NOT lie re "If you like your health plan, you will be able to ....

Listen. It's CNBC so you might believe it.

It reality why didn't you just KNOW that the only way to pay for obamacare was to take people off their existing insurance and pay outrageous premiums to obamacare exchanges. It would seem to be an absolute no brainer. They need 50 to 75% of people now insured to lose their existing insurance and be forced to pay into the government system. For three years, liberals have been told this was going to happen.

White House knew millions could not keep plans under Obamacare
When I was working for a corporation, they just changed our healthcare providers every other year or so. After I left, I had to get my own HC insurance which is pretty good. I haven't received a letter telling me I couldn't keep it but I will still check into ACA exchanges to see if I can get a better deal.

The reason I will check into it is because that is what intelligent people do in real life. They check out all of their options.

You wingnuts here are following your party blindly to the point of saying you won't even follow the law and have insurance. What morons. Check it out for yourself and stop fucking whining about this every dang day. Nothing you are saying is changing anything.
When I was working for a corporation, they just changed our healthcare providers every other year or so. After I left, I had to get my own HC insurance which is pretty good. I haven't received a letter telling me I couldn't keep it but I will still check into ACA exchanges to see if I can get a better deal.

The reason I will check into it is because that is what intelligent people do in real life. They check out all of their options.

You wingnuts here are following your party blindly to the point of saying you won't even follow the law and have insurance. What morons. Check it out for yourself and stop fucking whining about this every dang day. Nothing you are saying is changing anything.

Hon, when you go check it out let the rest of us know how Nirvana is.
The truth is that your coverage will be much worse and/or your premiums much higher. That was certainly my experience. And that even counted gov't subsidies.
When I was working for a corporation, they just changed our healthcare providers every other year or so. After I left, I had to get my own HC insurance which is pretty good. I haven't received a letter telling me I couldn't keep it but I will still check into ACA exchanges to see if I can get a better deal.

The reason I will check into it is because that is what intelligent people do in real life. They check out all of their options.

You wingnuts here are following your party blindly to the point of saying you won't even follow the law and have insurance. What morons. Check it out for yourself and stop fucking whining about this every dang day. Nothing you are saying is changing anything.

Please keep us posted on what you find at the ACA exchange. I look forward to hearing from you in two or three weeks. That is, if you are lucky enough to get on the website.
It appears now even the MSM is abandoning Obama after this latest ACA fiasco that maybe 16 million individual insurance policies will be canceled.
People are truly angry that Obama said they could keep their plan and now they are finding out that they won't be able to.

But I've constantly asked people to find an error in these numbers and no one can and it is this number that started Obama's gigantic fraudulent
assault on Americans health system.
This number was USED by Congress to pass by the narrow margin of 7 votes ACA.

AND yet even today NO one seems to grasp the magnitude of this fraudulent number!
It is as if it is too obvious of a fact that most people think it can't be true! Yet it is true.
I've sourced the numbers. So where is the out right anger that this number which is PROVEN to be bogus and was used to pass ACA?"

Obama said there were 46 million uninsured.. Right???

He also said that illegal citizens wouldn't be part of ACA right?
Then he should deduct 10 million that the Census says are not insured but are not citizens! Wouldn't that be right? Leaves 36 million "uninsured"...
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Do you agree then with Obama these 10 million shouldn't be counted as part of the 46 million uninsured???

Now Obama seems to be unaware as do many people that when the Census asked "do you have health insurance.. 14 million said no...
BUT these 14 million didn't know they were already eligible for Medicaid!

So if all they need to do is register, what was the need for ACA? Better yet then why include them in the remaining 36 million???
So that leaves 22 million (14 million from 36 million leaves 22 million... seems correct right?)
SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Finally of those 22 million Obama falsely counts 18 million people that don't want health insurance.
18 million that make over $50,000 so they can afford their employers' plans.
But they spend less then $1,000 a year on health services.. plus they have catastrophic insurance!
These 18 million are under 34 so they don't have a need...
And they definitely won't be going to emergency rooms running up unpaid bills that would affect their credit rating!!

YET they were falsely included in those "uninsured" category AND NOW they are being made to BUY!

Subtract 18 million from 22 million and the true valid number of those wanting and needing insurance is less then 4 million!

If you are an honest person... take the time and check those figures after READING THE LINKS! OK???

Then you should as an honest person ask WHY did they have to foist this false figure???
Please explain this then:
obama said there were 46 million uninsured.. Right???

Do you realize that you suffer from obsessive/compulsive behaviour? Posting the same thing 100's of times on a message board is no different than someone who washes their hands 50 times a day.
The president didn't tell the truth, period. They should have had a legitimate grandfathering provision.

But, the people adversely affected by this will be a much smaller number than the sensationalists are tossing around.
So, Obama lied to you...but it's okay, because of another thing he said which is the absolute truth -- this time. No, really.

You're hooked through the bag. Pathetic.

Kind of makes you wish you hadn't denied that Bush lied us into Iraq doesn't it? You spent all your credibility when you were licking Bush's boots,

and now you have no standing whatsoever to go sanctimonious on anyone defending Obama.

Shocked that many of us can acknowledge the irrefutable truth, even if it reflects badly on President Obama?

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The president didn't tell the truth, period. They should have had a legitimate grandfathering provision.

But, the people adversely affected by this will be a much smaller number than the sensationalists are tossing around.
So, Obama lied to you...but it's okay, because of another thing he said which is the absolute truth -- this time. No, really.

You're hooked through the bag. Pathetic.

Kind of makes you wish you hadn't denied that Bush lied us into Iraq doesn't it? You spent all your credibility when you were licking Bush's boots,

and now you have no standing whatsoever to go sanctimonious on anyone defending Obama.

Shocked that many of us can acknowledge the irrefutable truth, even if it reflects badly on President Obama?

The only one coming off as sanctimonious is you...add arrogant as well.

Bush used the same intelligence information that Clinton used. Democrats overwhelmingly voted to go into Iraq based on that very same intelligence. The 911 commission stated emphatically that "Bush did not lie".

Now lets get back to president "I know nothing" and his evil twin "That's not what I meant"
When I was working for a corporation, they just changed our healthcare providers every other year or so. After I left, I had to get my own HC insurance which is pretty good. I haven't received a letter telling me I couldn't keep it but I will still check into ACA exchanges to see if I can get a better deal.

The reason I will check into it is because that is what intelligent people do in real life. They check out all of their options.

You wingnuts here are following your party blindly to the point of saying you won't even follow the law and have insurance. What morons. Check it out for yourself and stop fucking whining about this every dang day. Nothing you are saying is changing anything.

Hon, when you go check it out let the rest of us know how Nirvana is.
The truth is that your coverage will be much worse and/or your premiums much higher. That was certainly my experience. And that even counted gov't subsidies.

Then post a link to your previous coverage and the cost, and one to the new coverage you'll be purchasing, and the cost.
So, Obama lied to you...but it's okay, because of another thing he said which is the absolute truth -- this time. No, really.

You're hooked through the bag. Pathetic.

Kind of makes you wish you hadn't denied that Bush lied us into Iraq doesn't it? You spent all your credibility when you were licking Bush's boots,

and now you have no standing whatsoever to go sanctimonious on anyone defending Obama.

Shocked that many of us can acknowledge the irrefutable truth, even if it reflects badly on President Obama?

The only one coming off as sanctimonious is you...add arrogant as well.

Bush used the same intelligence information that Clinton used. Democrats overwhelmingly voted to go into Iraq based on that very same intelligence. The 911 commission stated emphatically that "Bush did not lie".

Now lets get back to president "I know nothing" and his evil twin "That's not what I meant"

See what I mean?

You are even lying about the Democrats vote. It never ends with you people.
Kind of makes you wish you hadn't denied that Bush lied us into Iraq doesn't it? You spent all your credibility when you were licking Bush's boots,

and now you have no standing whatsoever to go sanctimonious on anyone defending Obama.

Shocked that many of us can acknowledge the irrefutable truth, even if it reflects badly on President Obama?

The only one coming off as sanctimonious is you...add arrogant as well.

Bush used the same intelligence information that Clinton used. Democrats overwhelmingly voted to go into Iraq based on that very same intelligence. The 911 commission stated emphatically that "Bush did not lie".

Now lets get back to president "I know nothing" and his evil twin "That's not what I meant"

See what I mean?

You are even lying about the Democrats vote. It never ends with you people.

No- you just wish it were not so; over half the senate dems voted yes on Iraq... They controlled the senate at the time of that vote- This makes it not just Bush's war- But I digress, there was no lie and there was democratic support- Deal with it.

Now back to the debacle and lies of Obama that has caused so much personal and economic mayhem....
Bush and Cheney were GREAT at giving impressions that were total lies without being caught. IN 2003, 70-80 per cent of Americans believed Saddam was involved in 9/11 and was close to having nukes. Most hater dupes STILL DO lol...the ones on USMB are the ''informed'' ones LOL.. In the bs, jingoistic, revenge atmosphere of the time, it was political suicide to vote against Iraq war powers...then Bush's bs was revealed to most LOL..

Read more at Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing
“If you had insurance that you liked on the individual market, and you wanted to keep that insurance…you could.”

That too is a lie. The insurance one is supposed to be able to get from the exchanges is NOT was they had in the individual market. Different coverage, different providers, different doctors.

Fucking liars gonna lie. It's the sheeple that believe them that shocks me.
Truly shocking that a politician would lie huh?

Cause not one single president before Obama ever lied to get a bill passed or anything.
Truly shocking that a politician would lie huh?

Cause not one single president before Obama ever lied to get a bill passed or anything.

Oh, okay, so lying is fine, especially if the liar has the correct letter after his name.

No matter how key those lies are to getting the law passed.

Okay, never mind, no problem, lying is fine.

Truly shocking that a politician would lie huh?

Cause not one single president before Obama ever lied to get a bill passed or anything.

So we should just accept lies from politicians and not consider honesty as a criteria when we vote?

Next you'll tell us we should expect our spouses to be faithful since people have been cheating since time immemorial.

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