WH says obama DID NOT lie re "If you like your health plan, you will be able to ....

When I was working for a corporation, they just changed our healthcare providers every other year or so. After I left, I had to get my own HC insurance which is pretty good. I haven't received a letter telling me I couldn't keep it but I will still check into ACA exchanges to see if I can get a better deal.

The reason I will check into it is because that is what intelligent people do in real life. They check out all of their options.

You wingnuts here are following your party blindly to the point of saying you won't even follow the law and have insurance. What morons. Check it out for yourself and stop fucking whining about this every dang day. Nothing you are saying is changing anything.
Obamacare REMOVES options. Period.
When I was working for a corporation, they just changed our healthcare providers every other year or so.

One, your employer never promised that providers wouldn't change. Obama did.

Two, your employment was VOLUNTARY. If you did not like the provider your employer choose for the plan, you were free to seek coverage on your own or find another employer whose insurance plan you like. The federal government mandating coverage is decidedly NOT voluntary.

This is an example of the difference between free markets and central planning.
The president didn't tell the truth, period. They should have had a legitimate grandfathering provision.

But, the people adversely affected by this will be a much smaller number than the sensationalists are tossing around.
So, Obama lied to you...but it's okay, because of another thing he said which is the absolute truth -- this time. No, really.

You're hooked through the bag. Pathetic.

Kind of makes you wish you hadn't denied that Bush lied us into Iraq doesn't it? You spent all your credibility when you were licking Bush's boots,

and now you have no standing whatsoever to go sanctimonious on anyone defending Obama.

Shocked that many of us can acknowledge the irrefutable truth, even if it reflects badly on President Obama?

And yet, oddly, you haven't acknowledged the irrefutable truth that Obama lied.

It's okay. You can say it out loud. You won't burst into flame.
Gotta love Republicans on this one.

What they're actually arguing is that the government could not guarantee that their private insurer wouldn't drop or change their insurance coverage.

They're actually arguing FOR socialism.

Private insurers could have simply grandfathered in people on the plans they have and then sent them letters saying what additional benefits they now qualify for in order to be compliant with the ACA.

But no, private insurers are actually dropping a couple million or so old plans and simply replacing them with updated ones that in many states are actually cheaper than the ones people had before.

This is all just more Republican faux outrage.
When I was working for a corporation, they just changed our healthcare providers every other year or so. After I left, I had to get my own HC insurance which is pretty good. I haven't received a letter telling me I couldn't keep it but I will still check into ACA exchanges to see if I can get a better deal.

The reason I will check into it is because that is what intelligent people do in real life. They check out all of their options.

You wingnuts here are following your party blindly to the point of saying you won't even follow the law and have insurance. What morons. Check it out for yourself and stop fucking whining about this every dang day. Nothing you are saying is changing anything.

You "will" check into it, Sarah? So right now you're saying that you don't have a clue whether you're going to get a "better deal" on the ACA exchanges...yet you've been here defending the ACA as a better deal for America? The person that is blindly following someone is YOU!
95 per cent right, even with Pubs and insurers making things as difficult as possible...and most of that 5 per cent are just giving up bad unsurance. The haters just HAVE to make Obama out as a liar- hasn't happened YET LOL...

Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing GOOGLE THAT
Gotta love Republicans on this one.

What they're actually arguing is that the government could not guarantee that their private insurer wouldn't drop or change their insurance coverage.

They're actually arguing FOR socialism.

Private insurers could have simply grandfathered in people on the plans they have and then sent them letters saying what additional benefits they now qualify for in order to be compliant with the ACA.

But no, private insurers are actually dropping a couple million or so old plans and simply replacing them with updated ones that in many states are actually cheaper than the ones people had before.

This is all just more Republican faux outrage.

The insurance companies aren't replacing old policies with updated ones...they are cancelling people's coverage. Millions of Americans! What part of that concept don't you grasp? The very thing that President Obama repeated over and over to sell Americans that ObamaCare wasn't going to disrupt their health care...namely that if you liked your plan and your doctor that you would be able to keep them...was a complete and total lie.

This is a classic "bait and switch". The progressives sold America on one thing and then delivered another.
Gotta love Republicans on this one.

What they're actually arguing is that the government could not guarantee that their private insurer wouldn't drop or change their insurance coverage.

They're actually arguing FOR socialism.

Private insurers could have simply grandfathered in people on the plans they have and then sent them letters saying what additional benefits they now qualify for in order to be compliant with the ACA.

But no, private insurers are actually dropping a couple million or so old plans and simply replacing them with updated ones that in many states are actually cheaper than the ones people had before.

This is all just more Republican faux outrage.

The insurance companies aren't replacing old policies with updated ones...they are cancelling people's coverage. Millions of Americans! What part of that concept don't you grasp? The very thing that President Obama repeated over and over to sell Americans that ObamaCare wasn't going to disrupt their health care...namely that if you liked your plan and your doctor that you would be able to keep them...was a complete and total lie.

This is a classic "bait and switch". The progressives sold America on one thing and then delivered another.

They grasp it.

Obama himself could literally come out and say, "okay, you got me, I was bullshitting you guys so I could re-elected and we could cram this shit down your throat, sorry - and oh yeah, tough shit", and they would still deny it. Deny, deny, deny.

That's how strong this devotion is.

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Gotta love Republicans on this one.

What they're actually arguing is that the government could not guarantee that their private insurer wouldn't drop or change their insurance coverage.

They're actually arguing FOR socialism.

Private insurers could have simply grandfathered in people on the plans they have and then sent them letters saying what additional benefits they now qualify for in order to be compliant with the ACA.

But no, private insurers are actually dropping a couple million or so old plans and simply replacing them with updated ones that in many states are actually cheaper than the ones people had before.

This is all just more Republican faux outrage.
No, actually socialism is the problem. The gov't arranged the law so that insurers would have to cancel policies in order to be compliant. They could have written a stronger grandfather clause into the law. And in fact they did. But they came back later and weakened it.
Because the administration WANTED insurers to cancel policies. Yes. Obamacare is predicated on having as many people, especially younger healthier ones, sign up on the exchanges as possible. If many more people could have kept their plans, it would have ruined the exchanges.
So this was not an unforeseen consequence. This was actually planned.

But I notice even the usual suspects are done covering for an administration that has created the biggest fuck-up in U.S. history in social programs. That leaves the downright crazy.
We need to remember why the "if you want to keep your policy, you can keep it" rhetoric starts......

Those against the ACA were saying that the way the law is written, insurance companies will be forced to change their policies forcing many to lose their plans even if they want to keep them.

SO the Obama administration went out there debunking it by saying..

"if you want to keep your plan, you can keep it. Period."

It is why he was saying it that is the reason it was an outright lie.
You know it's bad for The Won when WaPo starts fact checking...

“That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

– President Obama, speech to the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009 (as the health care law was being written.)

“And if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you. It hasn’t happened yet. It won’t happen in the future.”

– Obama, remarks in Portland, April 1, 2010, after the health care law was signed into law.

“FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans. No change is required unless insurance companies change existing plans.”

– tweet by Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, Oct. 28, 2013, after NBC News airs a report that the Obama administration knew “millions” could not keep their health insurance...


The Pinocchio Test

The administration is defending this pledge with a rather slim reed — that there is nothing in the law that makes insurance companies force people out of plans they were enrolled in before the law passed. That explanation conveniently ignores the regulations written by the administration to implement the law. Moreover, it also ignores the fact that the purpose of the law was to bolster coverage and mandate a robust set of benefits, whether someone wanted to pay for it or not.

The president’s statements were sweeping and unequivocal — and made both before and after the bill became law. The White House now cites technicalities to avoid admitting that he went too far in his repeated pledge, which, after all, is one of the most famous statements of his presidency.

The president’s promise apparently came with a very large caveat: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan — if we deem it to be adequate.”

Four Pinocchios

Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan
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Kind of makes you wish you hadn't denied that Bush lied us into Iraq doesn't it? You spent all your credibility when you were licking Bush's boots,

and now you have no standing whatsoever to go sanctimonious on anyone defending Obama.

Shocked that many of us can acknowledge the irrefutable truth, even if it reflects badly on President Obama?

The only one coming off as sanctimonious is you...add arrogant as well.

Bush used the same intelligence information that Clinton used. Democrats overwhelmingly voted to go into Iraq based on that very same intelligence. The 911 commission stated emphatically that "Bush did not lie".

Now lets get back to president "I know nothing" and his evil twin "That's not what I meant"

See what I mean?

You are even lying about the Democrats vote. It never ends with you people.
She's not lying. She's contradicting your lies.
Even San Franciscans think he lied:

Gotta love Republicans on this one.

What they're actually arguing is that the government could not guarantee that their private insurer wouldn't drop or change their insurance coverage.

They're actually arguing FOR socialism.

Private insurers could have simply grandfathered in people on the plans they have and then sent them letters saying what additional benefits they now qualify for in order to be compliant with the ACA.

But no, private insurers are actually dropping a couple million or so old plans and simply replacing them with updated ones that in many states are actually cheaper than the ones people had before.

This is all just more Republican faux outrage.
Obama lied to you...and you kiss his ass for it.

Lot of that going around.
This is bizarre. Everything a President says in public goes online and can be seen for the rest of his time in office and beyond yet President Obama or his spokesman keeps claiming he didn't say things that he is known to have said. He didn't actually draw a red line, he didn't use the word "plan". This is far more serious than being caught not fulfilling a campaign promise, whoever is coming up with this stuff is mentally-ill.

You have to understand the mind of this "man". Keep repeating the lie over and over and eventually, mister and mrs America will believe it.

Thus spake Joesph Goebells aka Valerie Jarrett.
The president didn't tell the truth, period. They should have had a legitimate grandfathering provision.

But, the people adversely affected by this will be a much smaller number than the sensationalists are tossing around.
So, Obama lied to you...but it's okay, because of another thing he said which is the absolute truth -- this time. No, really.

You're hooked through the bag. Pathetic.

Kind of makes you wish you hadn't denied that Bush lied us into Iraq doesn't it? You spent all your credibility when you were licking Bush's boots,

and now you have no standing whatsoever to go sanctimonious on anyone defending Obama.

Shocked that many of us can acknowledge the irrefutable truth, even if it reflects badly on President Obama?


Tell me the lie that Bush told to get us into Iraq. I effing dare you!

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