WH says obama DID NOT lie re "If you like your health plan, you will be able to ....

Carney is replacing the phrase "health plan" with the much broader word "insurance".

White House: President didn't mislead on insurance promise - NBC Politics

The White House argued Tuesday that President Barack Obama didn’t mislead the public when he repeatedly promised Americans “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan” under the Affordable Care Act.

Press secretary Jay Carney said the president’s declaration was still technically true even as almost two million Americans across the country are getting, or are about to get, letters canceling policies purchased on the individual market.

“No, the president was clear about a basic fact,” Carney said Tuesday when asked directly whether Obama had misled Americans about the impact of his signature domestic achievement. “If you had insurance that you liked on the individual market, and you wanted to keep that insurance…you could.”

cheer up

the crack team that designed the website has also worked on
some propaganda to spread the real "truth" about ObamaCare

We need to remember why the "if you want to keep your policy, you can keep it" rhetoric starts......

Those against the ACA were saying that the way the law is written, insurance companies will be forced to change their policies forcing many to lose their plans even if they want to keep them.

SO the Obama administration went out there debunking it by saying..

"if you want to keep your plan, you can keep it. Period."

It is why he was saying it that is the reason it was an outright lie.

And at least on one occasion Obama said "No matter what you've heard".
95 per cent right, even with Pubs and insurers making things as difficult as possible...and most of that 5 per cent are just giving up bad unsurance. The haters just HAVE to make Obama out as a liar- hasn't happened YET LOL...

Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing GOOGLE THAT

Obama knew yet he kept saying it. That my friend IS a lie. No matter how hard you try to cover for him, it doesn't work.

He lied, and only a partisan hack would try to deny it.
Carney is replacing the phrase "health plan" with the much broader word "insurance".

White House: President didn't mislead on insurance promise - NBC Politics

The White House argued Tuesday that President Barack Obama didn’t mislead the public when he repeatedly promised Americans “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan” under the Affordable Care Act.

Press secretary Jay Carney said the president’s declaration was still technically true even as almost two million Americans across the country are getting, or are about to get, letters canceling policies purchased on the individual market.

“No, the president was clear about a basic fact,” Carney said Tuesday when asked directly whether Obama had misled Americans about the impact of his signature domestic achievement. “If you had insurance that you liked on the individual market, and you wanted to keep that insurance…you could.”

it is remarkable the lengths these liberals will go to make up pure nonsense to get themselves out of shit they have done.
The above quote is ABSURD.
95 per cent right, even with Pubs and insurers making things as difficult as possible...and most of that 5 per cent are just giving up bad unsurance. The haters just HAVE to make Obama out as a liar- hasn't happened YET LOL...

Obama's "You Can Keep Your Plan" Failed To Anticipate How Much Americans Love Cheap Crappy Plans That Cover Nothing GOOGLE THAT

Obama knew yet he kept saying it. That my friend IS a lie. No matter how hard you try to cover for him, it doesn't work.

He lied, and only a partisan hack would try to deny it.

But he lied to you for your own good!
Q: WH did the president lie to the people about keeping their plan.
A: WH no! NO! NO!
Q: WH did the president tell the American people the truth about keeping their existing coverage....
A: WH Hell NO!
Q:WH so the president didn't lie?
A:WH no way the president did in no way lie to the American public.
Q:WH so he just didn't tell the truth.
A:WH That is correct!....
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You know it's bad for The Won when WaPo starts fact checking...

“That means that no matter how we reform health care, we will keep this promise to the American people: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan, period. No one will take it away, no matter what.”

– President Obama, speech to the American Medical Association, June 15, 2009 (as the health care law was being written.)

“And if you like your insurance plan, you will keep it. No one will be able to take that away from you. It hasn’t happened yet. It won’t happen in the future.”

– Obama, remarks in Portland, April 1, 2010, after the health care law was signed into law.

“FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans. No change is required unless insurance companies change existing plans.”

– tweet by Obama aide Valerie Jarrett, Oct. 28, 2013, after NBC News airs a report that the Obama administration knew “millions” could not keep their health insurance...


The Pinocchio Test

The administration is defending this pledge with a rather slim reed — that there is nothing in the law that makes insurance companies force people out of plans they were enrolled in before the law passed. That explanation conveniently ignores the regulations written by the administration to implement the law. Moreover, it also ignores the fact that the purpose of the law was to bolster coverage and mandate a robust set of benefits, whether someone wanted to pay for it or not.

The president’s statements were sweeping and unequivocal — and made both before and after the bill became law. The White House now cites technicalities to avoid admitting that he went too far in his repeated pledge, which, after all, is one of the most famous statements of his presidency.

The president’s promise apparently came with a very large caveat: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan — if we deem it to be adequate.”

Four Pinocchios

Obama?s pledge that ?no one will take away? your health plan

And let me point out that four "Pinochios" which is what Obama is receiving here is "whoppers" on their scale.
This is bizarre. Everything a President says in public goes online and can be seen for the rest of his time in office and beyond yet President Obama or his spokesman keeps claiming he didn't say things that he is known to have said. He didn't actually draw a red line, he didn't use the word "plan". This is far more serious than being caught not fulfilling a campaign promise, whoever is coming up with this stuff is mentally-ill.

You have to understand the mind of this "man". Keep repeating the lie over and over and eventually, mister and mrs America will believe it.

Thus spake Joesph Goebells aka Valerie Jarrett.

And they did believe it, and it allowed him re-elected.
Had we only caught him in this gigantic lie one year ago.
The president is walking around today as if nothing happened.
He is totally oblivious to the fact that he lied,we have it on record that he lied.And he acts like we are the ones with the problem with what he said.
The president is walking around today as if nothing happened.
He is totally oblivious to the fact that he lied,we have it on record that he lied.And he acts like we are the ones with the problem with what he said.

Well, to his credit, he's probably shaking his head thinking "what a buncha suckers! They didn't seriously buy that crap, did they?"
Carney is replacing the phrase "health plan" with the much broader word "insurance".

White House: President didn't mislead on insurance promise - NBC Politics

The White House argued Tuesday that President Barack Obama didn’t mislead the public when he repeatedly promised Americans “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan” under the Affordable Care Act.

Press secretary Jay Carney said the president’s declaration was still technically true even as almost two million Americans across the country are getting, or are about to get, letters canceling policies purchased on the individual market.

“No, the president was clear about a basic fact,” Carney said Tuesday when asked directly whether Obama had misled Americans about the impact of his signature domestic achievement. “If you had insurance that you liked on the individual market, and you wanted to keep that insurance…you could.”

it is remarkable the lengths these liberals will go to make up pure nonsense to get themselves out of shit they have done.
The above quote is ABSURD.

Anyone trying to cover for Obama on this issue loses all credibility.
He lied, admit it, move on.
“Obama lied, because insurance companies are cancelling our shitty plans!”

Ya know, those shitty insurers COULD have FIXED those plans- but they're a-holes just like greedy idiot megarich Pubs...
Can we trust anything that comes out of his mouth here on out.

I guess I'm just a little surprised anyone did in the first place. I certainly didn't. Not that I'm interested in making excuses, but the whinging about 'Obama lied' doesn't really speak well for those complaining.

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