WH says obama DID NOT lie re "If you like your health plan, you will be able to ....

Hmmm.....Something has changed....the posted links about the big lie are all from liberal media outlets.....chuckle

The MSM seems shell shocked

How could this happen?

The corporate media aren't into journalism anymore, just controversy...so they go along with the Pubcrappe as much as possible...and of course YOUR propaganda machine tries for all the bs cred it can- STILL A LAUGHINGSTOCK...
Hmmm.....Something has changed....the posted links about the big lie are all from liberal media outlets.....chuckle

The MSM seems shell shocked

How could this happen?

The corporate media aren't into journalism anymore, just controversy...so they go along with the Pubcrappe as much as possible...and of course YOUR propaganda machine tries for all the bs cred it can- STILL A LAUGHINGSTOCK...

Poor franco.....dem dupe
Carney is replacing the phrase "health plan" with the much broader word "insurance".

White House: President didn't mislead on insurance promise - NBC Politics

The White House argued Tuesday that President Barack Obama didn’t mislead the public when he repeatedly promised Americans “If you like your health plan, you will be able to keep your health plan” under the Affordable Care Act.

Press secretary Jay Carney said the president’s declaration was still technically true even as almost two million Americans across the country are getting, or are about to get, letters canceling policies purchased on the individual market.

“No, the president was clear about a basic fact,” Carney said Tuesday when asked directly whether Obama had misled Americans about the impact of his signature domestic achievement. “If you had insurance that you liked on the individual market, and you wanted to keep that insurance…you could.”
It's all a CON-JOB plain and simple..

You can't turn such a huge system around on a dime without lying is what they believe, so they lie in what they feel is justified lying for our future benefit in the whole thing, but will we benefit or lose after all the smoke and mirrors clear ? I think the working class loses again and again in all of this.

They lied about Ben-Ghazi big time, so what won't they lie about is the giant question people should be asking themselves and then them about now.
If insurers cooperated, it would have been no lie...thus NOT A LIE, HATER DUPES...AY CARAMBA, THE BRAINWASHED ARE THICK...

You are the dupe. Obama PROMISED Americans they wouldn't be dropped fully well knowing that thousands would.

That is a lie, and you lose all credibility by not admitting it.
If insurers cooperated, it would have been no lie...thus NOT A LIE, HATER DUPES...AY CARAMBA, THE BRAINWASHED ARE THICK...

You are the dupe. Obama PROMISED Americans they wouldn't be dropped fully well knowing that thousands would.

That is a lie, and you lose all credibility by not admitting it.
So he is saying that if the insurance companies would have cooperated there would have been no lie, but they didn't so they lied right ?
If insurers cooperated, it would have been no lie...thus NOT A LIE, HATER DUPES...AY CARAMBA, THE BRAINWASHED ARE THICK...

You are the dupe. Obama PROMISED Americans they wouldn't be dropped fully well knowing that thousands would.

That is a lie, and you lose all credibility by not admitting it.
So he is saying that if the insurance companies would have cooperated there would have been no lie, but they didn't so they lied right ?

The thing is Obama knew there would not be across the board cooperation, yet he continued to say that if you like your plan, you will get to keep your plan.
He knew what he was saying was not truthful.
If you build it, they won't come and sign up for a reason. Comparing Obamacare to other State run systems with an insurance model.

"What do we have to look forward to? Obamacare in effect outlaws traditional insurance and substitutes in its place a mandatory system of prepaid health care administered by the kind and gentle souls who run insurance companies, which is in fact in many ways similar to the mandatory health-savings accounts in Singapore — minus the property rights, wealth building, heritability, efficiency, and consumer choice. Likewise, Obamacare is in some ways similar to the Swiss system, but without the downward price pressure associated with high out-of-pocket expenses, and, as we have seen in recent weeks, also minus the competence and efficiency. As they say in Switzerland: Ich be chrank.

And it is worth remembering that under Obamacare there will still be millions of Americans with no health-insurance coverage, while many (and possibly most) of those added to the coverage rolls will simply be given Medicaid cards, which practically come with their own spinal infections. All together, that means that we have managed to combine the worst elements of the state-run systems with the worst elements of the private systems. We have designed a structurally defective system and entrusted its execution to a gang of politically connected incompetents with less technological sophistication than your AOL-using grandmother."

Obamacare Is the Worst-Case Scenario | National Review Online
You are the dupe. Obama PROMISED Americans they wouldn't be dropped fully well knowing that thousands would.

That is a lie, and you lose all credibility by not admitting it.
So he is saying that if the insurance companies would have cooperated there would have been no lie, but they didn't so they lied right ?

The thing is Obama knew there would not be across the board cooperation, yet he continued to say that if you like your plan, you will get to keep your plan.
He knew what he was saying was not truthful.
It took him 3 1/2 years to figure out what total a-holes Pubs are- now he's found out about insurers- and the majority like him for it. Next year hopefully he'll get a couple years of control so we can get out of this TP Pub/Bush mess...
Lets see,

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfl55GgHr5E]"If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." - Barack Obama - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoV0NeHNklk][FLASHBACK] Obama: If you like your health care plan you can keep your health care plan - YouTube[/ame]

Please note, the below link isn't FOX, it isn't a blog, it isn't a "conservative thinktank", it is NBC, a liberal news agency,
Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance - Investigations
That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.

a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. To speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.

At this point, it is factual to say that Mr Obama and his administration are liars. It's not partisan crap, it's not blustering, it's not attacking. It is a fact that he told a lie. He repeatedly told the lie.
I'm actually surprised that NBC acknowledged it.
So he is saying that if the insurance companies would have cooperated there would have been no lie, but they didn't so they lied right ?

The thing is Obama knew there would not be across the board cooperation, yet he continued to say that if you like your plan, you will get to keep your plan.
He knew what he was saying was not truthful.
It took him 3 1/2 years to figure out what total a-holes Pubs are- now he's found out about insurers- and the majority like him for it. Next year hopefully he'll get a couple years of control so we can get out of this TP Pub/Bush mess...

His numbers are almost Bush Like.
So he is saying that if the insurance companies would have cooperated there would have been no lie, but they didn't so they lied right ?

The thing is Obama knew there would not be across the board cooperation, yet he continued to say that if you like your plan, you will get to keep your plan.
He knew what he was saying was not truthful.
It took him 3 1/2 years to figure out what total a-holes Pubs are- now he's found out about insurers- and the majority like him for it. Next year hopefully he'll get a couple years of control so we can get out of this TP Pub/Bush mess...

Here ya go dupe ! Courtesy of The Washington Post:

The president’s promise apparently came with a very large caveat: “If you like your health care plan, you’ll be able to keep your health care plan — if we deem it to be adequate.”

Four Pinocchios

IOW, only a lie because you say Obama knew the future, that insurers and Pubs would be total obstructionists...LOL ppffffttt.

Again, all's you do is make yourself look stupid by not acknowledging the truth.

And by the way, if you don't want to take my word for it, do some Googling. All news agencies are calling him out. Want to try and salvage your credibility, then I suggest you do the same.

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