WH says obama DID NOT lie re "If you like your health plan, you will be able to ....

Democratic pollster Geoff Garin, who worked for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008 and later for advocates of the health law during the congressional debate, said Obama’s repeated reassurances that people could keep insurance they were happy addressed a core anxiety of voters and were crucial to building public support.
Polling consistently demonstrated a “cross-pressure” in people’s feelings on health care, with Americans simultaneously dissatisfied with the health-care system and fearful of a change in their own health plans, Garin said.
“The swing vote on health-care reform was comprised of people who thought the system needed to be changed but were happy with their own health care,” Garin said. “It was then and continues to be important that voters who felt their needs were met in the health care system continue to feel their needs will be well met in an Affordable Care Act world.”

Obama Health Vow Won't Shield Millions From Cancellation - Bloomberg
Does the WH think people are that stupid to buy into their explanation that Obama did lot lie.....
Well I guess they do since people voted for this guy....


Yup - 10 million illegals can't be wrong.
George Bush Sr: Read my lips! No new Taxes!
Barack Obama: If you like your health plan, you can keep it!

That's a great point. The press never let up on Bush's huge lie and they shouldn't let up on hussein's.
The president didn't tell the truth, period. They should have had a legitimate grandfathering provision.

But, the people adversely affected by this will be a much smaller number than the sensationalists are tossing around.
The president didn't tell the truth, period. They should have had a legitimate grandfathering provision.

But, the people adversely affected by this will be a much smaller number than the sensationalists are tossing around.
So, Obama lied to you...but it's okay, because of another thing he said which is the absolute truth -- this time. No, really.

You're hooked through the bag. Pathetic.
It appears now even the MSM is abandoning Obama after this latest ACA fiasco that maybe 16 million individual insurance policies will be canceled.
People are truly angry that Obama said they could keep their plan and now they are finding out that they won't be able to.

But I've constantly asked people to find an error in these numbers and no one can and it is this number that started Obama's gigantic fraudulent
assault on Americans health system.
This number was USED by Congress to pass by the narrow margin of 7 votes ACA.

AND yet even today NO one seems to grasp the magnitude of this fraudulent number!
It is as if it is too obvious of a fact that most people think it can't be true! Yet it is true.
I've sourced the numbers. So where is the out right anger that this number which is PROVEN to be bogus and was used to pass ACA?"

Obama said there were 46 million uninsured.. Right???

He also said that illegal citizens wouldn't be part of ACA right?
Then he should deduct 10 million that the Census says are not insured but are not citizens! Wouldn't that be right? Leaves 36 million "uninsured"...
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Do you agree then with Obama these 10 million shouldn't be counted as part of the 46 million uninsured???

Now Obama seems to be unaware as do many people that when the Census asked "do you have health insurance.. 14 million said no...
BUT these 14 million didn't know they were already eligible for Medicaid!

So if all they need to do is register, what was the need for ACA? Better yet then why include them in the remaining 36 million???
So that leaves 22 million (14 million from 36 million leaves 22 million... seems correct right?)
SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Finally of those 22 million Obama falsely counts 18 million people that don't want health insurance.
18 million that make over $50,000 so they can afford their employers' plans.
But they spend less then $1,000 a year on health services.. plus they have catastrophic insurance!
These 18 million are under 34 so they don't have a need...
And they definitely won't be going to emergency rooms running up unpaid bills that would affect their credit rating!!

YET they were falsely included in those "uninsured" category AND NOW they are being made to BUY!

Subtract 18 million from 22 million and the true valid number of those wanting and needing insurance is less then 4 million!

If you are an honest person... take the time and check those figures after READING THE LINKS! OK???

Then you should as an honest person ask WHY did they have to foist this false figure???
Please explain this then:
obama said there were 46 million uninsured.. Right???
It appears now even the MSM is abandoning Obama after this latest ACA fiasco that maybe 16 million individual insurance policies will be canceled.
People are truly angry that Obama said they could keep their plan and now they are finding out that they won't be able to.

I don't think the MSM is abandoning Obama, I think they're trying to save their own skins. They knew back when they were pimping the PPACA that the administration was lying but their job was obviously not to report the truth. Now the PPACA is the law, it isn't going away anytime soon so they don't need to spin for Obama right now. What they do need to do is lie yet again and try to convince people that the MSM is honest in the way they report on the administration in a futile attempt to repair their reputations.

The next time Obama truly needs their help they'll be right there to help him, just like always.
It appears now even the MSM is abandoning Obama after this latest ACA fiasco that maybe 16 million individual insurance policies will be canceled.
People are truly angry that Obama said they could keep their plan and now they are finding out that they won't be able to.

I don't think the MSM is abandoning Obama, I think they're trying to save their own skins. They knew back when they were pimping the PPACA that the administration was lying but their job was obviously not to report the truth. Now the PPACA is the law, it isn't going away anytime soon so they don't need to spin for Obama right now. What they do need to do is lie yet again and try to convince people that the MSM is honest in the way they report on the administration in a futile attempt to repair their reputations.

The next time Obama truly needs their help they'll be right there to help him, just like always.

Your opinion about the MSM MAY BE RIGHT...
But please would you address why you still believe there were 46 million uninsured?
I mean it is inconceivable that such a GREAT HOAX is put over seemingly "intelligent" people!
Please address this issue because ONCE you agree there never were 46 million that wanted, or knew or were legal but 4 million THEN
the snowball really gets going! The MSM HAS to pick up on this reality!
And the reality was there never were 46 million uninsured.
The reality is $850 billion a year is wasted out of fear of lawsuits!
TAX lawyers' $270 billion a year because they cause $850 billion in defensive medicine costs as 90% of physicians say they send duplicate tests,etc. all out of fear of lawsuits!

btw anyone noticed that Greenbeard, the perpetual and professional flack for Ocare, has been scarce on these boards for a while? Like since the roll out disaster occurred. Is that a coincidence?
Your opinion about the MSM MAY BE RIGHT...
But please would you address why you still believe there were 46 million uninsured?

I do not now and never did believe that there were 46 million uninsured, at least not as Obama wanted us to believe. I'm sure there was a grain of truth to the number but as you've pointed out those people could have gone on one government program or another but for whatever reason, probably ignorance, didn't do so.

I mean it is inconceivable that such a GREAT HOAX is put over seemingly "intelligent" people!

You know why Lucy pulling the football away from Charlie Brown is funny? It's funny because it's based in reality. People convince themselves of things all of the time even though deep down they know they're deluding themselves. Take this forum for example. There really isn't much of a difference between the Democrats and the Republicans as a whole but seemingly intelligent people have convinced themselves that their guys are good and the other guys are horrible, baby-stomping, old-people murdering racist scumbags. If you want to talk about what "intelligent" people will fall for we need a seperate thread for that.

Please address this issue because ONCE you agree there never were 46 million that wanted, or knew or were legal but 4 million THEN
the snowball really gets going! The MSM HAS to pick up on this reality!

The MSM doesn't have to do anything. They didn't acknowledge reality before, why do you think they will now?

And the reality was there never were 46 million uninsured.

conditionally agree.

The reality is $850 billion a year is wasted out of fear of lawsuits!
TAX lawyers' $270 billion a year because they cause $850 billion in defensive medicine costs as 90% of physicians say they send duplicate tests,etc. all out of fear of lawsuits!


I'll have to take your word on the exact numbers but I don't disagree with the general point here.
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What lie?

He was right. The government is going to "force" anyone to change health care plans.

Employers on the other hand..will..

Over the last 2 years..my health care changed 8 times. There was no Obamacare.
What lie?

He was right. The government is going to "force" anyone to change health care plans.

Employers on the other hand..will..

Over the last 2 years..my health care changed 8 times. There was no Obamacare.

Ta Da!!!
obama lied. When he lied, he knew he was lying. The difference between obama and Bush saying "no new taxes" is that when Bush said that, he did not know that democrats were going to intervene and force him to create new taxes. He believed his statement when he said it. obama, on the other hand, knew that he intended to create minimum standards for insurance that would make existing policies illegal.

The surprise is that so many people believed him! It was obvious, and pointed out to the nation, that it would be impossible for people to stay on existing policies. At least 14 million people MUST lose their insurance and forced onto obamacare, that's a minimum, in order to pay enough to support even the beginnings of obamacare.
obama lied. When he lied, he knew he was lying. The difference between obama and Bush saying "no new taxes" is that when Bush said that, he did not know that democrats were going to intervene and force him to create new taxes. He believed his statement when he said it. obama, on the other hand, knew that he intended to create minimum standards for insurance that would make existing policies illegal.

The surprise is that so many people believed him! It was obvious, and pointed out to the nation, that it would be impossible for people to stay on existing policies. At least 14 million people MUST lose their insurance and forced onto obamacare, that's a minimum, in order to pay enough to support even the beginnings of obamacare.

Where did you get your numbers? I would like to read the articles.

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