Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

Did Obama, or whatever his real name is, really think his deceptions would not come back to haunt him?

Arizona official may keep Obama off ballot

He was called Barry Sotero for a while, google it. This is probably the biggest fraud ever perpetrated upon the American people in our history.
Yes, but there was an equal in early America. The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in which lying was responsible for 19 hangings, 1 crushing death of an elderly man by stones, and 200 people imprisoned and and tortured.

This particular resume lie is unsavory because we are seeing leaders like Nancy Pelosi, unabated by presidential power under-exerted under the knowing circumstances, using our Air Force for personal commuting, coverups, information sealed, etc.

Oh, and did I mention? Our children will be paying the trillions that have been ordered by this corrupt Administration and his minions in Congress before the Republican John Boehner stepped in and said "stop payments" to this poseur.
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Yes, but there was an equal in early America. The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in which lying was responsible for 19 hangings, 1 crushing death of an elderly man by stones, and 200 people imprisoned and and tortured.

This particular resume lie is unsavory because we are seeing leaders like Nancy Pelosi, unabated by presidential power under-exerted under the knowing circumstances, using our Air Force for personal commuting, coverups, information sealed, etc.

Oh, and did I mention? Our children will be paying the trillions that have been ordered by this corrupt Administration and his minions in Congress before the Republican John Boehner stepped in and said "stop payments" to this poseur.

Got to love the logic.

Republicans ride the bubble, start 2 expensive wars, crash the economy, and add hundreds of thousands of government jobs to the bill, all while lowering taxes for the richest Americans...

and then when the bill comes due, they blame the people that are desperately trying to clean up the mess.

Sure, I guess Obama could have done better. But we're sure recovering a hell of a lot better than the rest of the world, especially Europe, where they've been blindly following austerity policies, and failing miserably.

But never mind all that, the debt is definitely all Obama's fault, right?


Like Harry Reid refusing to do a budget resolution.

Let Obama argue it with the Supremes. That would be great theater!

It wouldn't be Obama, it would be the State of Hawaii v the State of Arizona.

And Arizona would lose long before it got to the Supreme Court.
If Obama was born in Kenya, he's a fraud. If Obama was born in Hawaii and then claimed to be born in Kenya for literary image purposes, he's a fraud. Either way, Obama is a fraud.

... and the original 'birther.'

Too funny!

What's funny is yhat YOU are So damn stooopid, you'll fall for THIS.

Please, just for this one thread, try THINKING for yourself.
Yes, but there was an equal in early America. The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in which lying was responsible for 19 hangings, 1 crushing death of an elderly man by stones, and 200 people imprisoned and and tortured.

This particular resume lie is unsavory because we are seeing leaders like Nancy Pelosi, unabated by presidential power under-exerted under the knowing circumstances, using our Air Force for personal commuting, coverups, information sealed, etc.

Oh, and did I mention? Our children will be paying the trillions that have been ordered by this corrupt Administration and his minions in Congress before the Republican John Boehner stepped in and said "stop payments" to this poseur.

Got to love the logic.

Republicans ride the bubble, start 2 expensive wars, crash the economy, and add hundreds of thousands of government jobs to the bill, all while lowering taxes for the richest Americans...

and then when the bill comes due, they blame the people that are desperately trying to clean up the mess.

Sure, I guess Obama could have done better. But we're sure recovering a hell of a lot better than the rest of the world, especially Europe, where they've been blindly following austerity policies, and failing miserably.

But never mind all that, the debt is definitely all Obama's fault, right?

You sound like a typical lefty nitwit, stupid. Idiot., obamaturd is an idiot and you have your pea head up his butt.
If Obama was born in Kenya, he's a fraud. If Obama was born in Hawaii and then claimed to be born in Kenya for literary image purposes, he's a fraud. Either way, Obama is a fraud.

... and the original 'birther.'

Too funny!

What's funny is yhat YOU are So damn stooopid, you'll fall for THIS.

dude. Don't take MY word for it!

According to his publicist from 1991-2007:

from the link...

The errant Obama biography in the Acton & Dystel booklet does not contradict the authenticity of Obama's birth certificate. Moreover, several contemporaneous accounts of Obama’s background describe Obama as having been born in Hawaii.

The biography does, however, fit a pattern in which Obama--or the people representing and supporting him--manipulate his public persona.
That last line is the key. They were trying to manipulate his public persona, to make it look more interesting... having or course no idea he'd run for the White House someday.


They still had born in Kenya in the bio up until 2007.
This is dedicated to a thing I loathe--the use of lying to gain political ends:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMXGSP_nPyY]The Castaways - Liar, Liar (lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]

So what is the official birther explanation for both Honolulu's Newspapers notices on August 14th, 1961 announcing Obamas birth?
So what is the official birther explanation for both Honolulu's Newspapers notices on August 14th, 1961 announcing Obamas birth?

The first little boy in the third row, left is "Barry Obama." Obama’s sister Maya Soetoro-Ng confirms that the boy is Obama.

The two white girls in the same row are probably the Nordyke twins. They were not identical twins, but they did have the same smile. They were born the same time as Obama. I still want to know what happened to their birth announcement. Twins, being born to a prominent physician is news. More specifically, I want to know what happened to the space their birth announcement was in.

Or am I expected to believe that Vital Statistics included Obama's name on their announcement list, and forgot the Nordyke Twins?

Born within hours of Obama according to Eleanor Nordyke, their names should be here:

Birth Announcement here -- expand to regular size to read.

The Nordyke twin girls were born the next day(early evening 6 pmish) and the only reason I can see for their names not appearing in the Vital Stats birth announcements was that an entire story was devoted to them considering their father’s position as a doctor. I never did find out how many beds were available at the Kapiolani Maternity Home at the time nor did I find out exactly what Doctor Nordyke’s position (he was an internist wasn’t he?) was at the time or what residents worked at the hospital at the time."

Barack Obama's Education
The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

Breitbart News has obtained a promotional booklet produced in 1991 by Barack Obama's then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel, which touts Obama as "born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii."

The booklet, which was distributed to "business colleagues" in the publishing industry, includes a brief biography of Obama among the biographies of eighty-nine other authors represented by Acton & Dystel.

It also promotes Obama's anticipated first book, Journeys in Black and White--which Obama abandoned, later publishing Dreams from My Father instead.

Regardless of how you feel about the Birthers, or the Requirement that Presidents must be Natural Born. You have to admit this makes Obama look like a silly asshole, and a liar. lol

I am betting the lie was back when he said he was Born in Kenya. He was misstating his Birthplace to give his Story more Drama. Never considered he might have to explain later that he was Actually Born In Hawaii, But I guess it is not beyond the Realm of Possible that the Lie could be the Birth Certificate he released, and he really was Born In Kenya. Though I doubt the Latter, I sure as help I am right too, Because were going to look like some complete fucktards if it is ever proven we allowed someone to become President in Direct Violation of Our Own Constitution, and can't even Manage to Verify a Persons Story before we Make them the Most Powerful man on earth.

I mean come on, You give them man the Button, But never bother to do even a simple Background check? lol
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