Whaddya know! obama was really born in Kenya!

If Obama was born in Kenya, he's a fraud. If Obama was born in Hawaii and then claimed to be born in Kenya for literary image purposes, he's a fraud. Either way, Obama is a fraud.

Well now, that's your opinion.

And, like assholes, everyone has one.

Fortunately, however, in this matter your opinion counts for nothing, because you're not a Hawaiian.
It doesn't matter what you present to programmed conspiracy theorists. They're always gonna be loyal to conspiracies. So there's no point in discussing this issue with them. They have their story, and they're stickin with it.

when making that statement you need to look in the mirror because your describing yourself.You Obama apologists are programmed conspiracy theorists because you are loyal to the governments conspiracy THEORY that Obama is a us citizen and live in denial about it cause the truth scares you to have to deal with the truth aboit this it.:lol::lol:

oh and thanks for confessing that you have no interest in a proper investigation into it,that you are willing to settle for faked forgerys.:lol::lol::lol: nice. keep that head buried in the sand with that ostrich.Obama and the government love you for that.

9/11 Rimjob NEVER settles for faked forgeries. He INSISTS on genuine forgeries.

And complex conspiracy theories also.
If Obama was born in Kenya, he's a fraud. If Obama was born in Hawaii and then claimed to be born in Kenya for literary image purposes, he's a fraud. Either way, Obama is a fraud.

Well now, that's your opinion.

And, like assholes, everyone has one.

Fortunately, however, in this matter your opinion counts for nothing, because you're not a Hawaiian.

No, it's not an opinion. Obama was born in Hawaii, but his literary promo claims he was born in Kenya. That is fact, as far as know today. Do you disagree with that?
I know, it's hilarious. Now we all know the rumors of Obama being born in Kenya started with Obama himself. That's rolling on the floor funny.

If anything, that makes birfers look even worse.

It means they were hoodwinked, and they fell for it hook, line and sinker.
No, it's not an opinion. Obama was born in Hawaii, but his literary promo claims he was born in Kenya. That is fact, as far as know today. Do you disagree with that?

Did Obama write that flier?

What it says is what matters. Who approved what it says? If you were standing next to Obama and he farted, would you flare your nostrils to gather it all up so no one would think the President stinks?
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It didn't just 'come to light.'

It was in print for many, many years.

Case closed.

Obama is the original 'birther.'

Now we need to find out why.

Wow. You just can't fight dumb this deep.

It was not PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE until now.

That is beyond absurd.

Not only was it PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE - it was part of the PUBLICITY used to sell books.

And do you really think the publicist came up with 'born in Kenya' all by himself?

Nice. Take a post from another topic and move it here.

Too bad for you it didn't work.

Now, about this incredibly dumb delusion of yours. YOU and everyone else here just learned about this industry book ad. That is not an ad circulated to the public. So how the ever loving FUCK is it the ORIGIN of the birther movement? Just because the ad existed back in the mists of time is not evidence that the people who started the birther movement even knew it existed. You have not proven that in any way. You made that shit up in your head.

You and everyone else just heard about the book ad, and in your head you completely made up the idea this was the orgin of the birther movement four years ago! It does not get more willfully deluded than that.

You made a claim. A claim requires evidence outside the voices in your head.

Now, I have asked you for evidence that "Obama said he was born in Kenya" predates the PUMA email by Hillary's supporters which actually started the birther movement. And you ran away to here. I guess you thought you were being clever.

The web is chock full of birther shit. Surely you can find SOMETHING which says "Obama said he was born in Kenya" which predates the PUMA email.

Any dumbass can make shit up. I'm calling you on your bullshit and demanding the evidence.

Cough it up or shut up.
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Did Obama, or whatever his real name is, really think his deceptions would not come back to haunt him?

Arizona official may keep Obama off ballot

That would specifically be an illegal and unconstitutional act.

If the State of Arizona would like to keep Obama off the ballot, then that is their business. And I'm sure the ramifications of such an act would come back to haunt them. Other states can also choose who they want on their ballot, after all.

However, the state of Arizona CANNOT make a law that keeps Obama off the ballot by contradicting the judgements and official documents of another state.

If they do attempt to do that, they should be investigated and arrested by the federal government, to protect the rights of the state of Hawaii from being infringed.

The State of Arizona isn't "making a law", Clarence Darrow. The laws that already exist in the State of Arizona give the Secretary of State the right to demand more clarification of a potential candidate's eligibility to be on the ballot. It also gives him the right to deny a candidate space on the ballot if, in his determination, the requirements for being on that ballot have not been met.

Show me, oh great legal expert, where any law requires the State of Arizona to put anyone on a ballot, no questions asked.
I know, it's hilarious. Now we all know the rumors of Obama being born in Kenya started with Obama himself. That's rolling on the floor funny.

If anything, that makes birfers look even worse.

It means they were hoodwinked, and they fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Yes, because we all know YOU are the recognized authority on what makes people look good or bad, given how much everyone respects and admires you and desperately wants your approval.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Even when I'm being sarcastic, I can't pretend you're a real human being with a straight face.


I know, it's hilarious. Now we all know the rumors of Obama being born in Kenya started with Obama himself. That's rolling on the floor funny.

You just learned about this ad. An industry ad not circulated to the public. Please explain how something we all just heard about is retroactively the origin of the birther movement. Please provide evidence the original birthers were saying that Obama said he was born in Kenya and had this ad as their evidence.

If that was the case, why is the news of the ad a revelation to us today? Why have we not heard the birthers harping on it for the past 4 years?

Think real hard now. I know that might hurt, but you can figure it out.
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I have been debunking paranormalists, conspiracy theories, and all kinds of whackadoo shit for a very, very long time, but I think this is the first time I have seen a new creduloid meme created in real time.

CREDULOID 1: Hey, someone just found this ad which says Obama was born in Kenya. What a bombshell!

CREDULOID 2: That must be where the birther movement started four years ago! From this ad which we all just heard about!

When birthers get a hold of something, they never let it go. So the internet would be crammed with references to this ad. But of course it isn't, because we are just hearing about it.

I mean, I would laugh if it was not so doggone pathetic, and if I didn't know that this new moronic meme will spread like wildfire.

"Obama did it to himself!"

Here is the origin of the birther movement: snopes.com: Is Barack Obama a natural-born citizen of the U.S.?

As each new birther meme is debunked, they simply move the goalposts or make up new shit. When you go back to the very beginning, just how far they have moved the goalposts is starkly illustrated.
The State of Arizona isn't "making a law", Clarence Darrow. The laws that already exist in the State of Arizona give the Secretary of State the right to demand more clarification of a potential candidate's eligibility to be on the ballot. It also gives him the right to deny a candidate space on the ballot if, in his determination, the requirements for being on that ballot have not been met.

Show me, oh great legal expert, where any law requires the State of Arizona to put anyone on a ballot, no questions asked.

Arizona Senate Joins Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Combat Ineligibility Of Presidents

On Wednesday, Republican state Rep. Carl Seel’s “birther bill” passed a Senate committee on a party-line vote, the Arizona Republic reported. The bill, passed 4 to 2,

Hmm, a "bill" that was "passed" by the State "Senate"... Now, what would you call something like that?

Looks like you're wrong. Again.

What a shock.
Yes, because we all know YOU are the recognized authority on what makes people look good or bad, given how much everyone respects and admires you and desperately wants your approval.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Even when I'm being sarcastic, I can't pretend you're a real human being with a straight face.

You should really call it quits with that bottle for the evening. You really don't debate well when you're drunk.
That would specifically be an illegal and unconstitutional act.

If the State of Arizona would like to keep Obama off the ballot, then that is their business. And I'm sure the ramifications of such an act would come back to haunt them. Other states can also choose who they want on their ballot, after all.

However, the state of Arizona CANNOT make a law that keeps Obama off the ballot by contradicting the judgements and official documents of another state.

If they do attempt to do that, they should be investigated and arrested by the federal government, to protect the rights of the state of Hawaii from being infringed.

The State of Arizona isn't "making a law", Clarence Darrow. The laws that already exist in the State of Arizona give the Secretary of State the right to demand more clarification of a potential candidate's eligibility to be on the ballot. It also gives him the right to deny a candidate space on the ballot if, in his determination, the requirements for being on that ballot have not been met.

Show me, oh great legal expert, where any law requires the State of Arizona to put anyone on a ballot, no questions asked.

Oh, and, as for the last part of this puzzling post...

Did you not actually read the post you were responding to, or did you just skim it?

Perhaps in your skimming, you missed the part where I said:

If the State of Arizona would like to keep Obama off the ballot, then that is their business.

Cause I definitely remember writing it...
I mean, I would laugh if it was not so doggone pathetic, and if I didn't know that this new moronic meme will spread like wildfire.

They're the gift that keeps on giving for the Dems. I can imagine how many times Obama has joked about sending these guys Thank You cards. Laughter all around the table after that one.

Blind ideology makes people goofy.

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