What 17 Republican Senators will vote to convict Trump?


Platinum Member
Aug 3, 2020
This is not a post on if they should convict him, rather it is which GOP senators will vote yes. They need 67 votes and there are 50 Demorat senators.

I see Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Sasse, Burr, Grassley, Ron Johnson, Portman, Thune and Toomey voting yes. I think McConnell will also to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

So I have 11. Would guys like Cruz, Graham, Rubio or Scott vote for it? They will all be running for the Presidency and they might not to feel the MAGA wrath.

I personally see a bunch of turncoats the minute McConnell formally endorses and Trump will be impeached.
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
This is not a post on if they should convict him, rather it is which GOP senators will vote yes. They need 67 votes and there are 50 Demorat senators.

I see Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Sasse, Burr, Grassley, Ron Johnson, Portman, Thune and Toomey voting yes. I think McConnell will also to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

So I have 11. Would guys like Cruz, Graham, Rubio or Scott vote for it? They will all be running for the Presidency and they might not to feel the MAGA wrath.

I personally see a bunch of turncoats the minute McConnell formally endorses and Trump will be impeached.

Which Scott? The baldheaded corporate freak from Florida? He doesn't have the balls to even think about it. Tim Scott, I dunno,

How about Cornyn? Ernst? Paul?
How about Capito? Hell the "Capitol Coup" has her name right in it.

I could see Mike Lee in there too, he's been critical of Rump from far back. So has John Thune (SD). It would be appropriate to have both Senators from Utah, the state where Rump couldn't even muster 45% of the vote with an R after his name.

I'd also throw in Crapo and Sullivan (ID/AK).
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The ones who work for China. Barbara Boxer the one who earned her former Senator position has been working for them for a long time. Impeach!
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
So basically you haven't watched the news for four five years. Ignorance is bliss.
The media n' the democrats are linked. Demoprolibocrats live in a fantasy world. And lies and fixations and delusions are their modus operand. As for the "Mains stream media"? The main stream media is like a broken clock . When they tell the truth, it's just coincidence.
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No Republicans will vote to impeach America's president.

Any former ones will be voting as what they have been since they lied to be elected: RINOs.

Unfortunately for the fantasiasts there's no such thing as a "RINO", as Senators are elected to serve their constituents, not a political party. Any such official who tossed out campaign promises to represent a political party, indeed would have been lying. Strange you don't seem to know how our system works here Tovarich.

As far as their actual political party though, that's even murkier waters -- no one wants to ride with the drunk driver. They want Rump as gone as the rest of us do.
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
So, liberals burning down cities is a amusing? Are you laughing when all those businesses are burned down over media exaggeration and lies?
The media n' the democrats are linked. Demoprolibocrats live fantasy world. And lies and fixations and delusions are their modus operand. As for the "Mains stream media"? The main stream media is like a broken clock . When they tell the truth, it's just coincidence.
Not coincidence, but a FAUX PAX...
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
So, liberals burning down cities is a amusing? Are you laughing when all those businesses are burned down over media exaggeration and lies?

Fighting for racial equality and justice is not the same as a president inciting insurrection to overthrow a legally certified election because he lost. See the difference...?
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
So, liberals burning down cities is a amusing? Are you laughing when all those businesses are burned down over media exaggeration and lies?

Fighting for racial equality and justice is not the same as a president inciting insurrection to overthrow a legally certified election because he lost. See the difference...?

No I don’t see the difference. Those fighting for racial equality and justice are saying the law is not on their side, which is exactly what Trump supporters have been saying. It is all a matter of perspective. You likely think the law is correct in the case of the election but it is incorrect in the case of cops not being convicted of crimes against minorities.
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
So, liberals burning down cities is a amusing? Are you laughing when all those businesses are burned down over media exaggeration and lies?

Fighting for racial equality and justice is not the same as a president inciting insurrection to overthrow a legally certified election because he lost. See the difference...?

So many things to unpack. This isn't about, and never was about racial equity any more than it is gluten free bread or the price of tea in China. The Libprogicans are simply leveraging idiots to get votes. its that simple. They would legalize and fight for the right of cannibals if it meant being elected. This is why Plato HATED democracy...
This is not a post on if they should convict him, rather it is which GOP senators will vote yes. They need 67 votes and there are 50 Demorat senators.

I see Romney, Collins, Murkowski, Sasse, Burr, Grassley, Ron Johnson, Portman, Thune and Toomey voting yes. I think McConnell will also to prevent Trump from running in 2024.

So I have 11. Would guys like Cruz, Graham, Rubio or Scott vote for it? They will all be running for the Presidency and they might not to feel the MAGA wrath.

I personally see a bunch of turncoats the minute McConnell formally endorses and Trump will be impeached.

If it goes to a vote, Trump will be exonerated. Guaran- fucking-teed.

There were only 10 Republican judases in the House of Reps, and the Senate is a lot smaller venue.

Further, Trump may well be testifying, and Senators will see their careers flash before their eyes, particularly the GOP senators.

Adam Schiff isn't going to be able to prove guilt at all, much less beyond a reasonable doubt, and viewers on TV will realize it.

Sleepy Joe will be pissed as well, as Trump continues to dominate the news cycle as well as the business of the Senate.

IMHO, the matter will be dropped next week.
Opps! I am supposed to know magically the bad things Trump actually did. Remind me ? When we are sifting through the ashes of lost hopes and dreams, Democrats did this, they ether tacitly or openly supported race riots. or civil unrest. For over ten months. They want to impeach someone? Hmm. dolefully, really?
It's mind boggling Trump is bad, he says stuff you don't like! But democrats have literally allowed race riots and funded or bailed out race rioters for months, that's ok though. Who is the bad guy here?
Let's be calm and collect let our wits. Progiliberacrats terrorize cities for months. That being said, I voted for Trump. I haven't seen ANYTHING he has actually done that was unlawful or comes close to what Democrats endorsed and supported for over a year. Libprogdemocrats have actually done way more harm, physically and psychology than ANYTHING you can allege Trump did.
So, liberals burning down cities is a amusing? Are you laughing when all those businesses are burned down over media exaggeration and lies?

Fighting for racial equality and justice is not the same as a president inciting insurrection to overthrow a legally certified election because he lost. See the difference...?

There is no racial inequality in the United States of America. However, there is abundant race propaganda being spewed by the Democrat party and their parrots in the media and internet political sites like this one.

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