What a 15% corporate federal tax rate would mean...at the minimum $55 billion additional Taxes!

What part of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS HIDING OFF-SHORE flew past your pea brain?

We know they're hiding trillions off shore. They were hiding trillions off shore back in 2004 too. We did the repatriation holiday in 2004 and it didn't lead to an increase in revenues or jobs. So if it didn't work back in 2004, why would it work today?????
What part of TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS HIDING OFF-SHORE flew past your pea brain?

We know they're hiding trillions off shore. They were hiding trillions off shore back in 2004 too. We did the repatriation holiday in 2004 and it didn't lead to an increase in revenues or jobs. So if it didn't work back in 2004, why would it work today?????

Its not 2004 and president Trump is not president Bush. Here's your logic...I tried to grow tomatoes in 2004 and failed, I should never try again. You may have a brain tumor seek immediate medical attention.
This country spends far too much money on government. The combined cost of government is 40% of GDP and that is despicable. That is the reason why this economy is not growing like it should.

No, it's not 40% of GDP. GDP is about $18T, and the government budget is about $3T. $3T/$18T = 17%...roughly the same amount we spend on health care. And what "government" do you want to cut? Once again, the specifics just aren't there and you're just speaking generally (and inaccurately).

We spend more money on education than any country in the world and have piss poor education. Money does not prodiue good education. It is parents caring about the education of their children that will produce far more benefits than feeding money to the Teacher's unions.

So again, you're being very general. Yes, we do spend more per student than other nations, however not all students get the same amount spent on them. The amount spent per pupil is skewed upward by well-funded school districts. What you're doing is taking the overall average and trying to apply that to the whole when you can't do that because no two school districts spend the same per student. Schools in wealthy neighborhoods spend more per student than schools in poor neighborhoods. So you're not really painting an accurate picture of education funding. And by education funding, I am referring chiefly to college costs. When a state cuts taxes, like Kansas did, the resulting budget deficits have to be closed and the way that's done is by cutting state funding for public colleges, forcing them to raise tuition which forces students to borrow more. In fact, that is precisely what happened in Kansas. They cut taxes, which created deficits, which were closed by cutting spending on state colleges, which forced the KS Board of Regents to raise tuition, which took more money out of the pockets of students and their families. So that's how tax cuts end up costing everyone more.

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills.

It shouldn't be anyone's responsibility. We should have a single-payer system so we don't have to run up health care bills. What do you think health insurance is? You and a ton of other people pay into one pool, and from that pool your provider is reimbursed. So by enrolling in health insurance, you are responsible for paying others' medical bills, just as they're responsible for paying yours.

Taking my money and then giving to a stupid bureaucrat to pay your bills is absolutely an immoral thing to do.

Well, you give your money to a stupid administrator in Hartford who does the same thing. Only, that administrator can take as much as 20% of what you pay for themselves. Medicare doesn't do that. And BTW - insurance companies are liars, frauds, and cheats who put their profit margins above your health.

Too much derp in your response. I won't do tit for tat but will answer in general.

The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

I am eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of your health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. Administration costs are less than 10% of their health care costs. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.
This country spends far too much money on government. The combined cost of government is 40% of GDP and that is despicable. That is the reason why this economy is not growing like it should.

No, it's not 40% of GDP. GDP is about $18T, and the government budget is about $3T. $3T/$18T = 17%...roughly the same amount we spend on health care. And what "government" do you want to cut? Once again, the specifics just aren't there and you're just speaking generally (and inaccurately).

We spend more money on education than any country in the world and have piss poor education. Money does not prodiue good education. It is parents caring about the education of their children that will produce far more benefits than feeding money to the Teacher's unions.

So again, you're being very general. Yes, we do spend more per student than other nations, however not all students get the same amount spent on them. The amount spent per pupil is skewed upward by well-funded school districts. What you're doing is taking the overall average and trying to apply that to the whole when you can't do that because no two school districts spend the same per student. Schools in wealthy neighborhoods spend more per student than schools in poor neighborhoods. So you're not really painting an accurate picture of education funding. And by education funding, I am referring chiefly to college costs. When a state cuts taxes, like Kansas did, the resulting budget deficits have to be closed and the way that's done is by cutting state funding for public colleges, forcing them to raise tuition which forces students to borrow more. In fact, that is precisely what happened in Kansas. They cut taxes, which created deficits, which were closed by cutting spending on state colleges, which forced the KS Board of Regents to raise tuition, which took more money out of the pockets of students and their families. So that's how tax cuts end up costing everyone more.

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills.

It shouldn't be anyone's responsibility. We should have a single-payer system so we don't have to run up health care bills. What do you think health insurance is? You and a ton of other people pay into one pool, and from that pool your provider is reimbursed. So by enrolling in health insurance, you are responsible for paying others' medical bills, just as they're responsible for paying yours.

Taking my money and then giving to a stupid bureaucrat to pay your bills is absolutely an immoral thing to do.

Well, you give your money to a stupid administrator in Hartford who does the same thing. Only, that administrator can take as much as 20% of what you pay for themselves. Medicare doesn't do that. And BTW - insurance companies are liars, frauds, and cheats who put their profit margins above your health.

Too much derp in your response. I won't do tit for tat but will answer in general.

The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

I am eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of our health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.
The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Wow. How could someone be so wrong? So the primary source of funding for public schools (not colleges, but K-12) in the US is property taxes. So if you live in a district with high property values, your local district is going to be getting more than if you live in a district with low property values. How do you think public schools are funded in this country?!?!? You talk about "allocation", but again, that's extremely general and vague, seemingly deliberately. You seem to be just reciting talking points but know very little about them. I think you're just too lazy a person to bother knowing what you're talking about.

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

So you think schools should be...segregated again? Well, you do have a flag of traitors in your signature, so I can see how you'd be opposed to desegregation. And what "social engineering" are you talking about? More buzzy catchphrases that have about as much depth as a cat's litter box.

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Yes, parents do need to take a bigger role, however if they're working 50-60 hours a week just to make ends meet, when do you expect them to take this bigger role? Remember, you're the ones who oppose raising wages...so you force parents to work more than 40 hours a week while also expecting them to spend the time they're not working doing shit for their kids. That's not a very good use of time or resources. Parents would be able to take a bigger role in their children's education if you didn't force them to work more than 40 hours a week because you refuse to raise wages, because...because...there's no good answer for that. Because you're an asshole married to dogma about minimum wage increases. So really, your entire argument here is masturbatory. You say parents need to spend more time with their kids, but you refuse to raise the minimum wage which would result in parents having to work fewer hours, which means they can spend the time with their kids. See how your argument is rife with the cognitive dissonance? No?

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

You already pay for other people's health care bills when you pay insurance. A single-payer makes sense because then providers and doctors are set on a level playing field and must improve outcomes in order to attract patients. They have no incentive to improve outcomes now because insurance companies don't reimburse according to outcomes. All a single payer does is administrate payment to your provider. Which is all an insurance company does today. Difference is that insurance companies take as much as 20% for themselves. Medicare's overhead is 1% of its entire budget. So what's the better deal?

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

The sad thing about what you wrote here is that you don't even know what "free market" health care looks like. Because we certainly do not have a free market health care system now. Can you go to any doctor you want? Not unless you're gonna pay the full cost. You have to first get an insurance plan and then you get to choose your doctor from those who take that specific plan. So how's that free market for health care? Seems like the opposite to me. When I think of "free market" for health care, I envision a patient going to see whatever doctor they want, and those doctors are all reimbursed at the same rate across the board, thus forcing providers to compete with one another for your care. That's free market...not paying someone to administer payment to your provider.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

Medicare's Administrative Costs according to CMS' budget are 1% of the total CMS budget
Aetna's Administrative costs according to their investor portfolio are 17% of the total Aetna budget.

So which is more efficient? The system where 1% of its budget is for administration, or the one where 17% of its budget is for administration? Be honest.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

You're not in charge of your health care now. An insurance company is. You don't get to see any doctor you want. You only get to see the doctors that accept your plan. So you have no idea or conception about what else is out there because we do not have a free market system with insurance companies administering payments.

Iam eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Then you don't fucking know shit about the VA. According to Gallup, veterans have the highest patient satisfaction with their system. Second? Medicare. Third? Medicaid. Fourth: Union-provided plans. Fifth: employer-provided insurance. Sixth: individual purchased insurance.


Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of your health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

There are two components to the high cost of heath care. First is the technological boom. Most of the cost increases we saw in the 1980s and 1990s had to do with expensive technology which saved many lives. Those MRI machines that you see everywhere in the US cost money. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

After Obamacare the cost increases were due to stupid government interference in the free market and that is despicable. Tremendous increases in insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments because of ridiculous government requirements. On top of that you had all that filthy welfare shit for free health care and subsidies that the paying customers had to pay for.
This country spends far too much money on government. The combined cost of government is 40% of GDP and that is despicable. That is the reason why this economy is not growing like it should.

No, it's not 40% of GDP. GDP is about $18T, and the government budget is about $3T. $3T/$18T = 17%...roughly the same amount we spend on health care. And what "government" do you want to cut? Once again, the specifics just aren't there and you're just speaking generally (and inaccurately).

We spend more money on education than any country in the world and have piss poor education. Money does not prodiue good education. It is parents caring about the education of their children that will produce far more benefits than feeding money to the Teacher's unions.

So again, you're being very general. Yes, we do spend more per student than other nations, however not all students get the same amount spent on them. The amount spent per pupil is skewed upward by well-funded school districts. What you're doing is taking the overall average and trying to apply that to the whole when you can't do that because no two school districts spend the same per student. Schools in wealthy neighborhoods spend more per student than schools in poor neighborhoods. So you're not really painting an accurate picture of education funding. And by education funding, I am referring chiefly to college costs. When a state cuts taxes, like Kansas did, the resulting budget deficits have to be closed and the way that's done is by cutting state funding for public colleges, forcing them to raise tuition which forces students to borrow more. In fact, that is precisely what happened in Kansas. They cut taxes, which created deficits, which were closed by cutting spending on state colleges, which forced the KS Board of Regents to raise tuition, which took more money out of the pockets of students and their families. So that's how tax cuts end up costing everyone more.

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills.

It shouldn't be anyone's responsibility. We should have a single-payer system so we don't have to run up health care bills. What do you think health insurance is? You and a ton of other people pay into one pool, and from that pool your provider is reimbursed. So by enrolling in health insurance, you are responsible for paying others' medical bills, just as they're responsible for paying yours.

Taking my money and then giving to a stupid bureaucrat to pay your bills is absolutely an immoral thing to do.

Well, you give your money to a stupid administrator in Hartford who does the same thing. Only, that administrator can take as much as 20% of what you pay for themselves. Medicare doesn't do that. And BTW - insurance companies are liars, frauds, and cheats who put their profit margins above your health.

Too much derp in your response. I won't do tit for tat but will answer in general.

The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

I am eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of our health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.

No they don't. That's a myth sold to you by the medical lobby. People who go to the US do so for last chance experimental treatments not available at home.

I know of a man who got sick while in the US and returned to Canada for treatment and had nothing good to say about the treatment they received in the US which was more focussed on how they would pay for his treatment, not getting him well. He is a Vice President of the largest medical insurance company in Canada and could have afforded to go anywhere in the world. He chose Sunnybrook in Toronto.

The only person I know personally to get treatment in the US, had terminal lung cancer. Being wealthy, he went to Boston for experimental treatment.

Stop believing the bullshit the medical lobby feeds you and look at facts for a change.
Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.

When they travel here for health care, do they also enroll in an insurance plan??????????
This country spends far too much money on government. The combined cost of government is 40% of GDP and that is despicable. That is the reason why this economy is not growing like it should.

No, it's not 40% of GDP. GDP is about $18T, and the government budget is about $3T. $3T/$18T = 17%...roughly the same amount we spend on health care. And what "government" do you want to cut? Once again, the specifics just aren't there and you're just speaking generally (and inaccurately).

We spend more money on education than any country in the world and have piss poor education. Money does not prodiue good education. It is parents caring about the education of their children that will produce far more benefits than feeding money to the Teacher's unions.

So again, you're being very general. Yes, we do spend more per student than other nations, however not all students get the same amount spent on them. The amount spent per pupil is skewed upward by well-funded school districts. What you're doing is taking the overall average and trying to apply that to the whole when you can't do that because no two school districts spend the same per student. Schools in wealthy neighborhoods spend more per student than schools in poor neighborhoods. So you're not really painting an accurate picture of education funding. And by education funding, I am referring chiefly to college costs. When a state cuts taxes, like Kansas did, the resulting budget deficits have to be closed and the way that's done is by cutting state funding for public colleges, forcing them to raise tuition which forces students to borrow more. In fact, that is precisely what happened in Kansas. They cut taxes, which created deficits, which were closed by cutting spending on state colleges, which forced the KS Board of Regents to raise tuition, which took more money out of the pockets of students and their families. So that's how tax cuts end up costing everyone more.

It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills.

It shouldn't be anyone's responsibility. We should have a single-payer system so we don't have to run up health care bills. What do you think health insurance is? You and a ton of other people pay into one pool, and from that pool your provider is reimbursed. So by enrolling in health insurance, you are responsible for paying others' medical bills, just as they're responsible for paying yours.

Taking my money and then giving to a stupid bureaucrat to pay your bills is absolutely an immoral thing to do.

Well, you give your money to a stupid administrator in Hartford who does the same thing. Only, that administrator can take as much as 20% of what you pay for themselves. Medicare doesn't do that. And BTW - insurance companies are liars, frauds, and cheats who put their profit margins above your health.

Too much derp in your response. I won't do tit for tat but will answer in general.

The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

I am eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of our health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.

No they don't. That's a myth sold to you by the medical lobby. People who go to the US do so for last chance experimental treatments not available at home.

I know of a man who got sick while in the US and returned to Canada for treatment and had nothing good to say about the treatment they received in the US which was more focussed on how they would pay for his treatment, not getting him well. He is a Vice President of the largest medical insurance company in Canada and could have afforded to go anywhere in the world. He chose Sunnybrook in Toronto.

The only person I know personally to get treatment in the US, had terminal lung cancer. Being wealthy, he went to Boston for experimental treatment.

Stop believing the bullshit the medical lobby feeds you and look at facts for a change.

Lib please yank the liberal IV out of your arm. You obviously don't know what the wait times are in these countries with single payer healthcare, or the poor quality of care, or limitations. If government care is so awesome why did congress exempt themselves and their staff? OH SNAP!
Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.

When they travel here for health care, do they also enroll in an insurance plan??????????

No, are we still discussing your lack of intelligence?
The longer the 32% corporate rate remains in effect the more jobs that should be in America will be in other countries where the profits are taxed at lower rates. But that's what you Democrats want, isn't it, more voters dependent on government handouts?
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell.

But that is not what you said before. You said "18,000 businesses were destroyed". Those were your words. So now we have a case of you shifting the goalposts. And no, 9/11 was not a catastrophic financial loss. As you saw in the facts, the market regained all its losses from 9/11 less than two months following the attack.

There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S. 2001 to 2009: Top Financial Events That Rocked the Decade

So I'm wondering why you lumped in the expansion of homeland security with the financial losses from 9/11? Are you trying to say they had something to do with one another?

And you totally ignored the dot.com bust!

No I didn't. In fact, if you read my post, you'd see the cause of the dotcom bubble burst were The Capital Gains Tax Cuts. And even with the dotcom bubble burst, GDP growth for 2001 was still positive. Probably because of all those Mortgage Equity Withdrawals.

And you ignored the WORST Hurricane SEASONS!

Geez, maybe we should do something about Climate Change, then.

The OP is exactly the kind of cut-taxes-raise-revenues fantasies that has gotten us 20 trillion in debt.

Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell.

But that is not what you said before. You said "18,000 businesses were destroyed". Those were your words. So now we have a case of you shifting the goalposts. And no, 9/11 was not a catastrophic financial loss. As you saw in the facts, the market regained all its losses from 9/11 less than two months following the attack.

There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S. 2001 to 2009: Top Financial Events That Rocked the Decade

So I'm wondering why you lumped in the expansion of homeland security with the financial losses from 9/11? Are you trying to say they had something to do with one another?

And you totally ignored the dot.com bust!

No I didn't. In fact, if you read my post, you'd see the cause of the dotcom bubble burst were The Capital Gains Tax Cuts. And even with the dotcom bubble burst, GDP growth for 2001 was still positive. Probably because of all those Mortgage Equity Withdrawals.

And you ignored the WORST Hurricane SEASONS!

Geez, maybe we should do something about Climate Change, then.

Where is your facts that the "Capital gains tax cut caused the dot com bust?
Because here are MY FACTS!!!
We've long known that the U.S. stock market's "Dot Com Bubble" really began in April 1997 and ended in June 2003, but we've never addressed two key questions about the event:
  1. What caused it to begin?
  2. What caused it to end?
Today, we can answer those two questions. Let's begin by revisiting and tweaking our operational definition of just what an economic bubble is:
An economic bubble exists whenever the price of an asset that may be freely exchanged in a well-established market first soars then plummets over a sustained period of time at rates that are decoupled from the rate of growth of the income that might reasonably be expected to be realized from owning or holding the asset.
Here's Why The Dot Com Bubble Began And Why It Popped

So A) There never was a "Capital gains tax cut"!
EGTRRA: The Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001
Specifically, EGTRRA
WHERE in the below is a "Capital Gains Tax Cut:??? Do you see any mention of Capital GAINS???
Was EGTRRA Worth It?
Why do you make dumb ass comments without ANY research to see if it is true????
View attachment 146853
So, to what job loss figures are you referring? Because, I remember having pretty solid growth from 2003 to the bubble crash.

Read the WSJ article I linked to.

WASHINGTON -- The 15 companies that benefited the most from a 2004 tax break for the return of their overseas profits cut more than 20,000 net jobs and decreased the pace of their research spending, according to report from the Democratic staff of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations released Monday night.
Also, Bush's job growth was attributed 100% to the mortgage bubble, which he also inflated by having his regulators back off the standards for subprime lending beginning in 2004 and extending into 2007. So Bush purposefully and deliberately inflated a housing bubble in order to give the illusion that the economy was growing as a result of tax policy when it wasn't, just in time to remove it as a campaign issue during the 2004 election.

And one more thing; Conservatives blame Clinton for the housing bubble which means Bush and Co. do not get any credit for the job creation and temporary economic growth. If you're going to blame Clinton for the housing bubble, then you must also give him credit for the gains from that bubble.

And finally, there's this...Bush's economy wasn't built on fundamentally sound principles. It was built on debt. Without people using their homes as ATMs, Bush's economy was much weaker than advertised by Conservative defenders:

This Derp socialist, is obviously a far leftist follower, but that is ok!

He can try and rewrite history all he wants, but lets not worry about that, let us look towards the future.

So with that in mind------------>

I have 5 billion dollars, I want to open a company that builds widgets and sell them on a global scale. If I must compete with other global widget builders and their tax rates are 10%, what is the likelihood they can undercut my price to force me to lose money, while they still make a profit?

A. Not likely

B. Very likely

C. I am a lib, and your question is screwing up my narrative

D. Who cares, I am on the dole and do not want a job, so take your company anywhere you want

My company has made 1 billion dollars in the last 3 years. The merchandise was built overseas, because the United States tax rates are to high. I paid taxes in the country I made the profit in, but with Trump in office, I think I can build in America and make a profit now. I am patriotic, so I want to do this...............but.......they want to tax me AGAIN on the same money I already paid taxes on. The US is the ONLY country in the world that does this! Hell, I am even willing to pay 15% to bring my money back in to build........eventhough I am getting screwed.......but of course Democrats would rather NOT have jobs supplied by me.

So, how smart are the Democrats for being the ONLY country to double tax, and keep all this money offshore, while not getting a cent?

A. Pretty damn dumb, illogical, irrelevant, and immaterial

B. Smart, because now they have a better chance to keep all their SLAVES on the plantation for freebies

C. Quit ratting us out you freaking conservative

D. If to many businesses open up with help wanted signs, I might lose my free ride and won't be able to wear my black mask and helmet anymore because I will be busy 40 hrs a week, damn! What is this country coming to!
The longer the 32% corporate rate remains in effect the more jobs that should be in America will be in other countries where the profits are taxed at lower rates. But that's what you Democrats want, isn't it, more voters dependent on government handouts?

Liberal drones were told to hate corporations and they obeyed. Ask one why and they start stuttering get flustered and deflect to BOOOOSH.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of your health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

There are two components to the high cost of heath care. First is the technological boom. Most of the cost increases we saw in the 1980s and 1990s had to do with expensive technology which saved many lives. Those MRI machines that you see everywhere in the US cost money. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

After Obamacare the cost increases were due to stupid government interference in the free market and that is despicable. Tremendous increases in insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments because of ridiculous government requirements. On top of that you had all that filthy welfare shit for free health care and subsidies that the paying customers had to pay for.
No, it's not 40% of GDP. GDP is about $18T, and the government budget is about $3T. $3T/$18T = 17%...roughly the same amount we spend on health care. And what "government" do you want to cut? Once again, the specifics just aren't there and you're just speaking generally (and inaccurately).

So again, you're being very general. Yes, we do spend more per student than other nations, however not all students get the same amount spent on them. The amount spent per pupil is skewed upward by well-funded school districts. What you're doing is taking the overall average and trying to apply that to the whole when you can't do that because no two school districts spend the same per student. Schools in wealthy neighborhoods spend more per student than schools in poor neighborhoods. So you're not really painting an accurate picture of education funding. And by education funding, I am referring chiefly to college costs. When a state cuts taxes, like Kansas did, the resulting budget deficits have to be closed and the way that's done is by cutting state funding for public colleges, forcing them to raise tuition which forces students to borrow more. In fact, that is precisely what happened in Kansas. They cut taxes, which created deficits, which were closed by cutting spending on state colleges, which forced the KS Board of Regents to raise tuition, which took more money out of the pockets of students and their families. So that's how tax cuts end up costing everyone more.

It shouldn't be anyone's responsibility. We should have a single-payer system so we don't have to run up health care bills. What do you think health insurance is? You and a ton of other people pay into one pool, and from that pool your provider is reimbursed. So by enrolling in health insurance, you are responsible for paying others' medical bills, just as they're responsible for paying yours.

Well, you give your money to a stupid administrator in Hartford who does the same thing. Only, that administrator can take as much as 20% of what you pay for themselves. Medicare doesn't do that. And BTW - insurance companies are liars, frauds, and cheats who put their profit margins above your health.

Too much derp in your response. I won't do tit for tat but will answer in general.

The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

I am eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of our health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.

No they don't. That's a myth sold to you by the medical lobby. People who go to the US do so for last chance experimental treatments not available at home.

I know of a man who got sick while in the US and returned to Canada for treatment and had nothing good to say about the treatment they received in the US which was more focussed on how they would pay for his treatment, not getting him well. He is a Vice President of the largest medical insurance company in Canada and could have afforded to go anywhere in the world. He chose Sunnybrook in Toronto.

The only person I know personally to get treatment in the US, had terminal lung cancer. Being wealthy, he went to Boston for experimental treatment.

Stop believing the bullshit the medical lobby feeds you and look at facts for a change.

Lib please yank the liberal IV out of your arm. You obviously don't know what the wait times are in these countries with single payer healthcare, or the poor quality of care, or limitations. If government care is so awesome why did congress exempt themselves and their staff? OH SNAP!

I LIVE IN CANADA. I know EXACTLY what the wait times are. When I went to the hospital last month with chest pains, my wait time was under 5 minutes! I walked in handed them my card confirmed my address and phone number was was taken for treatment.

I am currently waiting for knee surgery but I could have had it a year ago and CHOSE to wait.

It's called TRIAGE. Look it up.

ETA: I can see any doctor I want. There are no "pre-approvals", pre-existing conditions are not a factor here, everyone is covered regardless of age and health, and if I don't like my doctor, I can find another one.
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Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of your health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

There are two components to the high cost of heath care. First is the technological boom. Most of the cost increases we saw in the 1980s and 1990s had to do with expensive technology which saved many lives. Those MRI machines that you see everywhere in the US cost money. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

After Obamacare the cost increases were due to stupid government interference in the free market and that is despicable. Tremendous increases in insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments because of ridiculous government requirements. On top of that you had all that filthy welfare shit for free health care and subsidies that the paying customers had to pay for.
Too much derp in your response. I won't do tit for tat but will answer in general.

The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

I am eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of our health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.

No they don't. That's a myth sold to you by the medical lobby. People who go to the US do so for last chance experimental treatments not available at home.

I know of a man who got sick while in the US and returned to Canada for treatment and had nothing good to say about the treatment they received in the US which was more focussed on how they would pay for his treatment, not getting him well. He is a Vice President of the largest medical insurance company in Canada and could have afforded to go anywhere in the world. He chose Sunnybrook in Toronto.

The only person I know personally to get treatment in the US, had terminal lung cancer. Being wealthy, he went to Boston for experimental treatment.

Stop believing the bullshit the medical lobby feeds you and look at facts for a change.

Lib please yank the liberal IV out of your arm. You obviously don't know what the wait times are in these countries with single payer healthcare, or the poor quality of care, or limitations. If government care is so awesome why did congress exempt themselves and their staff? OH SNAP!

I LIVE IN CANADA. I know EXACTLY what the wait times are. When I went to the hospital last month with chest pains, my wait time was under 5 minutes! I walked in handed them my card confirmed my address and phone number was was taken for treatment.

I am currently waiting for knee surgery but I could have had it a year ago and CHOSE to wait.

It's called TRIAGE. Look it up.

Canadian there's a shocker :laugh: OMG you had to prove ID? :laugh: Tell me why is the incidence of rape and alcoholism so much higher in Canada vs the US?
The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Wow. How could someone be so wrong? So the primary source of funding for public schools (not colleges, but K-12) in the US is property taxes. So if you live in a district with high property values, your local district is going to be getting more than if you live in a district with low property values. How do you think public schools are funded in this country?!?!? You talk about "allocation", but again, that's extremely general and vague, seemingly deliberately. You seem to be just reciting talking points but know very little about them. I think you're just too lazy a person to bother knowing what you're talking about.

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

So you think schools should be...segregated again? Well, you do have a flag of traitors in your signature, so I can see how you'd be opposed to desegregation. And what "social engineering" are you talking about? More buzzy catchphrases that have about as much depth as a cat's litter box.

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Yes, parents do need to take a bigger role, however if they're working 50-60 hours a week just to make ends meet, when do you expect them to take this bigger role? Remember, you're the ones who oppose raising wages...so you force parents to work more than 40 hours a week while also expecting them to spend the time they're not working doing shit for their kids. That's not a very good use of time or resources. Parents would be able to take a bigger role in their children's education if you didn't force them to work more than 40 hours a week because you refuse to raise wages, because...because...there's no good answer for that. Because you're an asshole married to dogma about minimum wage increases. So really, your entire argument here is masturbatory. You say parents need to spend more time with their kids, but you refuse to raise the minimum wage which would result in parents having to work fewer hours, which means they can spend the time with their kids. See how your argument is rife with the cognitive dissonance? No?

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

You already pay for other people's health care bills when you pay insurance. A single-payer makes sense because then providers and doctors are set on a level playing field and must improve outcomes in order to attract patients. They have no incentive to improve outcomes now because insurance companies don't reimburse according to outcomes. All a single payer does is administrate payment to your provider. Which is all an insurance company does today. Difference is that insurance companies take as much as 20% for themselves. Medicare's overhead is 1% of its entire budget. So what's the better deal?

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

The sad thing about what you wrote here is that you don't even know what "free market" health care looks like. Because we certainly do not have a free market health care system now. Can you go to any doctor you want? Not unless you're gonna pay the full cost. You have to first get an insurance plan and then you get to choose your doctor from those who take that specific plan. So how's that free market for health care? Seems like the opposite to me. When I think of "free market" for health care, I envision a patient going to see whatever doctor they want, and those doctors are all reimbursed at the same rate across the board, thus forcing providers to compete with one another for your care. That's free market...not paying someone to administer payment to your provider.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

Medicare's Administrative Costs according to CMS' budget are 1% of the total CMS budget
Aetna's Administrative costs according to their investor portfolio are 17% of the total Aetna budget.

So which is more efficient? The system where 1% of its budget is for administration, or the one where 17% of its budget is for administration? Be honest.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

You're not in charge of your health care now. An insurance company is. You don't get to see any doctor you want. You only get to see the doctors that accept your plan. So you have no idea or conception about what else is out there because we do not have a free market system with insurance companies administering payments.

Iam eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Then you don't fucking know shit about the VA. According to Gallup, veterans have the highest patient satisfaction with their system. Second? Medicare. Third? Medicaid. Fourth: Union-provided plans. Fifth: employer-provided insurance. Sixth: individual purchased insurance.


You are confuse Moon Bat.

The filthy ass Federal government shells out $10 billion a year in education and gets jackshit for it. Every state waste money on education due to to stupid racial and diversity crap. We waste a ton of money here in Florida doing things in the school sthat does little or nothing to improve real education and Florida is one of the better states.

You are really confused about the concept of insurance. Insurance suppose to be a risk pool where the cost includes the projected outlays of the pool plus the cost associated with running the system and profit for the company doing the business. That is fine. You are paying in when you don't need the care and drawing out when you do. It is fine when you have choices and companies competing for your business. What is not fine is when the filthy ass government interferes with that free market by imposing stupid requirements that you neither need or want and drives up the cost. Obamacare was the ultimate interference of that market and that is why premiums, co payments and deductibles rose so much for the paying customers while the shithead welfare queens got their subsidies.

It is always wrong to require that somebody have to pay out money to pay the bills of somebody else that didn't pay, isn't it?

The only thing you got right in your idiotic rambling is that we don't have a free market in health care. You stupid Liberals are to blame for that.

I m not afraid of the free market. The free market provides me with the best restaurant to eat, the best car to buy, the best computer to buy, etc. If the government would leave it alone the free market would provide us with the best health care at the lowest possible price like it does for almost every other commodity.

What I am afraid of is the filthy ass government bureaucrat deciding what my health care should be. Not only will the government be super inefficient at it but they will impose stupid social justice eugenics to the care that I get. Disaster!

The government needs to stay out of the business of regulating health care.

Talking about being confused but you are really confused about "single payer". It is nothing more than a hurrendous welfare scheme for the welfare queens.

Lib please yank the liberal IV out of your arm. You obviously don't know what the wait times are in these countries with single payer healthcare, or the poor quality of care, or limitations. If government care is so awesome why did congress exempt themselves and their staff? OH SNAP!

The US has a much better cancer cure rate than these socialized medicine countries because the relatively more free market allows quicker treatment. Of course Obama did everything he could to change that.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of your health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

There are two components to the high cost of heath care. First is the technological boom. Most of the cost increases we saw in the 1980s and 1990s had to do with expensive technology which saved many lives. Those MRI machines that you see everywhere in the US cost money. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.

After Obamacare the cost increases were due to stupid government interference in the free market and that is despicable. Tremendous increases in insurance premiums, deductibles and co payments because of ridiculous government requirements. On top of that you had all that filthy welfare shit for free health care and subsidies that the paying customers had to pay for.
Too much derp in your response. I won't do tit for tat but will answer in general.

The US spends a ton of money on education and the money is spent unwisely because the allocation of the money is made by stupid bureaucrats whose bosses are corrupt politicians whoa re elected by greedy special interest groups and that is why we don't get good value for the money..

Education doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't cost much to have a classroom and a qualified teacher. Money is wasted on education because the idiots use education for social engineering. For instance just think how much money was wasted for decades on something stupid like busing for racial reasons. Dumb!

The way for education to succeed is for the parents to take an interest in the education of their children. That is what we did with our children. We made sure they got a good education regardless of the cost. We put their education in the hands of people we knew would do a good job instead of what some stupid bureaucrat who didn't really give a shit dolled out to us.

Single payer sucks because it created a filthy ass entitlement to free health care and that is wrong. It is not my responsibility to pay your health care bills. It is your responsibility. For someone to use the filthy ass government to steal money from me to pay their bills is thievery and it is despicable.

As far as insurance is concerned I'll discuss that with you when the filthy ass government stops dictating requirements to the providers and we have a f4eee market.

In a free market I don't mind paying a company a reasonable profit to establish a risk pool and administer it. That would be a lot cheaper to me than a bloated corrupt government doing a stupid inefficient single payer.scheme.

I want to be in charge of my health care not some government asshole that really doesn't give a shit. Health care is too important to allow the corrupt, inefficient and politically motivated government to administer it.

I am eligible for VA health benefits but I refuse to use it because the last thing I would ever want to do it have the government make decisions on my healthcare. However, I know there are some of my fellow veterans that are forced to use the VA because in the Obama economy they didn't have the money to afford private care and my heart goes out to them.

Your comments on insurance would make some small amount of sense IF Americans didn't have the highest health care costs in the world. One Third of our health care costs are Administration. Single payer countries have better health outcomes, longer life expectancies, and universal health care coverage for half of the money Americans spend. So your notion that a free market is better or cheaper is completely false.

Where do you libwits get this utter nonsense holy shit. Everyone who can afford to do so travel to America for our healthcare not these socialist single payer government stupid shit care countries.

No they don't. That's a myth sold to you by the medical lobby. People who go to the US do so for last chance experimental treatments not available at home.

I know of a man who got sick while in the US and returned to Canada for treatment and had nothing good to say about the treatment they received in the US which was more focussed on how they would pay for his treatment, not getting him well. He is a Vice President of the largest medical insurance company in Canada and could have afforded to go anywhere in the world. He chose Sunnybrook in Toronto.

The only person I know personally to get treatment in the US, had terminal lung cancer. Being wealthy, he went to Boston for experimental treatment.

Stop believing the bullshit the medical lobby feeds you and look at facts for a change.

Lib please yank the liberal IV out of your arm. You obviously don't know what the wait times are in these countries with single payer healthcare, or the poor quality of care, or limitations. If government care is so awesome why did congress exempt themselves and their staff? OH SNAP!

I LIVE IN CANADA. I know EXACTLY what the wait times are. When I went to the hospital last month with chest pains, my wait time was under 5 minutes! I walked in handed them my card confirmed my address and phone number was was taken for treatment.

I am currently waiting for knee surgery but I could have had it a year ago and CHOSE to wait.

It's called TRIAGE. Look it up.

NO BODY cares about YOUR personal anecdotal story which I'm sure is true BUT it is the exception. NOT the rule!
CTVNews.ca staff Published Wednesday, November 23, 2016 5:30AM EST Last Updated Wednesday, November 23, 2016 10:03PM EST
A survey by the Fraser Institute found a median wait of 20 weeks for “medically necessary” treatments and procedures in 2016 – the longest-recorded wait time since the think tank began tracking wait times.
That’s more than double the wait times reported in 1993, when the right-leaning think tank began tracking the issue in Canada.
Healthcare wait times hit 20 weeks in 2016: report

While in the USA...4 weeks.... vs 20 weeks in Canada.
The average wait time for a physician appointment for the 15 large metro markets surveyed is 24.1 days, up 30% from 2014

FACTS folks... so easy to get without getting egg on your face!
Its not 2004 and president Trump is not president Bush

So because it's 2017 and Trump's President, what didn't work during Bush will work now? Again, how? What makes you think that?

I tried to grow tomatoes in 2004 and failed, I should never try again. You may have a brain tumor seek immediate medical attention.

If you try to grow tomatoes the same way you did in 2004, then you're going to fail again.
No, are we still discussing your lack of intelligence?

So then they're not facing the same challenges we are...so when you invoke these instances, you're glossing over the multiple differences between them seeking care here and paying cash vs. people enrolling in an insurance plan.

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