What a 15% corporate federal tax rate would mean...at the minimum $55 billion additional Taxes!

1) There were $8 trillion in dot.com losses

From where are you getting that number? And secondly, the dotcom bubble appeared in the first place because of the Capital Gains Tax Cut. You idiots caused the dotcom bubble to occur when you cut Capital Gains Taxes. So again, how is that not something of your own doing?

2) A recession started under Clinton officially began 3/01

And despite that recession and 9/11, GDP growth for 2001 was still positive. So Clinton isn't the excuse for shitty growth...Conservatives are because Conservatives don't know what the fuck they're doing. Because they're idiots.

3) 9/11 cost million of jobs, billions of dollars

How so? Cost jobs, how? Other than the people who died (and who would eventually be replaced with new hires), what jobs were lost? What businesses were closed? You realize that most, if not all, of those businesses in the WTC on 9/11 relocated their facilities to other parts of the city and Jersey, right? Did you think Cantor Fitzgerald ceased operations after 9/11? No. They moved to offices in midtown on the East Side.

4) Anthrax attacks caused a lot of angst, questions about mail 5 deaths!

So Bush didn't keep us safe. And what do the anthrax attacks have to do with 8 years of shitty growth thanks to Bush the Dumber's Conservative policies?

5) WORST Hurricane SEASONs not just hurricanes BUT years of hurricanes causing nearly a Trillion in damages, lost businesses, jobs and lives!

The storms during Obama were worse. Sandy was a much bigger and costlier storm than Katrina. Secondly, if you're admitting that hurricanes got bad under Bush the Dumber, why? Why do you think there were suddenly all these terrible, massive storms? Could it have anything to do with Climate Change?

6)Something you idiots NEVER seem to recognize the economic terrorist attack of 9/18/08 which would have collapsed the WORLD's economies!

Which was caused by Bush the Dumber's regulators ceasing enforcement of lending standards for subprime loans, which increased the number of subprime loans issued, which grew the derivatives market, which inflated the bubble, which led to the collapse. The "terror attack" on the economy didn't happen in 2008, it happened in 2004 when Bush and the Conservatives removed leveraging restrictions for banks, allowed Wall Street to "police itself", ceased enforcement of lending standards, and forced GSE's to resume purchasing risky loans (even though GSE loans far overperformed private-label loans during the same period).

7)In SPITE of all the above: FACTS.. After tax cuts in response to dot.com/recession/9/11 FEDERAL REVENUES INCREASED SEE below table!

Federal revenues didn't reach 2000 level until 2004. So you took three steps back to take one step forward and that's something to celebrate? What happens if you take three steps back and take one step forward? Aren't you two steps behind?

Obama STORMS worse???
FACT! Irene 2011 Obama rank: 10:
GWB weather disaster: #,1,6,7,8,9,12, 14 a total of 7 of the top 15 events events!
SO YOU are a LIAR... Sandy wasn't even on the list!
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters | Weather Underground
Screen Shot 2017-08-31 at 11.00.58 AM.png
I'd favor a 15% corporate rate if these businesses aren't allowed any deductions for lobbying, political contributions, stadium boxes, event tickets, over-the-top executive compensation, etc.
A) FACT is 20% is what was actually paid in 2011.

OK, so if that's the case, then how will lowering the corporate tax rate result in more revenue or an increase in the effective rate?

B) YOU didn't take in account that corporations PAY 6.2% of all payrolls to Federal government in SS/Medicare employee taxes!

Which are payroll taxes, not income taxes. Do you...do you think corporations shouldn't pay payroll taxes? Why?

C) Unemployment and workman's comp are additional taxes. Add to the above and you get nearly 30% in effect TAXES to the federal Government!

That's not what your link says.

PAYROLL taxes are considered revenue by the federal government!
LOOK at this table: Payroll taxes make up 33% of federal revenue of which corporations share is 16%!
THEY ARE TAXES that are considered revenue!
I'd favor a 15% corporate rate if these businesses aren't allowed any deductions for lobbying, political contributions, stadium boxes, event tickets, over-the-top executive compensation, etc.
OK how about these top deductions taken by "corporations"???
NOTE: Numbers 1 and 2 directly benefit employees.... sure let's do away with them.
Where do you see over the top executive compensation? Never heard of the Section 162(m) generally prohibits a tax deduction for any compensation in excessof $1 million paid to the CEO or to the four other most highly compensated officers of a public corporation.
Here's my humble solution......

Congress should "try" a 15% tax on businesses for ONE year.....and if the revenue does NOT increase, then every idiot that voted for the bill is forced to resign.....

Let's see how Trump and congress like to gamble with our country's financial existence.
Here's my humble solution......

Congress should "try" a 15% tax on businesses for ONE year.....and if the revenue does NOT increase, then every idiot that voted for the bill is forced to resign.....

Let's see how Trump and congress like to gamble with our country's financial existence.

^^^ dumb idea alert. Here's a better idea, you mooching losers get a job.
Repatriating the trillions of dollars sitting off-shore hiding from you libs and your asshole taxes.

This idiot does not know that GWB tried that and FAILED.

Report: Repatriation Tax Holiday a 'Failed' Policy

The 15 companies that benefited the most from a 2004 tax break for the return of their overseas profits cut more than 20,000 net jobs and decreased the pace of their research

spending.Report: Repatriation Tax Holiday a 'Failed' Policy

Right wingers and Trump ass-kissers are ready for another golden shower in this Trump NEW trickle-down scam.
Here's my humble solution......

Congress should "try" a 15% tax on businesses for ONE year.....and if the revenue does NOT increase, then every idiot that voted for the bill is forced to resign.....

Let's see how Trump and congress like to gamble with our country's financial existence.
OK... let's take your 1 year suggestion!
A) Assume the reduction occurs in Dec 2017. When does the year start... 2018?
B) So then assume by magic IRS will be able to start the clock 1/1/18.
C) That means the entire year would be up before the 2018 tax year ends.
D) Then the corporations have till April 15,2018 to start paying taxes... that actually is over a year right?

No your suggestion doesn't make any logical, economical, business sense.

What is so much of a problem for you to really comprehend that corporations of which only the multi-billion ones can afford cadre's of tax specialists.
They aren't the ones that will be affected.
It is the smaller businesses that are truly handicapped with onerous and just ridiculous IRS rules.
These small businesses can't afford tax accountants like the billion dollar ones.
And this is what would be more affected... smaller business which: employ 49% of all employees!

In 2012, large enterprises employed 59.9 million people (51.6 percent of all employees),
very small enterprises employed 20.4 million people (17.6 percent),
small enterprises employed 19.4 million people (16.7 percent), and
medium enterprises employed 16.3 million people (14.0 percent).

I should think such socially aware people like you that hate big corporations, evil capitalists you'd be aware of this but of course not!
You and your ilk don't do any research on the realities of what you pontificate on!
Do some research!
Repatriating the trillions of dollars sitting off-shore hiding from you libs and your asshole taxes.

This idiot does not know that GWB tried that and FAILED.

Report: Repatriation Tax Holiday a 'Failed' Policy

The 15 companies that benefited the most from a 2004 tax break for the return of their overseas profits cut more than 20,000 net jobs and decreased the pace of their research

spending.Report: Repatriation Tax Holiday a 'Failed' Policy

Yes you are triggered and running amok with emoticons, adults are having a conversation go outside and play :itsok:
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell.

But that is not what you said before. You said "18,000 businesses were destroyed". Those were your words. So now we have a case of you shifting the goalposts. And no, 9/11 was not a catastrophic financial loss. As you saw in the facts, the market regained all its losses from 9/11 less than two months following the attack.

There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S. 2001 to 2009: Top Financial Events That Rocked the Decade

So I'm wondering why you lumped in the expansion of homeland security with the financial losses from 9/11? Are you trying to say they had something to do with one another?

And you totally ignored the dot.com bust!

No I didn't. In fact, if you read my post, you'd see the cause of the dotcom bubble burst were The Capital Gains Tax Cuts. And even with the dotcom bubble burst, GDP growth for 2001 was still positive. Probably because of all those Mortgage Equity Withdrawals.

And you ignored the WORST Hurricane SEASONS!

Geez, maybe we should do something about Climate Change, then.
Repatriating the trillions of dollars sitting off-shore hiding from you libs and your asshole taxes.

This idiot does not know that GWB tried that and FAILED.

Report: Repatriation Tax Holiday a 'Failed' Policy

The 15 companies that benefited the most from a 2004 tax break for the return of their overseas profits cut more than 20,000 net jobs and decreased the pace of their research

spending.Report: Repatriation Tax Holiday a 'Failed' Policy

Goldman Sachs analyst Alec Phillips said last week that another repatriation holiday
would most likely increase dividend payments and share buybacks ... we would not expect a significant change in corporate hiring or investment plans.”
He added that the issue will “receive additional attention over the next several weeks.
Bush Administration Tax Break For Overseas Corporations Was Costly Failure: Report | HuffPost

GOOD! GREAT! INCREASE Dividend payments!
DUMMIES!!! Do you know that dividends are taxable income to the dividend holder! Meant MORE TAX revenue to the government!
Idiots like the above forget that!
And then that TERRIBLE TERRIBLE share buybacks!!!
What do you think those of you idiots with 401ks that have no idea what a "share buyback" does to YOUR portfolio!
AGAIN more capital gains taxes owed by you and your 401ks!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell.

But that is not what you said before. You said "18,000 businesses were destroyed". Those were your words. So now we have a case of you shifting the goalposts. And no, 9/11 was not a catastrophic financial loss. As you saw in the facts, the market regained all its losses from 9/11 less than two months following the attack.

There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S. 2001 to 2009: Top Financial Events That Rocked the Decade

So I'm wondering why you lumped in the expansion of homeland security with the financial losses from 9/11? Are you trying to say they had something to do with one another?

And you totally ignored the dot.com bust!

No I didn't. In fact, if you read my post, you'd see the cause of the dotcom bubble burst were The Capital Gains Tax Cuts. And even with the dotcom bubble burst, GDP growth for 2001 was still positive. Probably because of all those Mortgage Equity Withdrawals.

And you ignored the WORST Hurricane SEASONS!

Geez, maybe we should do something about Climate Change, then.

YEA climate change affected NO major hurricane in 9 years until Harvey! Blame that on climate change SURE!!!
I should think such socially aware people like you that hate big corporations, evil capitalists you'd be aware of this but of course not!

Did THAT "conclusion" hurt much when it came out of your asshole???
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YEA climate change affected NO major hurricane in 9 years until Harvey! Blame that on climate change SURE!!!

You were complaining about hurricanes during Bush somehow serving as the excuse for why his economic growth was shit. I was just being pithy.

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