What a great endorsement..Farrakhan's Warning About What Will Happen If Trump Becomes President!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
A Black muslim terrorist supporter hates Trump, how much more of an endorsement for Trump can one get?

The Blaze ^ | Dec. 31, 2015 | Billy Hallowell
The Minister Louis Farrakhan has a warning for the American public: [If Donald Trump becomes president, he will take America into the abyss of hell.] That is the message that the controversial Nation of Islam leader delivered in a recent video that was posted to his Facebook page.
I like this part.

Farrakhan said that Trump has certainly “done great things in the business world,” but charged that the Republican presidential candidate is “exacerbating the race situation in America.”

Like it could get any worse than it's been for the last 7 years. :lol:
I like this part.

Farrakhan said that Trump has certainly “done great things in the business world,” but charged that the Republican presidential candidate is “exacerbating the race situation in America.”

Like it could get any worse than it's been for the last 7 years. :lol:
and like louie does things to make things better....
Barry is much the same, both are controlled by puppet masters.
With all due respect to Minister Farrakhan, as a down to Earth non-believer I have no clue nor I am interested in "what the scripture said."

Though I am very interested in learning why many locally, nationally and internationally popular Americans of African descent having been directly or indirectly rapping or speaking about America's expanding and shameful *National Epidemic of Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, aka *Poverty*, that for more than two generations has deprived untold numbers of American kids from experiencing and enjoying a fairly happy American kid childhood with *Safe Streets* to travel and play on.

*Child Abuse and Neglect* that is primarily responsible for populating our prisons and far too many American communities with depressed, angry, frustrated, undisciplined, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults full of resentment for irresponsibly being introduced to a life of hardships and struggles.

*Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect* that often leads depressed, sometimes suicidal *(NY Times May 18, 2015 - Rise in Suicide by Black Children Surprises Researchers)* children to develop into depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults lacking empathy and compassion for others, though needing to vent their pent up negative emotions, often causing emotional and physical harm to peaceful people...instead of venting their anger, resentment and pain on the immature single moms and/or dads who introduced them to a life of pain and struggle by irresponsibly building a family before acquiring the practical skills, *PATIENCE* and means to successfully raise and nurture a developing young child who matures into a fairly happy responsible teen and adult with mostly fond memories of his or her childhood.

*Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect* that for more than thirty years is responsible for many recording artist nurtured in African American communities to characterize the MATERNAL HALF of our population as less than human ^itches, and ^hores unworthy of respect.

*Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect* that is responsible for a May 2015 NY Times article reporting "The suicide rate among black children has nearly doubled since the early 1990s, surpassing the rate for white children, a new study has found."

Nationally Popular Victim of Child Abuse - Kendrick Lamar Talks About ‘u,’ His Depression & Suicidal Thoughts (Pt. 2) | MTV Video News

*Suicidal Behaviors in the African American Community*

Suicidal Behaviors in the African American Community

Child Abuse - When time doesn't heal all wounds | Dr. Robert K. Ross - Ted-com Video

Dr. Ross's 13:00 (thirteen minute) presentation is a MUST WATCH & LISTEN for depressed, tormented people OF ALL AGES who were victims of crazy, less than stellar parenting, though listening to the doctor's words and absorbing them is more crucial.

Robert K. Ross, MD, President and CEO of The California Endowment, gives a compelling overview of the role that exposure to childhood trauma plays in the lives of troubled and chronically ill Americans.

I'm sad Minister Farrakhan's life was adversely impacted by human ignorance we call racism, an ignorance once embraced by a substantial number of Americans.

Sadly, the racially motivated oppression of human beings that deprived Minister Farrakhan of fully pursuing and experiencing his peaceful vision for Life, Liberty and Happiness has *largely* been replaced with a new form of human oppression that emotionally scars kids who mature into depressed adults much like recording artists Kendrick Lamar, Tupac Shakur, Curtis Jackson III, Dwayne Lil Wayne Carter, all victims of *Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect* who rap or speak about childhood and/or adult depression and suicidal thoughts.

Frankly I agree with some points Donald Trump makes, though I do not care for his rude, obnoxious style for communicating his thoughts.

However, if he or any other candidate seeking any elected office were to honestly address our shameful sub culture of *Early Childhood Abuse and Neglect*, offering reasonable solutions for preventing child abuse often responsible for children maturing into depressed, angry teens and adults, they would have my full support, admiration and respect.

Sadly, I do not see any of our nation's elected or civic leaders, including Minister Farrakhan, having the will and fortitude to compassionately scold the teen girls and women who create poverty (aka Child Abuse) by building families before acquiring practical skills, PATIENCE and the means to properly raise and nurture a child who experiences and enjoys a safe, fairly happy American kid childhood.

Hoping a new year brings change to America's attitude about poverty (aka Child Abuse) reexamining and changing laws that ends the human oppression of children.

Human oppression that sometimes causes elementary school age children to view their mom as ^itches or ^hores, and to become depressed, thinking their lives are not worth living.

I like this part.

Farrakhan said that Trump has certainly “done great things in the business world,” but charged that the Republican presidential candidate is “exacerbating the race situation in America.”

Like it could get any worse than it's been for the last 7 years. :lol:

Oh, I don't know. I think the early 40s were a pretty bad time. Then there was that whole slavery thing. That was worse.
If weren't for the virulent right, most people wouldn't even know Farrakhan was still alive. Leave it to the wingnuts to present us with another ephemeral fear.
I like this part.

Farrakhan said that Trump has certainly “done great things in the business world,” but charged that the Republican presidential candidate is “exacerbating the race situation in America.”

Like it could get any worse than it's been for the last 7 years. :lol:

Oh, I don't know. I think the early 40s were a pretty bad time. Then there was that whole slavery thing. That was worse.
You have to go back 70 years to find a worse period for racial division. Thank you for proving my point.
If weren't for the virulent right, most people wouldn't even know Farrakhan was still alive. Leave it to the wingnuts to present us with another ephemeral fear.
Sort of like how you libs like to bring up the KKK?
If weren't for the virulent right, most people wouldn't even know Farrakhan was still alive. Leave it to the wingnuts to present us with another ephemeral fear.

Hi, Konrady.

I'm guessing you missed the recent Million Man March two months ago during which speaker Louis Farrakhan scolded the men in his audience, angrily imploring men to stop referring to African American females as Bitches, much like this African American women characterizes females making babies with multiple daddies.

Go to 5:21

If weren't for the virulent right, most people wouldn't even know Farrakhan was still alive. Leave it to the wingnuts to present us with another ephemeral fear.
I'm guessing you missed the recent Million Man March two months ago during which speaker Louis Farrakhan scolded the men in his audience, angrily imploring men to stop referring to African American females as Bitches, much like this African American women characterizes females making babies with multiple daddies.
That's what I was saying. Without people like the OP bringing him up, most people wouldn't even know who Farrakhan is. Thanks for letting everyone know that, like most people, he isn't all bad.
That's what I was saying. Without people like the OP bringing him up, most people wouldn't even know who Farrakhan is. Thanks for letting everyone know that, like most people, he isn't all bad.

Hey, K.

By embracing his ignorant agenda for a separate nation, I believe Louis Farrakhan has caused a great deal of harm within our nation, protracting the suffering and oppression of American children as well as adults.

Apparently he began life witnessing the human ignorance we call racism that harshly deprived people of their right to be free and equally accepted as any other man or woman. I understand how this could impact a man's thinking and emotional state.

Though as our society has evolved, Minister Farrakhan has not.

He remains mired in his pain, unable to let it go, resulting with the "screw whitey" mentality he preaches.

A mentality I believe affects not only his followers, but many other people who wish to ignore the current form of human oppression that is hindering children from developing into peaceful teens and adults who can be relied upon to show a minimum of respect for their peaceful neighbors, much like most of the people I grew up with and continue to reside among.

During his remarks at the recent MMM Louis Farrakhan scolded his male audience demanding they stop referring to women a bitches.

However, he did not mention refraining calling women whore, a demeaning word very popular among American rap performers their fans and other males and females in many urban communities.

I began witnessing Brooklyn brothers calling women 'bitches and whores' back in the early-mid 80s. I also witnessed why many teen girls and women EARNED this title.

The woman who produced this youtube broadcast explains why some men, women, teen boys and girls view as 'bitches and whores' a significant population of African American girls and women who can't control their reproductive organs.

On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Shit.... - YouTube jazzy

Sadly, I believe this population of immature "bitches and whores" is responsible for emotionally damaging their children, failing to socialize their kids and ultimately responsible for populating our prisons and far too many American neighborhoods with with depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults peeved for being introduced to a life by selfish 'bitches and whores who ignore parental obligations to their children as well as their societal responsibility to raise fairly happy children maturing into fairly happy reasonably responsible teens and adults.

Peace, K.
By embracing his ignorant agenda for a separate nation, I believe Louis Farrakhan has caused a great deal of harm within our nation, protracting the suffering and oppression of American children as well as adults. Apparently he began life witnessing the human ignorance we call racism that harshly deprived people of their right to be free and equally accepted as any other man or woman. I understand how this could impact a man's thinking and emotional state. Though as our society has evolved, Minister Farrakhan has not. He remains mired in his pain, unable to let it go, resulting with the "screw whitey" mentality he preaches. A mentality I believe affects not only his followers, but many other people who wish to ignore the current form of human oppression that is hindering children from developing into peaceful teens and adults who can be relied upon to show a minimum of respect for their peaceful neighbors, much like most of the people I grew up with and continue to reside among. During his remarks at the recent MMM Louis Farrakhan scolded his male audience demanding they stop referring to women a bitches. However, he did not mention refraining calling women whore, a demeaning word very popular among American rap performers their fans and other males and females in many urban communities. I began witnessing Brooklyn brothers calling women 'bitches and whores' back in the early-mid 80s. I also witnessed why many teen girls and women EARNED this title. The woman who produced this youtube broadcast explains why some men, women, teen boys and girls view as 'bitches and whores' a significant population of African American girls and women who can't control their reproductive organs. On the Couch #4: Black Women Ain't Shit.... - YouTube jazzy Sadly, I believe this population of immature "bitches and whores" is responsible for emotionally damaging their children, failing to socialize their kids and ultimately responsible for populating our prisons and far too many American neighborhoods with with depressed, angry, frustrated, unpredictable, sometimes suicidal teens and adults peeved for being introduced to a life by selfish 'bitches and whores who ignore parental obligations to their children as well as their societal responsibility to raise fairly happy children maturing into fairly happy reasonably responsible teens and adults.
Most people don't know who he is, but it seems you and he are on the same side, so IMO. you're not making any sense. You give him too much credit. Black nationalism and disrespecting women are two different issues. Farrakhan doesn't like it any more than you do.
Most people don't know who he is, but it seems you and he are on the same side, so IMO. you're not making any sense. You give him too much credit. Black nationalism and disrespecting women are two different issues. Farrakhan doesn't like it any more than you do.

K, thanks for sharing your thoughts and opinions.

I like this part.

Farrakhan said that Trump has certainly “done great things in the business world,” but charged that the Republican presidential candidate is “exacerbating the race situation in America.”

Like it could get any worse than it's been for the last 7 years. :lol:

Oh, I don't know. I think the early 40s were a pretty bad time. Then there was that whole slavery thing. That was worse.
You have to go back 70 years to find a worse period for racial division. Thank you for proving my point.

I'm sorry, what was your point exactly?

Was your point the fact that you engage in gross hyperbole?
Was your point the fact that you are so crippled by ODS that you can't past your own nose?
Was it your point to say that our current challenges have been decades in the making?
Was your point that you are ignorant of history and you make up statements as suitable for your agenda in the here and now?

Because all of those things could be extrapolated from your statements.
I like this part.

Farrakhan said that Trump has certainly “done great things in the business world,” but charged that the Republican presidential candidate is “exacerbating the race situation in America.”

Like it could get any worse than it's been for the last 7 years. :lol:

Oh, I don't know. I think the early 40s were a pretty bad time. Then there was that whole slavery thing. That was worse.
You have to go back 70 years to find a worse period for racial division. Thank you for proving my point.

I'm sorry, what was your point exactly?

Was your point the fact that you engage in gross hyperbole?
Was your point the fact that you are so crippled by ODS that you can't past your own nose?
Was it your point to say that our current challenges have been decades in the making?
Was your point that you are ignorant of history and you make up statements as suitable for your agenda in the here and now?

Because all of those things could be extrapolated from your statements.
My point is that Obama is the most racially divisive president we've ever had. Too bad you're not smart enough to understand.
My point is that Obama is the most racially divisive president we've ever had. Too bad you're not smart enough to understand.

Funny. Nothing you've said, until now, supports that position. Was the purpose of your previous flagrant exaggerations to communicate that point? If so, why didn't you just say it?

In any event, now that you've said it..... :link:
My point is that Obama is the most racially divisive president we've ever had. Too bad you're not smart enough to understand.

Funny. Nothing you've said, until now, supports that position. Was the purpose of your previous flagrant exaggerations to communicate that point? If so, why didn't you just say it?

In any event, now that you've said it..... :link:
No exaggerations and everyone here is familiar with his many divisive comments and actions. I'm not gonna jump through hoops for you. If you want links you know how to find them (well, maybe not) Now get lost, I don't feel like wasting time on somebody with a single digit I.Q.

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