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What a great man.... HAPPY 100th Ronald Reagan, you are truly missed.

Yes, you were a great man and a great president, Mr. Reagan. In fact if you were in office now, the Middle East would not be revolting. They KNOW you would not want OR tolerate a Muslim Brotherhood, in Egypt. You were no wimp and you were no Muslim sympathizer...

Ronald "Nancy's boy" Reagan was too scared to take on the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been in Egypt since 1928.

Reagan was a wimp who was scared of Muslims, which is why he cut and run from Lebanon when they killed more than 200+ Marines.

Truly one of our WORST hours as Americans. Reagan's failure to honor those Marines with a pound of flesh was reprehensible. His cowardice in the face of that attack laid the groundwork for all aspiring terrorists against America that came after it.

But we invaded Grenada....
Ronald "Nancy's boy" Reagan was too scared to take on the Muslim Brotherhood, which has been in Egypt since 1928.

Reagan was a wimp who was scared of Muslims, which is why he cut and run from Lebanon when they killed more than 200+ Marines.

Truly one of our WORST hours as Americans. Reagan's failure to honor those Marines with a pound of flesh was reprehensible. His cowardice in the face of that attack laid the groundwork for all aspiring terrorists against America that came after it.

But we invaded Grenada....

Ya we saved some of the worst trained student doctors on the planet! Hooray for the USA!!!! :lol: :lol:
No teleprompter.....and then they realized they nominated the wrong guy!

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Iran Contra

*Never Convicted* Nice dodge. Nice obfuscation attempt deany-bub.

Pardoned..big difference. Never convicted was Simpson's legacy...until that little incident in Nevada.

Neither Reagan nor North were ever convicted of anything re Iran Contra. Even the Democrats' special counsel, after years and mega millions of dollars of investigation, reported that though there were some minor laws broken, none carried any penalty. And that closed the books on Iran Contra. There were some minor players in that who were convicted but not for anything the Democrats wanted Reagan and North to be charged with.

North was convicted for falsifying evidence on a security fence around his home that he received after receiving death threats. (This wouldn't have been a problem except that he changed the date on a receipt.) And obstruction of justice--lying and withholding evidence from Congress. It was a conviction that he never would have received had he not been given immunity so that he could tell all to Congress. Evenso he received a very light sentence--some fines; some community service. The appellate court saw that he has been convicted after receiving immunity which put him in the constitutionally unacceptable position of incriminating himself and they threw it all out. As they should.
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In his 1984 campaign, Reagan asked us: Are you better off than you were before? He won 49 of 50 states and almost got Mondale's Minnesota too.

The Political Class Statists will do what you do--picking minutaea out of the big picture and holding it up as 'evidence' of Reagan's assault on the poor or however you wish to frame it.

But mainstream America--that's the rest of us who tilt right of center and we profoundly outnumber you--see that picture. An America in which the people govern themselves more, feel more positive, feel more hopeful, and do for themselves rather than sit back and hope the government will do for them.

What's better? Raising the minimum wage so that those receive it are slightly less under the poverty line than before? Or inspiring an economy in which pretty much anybody who doesn't want to be below the poverty line doesn't have to be there because they can work and aspire to their own hopes and goals?

Well stated...and that's whom Reagan was. He belived in this 'Experiment' of freedom, and bolstered it by action. More importantly he belived in the people...and did everything in his power to get government off their backs.

Of course by "people" you mean the backs of the board members of the biggest multinational corporations. Those long suffering "people" have been mighty grateful to Ronnie.

You're clueless you and goergie need to get a room.:cuckoo:
*Never Convicted* Nice dodge. Nice obfuscation attempt deany-bub.

Pardoned..big difference. Never convicted was Simpson's legacy...until that little incident in Nevada.

Neither Reagan nor North were ever convicted of anything re Iran Contra. Even the Democrats' special counsel, after years and mega millions of dollars of investigation, reported that though there were some minor laws broken, none carried any penalty. And that closed the books on Iran Contra. There were some minor players in that who were convicted but not for anything the Democrats wanted Reagan and North to be charged with.

North was convicted for falsifying evidence on a security fence around his home that he received after receiving death threats. (This wouldn't have been a problem except that he changed the date on a receipt.) And obstruction of justice--lying and withholding evidence from Congress. It was a conviction that he never would have received had he not been given immunity so that he could tell all to Congress. Evenso he received a very light sentence--some fines; some community service. The appellate court saw that he has been convicted after receiving immunity which put him in the constitutionally unacceptable position of incriminating himself and they threw it all out. As they should.

Nigga please! I do know a little bit about drug smuggling and Barry Seals would have had plenty to talk about if he had lived. North was as dirty as they come. I'm not going to be swayed by some cover up/white wash. That episode was a vulgar display of hubris, arrogance and multi-national illegality. Sell the soft soap to the naive..inexperienced sheep. Ronnie didn't apologize about it for no reason.
Nigga please! I do know a little bit about drug smuggling and Barry Seals would have had plenty to talk about if he had lived. North was as dirty as they come. I'm not going to be swayed by some cover up/white wash. That episode was a vulgar display of hubris, arrogance and multi-national illegality. Sell the soft soap to the naive..inexperienced sheep. Ronnie didn't apologize about it for no reason.

Ollie North is a patriot, Reagan and his people never did anything for personal gain, unlike some. What was the purpose? To free Americans, fight the spread of communism, and work for the interests of this country, so get off your high horse like I said you're clueless.


Ollie ran circles around those idiots in congress.:cool:
I had no issue with President Reagan until he proposed closing down our National Parks. From that point on, I hated the bastard. They are our last pristine places and animal habitats. The last good republican we had was Theodore Roosevelt, a progressive republican.

Based on the results of his presidency Reagan was an average President. His claim to fame is that he had a gift of making people (Americans) feel good about themselves. Add to that the fact that he didn't fail as a modern Republican President, as have both Bush's and Richard Nixon. That alone earns him a spot high on the list of 20th Century Republican leaders. Reagan would no doubt be rejected by the Right in today's political climate as being a liberal.
I do think Eisenhower ranks as a decent Republican President of the 20th century also.
good lord, so saying he was a good president is now "cult" like

fucking far left nut wingers

It's not whether he was a good president.

The problem is he was never close to being the president that the Rightwing Nut myth makers now make him out to be.

He couldn't survive a primary fight in 2008/10/12. they would be deriding him as an old dinosaur and not conservative enough.

I bet they would call him the "Dino RINO".
Its funny how Obama is now trying to act "Reagan-esque"..... Fuck all you libs, Obama cant hold a candle to Reagan's legacy.
He couldn't survive a primary fight in 2008/10/12. they would be deriding him as an old dinosaur and not conservative enough.

I bet they would call him the "Dino RINO".

Shit, you dumb FUCK, he would be like 97 years old.... what would you expect! :cuckoo:
Nigga please! I do know a little bit about drug smuggling and Barry Seals would have had plenty to talk about if he had lived. North was as dirty as they come. I'm not going to be swayed by some cover up/white wash. That episode was a vulgar display of hubris, arrogance and multi-national illegality. Sell the soft soap to the naive..inexperienced sheep. Ronnie didn't apologize about it for no reason.

Ollie North is a patriot, Reagan and his people never did anything for personal gain, unlike some. What was the purpose? To free Americans, fight the spread of communism, and work for the interests of this country, so get off your high horse like I said you're clueless.


Ollie ran circles around those idiots in congress.:cool:

Ya I'm clueless. I wasn't going to go there but since it is you with the diarrhea of the pie hole...Why don't you enlighten me and the USMB how Israel was involved in that sordid episode? Go fuck yourself. I will take no shit from someone that places Israels interest above that of the U S A. Come clean or FUCK OFF!!
Pardoned..big difference. Never convicted was Simpson's legacy...until that little incident in Nevada.

Neither Reagan nor North were ever convicted of anything re Iran Contra. Even the Democrats' special counsel, after years and mega millions of dollars of investigation, reported that though there were some minor laws broken, none carried any penalty. And that closed the books on Iran Contra. There were some minor players in that who were convicted but not for anything the Democrats wanted Reagan and North to be charged with.

North was convicted for falsifying evidence on a security fence around his home that he received after receiving death threats. (This wouldn't have been a problem except that he changed the date on a receipt.) And obstruction of justice--lying and withholding evidence from Congress. It was a conviction that he never would have received had he not been given immunity so that he could tell all to Congress. Evenso he received a very light sentence--some fines; some community service. The appellate court saw that he has been convicted after receiving immunity which put him in the constitutionally unacceptable position of incriminating himself and they threw it all out. As they should.

Nigga please! I do know a little bit about drug smuggling and Barry Seals would have had plenty to talk about if he had lived. North was as dirty as they come. I'm not going to be swayed by some cover up/white wash. That episode was a vulgar display of hubris, arrogance and multi-national illegality. Sell the soft soap to the naive..inexperienced sheep. Ronnie didn't apologize about it for no reason.

Too bad you weren't on the Special Prosecutor's staff, Huggy. He could have used somebody as smart as you because apparently he and his staff weren't smart enough to figure out what you have figured out all by yourself. North wasn't even charged with drug smuggling, much less convicted. Reagan did throw him under the bus--one of my few quarrels with President Reagan--but I think Ollie was probably a whole lot better person than you give him credit for. There was far more at stake in the Iran Contra affair than the more sinister looking factors those on the Left love to hold up and shake as 'evidence' of how evil President Reagan and Oliver North were.

Evenso, we have never elected a saint to office yet, and I doubt we ever will. If you want to look for only the bad in somebody, you can surely always find it.
Reagan was a loyal corporate tool that GE retired to the White House. Reaganomics was a perverted contradictory mix of fiscal, monetary, trade and industrial policies that paved the way for the demise of the US middle class.

Some facts:

"First, under Reagan the average hourly wage, adjusted for inflation ($1982) declined from $7.93 to $7.79 from 1980 to 1988.

"Real weekly earnings fell from $281.21 to $270.32. Moreover, this US Dept. of Labor data is extremely conservative with regard to the real wage decline for working and middle class Americans, since it defines and includes as ‘wage’ the salary equivalent of managers and even CEOs which bumps up the ‘average’.

"Those same CEOs, investors, and other recipients of capital incomes (dividends, interest, rent, capital gains, etc.) in contrast did far better than the average working class wage earner.

"According to Internal Revenue Service data, the wealthiest 10% households in the U.S. increased their share of total US household income from 32% to 39% over Reagan’s eight years—two-thirds of which was accrued by the wealthiest 1% of the top 10% households.

"The wealthiest 0.1% households did even better.

"After remaining between 1.7% to 2.0% share of income for more than twenty years, from 1960 to 1980, their income share tripled under Reagan from less than 2% in 1980 to more than 6% by 1988.

"In contrast to these very wealthiest, for the poorest working class households there were no adjustments to the minimum wage over the Reagan period, as Reagan made clear he would veto any such adjustment.

"Consequently, the minimum wage declined from $6.55 an hour to $4.80 an hour in real terms between 1980-89—or 27%.

"Not surprisingly, the poverty rate rose from 8.9% to 10.9% between 1980-86 largely as a result, and two paycheck families rose from 42% to 49% of all households between 1980-87 to accommodate stagnant working class earnings growth over the period."

Not mentioned is the fact that food prices started to really go up in the 1980s.
*Never Convicted* Nice dodge. Nice obfuscation attempt deany-bub.

Pardoned..big difference. Never convicted was Simpson's legacy...until that little incident in Nevada.

Neither Reagan nor North were ever convicted of anything re Iran Contra. Even the Democrats' special counsel, after years and mega millions of dollars of investigation, reported that though there were some minor laws broken, none carried any penalty. And that closed the books on Iran Contra. There were some minor players in that who were convicted but not for anything the Democrats wanted Reagan and North to be charged with.

North was convicted for falsifying evidence on a security fence around his home that he received after receiving death threats. (This wouldn't have been a problem except that he changed the date on a receipt.) And obstruction of justice--lying and withholding evidence from Congress. It was a conviction that he never would have received had he not been given immunity so that he could tell all to Congress. Evenso he received a very light sentence--some fines; some community service. The appellate court saw that he has been convicted after receiving immunity which put him in the constitutionally unacceptable position of incriminating himself and they threw it all out. As they should.

It's your right to defend treasonous and traitorous behavior. But it doesn't change it. Reagan violated the Constitution's separation of powers and committed treason when he made deals with an enemy foreign power prior to the election.

He admitted it. Nothing changes that.


There's no "out of context" here. That's the full, unedited speech. It's damning..and it's good that he was probably forced to make it.
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You lefties can't let one damn thread go without coming in and spewing all your hate all over it.

It was a thread saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY for crying out loud.
Document 52: Department of State Cable from George P. Shultz to the United States Embassy in Lebanon [et al.]. "Department Press Briefing, March 30, 1984," March 31, 1984

The State Department announces it has imposed foreign policy controls on Iran and Iraq for exports of chemical weapons precursors. It responds to questions from the press about U.S. policy regarding the Iran-Iraq war, and a department spokesperson says Iraq's chemical weapons use will not change U.S. interest in pursuing closer U.S.-Iraq relations.

Source: Declassified under the Freedom of Information Act
Wasn't "Iraq's chemical weapons use" (WMD) the primary reason for invading Iraq - and yet in 1984 the Reagan Administration's policy was that "Iraq's chemical weapons use will not change U.S. interest in pursuing closer U.S.-Iraq relations."

How ironic that it was GHW Bush (GWB's father) who was serving as Reagan's Vice President and Donald Runsfeld was the chief emissary in arranging this "cosy" alliance.

I'm sure all those Iranians and innocent Kurdish civilians who were killed during those chemical weapons attacks would also want to wish Saddam's friend, Ronald Reagan, a Happy Birthday!
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