What a Hypocrite..."Clooney.. "What's fun is peeling back that veneer of the perfect home life"

The definition of racist..."a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another." Under this definition Clooney believes HE is superior to all races because it is his job
"to peel that veneer of the perfect home life"


This passes for "logic" on your planet, does it?

So you have no clue what either "racist" nor "fascist" actually means huh.

I bet you can tell us all which hand George Clooney wipes his ass with though, right? As you did with O'bama? What ever happened to that thread anyway?

Well, the very wealthy among us don't have to live in the cesspool illegal immigration has turned America into. They have their gated communities and security guards and their kids go to private schools.
The definition of racist..."a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another." Under this definition Clooney believes HE is superior to all races because it is his job
"to peel that veneer of the perfect home life"


This passes for "logic" on your planet, does it?

So you have no clue what either "racist" nor "fascist" actually means huh.

I bet you can tell us all which hand George Clooney wipes his ass with though, right? As you did with O'bama? What ever happened to that thread anyway?

Well, the very wealthy among us don't have to live in the cesspool illegal immigration has turned America into. They have their gated communities and security guards and their kids go to private schools.

And then they invent ever more ludicrous sophistries to avoid taking responsibility for the abject failures of their pseudo-intellectual social engineering farces, and continue to hide behind their gates and private armies. No problem if gets really bad, they can always fly off or hop on their yachts for a nice easy cruise to Bermuda or the Riviera and leave 'everybody else' to suffer the consequences, usually continually spouting the same idiotic crap that caused it all in the first place.
The director took inspiration from the true story of what happened when the real-life Meyers became the first black family to move into Levittown, Pennsylvania in 1957.

As the film shows, by the evening of their first day in their new home, they had 500 people on their lawn, Confederate flags on their house and a cross burning on the lawn next door.

Clooney uses contemporary news footage of the harassment of the Meyers in the film. "Sometimes you have to see the real stuff to make it really land," he said.

"When you see a film that deals with race and bigotry in the 50s or 60s, it's almost always in the South.

"We're used to people with Southern accents using this kind of language, but as someone from Kentucky, it's worth discussing that these are people from Pennsylvania and New York scapegoating minorities."

Meanwhile, the Meyers, an African-American family, have moved in next door. Nicky is thrilled to have a new friend, their son Andy, to play with but the rest of the town is not so welcoming.

Andy's mother Daisy visits the local store only to discover that the price of every item has been hiked to $20, just for her.

Soon the family are under siege in their new home, hundreds of protestors banging drums around the clock in an effort to force them out.
the 50s!!!! THE 50s!!!!
What the hell do you think we all who lived through the 50s don't know this ???

BUT what the hell good does it do to continual TEAR apart the real fabric of America?
NO OTHER race has progress society as the White Race! Almost ALL the advances have been done by the WHITE race.
SO f...king WHAT? Tear them down?
TODAY TODAY... this is what is happening! Where is the "angst" from Clooney...you and other ignorant people!!!
Jack C. Phillips, a baker in Denver, Colorado, was asked to create a wedding cake by a gay couple, Charlie Craig and David Mullins, in 2012. Phillips refused, citing his Christian beliefs, but offered to serve them any other baked goods. Mullins and Craig opted to sue him instead, claiming that he had treated them in a “dehumanizing” way, and two courts ruled that Phillips should be coerced to make the wedding cake for the couple. Instead, in order to remain loyal to his conscience and his faith, Phillips stopped baking wedding cakes entirely. According to him, this has cost him 40% of his business revenue.

Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin were forced by a court in New Mexico to pay more than $6,600 in fines in 2012 after they declined to use their business, Elane Photography, to photograph a lesbian “commitment ceremony.”

The University of Toledo fired one of their staff members when she disagreed with the idea that gay marriage was a civil rights issue:

The university fired Crystal Dixon in 2008 from her interim post as associate vice president for human resources because she wrote an op-ed piece in the Toledo Free Press arguing that the gay rights movement should not be compared to the civil rights movement because she, as a black woman, did not get to choose her minority status but, she claimed, homosexuals do.

In 2013, the state of Oregon went after the little family bakery of Aaron and Melissa Klein, when they declined to provide a wedding cake for a lesbian wedding, again citing their Christian beliefs. The state of Oregon fined them, going so far as to garnish their bank accounts and assets and taking a total of $144,000 for their refusal to violate the tenets of their faith. The bakery, which the couple worked to create for years, was shut down. Aaron Klein is currently on disability after injuring himself working as a trash collector to provide for the couple’s five children. Their family was also the target of a vicious campaign by gay activists intent on destroying their business, regardless of the cost.

A lesbian couple sued the Wildflower Inn under the state public accommodations law in 2011 after being told they could not have their wedding reception there. The owners were reportedly open to holding same-sex ceremonies as long as customers were notified that the events personally violated their Catholic faith. It wasn’t enough. The inn had to settle the case in 2012, paying a $10,000 fine and putting double that amount in a charitable trust. Also, the inn is no longer hosting weddings, although the decision reportedly was made before the settlement.

High fines to punish Christians for remaining true to their conscience are becoming increasingly normal. As LifeSiteNews reported in 2014:

The New York State Division of Human Rights (DHR) has ruled that the Roman Catholic owners of an Albany-area farm violated the civil rights of a lesbian couple when they declined to host the couple’s same-sex “marriage” ceremony in 2012. Robert and Cynthia Gifford, who own and operate Liberty Ridge Farm in Schaghticoke, were ordered by DHR Judge Migdalia Pares and Commissioner Helen Diane Foster to pay $10,000 in fines to the state and an additional $3,000 in damages to the lesbian couple, Jennie McCarthy and Melissa Erwin for “mental pain and suffering.” Additionally, the Giffords must provide sensitivity training to their staff, and prominently display a poster highlighting state anti-discrimination laws.

In 2014, an Indianapolis bakery owned by Randy and Trish McGath found itself the target of an online campaign launched by gay activists after they cited their Christian beliefs as the reason they would not provide a cake for a same-sex wedding. They were smeared as homophobes and hateful people, although they were willing to serve the gay community—just not participate in the celebration of a same-sex wedding.

Baronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts in Richland, Washington State, was ordered to pay over $1,000 in fines in 2015 after declining to provide floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding. She had previously sold the couple in question flowers many times, but stated simply that providing floral arrangements for a wedding would violate her Christian beliefs.

In 2015, Mennonite couple Richard and Betty Odgaard were forced to close their business in Des Moines, Iowa, after being targeted by gay activists for their refusal to host a gay ‘wedding’ in their wedding chapel. A boycott campaign replete with vicious, profane messages and a civil rights complaint resulted in the Odgaards’ having to pay out a $5,000 settlement—ultimately, they lost their livelihood.
In 2013, Crisis Magazine reported that the anti-Christian campaigns had spread to Vermont:
No Christian persecution in the US? Try telling that to these Christians.
So now according to you, people such as Cloony and myself that cite American history, facts and racism that was perpetrated by people such as yourself are now racists....

Well you tell me. Do you really want to spend your money in a movie theater that berates your relatives and dummies? Racists? Probably being the really
uninformed person you are you will! But the VAST majority of Americans are really getting tired of being told how BAD our relatives behaved!
Especially when instead of measuring the huge amount of positive values that the majority of Americans have contributed to the betterment of the world idiots
like you want to tear it down! Why not RAISE everyone up? What is so wrong with lifting the black community out of poverty by providing them with opportunities
other then hatred and welfare?
Clooney is a racist. The only people that will go to this movie will be blacks. And Clooney is making money just as a slave owner did off the black community!
To recap your attempt at logic...
White racists tried to drive a hard working, honest and qualified home owner from his house simply because he was Black.
They damaged his property, threatened the lives of his wife and children, bought the house directly behind him in order to create noise 24 hours a day.
A white man named his dog ni66er and constantly walked it around the Black man's home just so he could shout out ni66er.
Formed a committee to try to take his home.
And yet you claim Clooney is a racist for pointing out what people like you did...lol.
Sorry you are so naive as to believe that the only way that Black people can get along with white people is to adopt a sense of historical amnesia...it ain't never going to happen.

AND when the HELL did this happen idiot????? over 60 years ago! GEEZ what the hell good does it do now BRING IT UP?
As of July 2016, African Americans are the largest racial minority, amounting to 13.3% of the population.
Hispanic and Latino Americans amount to 17.8% of the total U.S. population, making up the largest ethnic minority.
FACT: Just 24.5 percent of models cast were nonwhite, a 1.2 point increase over the 23.3 percent we reported last season. Compared to the most recent runway season, wherein nonwhite models represented 27.9 percent of castings, this figure is especially underwhelming.
Read more at Diversity Report: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back for Spring 2017 Ads

JUST 24.5% were nonwhite! JUST???? THEY make up 13.3% of the population but double that figure and they say "JUST"???
NOW as far as TV advertising follow this forum question by another person!
The point is there is a
Why so many blacks in ads?
Google Groups
And so when honest people ask an honest question..."Why so many blacks in TV commercials ?"
I posed this question last year, and was ridiculed for being a "racist". Anyway, a year later I'm seeing more and more blacks on
TV commercials. I figured it must be my imagination, so I went to google and typed in the question. .......
why are there so many blacks on tv commercials.......
got several million hits. Below are a few samples that show I'm not the only intelligent person who has noticed the upsurge.

How come its mostly all blacks people in all the commercials on TV?
How come its mostly all blacks people in all the commercials on TV?
Have you noticed the proliferation of black people on television commercials
why so many blacks on television why so many blacks on television
Why So Many Blacks In Commercials? http://liberalforum.org/liberalforum/index.php?/topic/129915-why-so-many-blacks-in-commercials/

I'm so sick of reverse racism in commercials
For the last few years the trend has been to make a white guy look like a total moron, while at the same time making a black guy (or other minority or woman) look like a genius. This is just another example of reverse racism being acceptable in our society, and the white male having no voice. Before you scream "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?", take a look at these examples (I will continue to update this thread with new examples throughout the discussion):
See posts# 13 and 14 to once again destroy this nonsense that you are trying to shovel...
Clooney is a racist.

:::cough cough:::

NO OTHER race has progress society as the White Race! Almost ALL the advances have been done by the WHITE race.

AND when the HELL did this happen idiot????? over 60 years ago! GEEZ what the hell good does it do now BRING IT UP?

Yanno that's exactly what the Daughters of the Confederacy and the whole Lost Cause movement were concerned about a century ago, right down to the 60 years bit. So they ran around erecting hundreds of statues and monuments and plaques in public squares and in front of courthouses to rewrite the public memory of that event. And in that case it did a lot of good to bring up those propaganda instruments, since it brought about "The Klansman", "Birth of a Nation", the Klan itself bigger than ever, record-setting race riots, Jim Crow laws, a surge in lynchings complete with postcards and body part souvenirs, widespread segregation of public places, and even a "gentleman's agreement" that kept black players out of baseball.

You can scream and pout and stomp your feet and hold your breath alll you like but that's what happens when you ignore your own history. But it is instructive that you're having this meltdown about realities coming out. Better we should just .... walk away and pretend it never happened, like that thread about which hand O'bma wipes his ass with, right?

What an eye-opener, thank you. I grew up in that same county and was just getting acclimated to it when this event happened --- and yet I've never heard of it until now.

Bears further review, definitely.

Does this have something to do with a Clooney movie?

The director took inspiration from the true story of what happened when the real-life Meyers became the first black family to move into Levittown, Pennsylvania in 1957.

As the film shows, by the evening of their first day in their new home, they had 500 people on their lawn, Confederate flags on their house and a cross burning on the lawn next door.

Clooney uses contemporary news footage of the harassment of the Meyers in the film. "Sometimes you have to see the real stuff to make it really land," he said.

"When you see a film that deals with race and bigotry in the 50s or 60s, it's almost always in the South.

"We're used to people with Southern accents using this kind of language, but as someone from Kentucky, it's worth discussing that these are people from Pennsylvania and New York scapegoating minorities."

Meanwhile, the Meyers, an African-American family, have moved in next door. Nicky is thrilled to have a new friend, their son Andy, to play with but the rest of the town is not so welcoming.

Andy's mother Daisy visits the local store only to discover that the price of every item has been hiked to $20, just for her.

Soon the family are under siege in their new home, hundreds of protestors banging drums around the clock in an effort to force them out.
the 50s!!!! THE 50s!!!!
What the hell do you think we all who lived through the 50s don't know this ???

BUT what the hell good does it do to continual TEAR apart the real fabric of America?
NO OTHER race has progress society as the White Race! Almost ALL the advances have been done by the WHITE race.
SO f...king WHAT? Tear them down?
TODAY TODAY... this is what is happening! Where is the "angst" from Clooney...you and other ignorant people!!!
Jack C. Phillips, a baker in Denver, Colorado, was asked to create a wedding cake by a gay couple, Charlie Craig and David Mullins, in 2012. Phillips refused, citing his Christian beliefs, but offered to serve them any other baked goods. Mullins and Craig opted to sue him instead, claiming that he had treated them in a “dehumanizing” way, and two courts ruled that Phillips should be coerced to make the wedding cake for the couple. Instead, in order to remain loyal to his conscience and his faith, Phillips stopped baking wedding cakes entirely. According to him, this has cost him 40% of his business revenue.

Elaine and Jonathan Huguenin were forced by a court in New Mexico to pay more than $6,600 in fines in 2012 after they declined to use their business, Elane Photography, to photograph a lesbian “commitment ceremony.”

The University of Toledo fired one of their staff members when she disagreed with the idea that gay marriage was a civil rights issue:

The university fired Crystal Dixon in 2008 from her interim post as associate vice president for human resources because she wrote an op-ed piece in the Toledo Free Press arguing that the gay rights movement should not be compared to the civil rights movement because she, as a black woman, did not get to choose her minority status but, she claimed, homosexuals do.

In 2013, the state of Oregon went after the little family bakery of Aaron and Melissa Klein, when they declined to provide a wedding cake for a lesbian wedding, again citing their Christian beliefs. The state of Oregon fined them, going so far as to garnish their bank accounts and assets and taking a total of $144,000 for their refusal to violate the tenets of their faith. The bakery, which the couple worked to create for years, was shut down. Aaron Klein is currently on disability after injuring himself working as a trash collector to provide for the couple’s five children. Their family was also the target of a vicious campaign by gay activists intent on destroying their business, regardless of the cost.

A lesbian couple sued the Wildflower Inn under the state public accommodations law in 2011 after being told they could not have their wedding reception there. The owners were reportedly open to holding same-sex ceremonies as long as customers were notified that the events personally violated their Catholic faith. It wasn’t enough. The inn had to settle the case in 2012, paying a $10,000 fine and putting double that amount in a charitable trust. Also, the inn is no longer hosting weddings, although the decision reportedly was made before the settlement.

High fines to punish Christians for remaining true to their conscience are becoming increasingly normal. As LifeSiteNews reported in 2014:

The New York State Division of Human Rights (DHR) has ruled that the Roman Catholic owners of an Albany-area farm violated the civil rights of a lesbian couple when they declined to host the couple’s same-sex “marriage” ceremony in 2012. Robert and Cynthia Gifford, who own and operate Liberty Ridge Farm in Schaghticoke, were ordered by DHR Judge Migdalia Pares and Commissioner Helen Diane Foster to pay $10,000 in fines to the state and an additional $3,000 in damages to the lesbian couple, Jennie McCarthy and Melissa Erwin for “mental pain and suffering.” Additionally, the Giffords must provide sensitivity training to their staff, and prominently display a poster highlighting state anti-discrimination laws.

In 2014, an Indianapolis bakery owned by Randy and Trish McGath found itself the target of an online campaign launched by gay activists after they cited their Christian beliefs as the reason they would not provide a cake for a same-sex wedding. They were smeared as homophobes and hateful people, although they were willing to serve the gay community—just not participate in the celebration of a same-sex wedding.

Baronelle Stutzman, the owner of Arlene’s Flowers and Gifts in Richland, Washington State, was ordered to pay over $1,000 in fines in 2015 after declining to provide floral arrangements for a same-sex wedding. She had previously sold the couple in question flowers many times, but stated simply that providing floral arrangements for a wedding would violate her Christian beliefs.

In 2015, Mennonite couple Richard and Betty Odgaard were forced to close their business in Des Moines, Iowa, after being targeted by gay activists for their refusal to host a gay ‘wedding’ in their wedding chapel. A boycott campaign replete with vicious, profane messages and a civil rights complaint resulted in the Odgaards’ having to pay out a $5,000 settlement—ultimately, they lost their livelihood.
In 2013, Crisis Magazine reported that the anti-Christian campaigns had spread to Vermont:
No Christian persecution in the US? Try telling that to these Christians.
So now according to you, people such as Cloony and myself that cite American history, facts and racism that was perpetrated by people such as yourself are now racists....

Well you tell me. Do you really want to spend your money in a movie theater that berates your relatives and dummies? Racists? Probably being the really
uninformed person you are you will! But the VAST majority of Americans are really getting tired of being told how BAD our relatives behaved!
Especially when instead of measuring the huge amount of positive values that the majority of Americans have contributed to the betterment of the world idiots
like you want to tear it down! Why not RAISE everyone up? What is so wrong with lifting the black community out of poverty by providing them with opportunities
other then hatred and welfare?
Clooney is a racist. The only people that will go to this movie will be blacks. And Clooney is making money just as a slave owner did off the black community!
To recap your attempt at logic...
White racists tried to drive a hard working, honest and qualified home owner from his house simply because he was Black.
They damaged his property, threatened the lives of his wife and children, bought the house directly behind him in order to create noise 24 hours a day.
A white man named his dog ni66er and constantly walked it around the Black man's home just so he could shout out ni66er.
Formed a committee to try to take his home.
And yet you claim Clooney is a racist for pointing out what people like you did...lol.
Sorry you are so naive as to believe that the only way that Black people can get along with white people is to adopt a sense of historical amnesia...it ain't never going to happen.

It certainly isn't working out real well for the OP. He just generated ticket sales for a movie I for one didn't even know existed.
I think Clooney is just trying to stir up controversy to help sell his movie.

Clearly his movie-selling (or as the OP characterizes it, "slavery") plot was set in motion in Levvittown in 1957. George Clooney set the whole thing up when he was negative-four years old.
Clooney found a big stick and is furiously stirring the pot, from what I see.

I used to like him. Not so much any more. Then again, I don't much care for bandwagon riders.

Nor do I, in fact that's exactly why I generally don't do movies at all, and exactly why I will go see this one. Reeeeeally not interested in yet-another melange of gunshots/explosions, car chases and women screaming, the three basic ingredients of standard cookiecutter Hollyweird exploitation. But give me a revealing look at real life --- something that actually means something --- and I'll go find me a theater.
Healthmyths seems to believe that the way to end racism is to make believe that racism has never and does not exist today.
I don't want reparations, make whites into chattel slaves or another ludicrous events people like healthmyths put forward.
However, I demand that historical and recent facts be acknowledged and seen for what they are, attempting to tell me that historical amnesia is required in order to get along with you simply means that we will never get along.
Healthmyths seems to believe that the way to end racism is to make believe that racism has never and does not exist today.
I don't want reparations, make whites into chattel slaves or another ludicrous events people like healthmyths put forward.
However, I demand that historical and recent facts be acknowledged and seen for what they are, attempting to tell me that historical amnesia is required in order to get along with you simply means that we will never get along.

Amnesia? I bet you are one of those closet racist who says "my best friends are black"! Don't you?
Pious. Pitiful and once again making the blacks subservient! You don't understand do you?
Blacks have NEVER wanted to be the "po folk" but when really intellectually shrift people like yourself continue to think that by living in the past makes the future better?
Come on. The black community that I know, (I had a black cousin in Iowa in the 50s), I had a BLACK business partner in Texas in the 70s. And I've had a black WOMAN
as a boss in the 80s. AND everyone of the "blacks that are my best friends" are frankly embarrassed by people like you! You live in the past and think that bringing up
painful memories helps?
Why don't you find a entrepreneurial black person and partner with them in a business like I did in the 70s in Texas? Why don't you go to their home and be with the family and with the partner in the hospital when he almost died! Right... You'd rather make money off like Clooney is going to by resurrecting issues that happened 60 years ago!
Looking to the past doesn't allow you to look to the future and I personally would prefer an equal black partner who has worked their tails off to get where they are rather
then have as the well known "BLACK personality" has pointed out regarding black family life. Which sadly can be totally attributed to the patronizing, "oh let's take care of them because they are so helpless and poor" attitude that has for a group of blacks meant servitude worse then when they were slaves!

The truth is that black female-headed households were just 18 percent of households in 1950, as opposed to about 68 percent today.
In fact, from 1890 to 1940, the black marriage rate was slightly higher than that of whites.
Even during slavery, when marriage was forbidden for blacks, most black children lived in biological two-parent families.
In New York City, in 1925, 85 percent of black households were two-parent households.
A study of 1880 family structure in Philadelphia shows that three-quarters of black families were two-parent households."
Black female head of households number is 68 percent
By Walter E. Williams is a professor of economics at George Mason University. (Oh by the way in the famous words of Obama..."And did I mention he's black?")
23 Obama Quotes That Turned Out To Be Broken Promises Or Cold-Hearted Lies

Do you patronizing pompous idiots understand? With your "Help" you basically disintegrated the black family unit!
The most devastating by-product of the mushrooming welfare state was the corrosive effect it had (along with powerful cultural phenomena such as the feminist and Black Power movements) on American family life, particularly in the black community.
As provisions in welfare laws offered ever-increasing economic incentives for shunning marriage and avoiding the formation of two-parent families, illegitimacy rates rose dramatically.
For the next few decades, means-tested welfare programs such as food stamps, public housing, Medicaid, day care, and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families penalized marriage. A mother generally received far more money from welfare if she was single rather than married. Once she took a husband, her benefits were instantly reduced by roughly 10 to 20 percent. As a Cato Institute study noted, welfare programs for the poor incentivize the very behaviors that are most likely to perpetuate poverty.[2] Another Cato report observes:

“Of course women do not get pregnant just to get welfare benefits.... But, by removing the economic consequences of out-of-wedlock birth, welfare has removed a major incentive to avoid such pregnancies. A teenager looking around at her friends and neighbors is liable to see several who have given birth out-of- wedlock. When she sees that they have suffered few visible consequences ... she is less inclined to modify her own behavior to prevent pregnancy.... Current welfare policies seem to be designed with an appalling lack of concern for their impact on out-of-wedlock births. Indeed, Medicaid programs in 11 states actually provide infertility treatments to single women on welfare.”
How the Welfare State Has Devastated African Americans - Discover the Networks
What Clooney really wants to do is peel back the veneer over the generation that won WWII and show them for the evil racists that they really were. Not heroes at all.
AND when the HELL did this happen idiot????? over 60 years ago! GEEZ what the hell good does it do now BRING IT UP?

Yanno that's exactly what the Daughters of the Confederacy and the whole Lost Cause movement were concerned about a century ago, right down to the 60 years bit. So they ran around erecting hundreds of statues and monuments and plaques in public squares and in front of courthouses to rewrite the public memory of that event. And in that case it did a lot of good to bring up those propaganda instruments, since it brought about "The Klansman", "Birth of a Nation", the Klan itself bigger than ever, record-setting race riots, Jim Crow laws, a surge in lynchings complete with postcards and body part souvenirs, widespread segregation of public places, and even a "gentleman's agreement" that kept black players out of baseball.

You can scream and pout and stomp your feet and hold your breath alll you like but that's what happens when you ignore your own history. But it is instructive that you're having this meltdown about realities coming out. Better we should just .... walk away and pretend it never happened, like that thread about which hand O'bma wipes his ass with, right?

You still have shit on the brain it sounds like and shit for brains.
What is this fetish with understanding the Muslim faith dictates that the butt should be wiped with the left hand!
Now for those that don't comprehend Pogo's long standing fascination with Muslim's belief...
In Sunan Abi Dawood (33) it is narrated that ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) said: The right hand of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was for his purification and food, and his left hand was for using the toilet and anything that was dirty. Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.
The reason why the right hand is preferred over the left - islamqa.info

Clooney said he had wanted to puncture rose-tinted views of a time in American history that is frequently seen as something of a golden age of prosperity and hope, particularly by Hollywood.
"You could get a good job, live in a nice neighborhood and start a family, as long as you were white," the 56-year-old said in comments released by the film's producers.
"What's fun is peeling back that veneer of the perfect home life, and seeing how ugly things can get."

Clooney puts poison in Anywhere USA's peanut butter

George Clooney... what a true ASSHOLE!!!

Clooney who's net worth is $500 million!
And he has fun destroying the American dream that generations have worked for...all because HE is a racist!
YES RACIST! He wants to make money off black people that will go to this movie and say
"YES...this is the exact way it has been for centuries! We have been opposed and Whites need to pay us for this terrible terrible life they have forced on us"!
In the meantime the movie ticket costs go into Clooney's pocket increasing his net worth!
Only a true FACIST, RACIST like Clooney is out promoting the destruction of the way of life that has LIFTED
All people.. just so he can make a buck! The definition of racist..."a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another." Under this definition Clooney believes HE is superior to all races because it is his job
"to peel that veneer of the perfect home life"

All Clooney's life he has been a slave owner living off the money of the people he wants to to peel that veneer of the perfect home life" with this movie..
Many of you don't know that his Aunt ..Rosemary Clooney made millions off making music that
these same people Clooney speaks so disdainfully for enjoyed and paid for her records.

Truly a disgusting human being. Worthy of total contempt.
What Clooney is doing is with that statement "peel that veneer of the perfect home life"
is assuring that the majority of white people will NOT be using their money for a movie that is destroying their objective!

Holy cow, I suggest less caffeine.
It is true that Clooney is yet another Hollywood elitist liberal...but why care what the dick has to say?
Only thing I want from him is to get back in front of the camera and entertain me.
There's something seriously fucked up about truly privileged, rich white people worth millions who own multiple homes around the world lecturing other whites about racism. George, shut the fuck up and just make movies.
Jesus fucking Christ, when did conservatives become such butthurt, whiny little shits?

It's a fucking movie. If you don't want to see it, THEN DON'T FUCKING SEE IT.
Jesus fucking Christ, when did conservatives become such butthurt, whiny little shits?

It's a fucking movie. If you don't want to see it, THEN DON'T FUCKING SEE IT.
People are merely pointing out hypocrisy.


No, you're just whining. Like a little bitch, in fact.

There's nothing "hypocritical" about George Clooney making a movie about the 50s.
What Clooney really wants to do is peel back the veneer over the generation that won WWII and show them for the evil racists that they really were. Not heroes at all.

But Cloony the Clown won't be able to do it.

People can not be deceived that easily.
Jesus fucking Christ, when did conservatives become such butthurt, whiny little shits?

It's a fucking movie. If you don't want to see it, THEN DON'T FUCKING SEE IT.
People are merely pointing out hypocrisy.


No, you're just whining. Like a little bitch, in fact.

There's nothing "hypocritical" about George Clooney making a movie about the 50s.
I didn't whine about anything. Read my posts. I pointed out marketing strategy.
But Clooney making social statements in light off his own insulated circumstance is hypocrisy. Deal with that substance and stop whining.

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