What a hypocrite! Tarantino who's made Billions from making violent movies !

THE BIG news about this folks, is the Democrat party is in BED with this group. they have a hand in bringing all this hate, violence and mayhem in your lives. VOTE them out of lives come 2016. video at the site

VIDEO=> HUNDREDS of #BlackLivesMatter Protesters March in NYC Chanting “F*ck the Police!”

Hundreds of activists turned out today in New York City for the #RiseUpOctober march and rally.
The Rise Up October movement is a three day protest against police killings and brutality.
The rally was organized by local Communist leaders.

** Barack Obama supports the Black Lives Matter movement.

The rally was organized, with the help of the Stop Mass Incarceration Network, by Carl Dix of the Revolutionary Communist Party and author and activist Dr. Cornel West.

Quentin Tarantino is marching the anti-police protesters today.
They are marching to Bryant Park in midtown.

all of it here:
VIDEO=> HUNDREDS of #BlackLivesMatter Protesters March in NYC Chanting "F*ck the Police!" - The Gateway Pundit
What does that have to do with him being against police brutality?

Movies influence people to actions! Obviously MOST people don't get influenced BUT it took just ONE TV Reporter shooting to cause the idiot in Oregon!
READ what HE said influenced him!

In fact here is the exact quote from Chris Mercer the Oregon college shooter:

On a website called Kickass Torrents, a person who used the email associated with Harper-Mercer commented on the disgruntled ex-employee who shot a television news reporter and cameraman in Virginia on-air.

I have noticed that so many people like him are all alone and unknown, yet when they spill a little blood, the whole world knows who they are.… His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more your're in the limelight.”

He urged people to watch the “footage of him shooting those people.” saying, "It's a short video but good nonetheless

His last upload on the site, done last week, referenced the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre in 2012, which left 20 students and six staff members dead.
Gun-obsessed, timid and his mom called him 'baby': What we know of Chris Harper-Mercer's life

PLUS you must be SO f...king naive!
Why do you think over $300 billion a year is spent on "media advertising"? To influence people dumb f...k!

So when some idiot sits through Pulp Fiction or any of Tarantino's glorification of violent deaths... why wouldn't they of all totally maladjusted people find that
influencing THEIR actions!
sooo.... you are for more gun control &/or censorship
I like Tarantino. He's one of the best directors ever. If the guy wants to take part in a protest that's his business. I don't find him to be a hypocrite at all.
Of course you wouldn't because YOU are totally ignorant of the effect Tarantino's movies have on mentally unstable people...but wait maybe you are one of them!
YOU see Tarantino movies as "entertaining"....!!
GEEZ what a violent person you must be

Yep. He writes better dialogue than all of the current directors. Unlike you, someone that sits around all day and writes derogatory fact free shit all day.
^ that
What does that have to do with him being against police brutality?
Next they will be condemning Katy Perry songs because she's touring with Hillary now

Nah, I just don't like Katy Perry. So, anything she does is like a big ol' shrug.
Hillary isn't trying to cater for appeal to old white men.

Sure she is. Let's take a look at her donors. Let's have a look see at what she is saying.

I'm just not a fan. It's not like Perry's music has any depth. I'm saying this as a mother that has been trapped in a vehicle with teens that like pop music and if I can just get the volume down to a level I can mentally block it.
You want real hypocrisy? Conservers complain all day long that the government is corrupt and out of control. Yet they always seem to back the police and police brutality cases. I guess the jackboots are OK so long as they are hassling brown people.

WHAT brutality???
Does this happen EVERY TIME/EVERY WHERE a cop stops a person? OR does it happen to just black people ALL the time???
Where are YOUR specific examples this happens ALL the time? EVERYWHERE???
Why are you idiots so ignorant of the STATISTICS that show most of the hassling of "brown/black" people is because MOST of the time it is "Brown/black" people that
cause the problems!
FACTS are hard to argue with and you tell me if you agree or don't agree with these FACTS!!!
FACT: Those who identified only as African American made up 13.2% of the U.S. population-over 41.7 million people. The US Census Bureau projects that by the year 2060 there will be 74.5 million African Americans including those of more than one race in the United States, making up 17.9% of the total U.S. population.Jul 31, 2015

  1. CDC - Black - African American - Populations - Racial ...
FACT: More than half of the people Dearborn police arrested in 2011 and 2012 were black, according to reports they submitted to the FBI.
By comparison, about 4% of the city's residents are black, as are about a quarter of the people who live in Metropolitan Detroit.
Over those two years, the department reported arresting 4,500 black people – 500 more than lived in the city.
As a result, the arrest rate for blacks, compared with the city's population, was 26 times higher than for people of other races.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity'

FACT: In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54 percent of the population, but are responsible for 100 percent of homicide, 95 percent of rape, 94 percent of robbery, 84 percent of aggravated assault, and 93 percent of burglary.
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012
Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

FACT: The Center for Disease Control (2013) explains that African-American male youth committing violent crimes since the 1980s has doubled that of their White counterparts.
The number of offenses committed with firearms in 2006 showed that African-Americans at a rate of 100.4 per 100,000 five times more than any other group.
Walsh and Kosson (2007) in drawing attention to the high rate of incarceration and re-incarceration of African-American male youth contribute this to socioeconomic status and ethnicity. In addition, the implications of living in poverty and racial/cultural disparities lead to anxious and frustrated feelings. These feelings have widespread implications as it relates to criminal recidivism Criminal Recidivism: the Plight of African American Male Youth?

SO please YOU tell me based on these statistics... if you are a cop driving down the street and you've seen from YOUR experiences that the chances are a young
black guy with a gun in his pants MAYBE about to commit a crime... would you not stop this black guy KNOWING from your experiences and based especially on
BlacklivesMatter chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!” that this young guy could be using the gun to kill the cop... WHAT would YOU DO???

1)Police Brutality is effecting every demographic.

2)No, it does not happen every time a police officer stops a black person

3)No, BLM do not have "solutions"

4)Police retraining must come with citizen training on how to deal with police.

Please go to How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters
in order to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

I repeat, BLM do not have solutions. Reducing the number of officers in a crime ridden neighborhood and sending funds to a group unfamiliar with needs and know how of security are just horrible ideas. BLM advocates this in Ferguson
The sh!t bag is just another one of Obamas yes men...

Embrace the suck
You want real hypocrisy? Conservers complain all day long that the government is corrupt and out of control. Yet they always seem to back the police and police brutality cases. I guess the jackboots are OK so long as they are hassling brown people.

WHAT brutality???
Does this happen EVERY TIME/EVERY WHERE a cop stops a person? OR does it happen to just black people ALL the time???
Where are YOUR specific examples this happens ALL the time? EVERYWHERE???
Why are you idiots so ignorant of the STATISTICS that show most of the hassling of "brown/black" people is because MOST of the time it is "Brown/black" people that
cause the problems!
FACTS are hard to argue with and you tell me if you agree or don't agree with these FACTS!!!
FACT: Those who identified only as African American made up 13.2% of the U.S. population-over 41.7 million people. The US Census Bureau projects that by the year 2060 there will be 74.5 million African Americans including those of more than one race in the United States, making up 17.9% of the total U.S. population.Jul 31, 2015

  1. CDC - Black - African American - Populations - Racial ...
FACT: More than half of the people Dearborn police arrested in 2011 and 2012 were black, according to reports they submitted to the FBI.
By comparison, about 4% of the city's residents are black, as are about a quarter of the people who live in Metropolitan Detroit.
Over those two years, the department reported arresting 4,500 black people – 500 more than lived in the city.
As a result, the arrest rate for blacks, compared with the city's population, was 26 times higher than for people of other races.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity'

FACT: In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54 percent of the population, but are responsible for 100 percent of homicide, 95 percent of rape, 94 percent of robbery, 84 percent of aggravated assault, and 93 percent of burglary.
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012
Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

FACT: The Center for Disease Control (2013) explains that African-American male youth committing violent crimes since the 1980s has doubled that of their White counterparts.
The number of offenses committed with firearms in 2006 showed that African-Americans at a rate of 100.4 per 100,000 five times more than any other group.
Walsh and Kosson (2007) in drawing attention to the high rate of incarceration and re-incarceration of African-American male youth contribute this to socioeconomic status and ethnicity. In addition, the implications of living in poverty and racial/cultural disparities lead to anxious and frustrated feelings. These feelings have widespread implications as it relates to criminal recidivism Criminal Recidivism: the Plight of African American Male Youth?

SO please YOU tell me based on these statistics... if you are a cop driving down the street and you've seen from YOUR experiences that the chances are a young
black guy with a gun in his pants MAYBE about to commit a crime... would you not stop this black guy KNOWING from your experiences and based especially on
BlacklivesMatter chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!” that this young guy could be using the gun to kill the cop... WHAT would YOU DO???

1)Police Brutality is effecting every demographic.

2)No, it does not happen every time a police officer stops a black person

3)No, BLM do not have "solutions"

4)Police retraining must come with citizen training on how to deal with police.

Please go to How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters
in order to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

I repeat, BLM do not have solutions. Reducing the number of officers in a crime ridden neighborhood and sending funds to a group unfamiliar with needs and know how of security are just horrible ideas. BLM advocates this in Ferguson

I don't agree with effecting every demographic BECAUSE EVERY demographic doesn't commit the preponderance of CRIMES.

I agree with all the other points and especially the "citizen training"...
SEE how Chris Rock educates most young black men when it comes to being stopped by a cop.
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

This video explains to young black men the majority coming from fatherless families where authoritarian figures are lacking. Most adult black men understand
the risks of driving while black as they AGREE... most young black men are the perpetrators of criminal activities. So as this video shows have a modicum
of respect for the officer and especially don't be stupid!
Geez... I wonder why this happened???
Screen Shot 2015-10-25 at 11.06.58 AM.png
Well, he's got a point. Police have been and are getting away with their crimes for the most part. Police are very rarely held accountable. Most often they receive just a slap on the wrist.

Here's a prime example. This roided-up piece of shit was merely allowed to resign. He wasn't charged...

Well, he's got a point. Police have been and are getting away with their crimes for the most part. Police are very rarely held accountable. Most often they receive just a slap on the wrist.

Here's a prime example. This roided-up piece of shit was merely allowed to resign. He wasn't charged...

There is always an exception, but really?

You can't think this is the rule??
Speakers at the protest say they want to bring justice for people killed by police. Tarantino flew in from California to march alongside academic Cornel West at the RiseUpOctober event.

News from The Associated Press
View attachment 53297

This gigantic Douche has over $100 million net worth due to movies HE produced that glorify guns, death and grotesque violence.
His directorial debut came with the independent gritty crime film Reservoir Dogs, which won many favorable accolades and has gone onto cult-hit status. Tarantino's next film, Pulp Fiction, received critical and commercial success, earning $212.9 million in worldwide box office revenue along with seven awards for Tarantino, among them an Academy Award, a Palme d'Or, a Golden Globe and BAFTA Award. Jackie Brown, Tarantino's third feature film, grossed $72 million worldwide, six times its initial cost of $12 million, and won critical acclaim along with award nominations for its leading performers. Tarantino followed up six years later with the successful two-part film series Kill Bill vol. 1 and Kill Bill vol. 2, another critic and audience favorite, with a box office gross totaling $333 million for both films. Tarantino teamed up with friend and fellow director Robert Rodriguez for Grindhouse, a double-feature which Tarantino contributed with the film Death Proof. His film, Inglorious Bastards, grossed $320 million worldwide and has earned many accolades
Just those movies have sold over $1 billion in tickets that I have NO doubt that have influenced
law breaking idiots like the guy that shot a NYC police officer was fatally shot while chasing a theft suspect. The suspect has been charged with murder and robbery. His lawyer says there are missing details in the case.
AND this gigantic DICK marches with people that have declared WAR on cops!
Irony of this was the DICK head and other marchers were protected by these SAME cops they
are protesting!
GEEZ these guys are so screwed up in the head!

Tarantino is fucking hack, David Lynch wannabe.

Your post mimics that of the old Trotskyites, who believed that art should be regulated by government so that it creates the right kind of people. Your party has always done this. (Here is my *partially* Libertarian argument for maximizing freedom of expression; I know you will cherry pick or come back with a terse rejoinder that leaves most of this unchallenged)

1. It is not the job of art to socialize people to be good citizens.

2. It is not the job of big government to regulate art so that it helps create "The Good Society" as construed by the bureaucrats in charge.

3. It is not the job of government to regulate the market so that it only offers products that inspire good citizenship. (The "Good Society", if there is such a thing, can only come from maximum freedom of choice)

4. Art & the market should have the maximum possible freedom - and consumers should be trusted to buy art and make their own decisions as to whether that art should influence their behavior.

5. God gave humans freedom. They are not like animals, who are merely reflexes of the things in their environment.

6. Learn from your own principles. Your party says that guns don't kill people - people kill people, and it is the choice to kill which must be punished. If big government takes away the gun, it takes away the choice; it destroys human agency, the very thing that separates us from animals - and then we become animals who live in virtual cages under bureaucrats who decide what is good for us (because we can't handle the freedom to choose our own actions).

7. I grew up (in Britain & the U.S.) watching conservatives regulate the words and images that could be displayed on TV. Read the Decency Wars by attorney and legal scholar Frederick Lane. It is about how conservatives have used the courts to control public art, with the goal of creating a citizenship that respected God/Nation/Tradition along with Law & Order and good manners.

But here is what conservatives have never understood
. When so called positive social outcomes come from the government engineering of human choice (forbidding the purchase of so-called bad art), than freedom of choice dies - freedom dies - and you are left with well-behaved animals living in a cage built by well-meaning bureaucrats.

(This is why I have shifted my position on gun control. If conservatives are going to control the market and bypass human choice in so many other areas, than why do they arbitrarily get to maximize freedom with guns? Meaning: I wish you believed in freedom, because I'd be happy to come along if you ever did)
Last edited:
You want real hypocrisy? Conservers complain all day long that the government is corrupt and out of control. Yet they always seem to back the police and police brutality cases. I guess the jackboots are OK so long as they are hassling brown people.

WHAT brutality???
Does this happen EVERY TIME/EVERY WHERE a cop stops a person? OR does it happen to just black people ALL the time???
Where are YOUR specific examples this happens ALL the time? EVERYWHERE???
Why are you idiots so ignorant of the STATISTICS that show most of the hassling of "brown/black" people is because MOST of the time it is "Brown/black" people that
cause the problems!
FACTS are hard to argue with and you tell me if you agree or don't agree with these FACTS!!!
FACT: Those who identified only as African American made up 13.2% of the U.S. population-over 41.7 million people. The US Census Bureau projects that by the year 2060 there will be 74.5 million African Americans including those of more than one race in the United States, making up 17.9% of the total U.S. population.Jul 31, 2015

  1. CDC - Black - African American - Populations - Racial ...
FACT: More than half of the people Dearborn police arrested in 2011 and 2012 were black, according to reports they submitted to the FBI.
By comparison, about 4% of the city's residents are black, as are about a quarter of the people who live in Metropolitan Detroit.
Over those two years, the department reported arresting 4,500 black people – 500 more than lived in the city.
As a result, the arrest rate for blacks, compared with the city's population, was 26 times higher than for people of other races.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity'

FACT: In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54 percent of the population, but are responsible for 100 percent of homicide, 95 percent of rape, 94 percent of robbery, 84 percent of aggravated assault, and 93 percent of burglary.
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012
Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

FACT: The Center for Disease Control (2013) explains that African-American male youth committing violent crimes since the 1980s has doubled that of their White counterparts.
The number of offenses committed with firearms in 2006 showed that African-Americans at a rate of 100.4 per 100,000 five times more than any other group.
Walsh and Kosson (2007) in drawing attention to the high rate of incarceration and re-incarceration of African-American male youth contribute this to socioeconomic status and ethnicity. In addition, the implications of living in poverty and racial/cultural disparities lead to anxious and frustrated feelings. These feelings have widespread implications as it relates to criminal recidivism Criminal Recidivism: the Plight of African American Male Youth?

SO please YOU tell me based on these statistics... if you are a cop driving down the street and you've seen from YOUR experiences that the chances are a young
black guy with a gun in his pants MAYBE about to commit a crime... would you not stop this black guy KNOWING from your experiences and based especially on
BlacklivesMatter chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!” that this young guy could be using the gun to kill the cop... WHAT would YOU DO???

1)Police Brutality is effecting every demographic.

2)No, it does not happen every time a police officer stops a black person

3)No, BLM do not have "solutions"

4)Police retraining must come with citizen training on how to deal with police.

Please go to How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters
in order to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

I repeat, BLM do not have solutions. Reducing the number of officers in a crime ridden neighborhood and sending funds to a group unfamiliar with needs and know how of security are just horrible ideas. BLM advocates this in Ferguson

I don't agree with effecting every demographic BECAUSE EVERY demographic doesn't commit the preponderance of CRIMES.

I agree with all the other points and especially the "citizen training"...
SEE how Chris Rock educates most young black men when it comes to being stopped by a cop.
Chris Rock - How not to get your ass kicked by the police!

This video explains to young black men the majority coming from fatherless families where authoritarian figures are lacking. Most adult black men understand
the risks of driving while black as they AGREE... most young black men are the perpetrators of criminal activities. So as this video shows have a modicum
of respect for the officer and especially don't be stupid!

Police brutally can occur to anyone, regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, etc.

It is not just blacks dealing with this issue.

Oh screw it. You one of those people that have to experience something firsthand before you realize there is a real problem.
Well, he's got a point. Police have been and are getting away with their crimes for the most part. Police are very rarely held accountable. Most often they receive just a slap on the wrist.

Here's a prime example. This roided-up piece of shit was merely allowed to resign. He wasn't charged...

An example--The cop can't just search your car without probable or your permission. Most people do not even know that!

The only time they can search your car without your permission is if they have probable cause. That is rare without the officer pointing out why he needs to search your car.

Note: Even here, some cops(dirty cops) can get away with searching your car by planting evidence after lying about the need to search your car!

It can happen to you
David Lynch is 1/4 of the director that Tarantino is. Lynch sucks.

BLM is a crap organization filled with paid to protest folks. Is there police brutality? Sure. In isolated cases. I refuse to deal with an organization that talks about how BLM but ignores the drive by shootings and a criminal element. They are a circus and there are lots of folks that do not want them coming to their communities. No, you don't win cookies for instigating shit with cops. Ever.

But that's not my point. My point is.............Tarantino rocks. He's not a hypocrite. Now, addressing the issues with BLM I can do.


And now, I'm just going to step away slowly from the coffee pot.
Not every sig
You want real hypocrisy? Conservers complain all day long that the government is corrupt and out of control. Yet they always seem to back the police and police brutality cases. I guess the jackboots are OK so long as they are hassling brown people.

WHAT brutality???
Does this happen EVERY TIME/EVERY WHERE a cop stops a person? OR does it happen to just black people ALL the time???
Where are YOUR specific examples this happens ALL the time? EVERYWHERE???
Why are you idiots so ignorant of the STATISTICS that show most of the hassling of "brown/black" people is because MOST of the time it is "Brown/black" people that
cause the problems!
FACTS are hard to argue with and you tell me if you agree or don't agree with these FACTS!!!
FACT: Those who identified only as African American made up 13.2% of the U.S. population-over 41.7 million people. The US Census Bureau projects that by the year 2060 there will be 74.5 million African Americans including those of more than one race in the United States, making up 17.9% of the total U.S. population.Jul 31, 2015

  1. CDC - Black - African American - Populations - Racial ...
FACT: More than half of the people Dearborn police arrested in 2011 and 2012 were black, according to reports they submitted to the FBI.
By comparison, about 4% of the city's residents are black, as are about a quarter of the people who live in Metropolitan Detroit.
Over those two years, the department reported arresting 4,500 black people – 500 more than lived in the city.
As a result, the arrest rate for blacks, compared with the city's population, was 26 times higher than for people of other races.
Racial gap in U.S. arrest rates: 'Staggering disparity'

FACT: In Atlanta, African-Americans are 54 percent of the population, but are responsible for 100 percent of homicide, 95 percent of rape, 94 percent of robbery, 84 percent of aggravated assault, and 93 percent of burglary.
Source: APD Uniform Crime Reports, Apr 2011 to Apr 2012
Stuff Black People Don't Like - SBPDL: Black People Responsible for Virtually All Crime in Atlanta -- Judge Marvin Arrington Confirms

FACT: The Center for Disease Control (2013) explains that African-American male youth committing violent crimes since the 1980s has doubled that of their White counterparts.
The number of offenses committed with firearms in 2006 showed that African-Americans at a rate of 100.4 per 100,000 five times more than any other group.
Walsh and Kosson (2007) in drawing attention to the high rate of incarceration and re-incarceration of African-American male youth contribute this to socioeconomic status and ethnicity. In addition, the implications of living in poverty and racial/cultural disparities lead to anxious and frustrated feelings. These feelings have widespread implications as it relates to criminal recidivism Criminal Recidivism: the Plight of African American Male Youth?

SO please YOU tell me based on these statistics... if you are a cop driving down the street and you've seen from YOUR experiences that the chances are a young
black guy with a gun in his pants MAYBE about to commit a crime... would you not stop this black guy KNOWING from your experiences and based especially on
BlacklivesMatter chanting "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon!” that this young guy could be using the gun to kill the cop... WHAT would YOU DO???

1)Police Brutality is effecting every demographic.

2)No, it does not happen every time a police officer stops a black person

3)No, BLM do not have "solutions"

4)Police retraining must come with citizen training on how to deal with police.

Please go to How to Flex Your Rights During Police Encounters
in order to reduce your chances of becoming a victim.

I repeat, BLM do not have solutions. Reducing the number of officers in a crime ridden neighborhood and sending funds to a group unfamiliar with needs and know how of security are just horrible ideas. BLM advocates this in Ferguson

Not "every single time ". I'm talking these high profile cases where u have unarmed guys gunned downed.

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