What a shame: AOC could lose her house seat after 2020 through elimination of her district

AOC screwed her own job up. She gave Amazon a beating for wanting to enrich her territory with a huge trade center, losing a billion dollar job opportunity for people who could use a raise they would've gotten with Amazon Co. for a boss. She also sponsored a 43-trillion dollar New Green Deal that would change global disaster according to pseudo science. That scared everyone in the state and also the nation who values spending their own paycheck. She lost the income of a giant corporation and the goodwill of her voters. She just didn't have the maturity and still relishes starting fights with people instead of building bridges. I hope she finds something else to do than spend other people's money and ensure the poverty of her district.
What a goofy video.
Hm, Robert Burns has a message for you, dear, these many years long gone:


“O, wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as others see us!
It wad frae monie a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion.”​
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do

The Democratic Party really should be embarrassed that someone like her was able to get elected. She does not show them in a good light.
That’s not what the thread title says or infers. She would not lose her seat if her district is redrawn. She has to run every 2 years, no matter what district she’s representing. Your ‘clarification’ is true that she could lose her seat even if her district isn’t redrawn. She has opponents for 2020, you know.
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do

The Democratic Party really should be embarrassed that someone like her was able to get elected. She does not show them in a good light.
On what basis do you make this ridiculous claim?
The democrat establishment may rightly see her as problematic and an easy stick with which to beat their party.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.
Are you saying that where she lives won’t have Congressional representation?

holy shit, you’re one stupid motherfucker.

No you're the stupid mother fucker because you haven't the foggiest clue as to how house seats are apportioned, dumbass.
However they shake out, she has to run for re-election in, basically, Queens and the Bronx, where she is immensely popular. What you idiots are forgetting is she represents an extremely congested district. Any re-districting isn’t going to change much. It’s not like she’s going to start going after the rural vote. :rolleyes:
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.
Are you saying that where she lives won’t have Congressional representation?

holy shit, you’re one stupid motherfucker.

Irony Alert !
Irony Alert !
Irony Alert !
Districts will be redrawn.
Does not mean hers will be eliminated, just a different shape
No, dude. Now she’s gonna have to start wearing cowboy boots, and doing photo ops on tractors, and campaign videos with her shooting a gun. You know...if she’s gonna survive this entirely new constituency!

So the barmaid is campaigning for people to fill out and return their census so she won't get redistricted.

I'm not happy about all the datamining everyone is doing constantly, and here comes the worst datamining of all. I've decided to be one of AOC's problems (but I don't live in the Bronx, so never mind) and not fill out the census for me. Number of people in household (which is the reason for the census, congressional representation) and that's all. Anyone else rebelling against the census? Apparently some people are in the Bronx ---
What a goofy video.

I agree! This stupid thread should be in satire.
Hey Shittingbull, how's life!

This thread is right where it belongs despite your butthurt about it.

I'm not quite sure how you could think I might be butt hurt over such a silly video. I find it absurd to think Democrats would use such cloak and dagger tactics to kick an incumbent congress person out of her job. The guy in the video says he has no reason to believe any of the political machinations he describes might even remotely be a real thing. If this is the kind of silly crap you want to fall for, then go for it. It won't effect any sane person in any way, but it will keep the crazies engaged with the endless list of crazy accusations. I used to think you were pretty sharp, but just had a wry sense of humor, but I don't think that is the case lately. I suspect you really do believe all the absurd crap you are being fed.
What a goofy video.

I agree! This stupid thread should be in satire.
Hey Shittingbull, how's life!

This thread is right where it belongs despite your butthurt about it.

I'm not quite sure how you could think I might be butt hurt over such a silly video. I find it absurd to think Democrats would use such cloak and dagger tactics to kick an incumbent congress person out of her job. The guy in the video says he has no reason to believe any of the political machinations he describes might even remotely be a real thing. If this is the kind of silly crap you want to fall for, then go for it. It won't effect any sane person in any way, but it will keep the crazies engaged with the endless list of crazy accusations. I used to think you were pretty sharp, but just had a wry sense of humor, but I don't think that is the case lately. I suspect you really do believe all the absurd crap you are being fed.
You have Shittingbull on ignore? Lol

I didn't quote you.....oops!
What a goofy video.

I agree! This stupid thread should be in satire.
Hey Shittingbull, how's life!

This thread is right where it belongs despite your butthurt about it.

I'm not quite sure how you could think I might be butt hurt over such a silly video. I find it absurd to think Democrats would use such cloak and dagger tactics to kick an incumbent congress person out of her job. The guy in the video says he has no reason to believe any of the political machinations he describes might even remotely be a real thing. If this is the kind of silly crap you want to fall for, then go for it. It won't effect any sane person in any way, but it will keep the crazies engaged with the endless list of crazy accusations. I used to think you were pretty sharp, but just had a wry sense of humor, but I don't think that is the case lately. I suspect you really do believe all the absurd crap you are being fed.
You have Shittingbull on ignore? Lol

I didn't quote you.....oops!

I'm aware of who you were responding to. I think the thread should be in satire, or perhaps the rubber room as well, and the response to you is appropriate.

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