What a shame: AOC could lose her house seat after 2020 through elimination of her district

In what way is she a laughingstock? What has she done to earn this? Be specific.
For the two most glaring examples of her idiocy that spring to mind is her Green New Deal (ridiculous on it's face)

That’s what Republicans said about Roosevelt’s New Deal. They were wrong then, too.

and her claim that the world would end in twelve years (probably eleven by now) if global warming wasn't immediately reversed.

That wasn’t what she said. Obviously you can’t criticize her or her policies without lying.

A laughingstock, an embarrassment, a source of mockery, a cornucopia of ridicule, the punchline to so many jokes....she is all that and a bag of horse feed.

Irony is dead. You support Trump, who embodies all of that.
You think the green new deal isnt a total piece of shit.

I think climate deniers are shit

Your link does not explain how requiring corporations to stop destroying the environment results in a redistribution of wealth to anyone
How fucked up are you? The redistribution of wealth happens at a governmental level. Corporations have nothing to do with it, aside from providing a rationale to justify the massive transfer of wealth from the 1st to the 3rd world.
Actually read the link, which I know you never ever do because that requires actual effort and you may realize you are trapped in your sick political pathology.
AOC understands the current threats to our environment

Republicans are willing to sell our environment to the highest bidder
That’s what Republicans said about Roosevelt’s New Deal. They were wrong then, too.
The Roosevelt New Deal is nothing like AOC's New Deal. How dumb are you? We already know.
That wasn’t what she said. Obviously you can’t criticize her or her policies without lying.
That's exactly what she said and she later tried to squirm away like a caught rat by claiming she was joking about it all.
Don't call others liars while you yourself are lying!. It doesn't look good...for you.
Irony is dead. You support Trump, who embodies all of that.
He's Hitler to you and your gal pal AOC. You people are inside an asylum laughing at the sane people walking around with perfectly normal well functioning brains. Who gives a fuck what you think?
I look forward to four more years under Trump. You lunatics have pushed him to where he is. Thanks.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.

The Globalists are very smart people. They know how to make people to help push their agendas. They can even get the Republicans to support their agendas.
AOC has two challengers that they cannot say that they are racist, anti-feminist and or Russian's agents. It is because one of them had supported Obama and loved to see a Black woman that won the congressional seat, which it was AOC at the time. And so they cannot say that she is an uncle Tom. And so the only thing that they can do is shut down that district to prevent anymore minority Republicans from entering the race. It looks like this race that the Republican party are going to have more Black Republican's candidates entering the race that they can make a Tarzan movie.

Black Republican Challenging AOC Was A Staunch Obama Supporter

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