What a shame: AOC could lose her house seat after 2020 through elimination of her district

What a goofy video.

I agree! This stupid thread should be in satire.
Hey Shittingbull, how's life!

This thread is right where it belongs despite your butthurt about it.

I'm not quite sure how you could think I might be butt hurt over such a silly video. I find it absurd to think Democrats would use such cloak and dagger tactics to kick an incumbent congress person out of her job. The guy in the video says he has no reason to believe any of the political machinations he describes might even remotely be a real thing. If this is the kind of silly crap you want to fall for, then go for it. It won't effect any sane person in any way, but it will keep the crazies engaged with the endless list of crazy accusations. I used to think you were pretty sharp, but just had a wry sense of humor, but I don't think that is the case lately. I suspect you really do believe all the absurd crap you are being fed.
You have Shittingbull on ignore? Lol

I didn't quote you.....oops!

I'm aware of who you were responding to. I think the thread should be in satire, or perhaps the rubber room as well, and the response to you is appropriate.

Felonious is easily confused.
I agree! This stupid thread should be in satire.
Hey Shittingbull, how's life!

This thread is right where it belongs despite your butthurt about it.

I'm not quite sure how you could think I might be butt hurt over such a silly video. I find it absurd to think Democrats would use such cloak and dagger tactics to kick an incumbent congress person out of her job. The guy in the video says he has no reason to believe any of the political machinations he describes might even remotely be a real thing. If this is the kind of silly crap you want to fall for, then go for it. It won't effect any sane person in any way, but it will keep the crazies engaged with the endless list of crazy accusations. I used to think you were pretty sharp, but just had a wry sense of humor, but I don't think that is the case lately. I suspect you really do believe all the absurd crap you are being fed.
You have Shittingbull on ignore? Lol

I didn't quote you.....oops!

I'm aware of who you were responding to. I think the thread should be in satire, or perhaps the rubber room as well, and the response to you is appropriate.

Felonious is easily confused.

Felonious Monk. That sounds like an appropriate name for him.
Hey Shittingbull, how's life!

This thread is right where it belongs despite your butthurt about it.

I'm not quite sure how you could think I might be butt hurt over such a silly video. I find it absurd to think Democrats would use such cloak and dagger tactics to kick an incumbent congress person out of her job. The guy in the video says he has no reason to believe any of the political machinations he describes might even remotely be a real thing. If this is the kind of silly crap you want to fall for, then go for it. It won't effect any sane person in any way, but it will keep the crazies engaged with the endless list of crazy accusations. I used to think you were pretty sharp, but just had a wry sense of humor, but I don't think that is the case lately. I suspect you really do believe all the absurd crap you are being fed.
You have Shittingbull on ignore? Lol

I didn't quote you.....oops!

I'm aware of who you were responding to. I think the thread should be in satire, or perhaps the rubber room as well, and the response to you is appropriate.

Felonious is easily confused.

Felonious Monk. That sounds like an appropriate name for him.

Funny. However, I would say Punk instead of Monk.
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do

Stop projecting your fantasies on others! I have it on good authority that that would be difficult as he doesn't have any balls!
She's a rock star in today's Dimocrat party. There's no way the party is going to let that go.
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do

LMAO Sure they would as no one can believe how unbelievably stupid she is.

She's worth remembering as the dingbat she is.
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do
People like her bring ideas from failed areas of the world. And as they watch them fail they still promote the same ideas. We have spent the most massive amount of revenue to fix issues in human history. It is still not enough. Corruption abounds and overcompensation to those who administer help is rampant. When everything is blended it will be much worse.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.

It is very good news that the individual under discussion may not be reelected.

Maybe her 15 minutes of fame has finally ended.
The districts will, it appears, be re-drawn, and it could happen that her residence could be out of the boundaries for "her" district (not a real problem), or she might end up having to run in the 2022 primary against another Democrat to remain in Congress.

I have no doubt that she is a Congress-person-for-life if she chooses to be. Democrats are so stupid that they think being notorious is as good as as being competent. They probably don't realize that she is a laughing stock.

That is the most likely scenario. She would have to primary against another Dem and the voters would pick

Given AOCs Rock Star status, I would not bet against her
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do

The Democratic Party really should I be embarrassed that someone like her was able to get elected. She does not show them in a good light.

Embarrassed?? Why??

Why the fuck should be embarrassed because a bunch of cuckold conservatives are so both obsessed and triggered over someone they claim is a dummy??

Why the fuck should I be embarrassed because a bunch of folks who thought this woman was the next Reagan says I should be embarrassed?

Why the fuck should I be embarrassed because a bunch of folks who thought this man should run for Senate just because he asked Obama a question -- says I should be embarrassed?

Why the fuck should I be embarrassed because a bunch of folks who nominated people to be president that they now all claim to hate-- says I should be embarrassed?


What about a congresswoman holding a big pharma executive's feet to the fire should I be embarrassed about?? I thought you Trumpers wanted to go after big pharma??

What about a congresswoman holding the Facebook founder's feet to the fire should I be embarrassed about -- I thought you Trumpers hated Facebook and the "liberal" social media network??

Do you think "Joe The Plumber" would have been able to question big bank CEO's with the level of depth AOC has?? Yes, Joe The Plumber -- a person you folks ACTUALLY wanted to be in the Senate....you folks are the last ones to tell me who I should be embarrassed about..
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.

Doubtful. It would spark a bloody civil war within the Stalinist democrat Party like the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
Trumpers can't quit AOC....

If she left office today......

for the next 15 yrs, Trumpers will have her name in their mouth more than Trump.....trumpers are weird like that.....

they still gargling Obama's ball sweat ....its what they do
She did set a new standard for stupid
I can't stress this enough....because memory is kryptonite to a Trumper…..

They ACTUALLY wanted this guy to be in the Senate.....Why? Because he asked Obama a question....that's it.....These future Trumpers were so cucked out and desperate for someone to stand up to the scary black man -- that Joe the Plumber became famous for lying to Obama about starting a plumbing business....and he wasn't even a fucking plumber...

These future Trumpers were so desperate that they wanted this guy to run for Senate...and where is he now?? working at a union job after previously attacking unions...and ABSOLUTELY DISCARDED by these future Trumpers...

But we should be embarrassed about AOC? Ok...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could soon be out of her government job. Due to the high number of non-citizens in her district, it might be eliminated after the census.
WHAT A SHAME: AOC Could Lose Her House Seat After 2020 Through Elimination Of Her District

This was probably the plan the entire time because everyone knows this dumb bitch doesn't know chit.

AOC is going to be in someone's district. If they combine her district with Nadler's, I'd give her the edge.

I think they have to protect her, she's more powerful that they are in the party
She's got problems ...the Dem machine will happily erase her ...ya think dumb gov and dumber mayor forgot Amazon ?....nadler cowers cause they threatened to replace him If he doesn't do the progressives bidding . Then ya got pelosi w(best bud Chuck Schumer NY d)pelosi who felt like she had to pursue impeachment well because "we're gonna impeach the mofo day 1"

the strong intelligent Latina lol .....or rather latinx..whatever orwellion shit latinx is ....she's on top of the powerful dems erase list ..

what a shithouse asswipe of a party they have become ...indeed

she should go bartend the north side ..the retarded transplant Nazi leftist and trust fund Bernie Bros will tip her well

Id throw the muppet a twenty lol

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