What a Weak Failed American President Looks Like

It is funny watching desperste snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the Executive Branch.

I guess since their witch hunt has been a disaster, as they have exposed their own crimes and sediti|yon with every false accusation, they have to try something.

If you don't blame the president for the failings of the executive branch. who would you blame?

The Donald will blame McConnell, the Senate Democrats, Obama, HRC, Rocky and Bullwinkle, in fact anyone but himself.
you mean like obummer did?
It is funny watching desperste snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the Executive Branch.

I guess since their witch hunt has been a disaster, as they have exposed their own crimes and sediti|yon with every false accusation, they have to try something.

If you don't blame the president for the failings of the executive branch. who would you blame?

The Donald will blame McConnell, the Senate Democrats, Obama, HRC, Rocky and Bullwinkle, in fact anyone but himself.
you mean like obummer did?

Let me ask you something. Do you not hold Trump up to the same standard you and him held Obama to?

Donald J. Trump


Leadership: Whatever happens, you're responsible. If it doesn't happen, you're responsible.

3:01 PM - Nov 8, 2013

Next target Guam, North Korea says - CNN

Has North Korea Already Passed Trump's Red Line?
Let me ask you something. Do you not hold Trump up to the same standard you and him held Obama to?
Yes...but so far Trump has not:
- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended terrorists and has not take the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists
- Illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- Refused to enforce US immigration laws
- Protected violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers, and Sanctuary cities
- Illegally spied on Americans, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC
- Illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon against Americans who oppose him
- Illegally shared / leaked classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, committed Felony Espionage for political benefit

...like Obama did.
Let me ask you something. Do you not hold Trump up to the same standard you and him held Obama to?
Yes...but so far Trump has not:
- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended terrorists and has not take the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists
- Illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- Refused to enforce US immigration laws
- Protected violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers, and Sanctuary cities
- Illegally spied on Americans, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC
- Illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon against Americans who oppose him
- Illegally shared / leaked classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, committed Felony Espionage for political benefit

...like Obama did.
Let me ask you something. Do you not hold Trump up to the same standard you and him held Obama to?
Yes...but so far Trump has not:
- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected, defended terrorists and has not take the US into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists
- Illegally armed Mexican Drug Cartels
- Refused to enforce US immigration laws
- Protected violent illegals, MS13, human traffickers, and Sanctuary cities
- Illegally spied on Americans, the media, the US Senate, and the USSC
- Illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon against Americans who oppose him
- Illegally shared / leaked classified info, illegally unmasked Americans, committed Felony Espionage for political benefit

...like Obama did.
It's early.
It is funny watching desperste snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the Executive Branch.

I guess since their witch hunt has been a disaster, as they have exposed their own crimes and sediti|yon with every false accusation, they have to try something.

If you don't blame the president for the failings of the executive branch. who would you blame?

The Donald will blame McConnell, the Senate Democrats, Obama, HRC, Rocky and Bullwinkle, in fact anyone but himself.
you mean like obummer did?

booooooooooooooooosh killed 4,500+ and tens of thousand and more injured, Americans,many with life changing injuries. Wanna play the blame game? In hindsight it's stupid, as are arm chair QB's and the obsequious love affair that Trumpanzees have for Trump.

Trump is incompetent and has exacerbated an already dangerous situation in Korea. Trump's tweets hamper diplomatic efforts by the Sect. of State and his Brinkmanship are a best harmful, and at worst risk the unthinkable (something Trump excels in).
It is funny watching desperste snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the Executive Branch.

I guess since their witch hunt has been a disaster, as they have exposed their own crimes and sediti|yon with every false accusation, they have to try something.

If you don't blame the president for the failings of the executive branch. who would you blame?

The Donald will blame McConnell, the Senate Democrats, Obama, HRC, Rocky and Bullwinkle, in fact anyone but himself.
you mean like obummer did?

booooooooooooooooosh killed 4,500+ and tens of thousand and more injured, Americans,many with life changing injuries. Wanna play the blame game? In hindsight it's stupid, as are arm chair QB's and the obsequious love affair that Trumpanzees have for Trump.

Trump is incompetent and has exacerbated an already dangerous situation in Korea. Trump's tweets hamper diplomatic efforts by the Sect. of State and his Brinkmanship are a best harmful, and at worst risk the unthinkable (something Trump excels in).
so did obummer.
Trump is incompetent and has exacerbated an already dangerous situation in Korea.

...as opposed to Carter, Clinton, and Obama, who argued for their right to nuclear power, gave them nuclear reactors / material, allowed them to build nukes, then finalized an Un-Constitutional Treaty that helped pave the way for Iran to engage in trade again with other nations, allowing N. Korea to gain the technology required to strike the US with newly acquired ICBM technology....then dumping this huge cluster-f* in Trump's lap?

Got it. Thanks.
Trump is incompetent and has exacerbated an already dangerous situation in Korea.

...as opposed to Carter, Clinton, and Obama, who argued for their right to nuclear power, gave them nuclear reactors / material, allowed them to build nukes, then finalized an Un-Constitutional Treaty that helped pave the way for Iran to engage in trade again with other nations, allowing N. Korea to gain the technology required to strike the US with newly acquired ICBM technology....then dumping this huge cluster-f* in Trump's lap?

Got it. Thanks.

You echo the lies and propaganda of Limbaugh, Hannity, et al charlatans.
You echo the lies and propaganda of Limbaugh, Hannity, et al charlatans.

No, snowflake...once again you are either in denial ... or lying.


"For all this, thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. North Korea couldn’t have done it without their gullibility.

Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke."


"President Clinton approved a plan today to arrange more than $4 billion in energy aid to North Korea during the next decade in return for a commitment from the country's hard-line Communist leadership to freeze and gradually dismantle its nuclear weapons development program."

"This agreement is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world," Mr. Clinton said in a brief appearance in the White House press room this afternoon. "It's a crucial step toward drawing North Korea into the global community."

Yeah, how'd that turn out, snowflake?
You echo the lies and propaganda of Limbaugh, Hannity, et al charlatans.

No, snowflake...once again you are either in denial ... or lying.


"For all this, thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. North Korea couldn’t have done it without their gullibility.

Back in 1994, President Clinton prepared to confront North Korea over CIA reports it had built nuclear warheads and its subsequent threats to engulf Japan and South Korea in “a sea of fire.”

Enter self-appointed peacemaker Carter: The ex-prez scurried off to Pyongyang and negotiated a sellout deal that gave North Korea two new reactors and $5 billion in aid in return for a promise to quit seeking nukes.

Clinton embraced this appeasement as achieving “an end to the threat of nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsula” — with compliance verified by international inspectors. Carter wound up winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his dubious efforts.

But in 2002, the North Koreans ’fessed up: They’d begun violating the accord on Day One. Four years later, Pyongyang detonated its first nuke."


"President Clinton approved a plan today to arrange more than $4 billion in energy aid to North Korea during the next decade in return for a commitment from the country's hard-line Communist leadership to freeze and gradually dismantle its nuclear weapons development program."

"This agreement is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world," Mr. Clinton said in a brief appearance in the White House press room this afternoon. "It's a crucial step toward drawing North Korea into the global community."

Yeah, how'd that turn out, snowflake?
Translation: North Korea built their first nuke while Bush was president, so let's blame Carter and Clinton. :eusa_doh:
What a Weak American President Looks Like
July 18, 2017 at 9:50 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard67 Comments

BuzzFeed: “Trump spent much of this past weekend watching the U.S. Women’s Golf Open at his family-owned golf club, a kind of metaphor for a presidency disconnected from actual power. But the health care failure — in which Trump allowed himself to lose control of his own agenda, and then lose the fight for that agenda — was the most humiliating in a sweep of presidential defeats.”

“The White House has lost control of its foreign policy to the military and to allies who can’t work with a globally loathed American leader even if they wanted to. He has lost control of his domestic policy to Congress, which has been unable to give him a signature win despite Republicans controlling both chambers. He has lost control of his own aides to leaks and investigations, of his old television cronies to spiteful personal feuds, and most of all of the narrative of an ‘America First’ presidency with a coherent vision or promise.”

Also interesting: “Even the president’s top backers are losing patience. Billionaire Trump patrons Rebecca and Bob Mercer are ‘apoplectic’ over the health care debacle, with renewed fears that Trump’s lofty goals of changing Washington have become all but impossible”

What a weak, failed lifeform looks like: the OP.

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