What a Weak Failed American President Looks Like

Trump, version 2013, doesn't agree, Princess.


Again, anyone who believes the Executive Branch is responsible for writing Legislation should not be allowed to vote because they aren't smart enough to know how their own government works. ... Sort of like how Hillary and snowflakes thought Presidents were elected through some insignificant 'popularity contest' instead of through the Electoral College system.

The sad part of it is they don't know why we have an electoral college.
Trump Finds It Tough to Demolish Obama’s Legacy
July 18, 2017 at 7:56 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard101 Comments

New York Times: “Determined to dismantle his predecessor’s legacy, Mr. Trump in the space of a couple of hours Monday night reluctantly agreed to preserve President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran and failed in his effort to repeal Mr. Obama’s health care program.”

“The back-to-back events underscored the challenge for a career developer whose main goal since taking office six months ago has been to raze what he sees as the poorly constructed edifices he inherited. Mr. Trump has gone a long way toward that objective through executive action, but as Tuesday dawned, he faced the reality that Mr. Obama’s most prominent domestic and international accomplishments both remained intact.”
Good job cutting and pasting asshole.
Got any original thoughts of your own?
If not expect P.I.
No president has ever been weaker, nor a bigger failure, than Hussein here:

The Donald will blame McConnell, the Senate Democrats, Obama, HRC, Rocky and Bullwinkle, in fact anyone but himself.

Maybe it's more that the entire political process has become a secret (well, maybe not so secret) JOKE on the American people?

Perhaps TPTB work this "good cop / bad cop" game over the American people so cleverly that we all are at each others throats constantly....keeping the focus off of the real perps?

Dunno....just a thought.

But it sure seems sometimes that MAGICALLY, the American people end up the real losers every time and VERY little that actually BENEFITS the American people ever gets done.

Obamacare for example removed some of the requirements for pre-existing conditions and provided "some" benefits to pregnant mothers....but also caused more people to have to pay more money and raised deductibles to a point where coverage was moot except in cases of major medical emergencies. So in reality, there was no real benefit to most Americans as usual.
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Trump, version 2013, doesn't agree, Princess.


Again, anyone who believes the Executive Branch is responsible for writing Legislation should not be allowed to vote because they aren't smart enough to know how their own government works. ... Sort of like how Hillary and snowflakes thought Presidents were elected through some insignificant 'popularity contest' instead of through the Electoral College system.
So, the Orange Menace will only get a pass from mindless minions like you.
What a Weak American President Looks Like
July 18, 2017 at 9:50 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard67 Comments

BuzzFeed: “Trump spent much of this past weekend watching the U.S. Women’s Golf Open at his family-owned golf club, a kind of metaphor for a presidency disconnected from actual power. But the health care failure — in which Trump allowed himself to lose control of his own agenda, and then lose the fight for that agenda — was the most humiliating in a sweep of presidential defeats.”

“The White House has lost control of its foreign policy to the military and to allies who can’t work with a globally loathed American leader even if they wanted to. He has lost control of his domestic policy to Congress, which has been unable to give him a signature win despite Republicans controlling both chambers. He has lost control of his own aides to leaks and investigations, of his old television cronies to spiteful personal feuds, and most of all of the narrative of an ‘America First’ presidency with a coherent vision or promise.”

Also interesting: “Even the president’s top backers are losing patience. Billionaire Trump patrons Rebecca and Bob Mercer are ‘apoplectic’ over the health care debacle, with renewed fears that Trump’s lofty goals of changing Washington have become all but impossible”
Now what's that about what a weak president looks like again?

Lefties lived under eight freaking years of perversion and negligence of the Clinton administration and then came back for more by nominating Bubba Bill's wife. Lefties lived under the benign dictatorship of a president who had dreams of his father who was an African nationalist bigamist and a drunk but the left never made a statement like "failed presidency". Trump has accomplished more in six months despite attempted assassinations and stonewalling by the leaderless and incoherent angry democrat party which hasn't won an important election in eight freaking years and yet ignorant lefties rely on "buzz-feed" editorials by somebody named "Teagan Goddard" to speak for them when they lost their ability and aren't articulate enough to argue a point.
Trump, version 2013, doesn't agree, Princess.


Again, anyone who believes the Executive Branch is responsible for writing Legislation should not be allowed to vote because they aren't smart enough to know how their own government works. ... Sort of like how Hillary and snowflakes thought Presidents were elected through some insignificant 'popularity contest' instead of through the Electoral College system.
So, the Orange Menace will only get a pass from mindless minions like you.
i guess that is 64 million of em eh?
So, the Orange Menace will only get a pass from mindless minions like you.
Stop embarrassing yourself. Get a copy of the Constitution...or a book from a 6th Grader...and learn about the 3 branches of government. THEN come back and join us at the adult table.
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What a Weak American President Looks Like
July 18, 2017 at 9:50 pm EDTBy Taegan Goddard67 Comments

BuzzFeed: “Trump spent much of this past weekend watching the U.S. Women’s Golf Open at his family-owned golf club, a kind of metaphor for a presidency disconnected from actual power. But the health care failure — in which Trump allowed himself to lose control of his own agenda, and then lose the fight for that agenda — was the most humiliating in a sweep of presidential defeats.”

“The White House has lost control of its foreign policy to the military and to allies who can’t work with a globally loathed American leader even if they wanted to. He has lost control of his domestic policy to Congress, which has been unable to give him a signature win despite Republicans controlling both chambers. He has lost control of his own aides to leaks and investigations, of his old television cronies to spiteful personal feuds, and most of all of the narrative of an ‘America First’ presidency with a coherent vision or promise.”

Also interesting: “Even the president’s top backers are losing patience. Billionaire Trump patrons Rebecca and Bob Mercer are ‘apoplectic’ over the health care debacle, with renewed fears that Trump’s lofty goals of changing Washington have become all but impossible”

What a Weak Failed USMB Poster Looks Like

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