What a Weak Failed American President Looks Like

Speaking of batshit crazy...

As stated, he was too busy sexually assaulting, sexually harassing, and raping women and small children, getting sued, being impeached, and lying to the American people on TV to be able to notice, let alone stop, anything terrorists were doing.
Whom did Clinton sexually assault while he was presented debt? Whom did he sexually harass? Whom did he rape while in office? Who was the small child he raped?

Your accusation of pedophilia by President Clinton is indicative of your typical low brow assault on truth. RussianWNJ's are like that.

Sorry pointing out his pedophilia offends you. At least pointing out his sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape of women did not offend you.

Your accusation of pedophilia by President Clinton is indicative of your typical low brow assault on truth. RussianWNJ's are like that.

Sorry pointing out his pedophilia offends you. At least pointing out his sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape of women did not offend you.

^^^ :cuckoo:

You didn't answer.... what child did he rape?

Don't think it went unnoticed that the reason you didn't answer is because you are the one who's batshit crazy.
No president has ever been weaker, nor a bigger failure, than Hussein here:

View attachment 139484
Oh, look. Here's the weakling signing ObamaCare into law a year after taking the oath of office. Just look at all those shit-eating grins in the room:


Despite all the chest thumping over winning big in the past election, the Republican House, the Republican Senate, and the apprentice Republican in the White House can't seem to defeat the weakling's law.

An entitlement is never easy to get rid of. That weak assed pussy isn't stronger because of that. That's just a mindlessly stupid thing to say.
Your accusation of pedophilia by President Clinton is indicative of your typical low brow assault on truth. RussianWNJ's are like that.

Sorry pointing out his pedophilia offends you. At least pointing out his sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape of women did not offend you.


Got it. Your Deluxe Supreme Pizza with Anchovies will be right out.

Did you want some stupid Red Sauce to go with that?
Trump will be lucky to be remembered as just "weak" or "failed." He's looking at "traitor" and "biggest idiot of all time" at the moment.
Clinton helped China advance their missile technology, failed to prevent the training and preparation for the 9/11/01 attack, set free terrorists who murdered Americans so Hillary could win the Senate, and when his name is mentioned the very 1st thing he is remembered for is his embarrassing 'I did not have sex with that woman' lie.

Barry set new records for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, Violations of both Constitution and Law, financing / supplying / arming / training / aiding / abetting / protecting / defending terrorists, aiding Mexican Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent illegals / sanctuary cities, scandals, laws broken, etc....

And you think Trump will be remembered as the worst President? Sorry - Barry took that title from Carter and isn't giving it up.

Snowflakes have repeated the mantra 'Trump is a failure', but just like their 'Collusion' claims, it's all BS.

Snowflakes want to claim Trump will be a failure based on his 1st year - much of which has been spent fighting violent / seditious 100%-committed to the obstruction of the US, conspiracy theory-pushing, poo-flinging snowflakes.

Those who do so intentionally refuse to acknowledge Clinton's 1st disastrous year:

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton’s Chaotic, Confused, Failing First Year As President

There once was an American president whose approval rating hovered at 36 percent, who lost a pivotal health care vote although his party controlled Congress, who faced a special counsel investigation, who had an inexperienced and highly partisan White House staff, and who encountered public outrage over a $200 haircut that shut down the Los Angeles International Airport for two hours.

Donald Trump? No. Bill Clinton.

Clinton’s presidency was such a disaster in only four months that Time Magazine
devoted a June 1993 cover story to his long string of failures. The cover featured a tiny Bill under the large print title, “The Incredible Shrinking President.” Inside the magazine, the headline asked: “Is Clinton up to the job? Americans are starting to wonder.”


Time Magazine

“Reports of chaos, confusion, and infighting seem to leak out of the West Wing on a daily basis. The president is his own worst enemy, easily distracted, obsessed with minutiae, and uninterested in instilling much order in his administration,” the Atlantic wrote in a look-back earlier this year. “His staffers, many of them young, don’t really know the ropes, and it shows.”

Clinton ran as an outsider with no federal experience and as the governor of a Southern state that ranked 48 among 50 states in poverty. His obvious lack of experience became his downfall in his first year in office, as his presidency became engulfed in scandals and legislative failures.
Your accusation of pedophilia by President Clinton is indicative of your typical low brow assault on truth. RussianWNJ's are like that.

Sorry pointing out his pedophilia offends you. At least pointing out his sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape of women did not offend you.


Got it. Your Deluxe Supreme Pizza with Anchovies will be right out.

Did you want some stupid Red Sauce to go with that?
That's anther snowflake reality denier I can place on ignore. Let me know when you have something substantial to add again rather than ducking reality by talking about pizza, lil snowflake. :p
Trump will be lucky to be remembered as just "weak" or "failed." He's looking at "traitor" and "biggest idiot of all time" at the moment.
Clinton helped China advance their missile technology, failed to prevent the training and preparation for the 9/11/01 attack, set free terrorists who murdered Americans so Hillary could win the Senate, and when his name is mentioned the very 1st thing he is remembered for is his embarrassing 'I did not have sex with that woman' lie.

Barry set new records for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act, Violations of both Constitution and Law, financing / supplying / arming / training / aiding / abetting / protecting / defending terrorists, aiding Mexican Drug Cartels / Human Traffickers / violent illegals / sanctuary cities, scandals, laws broken, etc....

And you think Trump will be remembered as the worst President? Sorry - Barry took that title from Carter and isn't giving it up.

Snowflakes have repeated the mantra 'Trump is a failure', but just like their 'Collusion' claims, it's all BS.

Snowflakes want to claim Trump will be a failure based on his 1st year - much of which has been spent fighting violent / seditious 100%-committed to the obstruction of the US, conspiracy theory-pushing, poo-flinging snowflakes.

Those who do so intentionally refuse to acknowledge Clinton's 1st disastrous year:

FLASHBACK: Bill Clinton’s Chaotic, Confused, Failing First Year As President

There once was an American president whose approval rating hovered at 36 percent, who lost a pivotal health care vote although his party controlled Congress, who faced a special counsel investigation, who had an inexperienced and highly partisan White House staff, and who encountered public outrage over a $200 haircut that shut down the Los Angeles International Airport for two hours.

Donald Trump? No. Bill Clinton.

Clinton’s presidency was such a disaster in only four months that Time Magazine
devoted a June 1993 cover story to his long string of failures. The cover featured a tiny Bill under the large print title, “The Incredible Shrinking President.” Inside the magazine, the headline asked: “Is Clinton up to the job? Americans are starting to wonder.”


Time Magazine

“Reports of chaos, confusion, and infighting seem to leak out of the West Wing on a daily basis. The president is his own worst enemy, easily distracted, obsessed with minutiae, and uninterested in instilling much order in his administration,” the Atlantic wrote in a look-back earlier this year. “His staffers, many of them young, don’t really know the ropes, and it shows.”

Clinton ran as an outsider with no federal experience and as the governor of a Southern state that ranked 48 among 50 states in poverty. His obvious lack of experience became his downfall in his first year in office, as his presidency became engulfed in scandals and legislative failures.
... and Bush was the president who looked the other way while terrorists hijacked 4 planes in a single morning to kill 3000 people.

Your irony meter is broken beyond repair.
Your accusation of pedophilia by President Clinton is indicative of your typical low brow assault on truth. RussianWNJ's are like that.

Sorry pointing out his pedophilia offends you. At least pointing out his sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape of women did not offend you.


Got it. Your Deluxe Supreme Pizza with Anchovies will be right out.

Did you want some stupid Red Sauce to go with that?
That's anther snowflake reality denier I can place on ignore. Let me know when you have something substantial to add again rather than ducking reality by talking about pizza, lil snowflake. :p
If you're not batshit crazy and he's nothing but a "snowflake reality denier," how come you can't produce the name of the child you claim Bill Clinton raped?

By the way, ^^^ that's ^^^ rhetorical ... everyone here already knows why you can't name your purported child.

It is funny watching desperste snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the Executive Branch.

I guess since their witch hunt has been a disaster, as they have exposed their own crimes and sediti|yon with every false accusation, they have to try something.

If you don't blame the president for the failings of the executive branch. who would you blame?

Meant to say:

"It is funny watching desperate snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the LEGISLATIVE Branch."

The President can give speeches, motivate, encourage, cheerlead, beg, plead, threaten, etc....but he can't write and pass Legislation, and he can't make traitorous pieces of fecal matter like McConnell do his damn job.

Funny, in another thread a snowflake made the case that 'Educated' people flock to the Democratic Party, but in this thread it is made clear that most of those 'educated' people have no clue about the Separation of Powers and what the powers, duties, and responsibilities are of the 3 Branches of govt. :p

You admitted that the post I was responding to was a screwup.
It is funny watching desperste snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the Executive Branch.

I guess since their witch hunt has been a disaster, as they have exposed their own crimes and sediti|yon with every false accusation, they have to try something.

If you don't blame the president for the failings of the executive branch. who would you blame?

Meant to say:

"It is funny watching desperate snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the LEGISLATIVE Branch."

The President can give speeches, motivate, encourage, cheerlead, beg, plead, threaten, etc....but he can't write and pass Legislation, and he can't make traitorous pieces of fecal matter like McConnell do his damn job.

Funny, in another thread a snowflake made the case that 'Educated' people flock to the Democratic Party, but in this thread it is made clear that most of those 'educated' people have no clue about the Separation of Powers and what the powers, duties, and responsibilities are of the 3 Branches of govt. :p

You admitted that the post I was responding to was a screwup.
No, I pointed out I used 1 word in error. The fact remains the same: Liberals seek to blame the President (Executive Branch) for the failures of the Legislative branch, again, proving their ignorance regarding the 3 Branches of US govt.
It is funny watching desperste snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the Executive Branch.

I guess since their witch hunt has been a disaster, as they have exposed their own crimes and sediti|yon with every false accusation, they have to try something.

If you don't blame the president for the failings of the executive branch. who would you blame?

Meant to say:

"It is funny watching desperate snowflakes attempt to blame the President / Executive Branch for the short-comings of the LEGISLATIVE Branch."

The President can give speeches, motivate, encourage, cheerlead, beg, plead, threaten, etc....but he can't write and pass Legislation, and he can't make traitorous pieces of fecal matter like McConnell do his damn job.

Funny, in another thread a snowflake made the case that 'Educated' people flock to the Democratic Party, but in this thread it is made clear that most of those 'educated' people have no clue about the Separation of Powers and what the powers, duties, and responsibilities are of the 3 Branches of govt. :p

You admitted that the post I was responding to was a screwup.
No, I pointed out I used 1 word in error. The fact remains the same: Liberals seek to blame the President (Executive Branch) for the failures of the Legislative branch, again, proving their ignorance regarding the 3 Branches of US govt.

The fact remains that I responded to what you wrote. The other crap you tried to add to it comes from your twisted mind.
Your accusation of pedophilia by President Clinton is indicative of your typical low brow assault on truth. RussianWNJ's are like that.

Sorry pointing out his pedophilia offends you. At least pointing out his sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape of women did not offend you.


Got it. Your Deluxe Supreme Pizza with Anchovies will be right out.

Did you want some stupid Red Sauce to go with that?
That's anther snowflake reality denier I can place on ignore. Let me know when you have something substantial to add again rather than ducking reality by talking about pizza, lil snowflake. :p

Did you hear a whoosing sound as you were eating that deluxe w/anchovies?

You threaten to put people on ignore like a little girl and then you call others snowflakes?

Trump’s national-security adviser later elaborated on what his boss meant. In an interview with Fox News in April, H.R. McMaster specified what might prompt the Trump administration to take the extremely risky step of using military force against North Korea. “I don’t think anyone thinks that it would be acceptable to have this kind of regime with nuclear weapons that can target, that can range the United States,” he said.

At the time of those remarks, experts were predicting that North Korea might acquire the capability McMaster feared within Trump’s first term in office. As recently as a few days ago, following North Korea’s first test of an ICBM in early July, The Washington Post was reporting on a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment suggesting that North Korea could reach that milestone within a year. But on Friday, North Korea successfully tested its second ICBM—this time sending a missile aloft for roughly 45 minutes, and 1,000 kilometers, before it crashed into the Sea of Japan.

Trump vowed just before taking office that a North Korean missile capable of reaching the United States “won’t happen” while he’s president. If North Korea hasn’t accomplished this already—as some experts believe it has—it will very soon.

If he breaks this vow too boy is he weak.

Tuesday morning, Trump repeated the Washington cliché that “all options are on the table” as the U.S. mulls its response—a warning that’s been issued time and again for more than a decade. Kim has probably acquired enough evidence at this point to realize that the U.S. is unlikely to take military action to stop him as long as he has literal guns to the heads of 25 million people in Seoul. Which means that for all his tough talk, Trump isn’t any closer to solving the North Korea problem than his predecessors were.
Trump’s national-security adviser later elaborated on what his boss meant. In an interview with Fox News in April, H.R. McMaster specified what might prompt the Trump administration to take the extremely risky step of using military force against North Korea. “I don’t think anyone thinks that it would be acceptable to have this kind of regime with nuclear weapons that can target, that can range the United States,” he said.

At the time of those remarks, experts were predicting that North Korea might acquire the capability McMaster feared within Trump’s first term in office. As recently as a few days ago, following North Korea’s first test of an ICBM in early July, The Washington Post was reporting on a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment suggesting that North Korea could reach that milestone within a year. But on Friday, North Korea successfully tested its second ICBM—this time sending a missile aloft for roughly 45 minutes, and 1,000 kilometers, before it crashed into the Sea of Japan.

Trump vowed just before taking office that a North Korean missile capable of reaching the United States “won’t happen” while he’s president. If North Korea hasn’t accomplished this already—as some experts believe it has—it will very soon.

If he breaks this vow too boy is he weak.

Tuesday morning, Trump repeated the Washington cliché that “all options are on the table” as the U.S. mulls its response—a warning that’s been issued time and again for more than a decade. Kim has probably acquired enough evidence at this point to realize that the U.S. is unlikely to take military action to stop him as long as he has literal guns to the heads of 25 million people in Seoul. Which means that for all his tough talk, Trump isn’t any closer to solving the North Korea problem than his predecessors were.
So a President who fails to fulfill all of his campaign promises is a failure?
That would be every President ever.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app
Trump’s national-security adviser later elaborated on what his boss meant. In an interview with Fox News in April, H.R. McMaster specified what might prompt the Trump administration to take the extremely risky step of using military force against North Korea. “I don’t think anyone thinks that it would be acceptable to have this kind of regime with nuclear weapons that can target, that can range the United States,” he said.

At the time of those remarks, experts were predicting that North Korea might acquire the capability McMaster feared within Trump’s first term in office. As recently as a few days ago, following North Korea’s first test of an ICBM in early July, The Washington Post was reporting on a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment suggesting that North Korea could reach that milestone within a year. But on Friday, North Korea successfully tested its second ICBM—this time sending a missile aloft for roughly 45 minutes, and 1,000 kilometers, before it crashed into the Sea of Japan.

Trump vowed just before taking office that a North Korean missile capable of reaching the United States “won’t happen” while he’s president. If North Korea hasn’t accomplished this already—as some experts believe it has—it will very soon.

If he breaks this vow too boy is he weak.

Tuesday morning, Trump repeated the Washington cliché that “all options are on the table” as the U.S. mulls its response—a warning that’s been issued time and again for more than a decade. Kim has probably acquired enough evidence at this point to realize that the U.S. is unlikely to take military action to stop him as long as he has literal guns to the heads of 25 million people in Seoul. Which means that for all his tough talk, Trump isn’t any closer to solving the North Korea problem than his predecessors were.
So a President who fails to fulfill all of his campaign promises is a failure?
That would be every President ever.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

You guys counted Obama's failed promises. Are you even keeping track of Trumps? Don't worry we will do it for you. LOL
Trump’s national-security adviser later elaborated on what his boss meant. In an interview with Fox News in April, H.R. McMaster specified what might prompt the Trump administration to take the extremely risky step of using military force against North Korea. “I don’t think anyone thinks that it would be acceptable to have this kind of regime with nuclear weapons that can target, that can range the United States,” he said.

At the time of those remarks, experts were predicting that North Korea might acquire the capability McMaster feared within Trump’s first term in office. As recently as a few days ago, following North Korea’s first test of an ICBM in early July, The Washington Post was reporting on a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment suggesting that North Korea could reach that milestone within a year. But on Friday, North Korea successfully tested its second ICBM—this time sending a missile aloft for roughly 45 minutes, and 1,000 kilometers, before it crashed into the Sea of Japan.

Trump vowed just before taking office that a North Korean missile capable of reaching the United States “won’t happen” while he’s president. If North Korea hasn’t accomplished this already—as some experts believe it has—it will very soon.

If he breaks this vow too boy is he weak.

Tuesday morning, Trump repeated the Washington cliché that “all options are on the table” as the U.S. mulls its response—a warning that’s been issued time and again for more than a decade. Kim has probably acquired enough evidence at this point to realize that the U.S. is unlikely to take military action to stop him as long as he has literal guns to the heads of 25 million people in Seoul. Which means that for all his tough talk, Trump isn’t any closer to solving the North Korea problem than his predecessors were.
So a President who fails to fulfill all of his campaign promises is a failure?
That would be every President ever.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

He's kept one promise so far. He kept Guantanimo Bay Prison open. Congrats.

Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises

The rest are stalled or in the works.
Trump’s national-security adviser later elaborated on what his boss meant. In an interview with Fox News in April, H.R. McMaster specified what might prompt the Trump administration to take the extremely risky step of using military force against North Korea. “I don’t think anyone thinks that it would be acceptable to have this kind of regime with nuclear weapons that can target, that can range the United States,” he said.

At the time of those remarks, experts were predicting that North Korea might acquire the capability McMaster feared within Trump’s first term in office. As recently as a few days ago, following North Korea’s first test of an ICBM in early July, The Washington Post was reporting on a U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency assessment suggesting that North Korea could reach that milestone within a year. But on Friday, North Korea successfully tested its second ICBM—this time sending a missile aloft for roughly 45 minutes, and 1,000 kilometers, before it crashed into the Sea of Japan.

Trump vowed just before taking office that a North Korean missile capable of reaching the United States “won’t happen” while he’s president. If North Korea hasn’t accomplished this already—as some experts believe it has—it will very soon.

If he breaks this vow too boy is he weak.

Tuesday morning, Trump repeated the Washington cliché that “all options are on the table” as the U.S. mulls its response—a warning that’s been issued time and again for more than a decade. Kim has probably acquired enough evidence at this point to realize that the U.S. is unlikely to take military action to stop him as long as he has literal guns to the heads of 25 million people in Seoul. Which means that for all his tough talk, Trump isn’t any closer to solving the North Korea problem than his predecessors were.
So a President who fails to fulfill all of his campaign promises is a failure?
That would be every President ever.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using USMessageBoard.com mobile app

Bring jobs back, build a wall and repeal obamacare. THat's 3 big ones right there alone.

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