What about Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount

Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search

But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?

I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.

A Misogynist too, who would have thought. Must be frustration at being made a fool of by a woman.

Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Sunday - Thursday
7:30AM until 10:00AM (11:00AM during "Summer Time")
12:30-13:30 (later during "Summer Time")
CLOSED to Non-Muslims on Fridays and Saturdays.
Entrance for Non-Muslims ONLY through the Mughrabi Gate - security entrance is next to Western Wall Security Entrance inside the Dung Gate.

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

One comparison makes this point most clearly: Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Jerusalem was the first Qiblah for Muslims - the place toward which Muslims turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah ), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca (Qur'an 2:142-144).

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


This controversy focuses on who has the greater attachment and enti¬tlement to the city, and for whom Jerusalem has the greatest religious, cul¬tural, historical and political importance: "In all probability one would never be able to gauge the degree of attachment that an individual com¬munity feels toward the city, for attachment is psychological and thus highly subjective."1 While the Muslims, for example, especially Palestinian and Arab Islamists, recognize the religious significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, they stress the Muslim character of the city and Muslim entitlement to it, and their attachment to Jerusalem constitutes part of their doctrinal views of the city.

Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

JERUSALEM // Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The clashes erupted after Jewish visitors ascended to the compound on the eve of the week-long holiday Sukkot, Israeli police said.
Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for the friction at the holy site, saying that it was deliberately raising tensions there.

“The Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque, led by settlers and extremists, and under the auspices of the Israeli government, have recently increased and intensified,” Mr Abbas said

I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!

You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve

And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.

Oh dear, the moron missed this 1896 movie which demonstrates that he spews propaganda.

Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search

But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?

I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.

A Misogynist too, who would have thought. Must be frustration at being made a fool of by a woman.

Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.

Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?
Last edited:
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Sunday - Thursday
7:30AM until 10:00AM (11:00AM during "Summer Time")
12:30-13:30 (later during "Summer Time")
CLOSED to Non-Muslims on Fridays and Saturdays.
Entrance for Non-Muslims ONLY through the Mughrabi Gate - security entrance is next to Western Wall Security Entrance inside the Dung Gate.

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

One comparison makes this point most clearly: Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Jerusalem was the first Qiblah for Muslims - the place toward which Muslims turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah ), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca (Qur'an 2:142-144).

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


This controversy focuses on who has the greater attachment and enti¬tlement to the city, and for whom Jerusalem has the greatest religious, cul¬tural, historical and political importance: "In all probability one would never be able to gauge the degree of attachment that an individual com¬munity feels toward the city, for attachment is psychological and thus highly subjective."1 While the Muslims, for example, especially Palestinian and Arab Islamists, recognize the religious significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, they stress the Muslim character of the city and Muslim entitlement to it, and their attachment to Jerusalem constitutes part of their doctrinal views of the city.

Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

JERUSALEM // Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The clashes erupted after Jewish visitors ascended to the compound on the eve of the week-long holiday Sukkot, Israeli police said.
Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for the friction at the holy site, saying that it was deliberately raising tensions there.

“The Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque, led by settlers and extremists, and under the auspices of the Israeli government, have recently increased and intensified,” Mr Abbas said

I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!

You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve

And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.

In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
Looks like Monte enjoys calling people morons, while I think morons are people who are on a forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life. Nevertheless, thank you Teddy for your informative post. Here are some pictures of the Jews in Jerusalem in the 1800s.

jews in jerusalem in the 1800s - Google Search

But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?
I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.

A Misogynist too, who would have thought. Must be frustration at being made a fool of by a woman.
Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.

Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?

Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Sunday - Thursday
7:30AM until 10:00AM (11:00AM during "Summer Time")
12:30-13:30 (later during "Summer Time")
CLOSED to Non-Muslims on Fridays and Saturdays.
Entrance for Non-Muslims ONLY through the Mughrabi Gate - security entrance is next to Western Wall Security Entrance inside the Dung Gate.

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

One comparison makes this point most clearly: Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. In contrast, the columnist Moshe Kohn notes, Jerusalem and Zion appear as frequently in the Qur'an "as they do in the Hindu Bhagavad-Gita, the Taoist Tao-Te Ching, the Buddhist Dhamapada and the Zoroastrian Zend Avesta"—which is to say, not once.

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Jerusalem was the first Qiblah for Muslims - the place toward which Muslims turn in prayer. It was many years into the Islamic mission (16 months after the Hijrah ), that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was instructed to change the Qibla from Jerusalem to Mecca (Qur'an 2:142-144).

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


This controversy focuses on who has the greater attachment and enti¬tlement to the city, and for whom Jerusalem has the greatest religious, cul¬tural, historical and political importance: "In all probability one would never be able to gauge the degree of attachment that an individual com¬munity feels toward the city, for attachment is psychological and thus highly subjective."1 While the Muslims, for example, especially Palestinian and Arab Islamists, recognize the religious significance of Jerusalem to Christians and Jews, they stress the Muslim character of the city and Muslim entitlement to it, and their attachment to Jerusalem constitutes part of their doctrinal views of the city.

Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

JERUSALEM // Palestinian demonstrators clashed with Israeli police at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem on Wednesday.

The clashes erupted after Jewish visitors ascended to the compound on the eve of the week-long holiday Sukkot, Israeli police said.
Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas blamed Israel for the friction at the holy site, saying that it was deliberately raising tensions there.

“The Israeli attacks on Al Aqsa mosque, led by settlers and extremists, and under the auspices of the Israeli government, have recently increased and intensified,” Mr Abbas said

I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!

You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve

And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.

In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
But, Housefly, you're here on this forum all through the day and night and don't seem to have any other life?
I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.

A Misogynist too, who would have thought. Must be frustration at being made a fool of by a woman.
Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.

Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?

Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Hi. Some time ago I posted a thread about how the Muslims may have neglected Jerusalem off and on over the years.

Well, I would like to revisit some of the aspects of that thread. It seems as though now a days, the Temple Mount is open to Muslims only to do what they wish at most any time. There are what, ten gates to the Temple Mount and there is only one that will allow non Muslims access to the Mount. And then the times and terms are very limited:

Link: Al-Aqsa mosque and temple mount info Re-post - Israel Forum - TripAdvisor

Now, my other thread did link to an article by Daniel Pipes which was thrown down as Zionist propaganda. So I did a search and found some others. A quote from the Pipes articles:

Link: The Muslim Claim to Jerusalem Daniel Pipes

As mentioned, I googled "muslims in jerusalem" and found a few more that do seem to substantiate the Muslim claim to Jerusalem. Here's a quote from one with heavy leanings towards the Koran:

Link: Why Is the City of Jerusalem Important in Islam


Link: Palestine-Israel Journal b The Significance of Jerusalem A Muslim Perspective b

So with all this information and such; why, if Jerusalem and the Temple Mount is so sacred to Muslims, do they defile it 'Holiness'? They play soccer and have picnics on the most Holy site in the world.

They will have riots very often up there, here's one just from today:

Muslims clash with police at Jerusalem s Al Aqsa Mosque The National

Now, do take note on that article how 'things' got twisted:

Yet Abbas blames it on Israel:
I am sorry, how does some Jews ascending the Temple Mount consist of an attack?

Finally, I will close this very lengthy OP with this video. The information contained within such is well known. Basically, why, if the Temple Mount is so "Holy" to Islam, then why pray with your ass to it? The video also raises many, many other questions as well:

Let the de hate begin!

You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve

And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.

In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
I realize that you have always thought of yourself as a smart woman, so I would think you would be smart enough to use the Search function here and see just how much I am posting and how much Monte is posting and, of course, noticing the time of all these posts. Meanwhile, some of us know what you do during the day instead of going out and getting an honest job like other women your age do.

A Misogynist too, who would have thought. Must be frustration at being made a fool of by a woman.
Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.

Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?

Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."

Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.
You seem to forget that Salem(Now Jerusalem) was the Capital of the Canaanites,which the Israelites slaughtered to a man,any remaining women and children,were absorbed into the tribes of Israel,this also happened to the Moabites and later the Philistines,who David used to overthrow the King of the Jews..Saul........by now King David of unknown origin,was never allowed to consecrate the Jewish Temple (Because of his Bad Deeds) this was left to his son Abraham after the death of David. NOW TAKE NOTE,I repeat......TAKE NOTE ....NOW..steve

And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.

In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
A Misogynist too, who would have thought. Must be frustration at being made a fool of by a woman.
Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.

Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?
Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.

You are not sharpest knife in the drawer. Let me spell it out. The Koran has parts that incite murder and so does the Old Testament, yet you hate Islam but love Judaism. Hypocrisy seems to be consistent with you.
And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.

In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.

Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?
Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.

You are not sharpest knife in the drawer. Let me spell it out. The Koran has parts that incite murder and so does the Old Testament, yet you hate Islam but love Judaism. Hypocrisy seems to be consistent with you.
No comparison between The Holy Bible and the Muslim Bible. All the events in the OT are understandable and easily explained. This is God's Earth and People and he spelled out reasons for His actions. IMO the Koran is filled with the ravings of a psychotic lunatic pedophile.
And not once is Jerusalem mentioned in the Koran as being of religious or cultural significance to the muslims. In fact no muslim edifice existed there until 691 C.E. when Abd-al-Malik built the original dome of the rock, and it was not based on any Islamic architecture but on Christian churches in Jerusalem.

In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
Poor Monte, he reminds me so much of the title of a book "What Makes Sammy Run?" This forum should actually bv entitled "What Makes Monte Run?" We know that there are Muslim chat rooms and they must hand out assignments to their fellow Muslims to get on forums and stay there all day long to put their nonsensical two cents in. You all see how Monte is here day and night, night and day, with no let-up. Meanwhile, maybe you can make Pishy your second wife, Monte, since you feel you have to stick up for her. This way you can also use her screen name plus you will only have to look for two more wives.

I wonder what would happen if the posters were only allowed up to ten posts a day per forum. The men in the white coats would have to come for Monte.

Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?
Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.

You are not sharpest knife in the drawer. Let me spell it out. The Koran has parts that incite murder and so does the Old Testament, yet you hate Islam but love Judaism. Hypocrisy seems to be consistent with you.
I think you are a little confused here. It appears that you are the one who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you think you are faking out any reasonable people. This is like a job for you, night and day, on this forum trying to demonize Israel. What happened years ago in ancient times was par for the course in those years. There were so many wars between different groups. However, in this day and age, it is your own brethren who appear to be the ones who are so busy murdering people in many different areas. You are so busy demonizing Israel that it appears you close your eyes to what is happening elsewhere. Maybe your constantly demonizing of Israel would go over better on a site such as RadioIslam
Israel permitted gazans to go to the mount and they turn violent and them set fire to cement barricades and lock themselves in al-Aqsa.
At this point, I am so fed up with their bad behavior on the mount I'd ban anyone from visiting for at least a month. Muslims do not require a mosque to pray and there is no obligation to pray on the mount.
Violence on the mount, throwing fireworks and rocks at those below, setting fires and behaving like toddlers having an tantrum. They don't deserve the mount. They keep acting out. Try and do something nice and that behave like brats.
In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?
Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.

You are not sharpest knife in the drawer. Let me spell it out. The Koran has parts that incite murder and so does the Old Testament, yet you hate Islam but love Judaism. Hypocrisy seems to be consistent with you.
I think you are a little confused here. It appears that you are the one who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you think you are faking out any reasonable people. This is like a job for you, night and day, on this forum trying to demonize Israel. What happened years ago in ancient times was par for the course in those years. There were so many wars between different groups. However, in this day and age, it is your own brethren who appear to be the ones who are so busy murdering people in many different areas. You are so busy demonizing Israel that it appears you close your eyes to what is happening elsewhere. Maybe your constantly demonizing of Israel would go over better on a site such as RadioIslam

Try to be original. I am not demonizing Israel, I just provide facts that debunk Zionist myths. This has been done on other forums that had a gaggle of propaganda mongers that were never challenged.

Muslim extremists that are murdering innocent people are savage beasts that should be put down. However, there are over a billion Muslims in the world, most of whom are peaceful and aren't harming anyone. The Jews numbering 12 million in the world, murdered 2,000 people in Gaza mostly civilians and hundreds of children over a period of 4-5 weeks. Should they get a pass for doing exactly the same thing?

This forum is about Israel and Palestine. I found it so filled with people spouting Zionist propaganda that I felt it was appropriate to provide the source documents that debunk the propaganda. That's what I have done.
Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.

You are not sharpest knife in the drawer. Let me spell it out. The Koran has parts that incite murder and so does the Old Testament, yet you hate Islam but love Judaism. Hypocrisy seems to be consistent with you.
I think you are a little confused here. It appears that you are the one who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you think you are faking out any reasonable people. This is like a job for you, night and day, on this forum trying to demonize Israel. What happened years ago in ancient times was par for the course in those years. There were so many wars between different groups. However, in this day and age, it is your own brethren who appear to be the ones who are so busy murdering people in many different areas. You are so busy demonizing Israel that it appears you close your eyes to what is happening elsewhere. Maybe your constantly demonizing of Israel would go over better on a site such as RadioIslam

Try to be original. I am not demonizing Israel, I just provide facts that debunk Zionist myths. This has been done on other forums that had a gaggle of propaganda mongers that were never challenged.

Muslim extremists that are murdering innocent people are savage beasts that should be put down. However, there are over a billion Muslims in the world, most of whom are peaceful and aren't harming anyone. The Jews numbering 12 million in the world, murdered 2,000 people in Gaza mostly civilians and hundreds of children over a period of 4-5 weeks. Should they get a pass for doing exactly the same thing?

This forum is about Israel and Palestine. I found it so filled with people spouting Zionist propaganda that I felt it was appropriate to provide the source documents that debunk the propaganda. That's what I have done.
You blew it when you say Israel murdered 2000 people and hundreds of children. In a court of law Hamas would be charged as murderers and cause of battle deaths.
In the Koran it is referred to as Al Quds (the Holy).
Why do you figure this brainless wonder believes that claiming others are Muslims (when we are not) somehow changes the fact that he posts nonsense? He must have a deep seated hate for all Muslims. What's the difference with that and a person that has a deep seated hate for all Jews?
Sorry, Achmed! I thought you were a Muslim the way you praise and worship their evilness. I don't hate Arabs or Muslims. I hate their Godamned evil religion. OK?

What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.

You are not sharpest knife in the drawer. Let me spell it out. The Koran has parts that incite murder and so does the Old Testament, yet you hate Islam but love Judaism. Hypocrisy seems to be consistent with you.
No comparison between The Holy Bible and the Muslim Bible. All the events in the OT are understandable and easily explained. This is God's Earth and People and he spelled out reasons for His actions. IMO the Koran is filled with the ravings of a psychotic lunatic pedophile.

"This is God's Earth and People and he spelled out reasons for His actions"

To the 2 billion or so Hindus and a similar number of Buddhists, it is not Our God's earth.

Don't be an idiot. The Old testament is filled with psychotic ramblings too just a few.

2 Kings 2:23-24New International Version (NIV)
Elisha Is Jeered
23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.

Genesis 19:26New International Version (NIV)
26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.

Exodus 4:24-26New International Version (NIV)
24 At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses and was about to kill“Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me,” she said. 26 So the Lord let him alone. (At that time she said “bridegroom of blood,” referring to circumcision.)

Genesis 38:1-10New International Version (NIV)
Judah and Tamar
38 At that time, Judah left his brothers and went down to stay with a man of Adullam named Hirah. 2 There Judah met the daughter of a Canaanite man named Shua. He married her and made love to her; 3 she became pregnant and gave birth to a son, who was named Er. She conceived again and gave birth to a son and named him Onan 5 She gave birth to still another son and named him Shelah. It was at Kezib that she gave birth to him.

6 Judah got a wife for Er, his firstborn, and her name was Tamar But Er, Judah’s firstborn, was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death.

8 Then Judah said to Onan, “Sleep with your brother’s wife and fulfill your duty to her as a brother-in-law to raise up offspring for your brother 9 But Onan knew that the child would not be his; so whenever he slept with his brother’s wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from providing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the Lord’s sight; so the Lord put him to death also.
What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."
Joshua was ordered by the Lord to do these things and he didn't finish the job. That's why we have this Arab Muslim evilness in the mid-East today.

You are not sharpest knife in the drawer. Let me spell it out. The Koran has parts that incite murder and so does the Old Testament, yet you hate Islam but love Judaism. Hypocrisy seems to be consistent with you.
I think you are a little confused here. It appears that you are the one who is not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you think you are faking out any reasonable people. This is like a job for you, night and day, on this forum trying to demonize Israel. What happened years ago in ancient times was par for the course in those years. There were so many wars between different groups. However, in this day and age, it is your own brethren who appear to be the ones who are so busy murdering people in many different areas. You are so busy demonizing Israel that it appears you close your eyes to what is happening elsewhere. Maybe your constantly demonizing of Israel would go over better on a site such as RadioIslam

Try to be original. I am not demonizing Israel, I just provide facts that debunk Zionist myths. This has been done on other forums that had a gaggle of propaganda mongers that were never challenged.

Muslim extremists that are murdering innocent people are savage beasts that should be put down. However, there are over a billion Muslims in the world, most of whom are peaceful and aren't harming anyone. The Jews numbering 12 million in the world, murdered 2,000 people in Gaza mostly civilians and hundreds of children over a period of 4-5 weeks. Should they get a pass for doing exactly the same thing?

This forum is about Israel and Palestine. I found it so filled with people spouting Zionist propaganda that I felt it was appropriate to provide the source documents that debunk the propaganda. That's what I have done.
You blew it when you say Israel murdered 2000 people and hundreds of children. In a court of law Hamas would be charged as murderers and cause of battle deaths.

Yeah right. You are so full of shit. The Israelis bombed the apartment buildings and schools. With your logic the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto would have been responsible for the deaths they caused, since the Jews dared to defend themselves. What an idiot you are.
What would call people that hate the Jewish religion because of the nasty parts of the Old Testament that call on Jews to slay non-Jews? For example:

" (Deuteronomy 20:16-18)

Only in the cities of these peoples that the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them, the Hittite and the Amorite, the Canaanite and the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, as the Lord your God has commanded you, so that they may not teach you to do according to all their detestable things which they have done for their gods so that you sin against the Lord your God."

OK, we all know that you are ignorant and just a parrot for your handlers. And this post of yours proves it. Your comparison of the Bible and the Koran, especially when it comes to the treatment of 'non-believers' totally shows your lack of reading comprehension.

The Bible verse you quote as your 'example' above was written to a certain people in a certain area at a certain time in history. Period. And that time has clearly passed. Not like the Koran which was a cheap imitation 'written' by a self aggrandizing pedophliatic madman who: since what he 'wrote' during the midst of his madness, was obviously not truly inspired, was not specific; hence the fact that it could be interpreted throughout the ages by extremists of that 'religion' to continue to kill non-believers.
[<snip> The Jews numbering 12 million in the world, murdered 2,000 people in Gaza mostly civilians and hundreds of children over a period of 4-5 weeks. Should they get a pass for doing exactly the same thing?

Oh for fuck's sake!!! Again??!??!?!! XXXXX

You blew it when you say Israel murdered 2000 people and hundreds of children. In a court of law Hamas would be charged as murderers and cause of battle deaths.

Exactly! This one thing that you have said Monte/Sara in almost every thread here and my reply to which you have refused to answer. Here is my answer/question AGAIN!!!:

I am asking you. Why when Hamas fires rockets and mortars into Israel you call it 'resistance and/or war', but when Israel retaliates, you call it MURDER!

ANSWER ME. WHY? You fucking hypocrite.
I'll stick with Jordans , I find their news more news worthy. Thanks anyway.

That's some funny shit right there. Because the article I linked has the exact same info as yours, but more.

I'll stick with Jordans , I find their news more news worthy. Thanks anyway.

That's some funny shit right there. Because the article I linked has the exact same info as yours, but more.

True, I do like to read both sides, but tell me why are the Jews so persistent on going to the Mosques, to irritate the Muslims I imagine.

from your article:
The Jordanian Waqf keeps an iron fist on the Temple Mount and its activities; Jews face constant discrimination and violence for visiting the site, and there is a blanket ban on Jewish prayer there.
Muslims and Christians, however, have free reign to worship at and visit the Mount - the IDF even allowed 500 Gazans to ascend to the Mount as a "gesture" during peace talks with Hamas in Cairo - and the Jerusalem Arab community recently celebrated the Eid al-Adha holiday there on the same day as Yom Kippur.

Muslims should have free rights to go to the Mosque anytime they want and first dibs.
True, I do like to read both sides, but tell me why are the Jews so persistent on going to the Mosques, to irritate the Muslims I imagine.

from your article:
The Jordanian Waqf keeps an iron fist on the Temple Mount and its activities; Jews face constant discrimination and violence for visiting the site, and there is a blanket ban on Jewish prayer there.
Muslims and Christians, however, have free reign to worship at and visit the Mount - the IDF even allowed 500 Gazans to ascend to the Mount as a "gesture" during peace talks with Hamas in Cairo - and the Jerusalem Arab community recently celebrated the Eid al-Adha holiday there on the same day as Yom Kippur.

Muslims should have free rights to go to the Mosque anytime they want and first dibs.

Reading and comprehension again shown to be lacking by you. Where in you own quote of the article does it mention Jews wanting to visit Mosques? And where does it mention Jews keeping Muslims from them?

And Christians do not have free reign to worship there. You may not bring a Bible, show any signs of praying, nor can a non Muslim go inside the Dome of the Rock. And if anyone tells me I'm lying on this one, fuck off. I've been there myself.
True, I do like to read both sides, but tell me why are the Jews so persistent on going to the Mosques, to irritate the Muslims I imagine.

from your article:
The Jordanian Waqf keeps an iron fist on the Temple Mount and its activities; Jews face constant discrimination and violence for visiting the site, and there is a blanket ban on Jewish prayer there.
Muslims and Christians, however, have free reign to worship at and visit the Mount - the IDF even allowed 500 Gazans to ascend to the Mount as a "gesture" during peace talks with Hamas in Cairo - and the Jerusalem Arab community recently celebrated the Eid al-Adha holiday there on the same day as Yom Kippur.

Muslims should have free rights to go to the Mosque anytime they want and first dibs.

Reading and comprehension again shown to be lacking by you. Where in you own quote of the article does it mention Jews wanting to visit Mosques? And where does it mention Jews keeping Muslims from them?

And Christians do not have free reign to worship there. You may not bring a Bible, show any signs of praying, nor can a non Muslim go inside the Dome of the Rock. And if anyone tells me I'm lying on this one, fuck off. I've been there myself.

Well what are they doing there, Apparently a whole bunch of Jews did under guard and also do at the other mosques. Do the Israelis allow the Pals in their synagogues?
Actually theres a good news about it,the tourism and sites department is about to open another gate for everyone soon, Its probably bring the rioters to riot again but who cares they're doing it anyway.

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