What About Mexico's Election Interference?

The dreamers are more productive than you will ever be. The dreamers should stay. Deport the uneducated DEPLORABLES .

Or better yet, round em up and shove them into ovens am I right?
Your user name is right. Does that count?

What are you attacking me for? I was defending against Unreasonable's attack on "uneducated deplorable vermin" -he/she edited out the vermin part.
My bad. I actually have him on ignore. Without clicking show ignored posts it just looked like you randomly suggested we needed to exterminate a group of people. I missed the context.
Stupid booze
How much money did Vicente spend to influence the election? How many identities did he steal?
He still tried to influence the election
The Russians were not indicted for merely trying to influence an election.The counts are conspiracy and identity theft.

Now tell me who Vicente conspired with, and whose identities he stole. Also, How much money did Vicente spend.
Also, the Russians were are quoted describing their activities as an attempt to influence the election. Show me where Vicente gets busted making such confession.
Tank is a RACICT PIECE OF SHIT that tars to GOP.

Ps. DEPORT the dreamers
The dreamers are more productive than you will ever be. The dreamers should stay. Deport the uneducated DEPLORABLES .
You're as ignorant as the op. I've employed and trained about 2 or 300 AMERICANS over the years.

Gullible democrats and stupid gopers are feasting material
I’m not impressed that you’ve trained people to clean out septic tanks. Your stink must be unimaginable.
Notice how the let ignores what CNN actually got caught doing?

The left, like that reasonable loser, still wants hillary to be president. He would rather have that fat pathetic kuuuunt as president. Stil ignoring the good things going on with the economy. He must be. Inteliigent people he says?

How about fucking hypocrites who claim to be against tax cuts yet gleeefully take the tax cuts. These fucking "smart people" who think hating republicans and the free market well enough and being a good enough socialist is the same as doing something for the planet. Yet, a fucking pathetic loser like reasonable does not do shit for it. These "smart people" still chant shit about ONE PERCENT and ignore ALL of the rich democrats like that kuuunt hillay dry humping corporations her entire fraudulent political career.

Left wingers are fucking losers. They have nothing other than their stupid fucking cliches.

Hey reasonable. Duck shit is smarter than your pathetic hypocritical ignorant ass. Thats a fact.
Isn’t it hilarious that you ignore your fat fuck stocking the swamp with the same type of Wall Street crooks he predicted Hillary would do.
And you say nothing of his hypocrisy.
And all the illegals that voted too
Trump wasted tax payers money on his hallucination that illegals voted..
Findings on HIS study run by republicans: no evidence it ever happened.
But don’t let facts get in the way of one of your bs lies..
Do you think illegals are to stupid to vote?
How ironic since you don’t know the difference between to and too.
Trump: I love my uneducated base.
Vicente Fox tried to influence Mexican Americans to vote against Trump

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president" who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the popular vote when he says "general election."

"He's got too many people against him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said.

He continued: "But anyway, in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our people wherever they are. Inside Mexico, or outside Mexico in the United States. We're not going to let this guy to offend them anymore. To offend the dignity, and to deny the enormous contribution they make to the U.S. economy."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/what_about_mexico_intervening_in_the_us_election_.html#ixzz57Li1EOAk
Mierda y Mordida

Montezuma's Revenge has given the USA diarrhea.
Lets be honest, the Dem and Rep politicians and presidents have willfully ignored our immigration laws, willfully refused to enforce our immigration laws, and willfully refused to secure our borders. Is that how it works politicians can ignore, break, shit on the very laws they pass they are special they are above the law??? Ask McCain and his BFF Graham, ask Kasich and that traitor Jeb.
Vicente Fox tried to influence Mexican Americans to vote against Trump

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president" who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the popular vote when he says "general election."

"He's got too many people against him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said.

He continued: "But anyway, in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our people wherever they are. Inside Mexico, or outside Mexico in the United States. We're not going to let this guy to offend them anymore. To offend the dignity, and to deny the enormous contribution they make to the U.S. economy."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/what_about_mexico_intervening_in_the_us_election_.html#ixzz57Li1EOAk

Different rules for different folks.

Maybe if russians had darker skin, the dems would give them a pass, too.
Tank is a RACICT PIECE OF SHIT that tars the GOP.

Ps. DEPORT the dreamers

Vicente Fox tried to influence Mexican Americans to vote against Trump

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president" who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the popular vote when he says "general election."

"He's got too many people against him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said.

He continued: "But anyway, in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our people wherever they are. Inside Mexico, or outside Mexico in the United States. We're not going to let this guy to offend them anymore. To offend the dignity, and to deny the enormous contribution they make to the U.S. economy."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/what_about_mexico_intervening_in_the_us_election_.html#ixzz57Li1EOAk
Progressives are all about hypocrisy
And Tank is all about brown skin.

Y'all embarrass yourselves associating with him.

Hopefully his ************* sucked a big dark one. THAT would be justice

Most of what I see posted from Tank is perfectly true and on point....he’s a little abrasive at times, many of us are...and frankly, I fuckin like it. We have way too many scared pussies on the Right that are conditioned and verbally oppressed by the Left. It’s time to stoop to their level and punch them square in the fucking mouth Gramps.
Vicente Fox tried to influence Mexican Americans to vote against Trump

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president" who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the popular vote when he says "general election."

"He's got too many people against him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said.

He continued: "But anyway, in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our people wherever they are. Inside Mexico, or outside Mexico in the United States. We're not going to let this guy to offend them anymore. To offend the dignity, and to deny the enormous contribution they make to the U.S. economy."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/what_about_mexico_intervening_in_the_us_election_.html#ixzz57Li1EOAk

Oh no, Trump is going to jail.

Look away, look away... distract, distract....
Vicente Fox tried to influence Mexican Americans to vote against Trump

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president" who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the popular vote when he says "general election."

"He's got too many people against him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said.

He continued: "But anyway, in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our people wherever they are. Inside Mexico, or outside Mexico in the United States. We're not going to let this guy to offend them anymore. To offend the dignity, and to deny the enormous contribution they make to the U.S. economy."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/what_about_mexico_intervening_in_the_us_election_.html#ixzz57Li1EOAk

Oh no, Trump is going to jail.

Look away, look away... distract, distract....

HIs point about Vincent Fox attempting to influence the election is valid.

Your post was meaningless garbage.
What about Barry Hussein's insane "Operation Fast/Furious" that shipped over 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexican drug cartels? Was it a plan for drug cartels to overthrow Mexico's government?
Tank is a RACICT PIECE OF SHIT that tars the GOP.

Ps. DEPORT the dreamers

Vicente Fox tried to influence Mexican Americans to vote against Trump

Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico, shares his take on President-elect Donald Trump, and his threat to U.S.-Mexico relations. He says Trump is an "illegitimate president" who "didn't win the general election." Presumably, Fox is referring to the popular vote when he says "general election."

"He's got too many people against him and they have shown out on the street," Fox said.

He continued: "But anyway, in Mexico, we can be rude also. We are strong now. We're going to defend our people wherever they are. Inside Mexico, or outside Mexico in the United States. We're not going to let this guy to offend them anymore. To offend the dignity, and to deny the enormous contribution they make to the U.S. economy."

Read more: https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2016/12/what_about_mexico_intervening_in_the_us_election_.html#ixzz57Li1EOAk
Progressives are all about hypocrisy
And Tank is all about brown skin.

Y'all embarrass yourselves associating with him.

Hopefully his ************* sucked a big dark one. THAT would be justice

Most of what I see posted from Tank is perfectly true and on point....he’s a little abrasive at times, many of us are...and frankly, I fuckin like it. We have way too many scared pussies on the Right that are conditioned and verbally oppressed by the Left. It’s time to stoop to their level and punch them square in the fucking mouth Gramps.
I certainly hope you're not suggesting that I am verbally pc or timid.
I speak my mind but have ZERO respect for someone who thinks they are better than others simply because of their skin color. You can speak about a culture (ie, the ghetto or trailer trash) without lumping all under the same umbrella. I have never seen Tank use that kind of discretion.
Mexico imagines that they can just DEMAND that their preferred candidate be elected. Americans are just supposed to comply.

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