What about the adultery, and why has the media not done it's job?

I'm curious why they aren't being investigated for obstruction . especially after today's texts
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Hard to get excited when two single people decide to hook up, especially when the president fooled around on all his ex wives, and brags about grabbing pussies.
Both criminals are married. To other people. In the government, adultery is verboten.

So now you think they are criminals? What have they been charged with?
Texting 8 hours a day while on duty. You don't mind your tax money pays the salaries of these two deadbeats?

By all means. Make a big deal about a man and a woman texting each other during the work day. That will get everybody's mind off of a crooked crazy president who thinks he is king. Obviously, their work habits are more important to you than the moral and legal limits that should be expected from the president.
O.K. It would have been more appropriate surfing for porn while on duty. Nothing the matter with that.
How about all the fornication taking place on “Morning Joe” AKA Beaker?

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Hard to get excited when two single people decide to hook up, especially when the president fooled around on all his ex wives, and brags about grabbing pussies.
They are both married.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Beaker and Mika were both cheating on their spouses with each other and at work too!

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Hard to get excited when two single people decide to hook up, especially when the president fooled around on all his ex wives, and brags about grabbing pussies.
They are both married.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Doesn't matter how the left would treat republicans. What matters is honoring your principles & living by them.

Why is the woman I'm fucking on any given night any of your business? Do my family members deserve to be punished for my PERSONAL choices?

Live up to the standards you profess
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

I don't give a shit about the adultery, makes not one bit of difference to me.

That the two engaged in treason is another matter, though.
They have been a goldmine for the congress so yeah Nunez or Gowdy probably arranged protection and a plea deal for if and when this idiot probe comes apart.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Adultery is a little less important than exposed obstruction, sedition, Secret Societies, and treason...

It’s certainly less important than Russian troll farmers like Easy here posting lies on message boards about the FBI.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Doesn't matter how the left would treat republicans. What matters is honoring your principles & living by them.

Why is the woman I'm fucking on any given night any of your business? Do my family members deserve to be punished for my PERSONAL choices?

Live up to the standards you profess

Not worried about adultery just the obstruction and other potential crimes
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

We have an adulterous Prez. Why would anyone care?
Beaker and Mika were both cheating on their spouses with each other and at work too!

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Hard to get excited when two single people decide to hook up, especially when the president fooled around on all his ex wives, and brags about grabbing pussies.
They are both married.

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Doesn't matter how the left would treat republicans. What matters is honoring your principles & living by them.

Why is the woman I'm fucking on any given night any of your business? Do my family members deserve to be punished for my PERSONAL choices?

Live up to the standards you profess
It does matter. Eventually you realize nobody is perfect but letting scum Dems decide who you get to have representing your interests is dumb.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Doesn't matter how the left would treat republicans. What matters is honoring your principles & living by them.

Why is the woman I'm fucking on any given night any of your business? Do my family members deserve to be punished for my PERSONAL choices?

Live up to the standards you profess
It does matter. Eventually you realize nobody is perfect but letting scum Dems decide who you get to have representing your interests is dumb.
It doesn't matter and the voters decide not the dems. If the dems decided Hillary would be president right now & Weiner would still be in office instead of prison.
No. Wiener would still be in prison. No one likes creeps.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Doesn't matter how the left would treat republicans. What matters is honoring your principles & living by them.

Why is the woman I'm fucking on any given night any of your business? Do my family members deserve to be punished for my PERSONAL choices?

Live up to the standards you profess
It does matter. Eventually you realize nobody is perfect but letting scum Dems decide who you get to have representing your interests is dumb.
It doesn't matter and the voters decide not the dems. If the dems decided Hillary would be president right now & Weiner would still be in office instead of prison.
That would be true if they didn’t use it against us but they do. An affair they use to destroy our candidate. But hell theirs can drown a woman in a car and that’s ok.
There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Doesn't matter how the left would treat republicans. What matters is honoring your principles & living by them.

Why is the woman I'm fucking on any given night any of your business? Do my family members deserve to be punished for my PERSONAL choices?

Live up to the standards you profess
It does matter. Eventually you realize nobody is perfect but letting scum Dems decide who you get to have representing your interests is dumb.
It doesn't matter and the voters decide not the dems. If the dems decided Hillary would be president right now & Weiner would still be in office instead of prison.
That would be true if they didn’t use it against us but they do. An affair they use to destroy our candidate. But hell theirs can drown a woman in a car and that’s ok.

Wrong she died much more slowly breathing in an air bubble in the car. Drowning was a lie dreamed up to make Teddy look less bad.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Hard to get excited when two single people decide to hook up, especially when the president fooled around on all his ex wives, and brags about grabbing pussies.
And now his good friend and money man wynn is a vile pos too I thought that pos was going blind 20 years ago
There are people in their families that don't deserve the limelight for the fuck ups of others. Private is private
Do they deserve that? Really? A Republican agent would be frog marched along with his wife and kids before the media.
Doesn't matter how the left would treat republicans. What matters is honoring your principles & living by them.

Why is the woman I'm fucking on any given night any of your business? Do my family members deserve to be punished for my PERSONAL choices?

Live up to the standards you profess
It does matter. Eventually you realize nobody is perfect but letting scum Dems decide who you get to have representing your interests is dumb.
It doesn't matter and the voters decide not the dems. If the dems decided Hillary would be president right now & Weiner would still be in office instead of prison.
That would be true if they didn’t use it against us but they do. An affair they use to destroy our candidate. But hell theirs can drown a woman in a car and that’s ok.
This tawdry bullshit belongs on TMZ not news

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