What about the adultery, and why has the media not done it's job?

Adultery was considered so offensive because it left federal employees open to blackmail. This was also the reason for banning gays.

Since neither behaviour now carries the same stigma or social consequences as in the past, neither is considered a firing offence any more.

Except for Trump before he became President, this is a real big deal.

No in the grand scheme of things it’s meaningless. It shows the character of the man but as long as the woman is of age and willingly consented to the act, it’s Melania’s problem.
Adultery was considered so offensive because it left federal employees open to blackmail. This was also the reason for banning gays.

Since neither behaviour now carries the same stigma or social consequences as in the past, neither is considered a firing offence any more.

Except for Trump before he became President, this is a real big deal.

No in the grand scheme of things it’s meaningless. It shows the character of the man but as long as the woman is of age and willingly consented to the act, it’s Melania’s problem.

Wouldn’t know by the way the left is carrying on. I really think it is funny, so much energy spent on a private affair.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Adultery is a little less important than exposed obstruction, sedition, Secret Societies, and treason...
Adultery is nobody else's business.
Save that bullshit for Jerry Springer or The Whores (housewives)of New York
Most companies have policies against. Boyfriend girlfriend working for the same company
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Adultery is a little less important than exposed obstruction, sedition, Secret Societies, and treason...
Adultery is nobody else's business.
Save that bullshit for Jerry Springer or The Whores (housewives)of New York
Most companies have policies against. Boyfriend girlfriend working for the same company
Most companies, like the FBI, have rules / laws against TREASON.

When Billyboy was facing Impeachment snowflakes argued that a President's personal life was no one's business and how adulterous affairs did not diminish a President's ability to do his job / run the country.

Interesting how that 'slipped their minds'...

It used to be a significant and egregious act that resulted in firing, because it demonstrates a lack of integrity.

Of all institutions, the one with "integrity" as part of it's motto or whatever, these people should have been fired, and you know damn well if they were republicrats the media would have their entire lives on broadcast microscope TV.

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Adultery is a little less important than exposed obstruction, sedition, Secret Societies, and treason...
Adultery is nobody else's business.
Save that bullshit for Jerry Springer or The Whores (housewives)of New York
Most companies have policies against. Boyfriend girlfriend working for the same company
So what...

You guys look stupid thinking this nonsense is newsworthy lol.

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Adultery is a little less important than exposed obstruction, sedition, Secret Societies, and treason...
Adultery is nobody else's business.
Save that bullshit for Jerry Springer or The Whores (housewives)of New York
Most companies have policies against. Boyfriend girlfriend working for the same company
Most companies, like the FBI, have rules / laws against TREASON.

When Billyboy was facing Impeachment snowflakes argued that a President's personal life was no one's business and how adulterous affairs did not diminish a President's ability to do his job / run the country.

Interesting how that 'slipped their minds'...

I had that opinion then as I do now. Clinton getting his chrome polished had no impact on his ability to govern as demonstrated by the good economy he had.

People whining about this ignorant shit are going to feel foolish when it happens to their own family and they are publicly humiliated because of old lady gossip about it.

These two schmucks bumpin uglies isn't the story, what they did in regards to Trump/Hillary is.
But that is not enough for the crowd that has to "destroy the opposition at any cost"

People in this thread are doing the very thing they accuse the left of doing. Dignity & integrity go right out the window at the drop of a hat if an opportunity to slander the opposition is present.

This demonstrates the shallow & two faced nature of quite a few of our posters...
I had that opinion then as I do now. Clinton getting his chrome polished had no impact on his ability to govern as demonstrated by the good economy he had.

People whining about this ignorant shit are going to feel foolish when it happens to their own family and they are publicly humiliated because of old lady gossip about it.

These two schmucks bumpin uglies isn't the story, what they did in regards to Trump/Hillary is.
But that is not enough for the crowd that has to "destroy the opposition at any cost"

People in this thread are doing the very thing they accuse the left of doing. Dignity & integrity go right out the window at the drop of a hat if an opportunity to slander the opposition is present.

This demonstrates the shallow & two faced nature of quite a few of our posters...

My first thought about Clinton and his ability to govern.

We aren't just talking about a guy who got a hummer from a secretary.

We are talking about someone who should have had the decency to limit risk of exposure like past presidents.

Not only was Clinton so...

I can't come up with a word.

Kinda like "Don't need to give a fuck"

On top of that it wasn't just a blast of sausage gravy down a stenographer's throat, it came out to be what amounted to a student whom Bill gratified with a cigar. It was her testimony that exposed it.

Maybe I'm more "old school", traditional" or just a crusty old man, but do you believe that Clinton's obvious ethical deviations had no trickle down effects? It obviously had a massive effect on the credibility of the US government when it comes to international relations.
This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Adultery is a little less important than exposed obstruction, sedition, Secret Societies, and treason...
Adultery is nobody else's business.
Save that bullshit for Jerry Springer or The Whores (housewives)of New York
Most companies have policies against. Boyfriend girlfriend working for the same company
Most companies, like the FBI, have rules / laws against TREASON.

When Billyboy was facing Impeachment snowflakes argued that a President's personal life was no one's business and how adulterous affairs did not diminish a President's ability to do his job / run the country.

Interesting how that 'slipped their minds'...

I had that opinion then as I do now. Clinton getting his chrome polished had no impact on his ability to govern as demonstrated by the good economy he had.

People whining about this ignorant shit are going to feel foolish when it happens to their own family and they are publicly humiliated because of old lady gossip about it.

These two schmucks bumpin uglies isn't the story, what they did in regards to Trump/Hillary is.
But that is not enough for the crowd that has to "destroy the opposition at any cost"

People in this thread are doing the very thing they accuse the left of doing. Dignity & integrity go right out the window at the drop of a hat if an opportunity to slander the opposition is present.

This demonstrates the shallow & two faced nature of quite a few of our posters...
Clinton wasn't Impeached because of his Lewinsky affair, as Democrats are desperate to have people believe.

He was Impeached forbeing found Guilty of Contempt of Court - agreed to a deal to escape charges - for misleading testimony to save his ass in his secual harassment lawsuit, for attempting to strip the Constitutional right of a fair trial - one of the rihts he swore an oath to defend - from ONE of his sexual misconduct victims, for which he lost his right to practice law in his home state.

THIS type of immorality, this lack of ethics, and his piss-poor criminal decision-making not only made him unable to practice law but alao Impaired his abilty to run the country. THAT is why he was Impeahed.

After his televised 'I dod not have sex with tbat woman' lie to the world (the #1 thing he will be remembered for when someone mentions hos name) he embarassed this nation, became a laughi g stock, and his credibility with other world leaders was damaged.
Well he didn’t talk about grab some other man’s wife Pussy, he actually did the act!

Aren’t you supposed to be morally outraged and ask for Beaker and Mrs. Piggy to be fired?
Beaker and Mika were both cheating on their spouses with each other and at work too!

This Lisa Page and Peter Stroak issue seems to just stop at the politics that motivated them but last I looked you're supposed to get your credentials revoked from accessing secret information after committing adultery. In the military I'd have lost rank. I'm also wondering why camera crews aren't camped at their houses and their entire lives spilled out and exposed to the public? Seems like that would happen to anyone accused of being "conservative".

Are these 2 apparatchik pieces of shit being protected?

Hard to get excited when two single people decide to hook up, especially when the president fooled around on all his ex wives, and brags about grabbing pussies.
They are both married.

Clinton Ethics have had a massive impact on our government since their administration.

  • FBI File Gate
  • Travel Gate
  • Arkansas Savings and Loan
  • Rose Law Firm
  • White Water
  • Mina Arkansas Cocaine Ring
  • Haiti Relief Fund Scandal
  • Billions disappearing from The State Department
  • Benghazi
  • Illegally using Benghazi as a Weapons Depot To funnel arms to terrorists
  • Giving Billions to A State Sponsor of Terror (Iran)
  • Terrorizing Nuns and Bakery Owners
  • Fast & Furious
  • IRS Gate
  • Libya Coup and Assasinations where she paid terrorists to do her dirty deeds.
  • Same with Egypt Coup
  • And attempted Coups in Syria & Turkey
  • State Department Secret Server Email Scandal
  • Collusion with Russia and Obama the FBI, DOJ, DNC and Fusion GPS
  • Wiretapping The Trump Campaign Illegally
  • Perjurious Felonious Diling of a FISA application for an Illegal Surveillance Warrant.
  • Leaking Classified Intel
  • Illegal Unmasking
  • Clinton Foundantion Money Laundering and influence peddling
  • Uranium One Bribery Scandal
  • FBI - DOJ Clinton- Obama - DNC Coup Scandal
  • DNC Rigging Debate And stealing Debate Questions Scandal
  • Rigging The DNC against Bernie Sanders Scandal
  • Illegals Voting through Motor Voter Registrations in Blue States

I had that opinion then as I do now. Clinton getting his chrome polished had no impact on his ability to govern as demonstrated by the good economy he had.

People whining about this ignorant shit are going to feel foolish when it happens to their own family and they are publicly humiliated because of old lady gossip about it.

These two schmucks bumpin uglies isn't the story, what they did in regards to Trump/Hillary is.
But that is not enough for the crowd that has to "destroy the opposition at any cost"

People in this thread are doing the very thing they accuse the left of doing. Dignity & integrity go right out the window at the drop of a hat if an opportunity to slander the opposition is present.

This demonstrates the shallow & two faced nature of quite a few of our posters...

My first thought about Clinton and his ability to govern.

We aren't just talking about a guy who got a hummer from a secretary.

We are talking about someone who should have had the decency to limit risk of exposure like past presidents.

Not only was Clinton so...

I can't come up with a word.

Kinda like "Don't need to give a fuck"

On top of that it wasn't just a blast of sausage gravy down a stenographer's throat, it came out to be what amounted to a student whom Bill gratified with a cigar. It was her testimony that exposed it.

Maybe I'm more "old school", traditional" or just a crusty old man, but do you believe that Clinton's obvious ethical deviations had no trickle down effects? It obviously had a massive effect on the credibility of the US government when it comes to international relations.

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