What About This Poll?

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Recently one of the entertainment outlets did a poll on who you would like to be stranded on a deserted island with. The men chose Paris Hilton, and the women chose President Bush. Are you surprised at these selections? I am inclined to think this is just another lib "poll" where they were trying to send us a disguised message? :tng:
Typical men... what good would Paris be in getting off the island or in surviving? She didn't seem to adapt too well to the farm. Even if you thought she was pretty, wouldn't the whining get you down after awhile?

Now, President Bush is a man of action. He'd have a shelter built for you before you could say lickety split. And, being President, I'm sure you wouldn't be stranded on the island for very long. Every branch of the military would be out looking for you.
Is there food on the island? Cause if there isn't, I'd damn sure pick someone bigger than Paris Hilton!
Adam's Apple said:
Recently one of the entertainment outlets did a poll on who you would like to be stranded on a deserted island with. The men chose Paris Hilton, and the women chose President Bush. Are you surprised at these selections? I am inclined to think this is just another lib "poll" where they were trying to send us a disguised message? :tng:

I'm not sure what the hidden lib message would be, but if anybody could turn it into something negative I'm sure it's some of the folks at DU.

I tend to agree with mom4 on the female choice. The last thing I would want is to be stranded with someone that was used to be waited on hand and foot. I would probably pick someone like Danni Boatwright from this last season of Survivor. She'd be a lot more help, plus I think she's ten times better looking than Paris Hilton.
Adam's Apple said:
I am inclined to think this is just another lib "poll" where they were trying to send us a disguised message? :tng:
I kinda see what you're getting at. The "message" is President Bush is on the same intellence level as Hilton. But mom4 pretty much shot that comparison down.
Adam's Apple said:
I am inclined to think this is just another lib "poll" where they were trying to send us a disguised message? :tng:

I'll take a stab at it:

Lib message could be along the lines of 'only stupid women' would go for Bush. Part 2, men are always stupid. Check to see if this is out of MS tv stations, looks alot like nightly television shows. You got 'reality' with stranded. You got stupid women and even more stupid men. So, all that's missing is brilliant kids that have sex and take drugs, but still know more than their conservative parents.

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