What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

  1. An aversion to rapid change; a belief that tradition and prevailing social norms often contain within them handed down wisdom; and mistrust of attempts to remake society so that it conforms to an abstract account of what would be just or efficient.
  2. A desire to preserve the political philosophy and rules of government articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
  3. A belief that it is imperative to preserve traditional morality, as it is articulated in the Bible, through cultural norms.
  4. A belief that it is imperative to preserve traditional morality, as it is articulated in the Bible, using cultural norms and the power of the state.
  5. An embrace of free-market capitalism, and a belief in the legitimacy of market outcomes.
  6. A belief that America is an exceptional nation, a shining city on a hill, whose rightful role is leader of the free world.
  7. A belief that America should export its brand of democracy through force of arms.
  8. The conviction that government should undertake, on behalf of the American polity, grand projects that advance our "national greatness" and ennoble our characters.
  9. An embrace of localism, community and family ties, human scale, and a responsibility to the future.
  10. A belief that America shouldn't intervene in the affairs of other nations except to defend ourselves from aggression and enforce contracts and treaties.
  11. A desire to return to the way things once were.
  12. Affinity for, identification with, or embrace of Red America's various cultural cues. (For example, gun ownership, a preference for single-family homes oriented around highways rather than urban enclaves organized around public transit, embrace of country music, disdain for arugula and fancy mustard, etc.)
  13. Disdain for American liberalism, multiculturalism, identity politics, affirmative action, welfare, European-style social policies, and the left and its ideas generally.
  14. A desire to be left alone by government, often coupled with a belief that being left alone is a natural right.
  15. A principled belief in federalism.
  16. The belief that taxes should be lower and government smaller.
  17. The belief that the national debt and deficits put America in peril.
  18. The belief that whenever possible, government budgets should be balanced.
  19. Consciousness of the fallibility of man, and an awareness of the value of skepticism, doubt and humility.
  20. Realism in foreign policy.
  21. Non-interventionism in foreign policy.
Conservative values:

Smaller Government
Freedom and Liberty
Abiding by the Constitution

So what about social issues and military defense?

What ever happened to Reagans three legged stool of Conservatism? Seems that some libertarians stole the damned thing and left us with a 'one legged' stool that looks suspiciously like a pile of shit.
A true conservative is a person who fears change and fairness in society.

Most of them know that they do not deserve what they have, so they fight to keep an unjust society.

That is a huge pile of doggy doodoo, moron.

Prove I dont deserve what I have, ass hole.
What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles
Protection of the lives of the unborn.

Protection of gun rights.

Low taxes.

Small government.

Balanced budgets.

State sovereignty.

Q. How does this comport with the vision listed in the Preamble
Q. How large of a standing army is too large for a small government conservative
Q. How does a balanced budget pay for unplanned emergencies
Q. Who provides pre and post natal healthcare, education, food, clothing and shelter when the parent(S) cannot afford contraceptives, or the church tells them contraceptives are a form of abortion
Q. How does small government provide sex ed in the public schools (just say NO didn't work for drug abuse, and doesn't work for teen pregnancy)
Q. COTUS replaced the Article of Confederation, why

On Gun rights,
Q. Who pays for the investigation, prosecution, incarceration when a gun is used in a crime
Q. Who pays for the first responder, the hospital and medical care for the gun shot victim

So, if CA decided to require all guns in the state to be registered, and those who wish to own, possess or have a gun in their custody and control to be vetted and licensed, would that comport with the 2nd A. under your idea of State Sovereignty? Would the denial of a right for same sex marriage be an example, or denying those who do not own property the right to vote.
What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

At the moment: reflexively opposing anything to do with the current president.

(which is why I so wish he'd start publicly touting the benefits of breathing)
Conservative values:

Smaller Government
Freedom and Liberty
Abiding by the Constitution

So what about social issues and military defense?

What ever happened to Reagans three legged stool of Conservatism? Seems that some libertarians stole the damned thing and left us with a 'one legged' stool that looks suspiciously like a pile of shit.

All of those are covered by the three things I mentioned.
You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?

Besides Trump, who's a conservative here?

Rand Paul and Dr Carson
Interesting the GOP is supposedly the conservative party but the only conservatives are a libertarian and a guy who has no record to judge. Maybe there is no such thing as conservative. Maybe conservative is so bad and so wrong it's impossible to be a conservative.

And was Reagan a conservative? Certainly not. So one might say conservative has never existed in the history of America. So why are Republicans so sure it will work?

In fact, I think GW Bush tried conservativism and it failed miserably. But Republicans will say it didn't work because we didn't go conservative enough. Stupid. Just stupid.

And so why did Rand get the boot so early? Are Republican voters stupid or did they decide they didn't want Ben or Rand?

Reagan was a conservative but he was tempered by having to work with a Democrat Congress.

I'm surprised Rand didn't fare better

Yes, Republicans are stupid and mostly not Conservatives
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

C’mon….no need to call her that.
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

C’mon….no need to call her that.

Can you think of another reason she might have married an orange prune near twice her age?
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

C’mon….no need to call her that.

Can you think of another reason she might have married an orange prune near twice her age?

Dennis Kucinich had a smoking hot wife and he looked like a skunk.

Calling a woman a whore whom:

You don’t know
You don’t know anyone who knows her
You never met her
You never met anyone who has met her

Is simply grotesque and something I would expect from conservatives since they are generally a hateful sect. Liberals? No. We’re better than that.
The SIX tenants of conservatism as outlined by Milton Friedman and a host of others are very simple:
A) Strong National Defense.
B) Strict interpretation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
C) Fiscal constraint and sound monetary policy.
D) Free open and unrestricted trade.
E) Decentralization of Federal Government power to state and local governments.
F) Freedom to choose and choice.

Few if any of the candidates running for political office have the political courage and conviction to stand by these principles, for when they do carriers are cut short, or worse yet mislabeled as uneducated Tea Party, or religious fanatics.

The problem with the conservative movement is compromising, selling out to political factions to obtain a large enough base to be elected which is why we have seen Rino's and compassionate progressive conservatives running on the GOP platform.
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

C’mon….no need to call her that.

Can you think of another reason she might have married an orange prune near twice her age?

Dennis Kucinich had a smoking hot wife and he looked like a skunk.

Calling a woman a whore whom:

You don’t know
You don’t know anyone who knows her
You never met her
You never met anyone who has met her

Is simply grotesque and something I would expect from conservatives since they are generally a hateful sect. Liberals? No. We’re better than that.

You're right, and it's not something I would normally do.
Values are subjective people don't have the exact same values no matter what there political ideology your values are primarly a result of your up bringing and own life experience and since that is not the same for any of us values will always vary from person to person.
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

Huh, and here I thought you leftists were for choice.
Show me one middle class man who looks like Donald and who's wife looks like trumps wife. Whore. But I'd be a whore too for that kind of money. Remember when you were a kid and asked how much it would take to blow a guy or let him f u? Most say $1 million. Don's got billions.
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

Huh, and here I thought you leftists were for choice.
Show me one middle class man who looks like Donald and who's wife looks like trumps wife. Whore. But I'd be a whore too for that kind of money. Remember when you were a kid and asked how much it would take to blow a guy or let him f u? Most say $1 million. Don's got billions.

So that's a 'no' on the choice thing?
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

C’mon….no need to call her that.

Can you think of another reason she might have married an orange prune near twice her age?

Dennis Kucinich had a smoking hot wife and he looked like a skunk.

Calling a woman a whore whom:

You don’t know
You don’t know anyone who knows her
You never met her
You never met anyone who has met her

Is simply grotesque and something I would expect from conservatives since they are generally a hateful sect. Liberals? No. We’re better than that.

It is weird. Some young women seem to find themselves attracted to successful older men. It isnt being a whore, it is just going with their heart in a situation that society condemns or tries to shame these women about much like it tries to shame men who prefer fat women.
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

Huh, and here I thought you leftists were for choice.
Show me one middle class man who looks like Donald and who's wife looks like trumps wife. Whore. But I'd be a whore too for that kind of money. Remember when you were a kid and asked how much it would take to blow a guy or let him f u? Most say $1 million. Don's got billions.

So that's a 'no' on the choice thing?
If it was legal for Anna Nicole Smith it should be legal for trump.

My buddy has a Russian mail-order bride. No biggy
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
Responding to it even though you won't understand it, much less debate it.

First: personal freedom. Every person is entitled to unlimited rights and unfettered action when he is born. Government can infringe on all of those only for very specific reasons. So gov't can outlaw murder and other crimes against person and property because a society that doesnt wont last long.BUt they have to be clearly aimed at dangers among members in society. No outlawing private behavior to save you from yourself.
Property: Allied with personal rights are property rights. People have an absolute right to theoir own property, to do with what they want. Gov't can regulate aspects that pose dangers of health and safety to others. For example requiring doctors to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
Taxation: Taxation to fund limited specific purposes of gov't to benefit society that are not easily appotionable are valid. So taxes to support a court system to adjudicate contract disputes and the like are fine. But public officials have a fiduciary duty to taxpayers to see the money is well spent.

We have a republic, if we can keep it. In a republican form of government law is made by men/women who have been elected by the people to act for them. In fact elected representatives have no fiduciary duty to the voter; CU & McCutcheon have made a mockery of the concept as laws today are made to benefit the representatives job security and the highest bidder; ideologues are worthless pieces of human excrement - of course this is my not so humble opinion.
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.

C’mon….no need to call her that.

Can you think of another reason she might have married an orange prune near twice her age?

Dennis Kucinich had a smoking hot wife and he looked like a skunk.

Calling a woman a whore whom:

You don’t know
You don’t know anyone who knows her
You never met her
You never met anyone who has met her

Is simply grotesque and something I would expect from conservatives since they are generally a hateful sect. Liberals? No. We’re better than that.

It is weird. Some young women seem to find themselves attracted to successful older men. It isnt being a whore, it is just going with their heart in a situation that society condemns or tries to shame these women about much like it tries to shame men who prefer fat women.
Let me guess you are a trump supporter? Of course that's what you and the Donald have convinced yourselves.

Many Queens bit their lips to marry a king. Look at lady di and Charles.

You convince yourself that piece of ass isn't a gold digger whos no different that Tony Montana's whore in Scarface

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