What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles

Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One

The ONLY conservative value that matters this year is keeping the criminal Clinton out of the White House.
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
Not that trump will ever be president, but I imagine the first thing he would have had done would have been to have dancing poles installed in Air Force One and the White House, so scantily clad trophy wife #3 could entertain foreign dignitaries while he was having a fresh coat of orange sprayed onto his face and hair.

Now that is what I call conservative values!
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
A whore who married a rich man for money. No other reason.
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
Conservatives don't even know what a "true" conservative is anymore.
Just a few years ago, a man getting a blowjob on the side was a definite no-no when it comes to conservative values. That has changed so much till it's perfectly acceptable that their presidential candidate's current wife proudly publishes pictures of her titties all over the internet. This could be your next first lady exiting Air Force One
Not that trump will ever be president, but I imagine the first thing he would have had done would have been to have dancing poles installed in Air Force One and the White House, so scantily clad trophy wife #3 could entertain foreign dignitaries while he was having a fresh coat of orange sprayed onto his face and hair.

Now that is what I call conservative values!

You could be right, but who knows what changes will possibly need to be made for potential wife #4. Four more years is a long time to expect him to keep this one.
A true conservative is a person who fears change and fairness in society.

Most of them know that they do not deserve what they have, so they fight to keep an unjust society.
What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles
Protection of the lives of the unborn.

Protection of gun rights.

Low taxes.

Small government.

Balanced budgets.

State sovereignty.
"Principles" of which conservatives don't follow or are unconstitutional.

And some which are naive, reactionary anachronisms.
The Republican party has claimed subscription to these principles, but has violated them so repeatedly as to have become nothing more than a hypocritical agency of lip service to them. I'd rather the GOP outright admit its rejection of these beliefs than to continue to destroy the conservative brand the way it has been.

With the selection of the far left liberal Donald Trump as their nominee, the time has come for that confession.
What are Conservative Values / Conservative Principles
Protection of the lives of the unborn.

Protection of gun rights.

Low taxes.

Small government.

Balanced budgets.

State sovereignty.

I think you've delineated the core principals of conservatives and, even broader, constitutionals.

To me, the most important in States Rights. Our Representative Republic is based upon individual states forming a union. Lefts and progressives are doing everything they can to erase those borders - and borders world wide.
We keep hearing about the values and principles held by true conservatives, and as we watched the Republican debates it seemed from the beginning each member seeking the nomination wanted to be seen as the most conservative. Even the eventually winner sought to covet that title which further clouded its meaning.

What defines a true conservative, what principles and values do they hold, and which ones comport well (agree with) the vision for our nation described in the Preamble to COTUS?

Do the actions of the current Congress comport with the words in the Preamble, or do some conflict? Do the opinions and policy statements (few as there were) by those who sought the nomination comport or conflict with the mission to

"...form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity"?
Responding to it even though you won't understand it, much less debate it.

First: personal freedom. Every person is entitled to unlimited rights and unfettered action when he is born. Government can infringe on all of those only for very specific reasons. So gov't can outlaw murder and other crimes against person and property because a society that doesnt wont last long.BUt they have to be clearly aimed at dangers among members in society. No outlawing private behavior to save you from yourself.
Property: Allied with personal rights are property rights. People have an absolute right to theoir own property, to do with what they want. Gov't can regulate aspects that pose dangers of health and safety to others. For example requiring doctors to prescribe pharmaceuticals.
Taxation: Taxation to fund limited specific purposes of gov't to benefit society that are not easily appotionable are valid. So taxes to support a court system to adjudicate contract disputes and the like are fine. But public officials have a fiduciary duty to taxpayers to see the money is well spent.
You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?

Besides Trump, who's a conservative here?

Rand Paul and Dr Carson
Interesting the GOP is supposedly the conservative party but the only conservatives are a libertarian and a guy who has no record to judge. Maybe there is no such thing as conservative. Maybe conservative is so bad and so wrong it's impossible to be a conservative.

And was Reagan a conservative? Certainly not. So one might say conservative has never existed in the history of America. So why are Republicans so sure it will work?

In fact, I think GW Bush tried conservativism and it failed miserably. But Republicans will say it didn't work because we didn't go conservative enough. Stupid. Just stupid.

And so why did Rand get the boot so early? Are Republican voters stupid or did they decide they didn't want Ben or Rand?
You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?

Besides Trump, who's a conservative here?

Rand Paul and Dr Carson
Interesting the GOP is supposedly the conservative party but the only conservatives are a libertarian and a guy who has no record to judge. Maybe there is no such thing as conservative. Maybe conservative is so bad and so wrong it's impossible to be a conservative.

And was Reagan a conservative? Certainly not. So one might say conservative has never existed in the history of America. So why are Republicans so sure it will work?

In fact, I think GW Bush tried conservativism and it failed miserably. But Republicans will say it didn't work because we didn't go conservative enough. Stupid. Just stupid.

And so why did Rand get the boot so early? Are Republican voters stupid or did they decide they didn't want Ben or Rand?
Reagan wasnt a conservative? Bsh was?
Interesting the GOP is supposedly the conservative party but the only conservatives are a libertarian and a guy who has no record to judge. Maybe there is no such thing as conservative. Maybe conservative is so bad and so wrong it's impossible to be a conservative.

And was Reagan a conservative? Certainly not. So one might say conservative has never existed in the history of America. So why are Republicans so sure it will work?
The GOP is the Republican party. More conservative than Democrats but then, who isn't? Some Republicans are not much different though. One might say Reagan wasn't a conservative or none ever existed, if they hollowed out their brain like you did.

You could get off your lazy ass and look into it. You're too stupid to know what conservativism is? AND you need it spoon fed?

Besides Trump, who's a conservative here?

Rand Paul and Dr Carson
Interesting the GOP is supposedly the conservative party but the only conservatives are a libertarian and a guy who has no record to judge. Maybe there is no such thing as conservative. Maybe conservative is so bad and so wrong it's impossible to be a conservative.

And was Reagan a conservative? Certainly not. So one might say conservative has never existed in the history of America. So why are Republicans so sure it will work?

In fact, I think GW Bush tried conservativism and it failed miserably. But Republicans will say it didn't work because we didn't go conservative enough. Stupid. Just stupid.

And so why did Rand get the boot so early? Are Republican voters stupid or did they decide they didn't want Ben or Rand?
Reagan wasnt a conservative? Bsh was?
If Ronald Reagan ran today, where would he fall on the conservative spectrum?


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